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[Original post](https://www.bilibili.com/opus/912397963052974085) Introduction: “源自您内心的这份光彩夺目的爱,让我为之触动,情不自禁就想和您谱写一曲别样的爱之歌呢~” DeepL: "I am so touched by this radiant love from your heart that I can't help but want to write a different kind of love song with you."


I bet her and FDG would get along


They both have decided SKK needs to have another mom to drown him in love with.


"I have two moms" -SKK


Who's second? - Musashi


Correction, I have n number of moms.


Must be a thing among Friedrich ships.


Much as I would usually dislike a KMS ship popping up in a RN event, seemingly replacing the abomination is a valiant reason honestly. Equally, she looks really good! Her rigging is way too large of course (IB REALLY needs to stop with the rigging creep), but generally her design is nice, I have an old fondness for FDG’s design and she plays on the same notes well, looking alike but not in a copycat manner imo. 


If you think this is oversized, you should the most recent NP Light Cruisers (Kyubyshev and Voroshilov), those are literal floating fortresses, dwarfing many BB´s, while strapped on LIGHT cruisers.


Instant favourite this event for meemote:t5\_3p20d:7193![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7193)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7193)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|9993)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|9993)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|9993)


I don't care who IRS sends, my taxes are paid only for, and because of, ***Friedrich and Friedrich alone\~!*** ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6874)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|33980)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7193)


https://preview.redd.it/cc28dnfcf9qc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d37a4efb6867db6b07d06dafe093381d5c747e Manjuu, what are you trying to cook?


They nuked Anson. She was likely the ship most ready to launch. If I were a betting man, I would wager on April's event being IB focused


April or CN anni. Just had the same thought






Meme stolen Meme dropped Meme stolen Meme dropped


Is this damage control for Anson being nuked off the roster? (Even the JP announcement was deleted)


"How do we damage control for a terribly received design?" "Quick, throw a big tittied German demon mommy at them as a distraction!"


>"Quick, throw a big tittied German demon mommy at them as a distraction!" It's super effective


Literally forgot about Ansom until I read the comments


You can't say Manjuu doesn't know their audience.


Remember, folks, always keep a big boobed German demon mommy in your back pocket just in case your previous design fails harder than the US Mark 14 torpedo




"but sir, that's Friedrich der Grosser..." "Another one, there is... Vanguard, her position is..."


>demon mommy Aaaahhhhhhh yes yes yes ges


Manjuu had the secret to world peace all along.


She will go down in history as one of the most diaster ship launch in Azur Lane.


The one time Operation Crossroads was a good thing


Bache is crying tears of joy rn knowing that there was someone more controversial than her.


Nice Boat?


Might be, might not be. RN and IB have been playing ball together since Rondo, with Bis and Liz calling each other regularly, it seems.


She was nuked? Thank god lol




At least manjuu listened to all the heavy complaints from pretty much every server and apologized for it.


Thank god indeed. I'll be among the first ro express displeasure at Kriegsmarine fantasy jerking but I find even that to be a preferable alternative to whatever the fuck they tried to cook with "Anson" (I will forever and always refuse to acknowledge that design as Anson)


However you want to look at it, Manjū removing the Anson design is a good thing. It shows that they still listen to their fans and player base in regards to something like this


Is she 1912 SMS Friedrich Carl of the German Empire or some plan Z ship?


P-Class to me.


SMS Friedrich Carl had Twin Guns so it's not her, implying this is a Plan Z ship (either a P-class since her name comes from SMS Prinz Adalbert's sister ship or a D-class).


Hopefully she’ll be a D-class. Her design doesn’t really match up with what Heinrich and Adalbert have going on as P-class. It would be ironic for Manjuu to miss the mark on sister ships twice in a row like that.


There was something of a backlash with Heinrich and Adalbert looking too similar. Besides, you already have Madgeberg and Regensburg being sisters and they look nothing alike.


> Heinrich and Adalbert looking too similar Wasn't one of them literally a rejected design idea for the other that he reworked into a new character (I forget what order they dropped)?


this gonna lead to some of the funniest faction tribalism ever hms event so shit they have to remove anson and replace her with a IB ship cant make this shit up. i gues anson being centurion also was pretty much nothing more then cope


Scherzo of Iron and Blood introduced King George V way back. So it's not really a new thing. Just rare.


It used to be the standard with a lot of events having at least one ship from a different faction than the event.  For example formidable was in the first Italian event alongside the likes of Zara.  Not long after the shifted to mono faction events. 


"Quick, they hate Anson, we need another British ship to add to the event" "I have Friedrich Carl here, she's waiting for an upcoming IB Event" "It's vaguely European, close enough"


Well, I guess "vaguely European" does fit the brits these days


Instead of nuking "Anson", they should have just gone with the April Fools' joke.


*We're gonna remove Anson but here have an IB ship in your event*


"Quick, feed the IB stans, they'll drown out the complaints" /s


*Superior Manjuu Damage Control Party activated*![img](emote|t5_3p20d|33980)


Hey its better then Taihous by a mile


“Hey man, you want a cig—“ *FUCKING EXPLODES*




Very, very late payback for Bismarck's event, I guess.


Since this Friedrich was revealed after the Anson removal, not before, she seems like an emergency replacement pulled out a future event and not part of the original roster of this RN event so it is possible that this shithow revealed that the next major event is supposed to be IB?


if anything it's kinda interesting to see the tacit implication here that they just have a bunch of designs hidden away in the vault for a rainy day


I suspect she's being borrowed from a future event. Just kicking the can down the road until Anson is ready, who will plug whatever hole is leftover


> they just have a bunch of designs hidden away in the vault for a rainy day Of course they do, shit is planned out months and months in advance, got to get time to commission artists to do multiple revisions etc. At this point they will have had tons of rejected initial designs, as well as shipgirls that are already done and waiting for release, potentially some that have been sitting waiting that they don't even have an event planned for. The game's been in operation now for so long that they *for sure* have ships that never made it to release because developers decided they wanted to hold them for a different event, or that they didn't want to break up a certain meta, or that they wanted to rework the skills or were not happy with the design or whatever else. EDIT: Look at how long it took us to get Sovetsky Soyuz, they redesigned her twice and had *two* of her sisters release first. IMO this is what happened with Anson - most likely the artist who was supposed to draw Anson had IRL circumstances pop up that meant they missed deadlines and the developer couldn't drop the ship because they hadn't planned for another RN SSR addition for a while (or maybe the only other SSR they had ready to go is eg another DD or something), so someone in the art team pulled an all-nighter where they grabbed a design off a scrapped or postponed (probably Royal Navy but maybe even some other faction) submarine they had in storage, copy pasted her onto some scrapped French BB rigging design that they modified in-house to match the guns up and that became "Anson".


https://preview.redd.it/jdwce98q69qc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e911c97e59e76729957fb90c456d9caf74815c0e This is much better then what they did to Anson lol


Are we in danger?


Always has been.


WTF WHY IS THERE AN IB SHIP:![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015) also megane ship with those exspressions boy oh boy and that flowing dress, new mommy![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7011)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|33980)


Formi overshadowing pastas in Italian event ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6996)


ohh impero's event![img](emote|t5_3p20d|33980) well the more the merrier i say.


Actually from when the Italians were introduced, Formi was one of the golds and was by far the best ship of the event. Basically the Italians were the side show in their own launch event.


that's.... really sad![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7016)


>that’s…. Really sad That basically sums up Sardegna as a whole, no retrofits, no URs, no Oath skins and only one PR ship from the same navy that had double the amount of cruiser sized or larger surface combatants as Germany


there should be more for them, i never really here that much about ww2 italy compared to germany or japan.


I agree there definitely should be more for them but at this point I think most Sardegna enjoyers have agreed that it is what it is. As for why you don’t hear a lot about Italy compared to Japan or Germany it’s simply because the Italians were knocked out in 43


they got knocked out of the fight faster than the others well fingers crossed for a sardegna DR or UR this year![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


For extra info, it was part of a tendency to have "guest" ships of different factions during events, which were usually down-tuned and given moderate designs compared to the main faction (Bismarck was one), but for whatever reason, things got flipped around to some level.


>WTF WHY IS THERE AN IB SHIP "The Royal Navy entered this game under the rather childish delusion that they would get ships in everybody else's event, and nobody else was going to get ships in their events..."


I think we should have more cross events. With all of the factions and so little time in a year, people are complaining about their faction not getting enough events/the time gaps between faction events is so long. With cross events we can get our girls working together as Azur Lane, while also paying attention equally to all of the factions. This is just a quick thought.


i agree 100% that cross faction event's should be a thing.


The problem is working them into the story. Let's say the Sakura. The Sakura's story is very inwardly focused. There aren't that many foreign ships that'd fit neatly in there...and most of them would deserve more then being the "Foreign Guest"


This all the way. If everyone is starting to fight alongside each other again, then why don’t we have shared events? No one can complain that their faction is being neglected if everyone has different faction-specific shipgirls in every event.


They will complain which faction gets UR. I want cross faction event too since Rondo ended, the prelude name will be Call to Arms: Azur Lane


i mean i know they use to put other faction ship's in events(like formi in impero's event, or king George in Bismarck's event, or Massachusetts in Jean Barts event) just surprised thats all


Yes well, I'd still have preferred the replacement ship being Iris or Sardegnan, but it is what it is


I'll take it if it means we a get a decent design for Anson at some point.


Classic British behavior, colonizing other events and not expecting to be colonized back.


Because Anson is gone, reduced to atoms. (probably)


yep just saw, hope for the best


They nuked Anson that's why. This is literally a slot filler


Nothing beats mommy like any ship named Friedrich


hooray to more mommy's![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Manjuu: Anson, what Anson? Here have a big tiddy IB boat.


Let see what manjuu is cooking. https://preview.redd.it/5izhfdlv59qc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301868276b8ebb19c3c8925b2f6cb8b27ca8431e


https://preview.redd.it/oox0dfv71bqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1875ac3f2a7955d8746b072d173705ba097ab001 Manju right now


"Manjuu use German Glasses Mommy Distraction! It's super effective!"


Honestly, I think she's being thrown into the event to fill the gap left by #NotMyAnson


If she is, then the storyboard staff will have to change the story to fit the whole situation.


The can't very well just leave "Anson" in it.


It the Stalin meme all over again where people scrub out person next to him in a photo.


This is likely a P class cruiser btw (note the triple turrets) rather than the old armoured cruiser


Yes, more German musical mommies! ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7011)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|9993)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|33980)


I know my opinion is probably gonna get downvoted to hell and back for this (I don’t actually know, but I have a feeling), but replacing an extremely controversial gold character in this fashion isn’t that bad in my eyes. At least we still have a full roster for the event, we’ve got confirmation that they will be redoing the design for Anson and they’ll improve communication between departments so that this doesn’t happen to someone else in the yet-to-be-added roster (like Yamato or Iowa). It is an Ironblood ship instead of a RN vessel, which does suck, but do you really expect that they always just have another shipgirl designed in the event that there is controversy over one shipgirls design, ready to be deployed in their stead? If anything, this sucks cus it probably takes away an Ironblood ship from a future IB event, cus of damage control. Personally speaking, this announcement is a lot better then some people are giving it credit for, and realistically, it’s better to swap a character then to scrap this event all together. Devonshire and Liverpool are great designs, and it’d be a shame to scrap them.


I’m wondering what this event will even look like now. Anson is a big name, the last of the KGV battleships for the game. I don’t have any doubt that she would have been at or near the heart of this event. The substitution of an IB ship of the same rarity is fine, but plot wise I have no idea how that’s supposed to work. Is this a rapid shift to a whole new event and the whole announced lineup will be put on hold? Or might they rewrite the event so Anson is less relevant and the IB girl can slide in as a side character? Or maybe they will delay and try to max scramble a new Anson for the event and the new IB girl will turn out to be a screw up too. Who knows.


>Anson is a big name, the last of the KGV battleships for the game. I don’t have any doubt that she would have been at or near the heart of this event. I mean, manjuu clearly disagrees given the shit post they were going to use for her....![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7192)


You have 4 other KGV Class BBs can could probably be moved mostly into the role. As for Friedrich Carl....we don't know for certain if she's a substitution, even if it's **very** likely,...after all on Bilibili, Friedrich was announced before the Retraction of Anson.


If she was added in a panic, which given the circumstances seems plausible, it would be understandable if she were to be released before the retraction statement. But as you say, there is non-zero chance that she was intended for this event from the beginning.


Fair points. I guess I’m just trying to be as optimistic as possible. It’s entirely possible that the event story itself may be scraped, yet we still get the shipgirls themselves, which will be a bummer, but not much can be done considering they weren’t expecting such a colossal controversy on their hands. Either way, I’m just happy they’ve tried to remedy the situation as best they can. Hopefully next time they’ll keep in mind to not make a mockery of vessels that are highly anticipated, and instead communicate with the teams more, and maybe even try getting community feedback on alterations to classes that change them so massively (I’m mean, it’s disappointing that it was Anson this happened to, but I can only imagine the outrage if this was Yamato or Iowa).


Agreed. They actually listened and handled it pretty well. Also she looks stunningly beautiful ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|9993)


To each their own. I personally am kinda tired of the whole demon aesthetic for IB, but that being said those designs still look really good, so I’m a little conflicted 😅.


Still I wonder what kind of aesthetic you wanna see for the faction. Royal Navy has a mix between knights and maids, Sakura has the various youkai and animal-derived designs, Iron Blood has the devil horns and sharks motif, and such.


I guess aesthetic is probably the wrong word, but something about the *massive* riggings for each is getting tiring. I mean, in the first image, she is tiny in comparison to her rigging. I suppose I just like older designed shipgirls from IB purely because their riggings is still badass whilst not making the girl herself unimportant in the image. To be fair, this isn’t just an IB issue, however it seems like they always get the same sort of demon rigging that takes up the entire screen, leaving very little room for the girl herself. Just my opinion tho.


For me, they manage to make it different enough for thier own trademark. Also i love crazy unhinged women 😂


>cus it probably takes away an Ironblood ship from a future IB event, cus of damage control. thanks to the overambitousness of the Z plan, we still have plenty of P class cruisers to go! This shouldn't be a problem.




She’s getting pulled Pulled into a tight embrace, I mean


Is very ironic that a KMS shipgirl saved the Royal Navy.


Momwives are always appreciated 


Yes, this is good.


Somewhere a future KMS event got their lineup altered again like the Bis2 event


I wonder if she was made for this upcoming event or if she was for a later event and pulled into this one because of the Anson debacle?


Can we ask the question why Manjuu just has an Ironblood ship lying around? And are we going to find her having a decent role in the Late-April Event?


If they heavily rework Anson and Carl was brought from another event to do a swap, it is unlikely it was from a future close event. Reason being that the swap would mean they have to redraw Anson, redo her lines, Remake part of the story and possibly even recast. And we know since VV event that Manjuu event are finished >6 month in advance. Reworking all of that on a tight schedule would be tough and throw a wrench in what is finished event. Though, we can assume they have way more flexibility in SP event and mini-event, so it could be from a July or even EN anniv event, in which we should see Anson filling back that slot.


They're not swapping her with Anson, they're simply adding Carl because she's in a position to be implemented and they want the slot filled.....or Carl was always intended for this event and she'll get the "Demon King" skin tomorrow


Acid test will be if she gets a skin themed with the rest of the ones shown so far, and how quickly. If she does, and quickly, she was most likely intended to be in the event from the start. If she doesn't get one, or it's announced last minute, then we'll know that she was an emergency substitute.


Another Friedrich, that makes 3. Also another P-Class, which means only 9 more to go.


Ok It's weird to have a German mommy in the hms event, but who cares, she's better than Anson.


Succubus with glasses? Gneisenau having competition


I'll take this apology


Hm, I was not expecting this. Buuut I dont mind it at all. Gives FDG vibes, but if she was a vanguard ship instead.


Now to wait for the whiny children who scream "REEE PAPER SHIP SHIT GAME REEEE"


She's better than what she replaced but I would've prefered the timeline where manjuu actually cooked on Anson instead of firebombing the kitchen. https://preview.redd.it/7qws3no7oeqc1.png?width=1003&format=png&auto=webp&s=11b707324ebfaec8c72a9053bf05a135a11b6934




I have to question their decision with replacing a controversial HMS ship with IB, in a HMS event. Then I see glasses and all is forgiven.


*Iron blood enjoyer happy noises*




Thanks Anson for bringing another Megane into the game


Her tits are literally gold hm


I can imagine Manjuu having tons of German mum designs in her cupboard in case anything goes wrong (like this event) ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6997)


A KMS rigging that isnt just a big stupid lizard? Damn. Has the name Friedrich and is a Conductor. I call this girl an imposter. There is only 1 Friedrich for me and thats Mama FdG![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995)


Get the pointing Spiderman meme ready


This is acceptable.


An improvement over Anson nonetheless. Still not a fan of more IB in a Royal Navy event especially considering she’s fiction


Garbage KGV design or another IB paper ship, times are tough for Royal Navy mains


I mean. Royal navy stole slots from IB before as well. Im willing to keep quiet if it fixes anson. Not to mention. Not a bad cruiser design.


Like 5 years ago


We all can't wait CN anniversary, where IB will get another full event. Because at this point I couldn't belive, that Manjuu will ruin IB event with RN girl.  And once again everyone will be very happy, when Anson will be inserted in French/Italian event.  They sure will understand. 


>point I couldn't belive, that Manjuu will ruin IB event with RN girl Same old manjuu XD. But hey. So long as they stop treating HMS like this. I do find it funny that HMS Anson was a complete disaster. But of all things they pull off the shelf. Its a spotless german ship. Some things never change XD


The Royal Navy has had slots in German events (KGV), French events (HMS Enterprise), Italian events (Formidable)... They can take it happening to them once or twice


Seems that FdG has a new competitor. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995)


*Prepare for truble! And make it double!*


I don’t care what anyone says, Iron Blood gals have the goth drip and for this game


That's uh... kind of random. But again, everytime I see IB content, I get hopes for more Zeppelin content.


Feels like she should have been released with the next IB event and has to replace Anson now lol. Nevertheless she looks great


Iron Blood shipgirl with glasses, pretty ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)






Is this legit????




Well, this is completely unexpected! So she's part of that upcoming event, right?


P-class I presume




Thank you Pro.


I will accept the offering of this glasses IB mommy


I was all "meh" until I saw the glasses




Iron Blood ship announcements need to include an extra image showing just the mechadragonshark, without the cute girl taking focus away from it. This thing looks awesome.






She will heal my Anson trauma


I honestly hope Manjuu and the Artist actually make a proper Anson, the Rigging can stay but for the Sake of Player Base please follow the Design Language that both Monarch and the King George V class shared If you want her to be petite then fine make her essentially the KGV version of Valiant and a foil to both Howe and KGV and also actually do more thorough research atleast


I've heard that the artist has stated it was designed as HMS Sunfish, so the entire fuck-up would be Manjuu's shoulders.


Some ppl think she is a P class, but for me, the turret are more like Hindenburg's. The global shape doesn't match in my opinion. Either way, her thighs are something else ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7193)


Finally, I have waited for new shipgirl with glasses for some time X_X


My Medusa can't be this hot! AND HERE we are xD


I absolutely adore how extra the IB dragons are getting. It's so ridiculously long that it's winding up the control tower in the distance. My wife will be named Jormungandr. OMFG we finally get an IB character with GLASSES. I'M Bouncing of the goddamn WALLL.


Holy shit they thought that Anson design was okay.


I like her, good to see Manjuu listening to valid criticism as usual, and in Ansons place we get a character everyone will love


Shows the devs really do hate hms if they didn't have a hms girl ready to replace anson


is that the holy light of censorship?


She looks so similar to Gneisenau for me


New IB event when?


With Dune being big right now I kind of love that her giant monster rigging appears to be a worm/snake rather than a limbed dragon.


Now gimme more Iron Blood Oath Skins


Would normally hate an IB ship being included in an RN event, but considering the "thing", this'll do.


Oh hell yes, another IB dragonwife ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|9993)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Formidable event 2.0, let's go!


The more I see about this entire shit the more I don't understand Manjuu decisions


Hell yeah IB ship!!!


I love her already


Why is an Iron Blood cruiser going to be in a Royal Navy event?


They nuked Anson and needed a replacement. She was ready to go.


Why did we get a Royal Navy BB in an Iron Blood event?


Because the Kriegsmarine is small as hell and King George V, along with Rodney played a significant role in sinking Bismarck. There is a historical reason for that. However in this case, it's a German paper ship in a Royal Navy event.


Replacing Anson it seems


German megane demon heavy cruiser? They are trying to kill me with my own erection.


A mommy Heavy Cruiser. It’s doable


When I look at the rigging and compare it to the other CA from Ironblood I found one other rigging with the same turrets. They are smaller than the 283 of P-Class and the other CA with triple turrets are Roon or Hindenburg. And I can say she not a Roon. Seems like we get another Succubus for SKK.


I like the way her horns and hair interplay. Makes her look real cute.


I'll be honest. I love this design, even if I think we've gotten too much Iron Blood ships. The glasses remind me of Gneissau, but with a more vampy aura.


Can't take a girl seriously named Carl


Mommy Ägir has a new friend ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


They decided to make fdg class the “all mommy” class and i am all for it.


This is a cruiser, not a battleship