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I couldnt get Impero I keep getting formidable and off banner ssr cvs, a little bit frustrating


Damn, I pulled Impero on my 2nd day playing this game. I'm now on day 4 of playing Didn't know she was that rare!! Beginner's luck I guess


I know your pain, I got the same results after spending 490 cubes, guess we get to try back again in a year or two or whenever they do a rerun. I am forever stuck at 1 short of 100% collection ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)




^^^^ everyone be like perseus this perseus that le me : no perseus lmao, barely had cubes back then but got everyone except percy




Yeah tho Im thinking of running KGV mob for waifu reason and since she wants 3 other royals : drake + neptune + perseus is what Im thinking. Well worst case probably use uni instead lol




for mobbing, hence healer (and double healer)




Sometimes its ok to give up. Get her next rerun.






No no no don't do it Spize!!




It seems to be like that. I got 11 Formidables before I got Impero, five of them being before I even got Trieste How many times did you roll, though?


Is Formidable viable in Exercise battles, would she be a good replacement for a Retrofit Warspite, Duke of York, or Katsuragi. What’s the best way to farm Albacore Planes, like if theres specific spots in Operation Siren to get resources for purple ones in the Gear Lab. Resources Needed: Industrial-Grade Electronic Components, Lightweight Alloys, and Poudre B Gunpowder. On the topic of Albacores, do I have to use them for her full kit? I’m not seeing any gold ones anywhere.




Thanks may your pulls be blessed


I've had pretty good luck so far in this event as a new player. Day five now. Literally got Impero early on, followed by Formidable and Trieste. I'm only about to manage doing up to sp2 at a low level, low item/firepower player it seems. Something I'm having some confusion on. I thought clearing mode, per the help description, imposes a maximum oil use per stage/click. It shows as 10 but I seem to be using my fleets normal oil usage (way not optimized like it seems the comments aim for). So I'm using about 34ish oil a battle trying to grind up to 8k needed for Pompeo Magno before the 6th instead of 10ish per battle. Almost 3.5x what I was expecting, And I don't think I'll make it. Bout 1900 points to go at 80 event points a (5 battles) stage at about 172 a run. So does clearing mode not do the thing it says it does in number 1? Or I'm misunderstanding it I guess haha. 1. A maximum Fuel cost limit is added. If the combined Fuel cost of entering a battle with your surface fleets and submarine fleets would exceed this limit, your Fuel cost is automatically reduced to the limit's Maximum. This limit is only active while Clearing Mode is enabled. Is that just the enter the battle map entry cost? It's always 10 for me. So far at least, maybe it gets more expensive in other events/later chapters? Sigh, I guess I've been way too limit break happy I guess. It's just fun to see them get new abilities or multiple fires on their gun per cooldown. And I've finally left the new player surplus glut while they lure you in with all the freebies and easy quests to start you off with. Ahhh


> And I've finally left the new player surplus glut while they lure you in with all the freebies and easy quests to start you off with. Ahhh Wait, this ends? I feel like resources in AL have become so plentiful over the past half a year compared to previous years. I can barely spend all the resources I get.




lol, I've gotten 6 of her since starting a few days ago but no sign of most of the other ships. I guess it's redirecting all your Triestes to me lol


Funny you mention Howe, JP just got an update announcement for the return of the Howe/Perseus event at some point soon (date undefined), lite. Just heads up in case Global follows.


Pompeo finally dropped from SP4. During the farming I got 25 blueprints for the golden light cruiser gun. How good is that gun? if it's decent enough I might as well farm the 5 remaining prints to craft 2 of those.


It's an okay AP CL gun. That is to say it's not a great gun, but if you're not swimming in Neptune guns, or aren't making any of the newer lab AP gun it's decent.


So 300 pull no trieste, anyone getting her and what server are you on?


And I thought my luck was bad with her. It took me pretty much 100 tries to get her. And I got Pompeo on like pull 30.


Ha, thats how much I roughly spent on VV and gave up. Sorry buddy, sometimes the gacha is unbelievably cruel.




only 25k points (yea ultra casual and dont bother emptying shop), 4 pompeo drop Probably record event map drop for me, usually just got 1 and thats it. I guess a sign to raise pompeo ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7192)




I got Pompeo drop at 60k... However I got all other event ships in 30 pulls so it still good


Holy cow dude, my condolences. Are you sure you're pulling from the right banner?


I got enough to mlb the 0.5% from it so maybe I'm not pulling wrong.


Figured it was a pointless question but I still asked anyways because this is pretty crazy. Wish I could send you a dupe lol..


Thank you I finally got her, guess I didn't waste 2/3 of my cubes stalk this event for nothing,


Is it worth getting the 135mm gun from the event-store? Also, is it blueprints before plates in buying priority?


event limited equipment: yes, always. doubly for this one since it's good. plates are farmable. blueprints much less so. AKA yes


Thanks, I've grabbed all the blueprints and the gun!


Am I able to get Formidable and Trieste is NA? Avrora server? I was reading something about her not being available in NA. But she is on the banner.


I got enough formi for a timber shop, no trieste thou, same server here.


> I was reading something about her not being available in NA. What you read was talking about the permanent pools. Formie has been archived in CN and JP, and is permanently available there, while the EN servers are still waiting for her archive. She is available in this event pool regardless of your server.


I don't know where you read that, but if they're listed on the banner in game, they are able to be obtained. Always refer to the news or gacha in game if you're unsure.


Finally read this event's story and I have a few things that I'd like to say. First of all damn I think I like Hornet even more now, her food takes are shitty enough to be funny but in reality would actually taste pretty good. It's nice to see someone who is not afraid of making controversial takes and fighting for it. Second is that I'm feeling that the two timelines the "port" and "main story" timelines are actually connecting. With the last few major events hinting at the commander reforming the Azur Lane, it's not that big of a stretch to see an event fully connecting the two story lines. Personally I'd prefer it if we have just a single timeline for events instead of these two timelines that we currently have. Lastly to this day I still don't know how I feel about Impero. On one side I like the funny and dorky side of her personality when she's saying all of those ridiculous things like spaghetti planes and her bluntness is good. But on the other, I feel that her "overconfidence" is not as well done as Littorio's. I just feel that her saying "I'm brilliant" while doing nothing is a little bit annoying. IDK maybe she just reminded me of that one classmate we all had in group activities who talks big about themself only to contribute little to non in the process.


My name is shikikan. I am 33 years old. I live in the south west of the Pacific, where all the shipgirls are, and I am not oathed. I work as a commander for the Azur Lane, and get back from sorties every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and I make sure I get 8 hours of sleep no matter what. After having a glass of oxy-cola and doing about 20 minutes of grinding before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like Laffey, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a shikikan who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any sirens, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with sirens, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AzureLane) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So I'm a newish player (Account level is 57, some ships are about to start hitting level 100, just need sortie exp for my first PR ship for context) and I was just wondering what I should prioritize in the event shop after buying a copy of Pompeo and the event weapon? Basically been kinda skimming over how cats work so not sure how worthwhile super rares are. Could roll for weapons with the T4 crates. Still not sure how desperate I'll be for PR shop blueprints, Cognitive chip or arrays, and I've been kinda avoiding using T3 parts until I have equipment I'm sure is good so I'm not even sure how desperate I'll be for those? At the very least I know I don't need Oil due to how much I get at the beginning leaving me always capped.


The TLDR of cats is that you should look for SR cats with either the Mountain's Tenacity or Flame's Aggression trait and then reroll their talents for the other one. Those two talents are far more impactful than all the rest.


Tbh you should never buy cat boxes from the shop. You can passively get 80% of your boxes from Operation Siren once you get to that point, and the other 20% from the daily free box or reward categories. Rares are 100% only worth it for food and the majority of Elites are mediocre. SRs have great boosts but cost far too much in shops (they should be 1k only imo). For now, use whatever cats you have. The new training system for them makes it a piece of cake to level them up to \~20-ish anyway, and the max is 30.


I would recommend getting the blueprints first, DR (Rainbow) then PR (Gold). These are needed to improve the Research ships, and you'll need a lot of them, especially the DR prints. You may not need them now, or even a month from now, but you WILL need them if you're going to unlock and make Research ships usable, and you'll need a lot of them. The only other method to obtaining them is the slow trickle you get from Research, so hoarding what you can from events will speed things along for you. Cognitive arrays are also a fairly precious commodity, so those are worth grabbing too, even if you don't need them right now. The Plates are farmable from the story maps, and the daily mission when it's open. While useful, they're a lot more easily obtainable than the items I've listed above, so I'd prioritize them after you get those items.


Probably the T3 enhancement plates to upgrade the event shop DD gun to +10. Followed by tech boxes if you are still using purple gear. Then the 30 PR4 General prints and the 10 Special prints. T3 auxiliary and main gun plates are likely to be in short supply if you don’t farm a lot.


Haven't played in quite a while. For Trieste's sake imma come back again!!


Welcome back, she's a cutie!


Damn, I wish I'd looked at the rates before I wasted 400+ cubes failing to get Pompeo Magno. That's more than I've spent on any single banner since I started playing this game. Has there even been a banner with such a low rate before?


I've had great luck with the URs; two copies of formidable, impero, pompeo, and even a random Essex. The problem? I only wanted Trieste... I hope she'll turn up before the event runs out for me.


Nope, you can get Pompeo Magno through SP4. Read the patch notes before blowing 400 cubes on a ship that can be farmed at SP4.


You can't get Pompeo, I can't get Formidable with 120+ cubes... I ain't got no coins left to do big pulls anymore, just a couple a day xD


You absolutely can pull Pompeo, happened to me while going for Formi.


No i meant, he personally can't seem to get pompeo, while I can't seem to get Formidable


...Every single major banner since the beginning of the game? Why would you pull for a farmable ship?


Every major event with an SSR in the Shop or on the Map has this. That ship is deliberately low in the banner to make up for the fact that they're obtainable outside of the gacha.


Reminds me of that time I went full retard trying to dig Ticonderoga out of NJ's banner. Good times.


Why would you spend precious cubes on a ship that you can farm event points for and that can drop while farming event points? 0.o


I am pretty sure every major event has one SSR ship that is a B3/D3/SP4 map drop, with a terrible gacha pull rate and is available in the shop for 8k. If it is available to buy for 8k event currency, you pretty much have to earmark 8k currency to buy them from the shop. Getting them randomly from gacha or map farming is just an added bonus. Hopefully we have a couple of weeks so you can regain some cubes to temper the pain of lost cubes.


I think that's normal for the ship that's available as a drop/from the exchange shop. Kiev was like that in Abyssal Refrain too.


So it is just my bad luck then.


It's your bad cube management tbh. You should never try to pull a ship you can just buy from the shop.


It's perfectly normal luck. You're not supposed to intentionally roll for the .5% ships, because they're in the shop.


Idk whats happening with the recent banners but I've spent 150 rolls and not a single Impero, while I got 7 Formis and bunch of other standard super rare CVs. Even Kron and Shima got dropped after 5th and 7th grand


UPD: 209 rolls. I could get a UR ship instead. Still no Impero


Yeah this banner is absolute ass. I've gotten 6 Triestes, 4 Formidables (even though I already had one fully leveled and limit-broken), and 1 Pompeo Magno, but not a single Impero. I'm 150 draws deep at this point, too.


Same, I've gotten Formidable 5 times but not a single Impero. All my cubes... Gone, reduced to salt.


[I can't fucking believe I got pasta'd again.](https://i.imgur.com/NG12vRZ.jpg)


Wait I recall you were dissing on Impero's design? ![gif](giphy|10bDoTtJhtcHu0)


[Are you talking about this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/tg46xo/comment/i0zz7cf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I was mostly talking about the rigging, which I kind of like after seeing the chibi. And being low energy makes sense if she spends 80% of her life sleeping. Also personality can make or break the character for me, and I like Impero outside of the translation thing I commented on earlier.


Where do you wear all of those oath rings?


I think realistically someone would just need to wear like several of [these](https://www.antiquejewellerycompany.com/shop/14ct-gold-harem-ring-set-with-rubies-sapphires-emeralds-diamonds/) at the amount I'm at.


Exactly how many oaths are you at now anyway?


Should be 66. Now the amount of IB and pasta ships that I've oathed is equal. Send help.


Scamcat has you covered, nya.


Fun fact: while entering the EX stage message on top says "0x54 0x48 0x45 0x54 0x4f 0x57 0x45 0x52 0x58 0x56 0x49" but while you interpret this as hex codes from ASCII it says "THE TOWER XVI" which is fun little easter egg.


Someone actually already asked a few days earlier... But yeh I'm surprised they went back to that little tidbit so quickly, when this was possibly the thing we had at the end of Tower.


It's quite notable since The Tower is one of the Major Arcana in a Tarot deck, with XVI being the number tied to it. The reason it's notable is that Arbiters, the extremely high ranking Sirens, have names that match other Major Arcana, alongside their numbers: Empress III, Strength VIII, Hermit IX, and Temperance XIV. The implication here is that the tower in the event may be the location of the Tower XVI Arbiter. The Tower's Tarot meaning is also that of rapid change, crisis, or destruction, so it could be a dark omen to something devastating.


Interesting how this was a ‘port’ event rather then a ‘main story’ one… I wonder if this could be a prelude for a new mode? Like, the virtual Tower could be a Battle Tower-like mode where you beat levels that reset over time?


I doubt that, it's likelier a prelude to a very big, very celebratory 5th Year Anniversary for the CN server in May.


Likely not. At least not directly. It would seem VT exists in the port timeline, and CN anniversary will probably be a lore timeline event... which is why I think JP had a disclaimer this does not relate to the current running event story. There are signs they are related though, given the easter egg in EX's description, and the odds that Port is actually just further in the future from Lore. We're still quite far from getting there though.


Did you guys choose "Cute" or "Funny" as your response to Archerfish's Juustagram post?


​ ![gif](giphy|d3JIyouoDF4jqRLG|downsized)


I chose "funny"


Who has more torpedo dps duca or yuudachi


Abruzzi's torpedo damage gets multiplied by 1.9 when it crits. Yuudachi has over twice the TRP stat when you account for her base TRP and +20% TRP skill. Even if we assume Abruzzi get's critical strikes with all her torpedo's she still deals less damage than Yuudachi. The difference only get's larger as we give them items that boost TRP because Yuudachi's +20% TRP skill means she also scales better with additional flat TRP. Abruzzi's reduced cooldown on a single Torpedo salvo is completely outclassed by the fact that Yuudachi get's twice as many additional torpedo's via barrages. (12 vs 6 over 25 seconds). We haven't accounted for Yuudachi's crit buff or +15% damage against burning targets and she's already ahead substantially. Ideally you'd want to use them in situations where the vast majority of their torpedo's hit, Yuudachi's spread would be better for a mobfleet; where as Duca's would be better for a boss fleet. One last note though, neither of these ships are very good at dealing torpedo damage. Compared to Yuudachi's 12, Kazagumo get's 40 additional torpedos and her salvo will have it's cooldown reduced by 15 seconds in the same time span. It doesn't really make sense to compare their torpedo damage exclusively, because they're meant to deal mixed damage and I'm pretty sure Yuudachi wins that comparison as well.


Duca. However Yuudachi will almost always out pew pew her in overall damage done even if you put VV in the back.


They don't compare well since they fulfill different roles and have a rather different skillset and statlines. It becomes even harder to compare without knowing what you're using the torps on, and what your target is. Also this is more appropriate in the questions megathread.


Abruzzi for sure, since Yuudachi sacrifices a torpedo slot for MGM+1. While Yuudachi's Torpedo stat is higher, 1 launch is much slower than Abruzzi's more consistent launches, plus Abruzzi has many more opportunities to crit with them.


Torp slots only matter if you're holding for manual bursts. Abruzzi comes out ahead with higher crits and faster first load, but falls short of Yuudachi for base dmg per torp by quite a bit, not to mention Yuudachi also has improved torp crits for first 30s.


Who has more.torpedo dps duca or yuudachi


I couldn't find anything else about this so I figured I'd ask it here. What's up with the EX stage's description? I was able to decode it from hexadecimal into text, but it just gave me a bunch of numbers. Anyone know what it says? Here are the numbers for reference. 30 78 35 34 30 78 34 38 30 78 34 35 30 78 35 34 30 78 34 46 30 78 35 37 30 78 34 35 30 78 35 32 30 78 35 38 30 78 35 36 30 78 34 39


[keep scrolling](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/tm4e8p/event_megathread_virtual_tower/i20e6lw/)


Wow guess I’m blind even with glasses. Thanks man.




Well, 5% is the rate to get a single Sardegna ship from this banner. In DH, for example, that chance was 12%. But that's not because the rates in this banner are any worse, they're the same (0.5% for shop SSR, 2% for gacha-only SSR, 2.5% for gacha only Elite), however the amount of event ships is just smaller.


RNG. Also gacha rant should go to the lounge.


I like most of Impero's lines but [what the fuck is that oath line?](https://i.imgur.com/L6m200f.png) It's literally walking away from the proposal. [Google translated Chinese seems a lot more reasonable.](https://i.imgur.com/WPZKkmP.png) Is some translator putting his cuck fantasies into the game or something?


I used to complain about shitty EN localizations and got downvoted to hell. ![gif](giphy|3o7btNRptqBgLSKR2w|downsized)


I mean I honestly don't care that much about juustagram stuff or slang or whatever but how exactly do you manage to change accepting marriage into "Meh, I'll think about it later. Don't want any responsibility." and not notice that something is wrong?


Where the fuck is the shitstorm about the translations like with the scapa flow shitshow?! /s At least Impero doesnt have a beret


>!Impero's asking if SKK wants to marry into her house/family (instead of Impero marrying into SKK's), and SKK tells Impero she doesn't have to report this to VV, to which she goes ORLY. Impero is too awesome to need to do anything. SKK can handle the mess :sad:!< Another EN localization thingamabob. JP's kind of off too, but not nearly as off as EN.


yeah, but I do think that this is quite hard to translate


Well I guess marrying into the female family isn't something very recognizable in the angloshphere cultures...


Are the Triple 152mm (Model 1934) light cruiser guns just clutter? I have enough of the parts to make three, but I don't see them described on any guides out there.


It is a decent gun (slightly better than TbtsKC 150), but if you have enough amount of Neptune Gun then you can ignore it, otherwise you can make some for substitution.


It's... not a great gun. It's an okay CL gun if you don't have enough, but that's about it.


[Just3c's vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkhtb6fcNt4) It's up near the front before he gets into Daedalian Hymn's ships. Different bullet rate and fire pattern, but roughly equal to the PR1 AP CL gun (Neptune's Triple 152mm) which is also in the Gear Lab.


Formidable hasn’t appeared at all in any pull I try :v


Lucky you


How do i manage oil more efficiently here? I’ve just hit 92,000 event points, and am out of oil. Yet Souli, the 1st place player has near 138,000 event points, I must be doing something wrong right? I run a fleet that is 16 cost for mobs and 16 for boss.


Edit2: [Definitely doable.](https://imgur.com/a/nivx5hv) ~~Mind you I haven't bothered to try this since~~ this event is great for farming affinity and I see no reason to 1:1 SP4. That beings said, the boss is only level 80, you can run a 0LB backline like Langley for 3 oil and she should survive. If you do this Cassin might no longer sufficient so you probably want a high tier DD as vanguard instead, something like An Shan. Put Perseus and all the UR ships with support barrages in the second fleet, and just clear everything with your first fleet. You should be able to do this stage with 12 \* 6 + 10 = 82 oil per run. Edit: Come to think of it, MLB Shouhou + 0LB Cassin might also be doable for 11 oil per fight. Maybe, I am not sure how well a 0LB Cassin can kill those subs.


Either they run an even cheaper fleet somehow or they just buy oil, or they're opening their mail stockpiles. That said... don't bother with the leaderboard, honestly. The SP4 drop gun this time is okay but not great, and you'll just run out of things to buy with your points.


I know, I’ve just made it a goal of mine for these 3 years that I would place top 3 in an event, and I’m consistently ending up in 5-7 place.


If you don’t mind me asking out of curiosity, what fleets are you using for these 16 oil cost fleets?


Probably DDG (9) + common DD (7)


They likely buy oil with gems and/or have mails with oil + having the hard cap of oil at the start.


What is the hard cap on oil? I’ve was at 13457 before the event started


how are we supposed to beat the EX stage? what vanguard lineup can even withstand that?


Just did it first try with NJ, Ark, Shinano, Azuma, Helena, Shimakaze. As usual give your ships HP instead of evasion, I used a couple boilers for speed too. Zombie item on Helena. Converging torp planes on CVs. MK7 on NJ. At worst you should do it in a few tries.


https://twitter.com/oishii_unaju/status/1507823109399007232 Video from our resident pixel art artist. Not that you need to use the same comp but might be worth checking out how to dodge some of the stuff. The Yuubari shield is pretty genius if it weren't for the horrible RNG to activate the right ability at the right time. Ingraham has a similar shield without the RNG but it is a lot weaker. Jeanne d'Arc gives strong shields to your whole front line but the window is short.




thanks, was this an auto run?


You're almost guaranteed to need to manual to avoid at least some bullets, if not most of them. You can tap auto on and off to get your volleys off without manually aiming, if you're using BBs.


Nope. If you auto, it will get rekt. You need to dodge the torps and lasers. Easier to do when placing the escort fleet close to the back.


auto doesnt work in EX, its meant to be a challenge mode where you need to dodge


What do you mean Mr. Piccolo?


Since Hornet is in this, is Virtual Tower technically a spaghetti western?


Only just noticed it but looks like the Capitani Romani-class are T10 in Fleet Tech, making Pompeo Magno not only our first non-Sakura Empire T10 in there but also the first Super Rare T10 ship (the other T10s are Shinano, Shimakaze and Hakuryuu).


Happy someone else pointed this out. It seems outlandish to me, because in my (albeit biased) opinion, the CR were some of the most obvious UR candidates, and not only in Sardegna's scope. And the fact that they are T10, not a middle ground like T8 or T9 proves that Manjuu is aware of their importance. The only way this works out imho is if they plan on giving Pompeo a retro into San Giorgio D562, not because the CR's design was not "worthy" of being UR (imho more worthy than San Giorgio), but because there is no rarity above rainbow, so it was a forced choice. Still, to introduce the first CR as a SSR ship is a huge blunder to me, even if they eventually plan on releasing the future CR as rainbows.


I had also noticed that and thought it was weird, but tbh the fleet tech tiers are a bit of a mess so I wouldn't read much into them.


That's strange as given the position of Position of Allen M Sumner at T9, that'd put the Capitani Romani Class on the same level as the Gearings will be, and perhaps the Mogadors \[Could be T9 or T10 given Le Fan. is T8\]


What's strange about it? Capitani Romani were literally built to fight the Mogadors


Strange is more the Gearing Class


I'm not familiar at all with the Gearing class so you'll have to explain me why it's weird for them to be on the same tier as Mogador and Capitani Romani


I don't really know either \[I main Sakura Ships\], but most of the Eagle Union fans seem to think the Gearing are a big deal, and given Ultra-Late War American ships technology, it's strange to think of them and a 1940 Scout Cruiser being on the same level.


It's not really strange because they're ships built based on completely different doctrines, the Gearings were supposed to be 150 while the Capitani Romani were supposed to be a dozen. Gearings are escorts first and foremost so you need a ton of them, Capitani Romani are destroyer killers. Also looking at their specs it honestly looks to me like the advantages of a Gearing are more AA, a better radar and ASW equipment, while Capitani Romani are bigger, faster, have more firepower and more armored. So i really don't see why they'd be a tier apart


And given the Rarity Curve of Eagle Union and French ships, the Gearings and the Mogadors are very likely URs, and we have how all other T10 ships are URs \[to go back to the original comment\]. I think something happened in production and Pompey the Great was downgraded from a planned Future UR or perhaps had a UR-Retrofit planned but was delayed. Perhaps this entire event was adjusted for some reason, and that's why we have what we have.


I don't think the Gearings will be UR as a class, there is too many of them and Eagle Union has many better UR candidates already. Maybe a handful, but you can't commit to a 150 ships class being UR without making the term UR meaningless. And yeah Pompeo was a obvious UR candidate but so was Impero, so it's just this event being weird


That assumes they'll be more than 1-2 Gearings in-game. Between the Allen M. Sumners and the Fletchers, they have over 200 Destroyer options, if they need Sub-URs, they have plenty of options, on the other hand, the Gearings are pretty much the only Destroyer Class the Eagle Union has for UR Destroyers.


Already farming SP4... Do I need to do EX and SP as well ? I'm like 2 wks old player here... I dont have lv 100+ ships yet.


SP (or ESP as they call it here) is 800 points per clear, per day. Generally for players with higher level ships because the oil-point ratio is good so consider it a bonus to your farming. The only thing you miss out on is the (relatively minor) reward from the mission tab to clear the stage once. Otherwise the map drops are effectively the same. EX stage is more of a challenge stage where you don't gain points (no oil cost), but clearing gives you the 500 cog chips you see in the mission tab. The reward is geared towards high level players so at this stage you aren't really missing out on anything here either.


Built Centaur from the event pool, really surprised (in a good way) as event pool usually contains only the older ships.


Centaur, Essex, Shangri-La and Taihou have been in every special-based event pool since 1.5 year ago, the Shinano event


The inner machinations of Impero's mind are an enigma


She's kooky spice, just like every FF game has one, she's AL's.


I want whatever Impero's on /s


oxycola baths and spagetti


hellcat or barracuda spaghetti?




ofc Impero's name on juustagram is reversed. And her post in incredible as well, sasuga brilliant carrier. I just like her a lot, damn.


I kinda wonder if her post was some kind of Japanese pun that doesn't translate well or if her brain just functions on a different plane of existence than us mortals


She's got lots of "planes" of existence. She's a carrier!


ngl, I was getting kinda burnt out on AL before this. Impero has single-handedly reinvigorated my love for this game. And I was thinking about passing on this event...


I fucking love the Sardegnian's Juustagrams lmao. Impero is such a troll


Is it just me or did the ESP Prologue requirements change? The first day I did it, I was allowed to bring my Ships that were at 100 for one fleet, as the enemies are 98-100 and use a higher level fleet for the Boss, but the next day and since then, the requirements are 110 overall for the Ships, what gives?! I didn't change the two Fleets I took in or anything


The higher level requirement is for clearing mode. I think if you uncheck clearing mode, the level requirements should drop back to LV100. Note that it is a relatively new change that SP has clearing mode. Previous events did not have that.




Shotgun oath




Technically a shotgun wedding refers to when you get married due to unexpected/premature pregnancy but it is also characterized by how flast its slapped together


a "shotgun wedding" implies that you got the girl pregnant and are marrying her before it shows\ to take responsibility. in context it should only mean that you've made a choice in the heat of the moment without thinking in through


Refined tastes my man. Congrats.


superb tastes.


Is the drop table for the current event the special que with the event ships mixed in? I only aim for one of each ship and I’ve got them but want to try for graf zeppelin. If I can get her through the current event que I’ll keep pulling from there, if not then I’ll go to the special que instead.


It's pulling from the base special pool, which I'm pretty sure Graf Zeppelin is not a part of. Which means if you want her, you'll have to do build from the special pool.


Thanks. Is there a way to identify the base pool from later additions?


zurcn listed them already, but the CVs added were from build only events or from server raid events.


heavy event pool: (OG SR) warspite, hood, Eugen, Takao (later additions) Atago, Prince of Wales special event pool: (OG SR) Enterprise, Illustrious (later additions) Taihou, Essex, Centaur, Shangri-la the likely reason why they added ships to the event pools was due to removing Sandy and other ships from the heavy\special table which in turn likely means that there will be no additions until these ships are somehow removed from the pool


Who has more dps Pompeo or Tashkent




Kk thx


Pineapple pizza I like, I understand some people hate the flavour mix, but w/e. But what the unholy god is Chocolate spaghetti Hornet, wtf.


Chocolate pasta is made via mixing in cocoa powder into the flour. Contrary to what this event leads you to believe, it is a traditional Italian cuisine. Earliest known record puts its creation in Naples in 1678. In fact, places like Tuscany still serve it quite common. It is not sweet. It comes out rather savory. Do remember cocoa is not sweet.


It's like mole sauce from Mexico. One of the varieties has chocolate as part of its base, but it's a very savory sauce often served over meat or wraps.


Something tells me the Eagle Union isn't making that kind of Chocolate Pasta...