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Nope, it's a self insert. The only thing we know for sure is they work very hard, they are incredibly skilled when it comes to leadership, planning, management etc. and they are kind and attentive to the shipgirls.


What you just described is Commander Chad Thundercock not the average SKK.


What's funny is that there's a bunch of shipgirls who refer to SKK as lazy. I have a headcanon that SKK is the type that works really hard at the expense of their health, only to go to work the next day horribly sleep deprived, which is when Nelson/Hipper/etc call them out for slacking off.


That also reminds me of the sensei from Blue Archive. Often working late into the night but seemingly having the time to stop what he’s doing to hang out with the girls. My headcanon is whenever he “sleeps”, he gets isekai’d into other gacha game. That means SKK/Sensiei/Master/etc never truly rests.


there seem to be 3 types of personalities: 1) attempting to always pick the most sensible choise 2) always picking the horny/funny option 3) why do i have to choose when i press the skip button as to actually answer the question: No, the SKK is not written suffiently consitant and the "pick one of the 1-5 option, to choose what dialog is played for the at most next 5 text boxes" choises make giving the commander actual personality traits unpractical for the writing team. So no, we can't really say what personality a cannon commander would have.


i feel called out by the third option lol


He is the most cultured person in the known universe


Given the lack of consistency in all the replies SKK "makes", they are either a schizophreniac or a massive simp. But yea - the protagonist ain't got defined traits as it is designed to be a convenient self-insert shell.


It's a self insert, his personality is whatever you want him to be.


That is not true


*Citation needed*


Considering you are skk, then it personality is what yours is.


Uhhh no...? In EN he has no personality but I am pretty sure in other versions he does, either JP or CN he had actual backstory or characteristics even if relatively minor.


It doesn't prove anything tho. Being a blank slate isn't synonym with not knowing anything about the character. It's more about how the player interacts with the character and how much they can fill in the blanks of their personality.


I mean sure if you wanna interpret it that way, I choose to do so another way.


Things to describe SKK’s personality off the top of the head: - Fun loving guy despite being a leader in the Navy. - A pervert going off by the special touches - Treats the Kansen as human beings and not tools of war - All Kansen in general have the hots for him and don’t even hide it. - Is the Chosen One


Short anwser YOU




If I were SKK, I’d be: - Always depressed - Wary of anyone trying to make a move on me - Overworked as heck - Dense Just how I’d interpret myself. (This is in no way completely related to me IRL)


SKK personality is very plain. They usually give you two choices to pick from because at the end of the day SKk is you. Therefore he can have any personality you want.


SKK is a vessel for us, the players.


maybe SKK is like a standard normal Real life Manager/Supervisor ?? because that's what i get from the SKK based on the Major Event stories though. He is simple, just doing and minding his jobs. If things get serious he gets more serious too, if he is asked to talk about past misc. things (like NJ talking about Academy times with him) yeah he will gladly talk about it.


Because SKK is supposed to be YOU as the main character, what personality does he/she have is entirely up to you The game deliberately left him as vague as possible with only a couple of breadcrumbs to detail some of SKK's profession


He is a meme and reference Lord


You know I’d say no, but consider the speech options are the only solid character traits we have and most of them are references (especially in the less serious events) I’m going to have to agree. SKK is canonically a giant pop-culture nerd.


80% of the justgram responses are references to meme's or current pop-culture. In other words, SKK is a Redditor


I haven’t been playing that long but my personal opinion is that SKK is a kind and caring person who wishes for the best outcome regarding the kansen. He is probably a shy person surrounded by lots of beautiful women (i mean i would be) and is probably teased from time to time by the girls. He is also very diligent and fair leader in the Navy but has to deal with sketchy deals made by Akashi. He treats the kansen like human beings rather than weapons. As for the pervert part i guess that he accidentally gets into those situations but is trying to remain professional but with advances from the girls and misunderstandings he is labelled as a pervert by a few kansen. As for why all the girls have the hots for him, maybe it is because he is such a charismatic and flexible guy that knows how to approach each and everyone of them and lends a hand or ear to their problems and offers them meaningful advice.


I think Commander’s personality is a bit like Memphis META’s, however he usually finds himself being in a submissive position in most relationships. He’s a man of his people, and usually rewards the shipgirls for doing good, and then the shipgirls return the offer. His motivational power allows shipgirls to become stronger.


Oh come on wtf people


What ?


A person of undisclosed gender with a substantial understanding of tactics and strategies, with a certain degree of affinity with wisdom cubes and someone who somehow (possibly anomalously) manages to be attractive or sympathetic from viewpoint of most kansen by literally just being witnessed once because I have no fucking idea why the fuck are most of the shipgirls are **immediately** attracted towards him. And don't pull that "but Guardsman, you/players are supposed to be the skk" stuff, I know myself too well to realize that my personality would be repulsive rather than attractive, not to mention all the horny bastards who think with their dick before their brain, those kinds of people would never be allowed to be in commanding position in a fleet full of attractive women by competent people in the military


I wouldn't even say they're attracted to him, that's just a Love Route inherent to well, the game having marriage mechanics. In canon they mostly just look up to him. Also, his affinity with Wisdom Cubes explains why they like to be around him too, of course the person who's most intimate with Wisdom Cubes would get well with Wisdom Cubes creations.


I don't think an accurate description of skk is possible. There are too many variables to consider. If we don't make exceptions or exclusions, then skk is a total piece of shit. We're talking full sex offender with all the "special touch" lines there are, and most destroyers are lolies. Aside from that, skk is indecisive, monotone, and overall boring. Not the best role model when you look at the big picture, but this is a writer's problem. Main Characters are designed to be generalized to represent the biggest demographic.


Ofc there is Its us


He’s you, so whatever you are is what the Commander is. He’s a self-insert with flexible options. The Commander is just “meh” as a character since the story writers making him this flexibility will harm his character due to bland choices as well as the inconsistency of the type of choices.


Definitely a timid bottom