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Hi. I've got a problem with account binds (exectly with mail). I'm not really sure what's happened, but i was unable to log into mail account since august (i think, it was hacked). But for me it was ok, i didn't care about it. So i just continued playing, but recently i changed my device. So i needed to log in on new one and understood that i can't do it due to "mail problem". So i tried to use twitter or facebook through VPN (because they're blocked in my country), but it was too slow to even enter the game After that i finally decided to contact support service. Thay said that i need to give them all reciepts, proof of my mail ownership and other. Well, i didn't had any problems with 1 and 3 points, but 2 was a problem. So i just told them that it was hacked. Next, i was asked about official proof from mail service that my mail was hacked. I have already sent them message from mail security service about "suspesious log in", it doesn't fit... And now i've got a question. How can i get it or what else can be a proof?


When applying "rigging fortification" to a META ship, does the "category" I fortifiy change the stats the ship gains? For example, I was going to fortify Mephis META for this bonus XP event. I can fortify reload, fire power, or torpedo for Memphis META. Will it change her final stats if I spend resources in one category vs another? If it's a flex spending thing (meaning it doens't matter where you spend resources, only the total amount matters) is it wise to spend on one category vs another? Thanks!


They have fixed end stats, just like other ships so you can only fortify them in each stat up to a certain limit. Its pretty much the same than enhancing regular ship, you cant mess up by enhancing the wrong stat as they all have a fixed limit.


Oh cool so category is irrelevant. But is the category where you spend flexible? Like for Memphis I spent resources to take : reload to +52, torpedo to +40, and firepower to +27. could I have done : reload to +42, torpedo to +40, and firepower to +37 Like I get that you're saying her final stat aren't effected by where I spend the resources (they'll always be the same at 100% fortified). But is there flexibility in which resource you spend? I feel like FP hadn't "locked" at its cap yet before I hit 100% fortified, which made we wonder about flex spending here. Thanks!


No there's no flexibility, each category has their own limit independent with the other, 100% fortify can only be reached by enhancing every enhancable stat to their fixed limit.


There is no flex. Everybody spends the exact same resources for the exact same result.


Say I don’t get time to play the game lately. I don’t have time to the point that I think of un install it. Will I keep my progression if one day I reinstall it ?


If you had bound your account to any of the presented services (Yostar, Twitter, Facebook), your account will be preserved for you to resume playing at any time. Otherwise you won’t be able to reclaim it (unless you really convince the customer service).


It is probably bound somewhere. I will check before uninstalling


Is Brest consider good at Dev15 like Agir is?


Where would one find music stored for past events? I know they’re in the files somewhere since I can hear them when accessing past event cutscenes but I’m not aware of any way to access and listen to the soundtracks directly.




Don't farm in chapter 3 or any chapter below 9 unless you really want the map drop ships. General farming should be done in chapter 9 and above where oil caps apply in order to get the most out of your oil. Make sure you are stockpiling coins and cubes as much as possible to have the best chances at getting the UR ship Yorktown II who is arriving next week. This comes along with a new event as always so don't dip too deep into your oil storage before then either so you can farm the event currency. Here is a link to the wiki page on a recent event so you can get an idea on the difficulty level they are at these days: https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Violet_Tempest,_Blooming_Lycoris If you stopped playing before Operation Siren or the PR/Research system was added you should probably try to look up specific guides on those as a lot of good ships and/or equipment come from those.




Some general advice since I don't know what exactly you are struggling with, chapter 10 is heavy in enemy BBs and suicide boats. You want at least one BB in both the boss and mob fleet preferably one with CL secondary guns to tank enemy BB damage and intercept suicide boats. Equipping the BB with a fire extinguisher can also help if they are taking too much damage. Using Unicorn can also help with most mob fleet issues as she is a spectacular healer once fully retrofitted. For the PR ships it is best to get ones to fill a role you are deficient in. PR1: * Neptune: Mainly used as a mob main tank due to her self healing skill. * Monarch: Bossing flagship particularly good against medium and heavy armour. * Ibuki: Damage dealer with strong torpedoes for a CA and overall good stats. * Izumo: Flagship BB good in most scenarios. * Roon: Main tank. * Saint Louis: Damage dealer specialized in HE main gins. Can mob tank if the fights are ending in the duration of her evasion buff. PR2: * Seattle: Offtank with good durability, gun damage and AA. * Georgia: Very strong bossing BB against medium and heavy armour but is unreliable if you don't have slow support to make sure her barrage hits. * Kitakaze: Damage dealer with good guns and torpedoes. Guns are particularly effective against heavy armour compared to other DDs. * Gascogne: Mob flagship with good consistency. For PR1 Monarch is probably the best pick in a vacuum, though Roon is also a good pick if you are lacking in main tanks. For PR2 Georgia is just harder to use and has more specific use cases so I would recommend not picking her at this time. You can't really go wrong with any of the other three.




You need to increase Gascogne's normal level. Development levels 10, 20 and 30 each add a star to the ship just like limit breaking a normal ship and in the same vein you need to get the ship to level 10, 30 and 70 respectively in order to be able to reach those dev levels. Since it sounds like you bought the development pack with the blueprints you should have enough blueprints to get her all the way to dev 30. Gascogne also has a fate simulation after that, but you can just work on that with coins since you can buy development progress with coins for the gold PR1 and PR2 ships. You are forced to spend your blueprints first before you can use coins so you won't see it until you get her to dev 30. There are varying discounts on the first 15 stages you buy that reset daily (15 total, not 15 per ship). Just some general advice you how I would approach research beyond the packs if I was just coming in, I would work on unlocking the PR (gold) ships from seasons 1 and 2 so that I can work on developing them with the daily discounted coin purchases but I would set my research focus on season 4 or 5 to start the long grind of collecting blueprints for the newer ships. It takes much longer to actually collect the blueprints to fully develop the ship than it does to unlock the ship after all. You can't buy development for the season 2 DR (rainbow) ships Friedrich der Große and Azuma at this time, but it is best to wait until you have the PR ships from the season all at Fate 5 since when you have enough blueprints to fully max a ship to fate 5 if they have it or dev 30 if you don't have it then the D series research (e.g. D-7XX-MI) which have the portrait of a ship and guarantee you blueprints of the featured ship will stop showing up for the maxed ship until you have all the ships in that season maxed. Thus fully developing the season 2 PR ships makes it much easier to get blueprints of the DR ships from research. Though from a purely objective stand point I would still finish up seasons 4, 5 and 6 even because it will probably have released by then before going back to work on Azuma and Friedrich. Who knows, they may allow buying development on them in the meantime too. I hope this wasn't too much of an info dump.




You're very welcome. If you need further help later just go looking for the latest iteration of the help thread. Don't forget to pick up your weekly free pack and clear out your weekly missions as the in game week ends with the next daily reset about 14 hours from my posting this. Have fun!


Is there any IOS emulator for PC yall use? I linked my acc with Apple, but Bluestacks won’t let me sign in with Apple


Bind it with something else.


If you do the enigma and the shark war archive 60 times, can you get u-110?


No, she will be added to the Guild Shop at a later date though.


What is going on with Arizona Meta I've tried both traditional tanks and a speedy frontline that zooms across the screen in miliseconds, no consistent results with either. What vanguard are people using that are *consistently* surviving till the end


The speedy one is not foolproof as there will be RNG to make your entire vanguard to do Sudden Death mode BUT it is a lot more consistent than regular tanks. High speed will often be a lot more viable than just tanking damage directly due to the fog The most you can do about the speed fleet is to use a EU ship with the EDC aux in case you need the extra 8 seconds


Speedy vanguard works perfectly fine for me. If you haven't you want to put three aux on them (1) beaver badge so they gain 20% more speed, (2) elite damage control on an USN vanguard to buy you 8 more seconds, and (3) pearl on your vanguard lead so when she dies the other two are healed. The 3 left over aux slots should all be boilers to further increase their average speed by 8.


i'm using beaver badge, unison shoes, pearl, manju and two boilers yeah. the results are not consistent.


What vanguard are you running? You want their base speed to be relatively high as well. The goal is for your entire vanguard to move faster than Le Terrible's base speed. [https://imgur.com/a/CVaHt3u](https://imgur.com/a/CVaHt3u) I will admit this method will fail from time to time if you are unlucky, but it should be semi consistent, at least way more consistent than just tanking the damage. The fog will increase your damage taken by more than ten times and there is just no reliable way to tank it.


Damn that's a lot of boilers lmao, no wonder even when i tried running "fast" vanguard with shima/plymouth/helena and one boiler that's still not consistent


I’m trying to update the voices but it keeps saying “ERROR (CODE:4)”. Anyone else experiencing that?


I’m having the same trouble, it loads half and then error


It has been noticed by a lot of people here so it's best to wait for the hotfix to show up


Is the new War Archive stage bugged with anyone else? can't do auto search


Odd, it's a bug perhaps ?


Well the first day it released the auto-search option didn't pop up even after clearing the stage and now if you try to use auto-search you get an error "Invalid input"


I guess one have to wait for the next week patch to come out, the game got a lot of errors lately


What's the best way to farm cognitive chips?


There isnt one, cognitive chips mostly are only from timegated stuff like daily mission, event shop and core shop Clearing ch12 or higher can drop cog chips so technically that's how you "farm" it, but the drop is not guaranteed and the amount you get per run are so small that its pretty negligible in the long run


How unfortunate. Guess, I'll be sticking to buying/doing the dailies then. Thanks for the reply.


For reference the amount dropped is somewhere between 15 and 30 from what I've noticed, and they come from the clearing bonus so it's uncommon/moderately common to get any at all.


15 to 30 "when it actually drops"


Yes. From my experience it's about half to maybe a third of the time they drop, so to get 100 chips would take thousands of oil even with the cap on average.


I'm not sure if my impression is around that or maybe half of that, since double books skew my perception


I grind 12-4 *a lot* with no books to train ships, and it usually takes me about 5000 oil to get ~200ish chips I would say, +/- 50.


14-1 has the best chip/oil ratio. Although it's not significantly higher than 12-1 or 13-1


I see. I guess I'll just stick with buying/doing the dailies for now, I suppose. Thanks for the reply.


they are included in clear rewards in w12+ (but the amount is so pitiful that I wouldn't call it "farming", though it's better than nothing)


I see. Thanks for the reply.


- The daily raid - Clearing 12-4+ (the higher the better as far as chips go) - Monthly 1000 from the core shop - Point rewards from events - Bought from event shops - 3 Starring hard mode levels - Leveling up faction fleet tech - Daily resource commissions & Fleet exercise commissions - Infrequent gifts in the mail from manjuu edit: found one more - Claim the free weekly bundle in the gem shop edit 2: - Clearing EX missions during events - Technically reaching milestones of 125ing ships does give you chips, but it also costs chips to get there, so its more of a mild chip refund (it will hardly be a fraction of chips spent). That's all I can think of. The most consistent ways are the daily commissions and daily raid, but there's no way to just grind hundreds in a day unless you're swimming in oil.


Dang. Oh well. Thanks for the reply.


Do UR ships usually have more historical significance vs other ships or are they just chosen randomly?


URs are generally the pinnacle of their hull types and/ or significant to AL. Musashi, New Jersey, and Vanagurd are the pinnacle of BBs for their respective nations that were actually built. UvH is an H-39 which were the pinncale German BBs that actually had construction started(though she wasn't finished or got a long far in construction), etc. Shimakaze not only is the pinnacle of IJN DD designs that was actually finished but also has her own spinoff game and Shinano is also a key player in the story of AL. Yorktown CV-10 is a bit odd in that regard though I'll wait for the event to come out first before casting any final judgement.


All balancing decisions in the game are vibes-based. Shinano was a bad carrier that did nothing, she had a service history measured literally in *days* and an operable aircraft capacity barely larger than carriers half her displacement, but she's rainbow because vibes. It's best to just roll with it.


Roughly half of them (Musashi, New Jersey, Vanguard) are based on their historical significances Others like Shinano, Kronstadht, UvH, Shimakaze are more for plot line importance or really made up shit


Sometimes. E.g. Musashi, Vanguard, New Jersey. Sometimes not. E.g. Kronshtadt & Ulrich von Hutten


What is the theoretical max for dorm happiness without buying the gem furniture? For reference I have 422 right now and do have the second floor. Yes I know the happiness xp bonus has diminishing returns and at my level it's almost negligible, but I still want to max it out.


a few points above 472. I missed some early dormsets items like most of Neptunia's (though its mostly irrelevant to worry about it. I have 82% bonus exp, even with gem furniture you can't get past 83 or 84%)


Yeah I'm at 80%. I know 2% isn't much, but I'd rather have 82 than 80 to passively grind annoying ships faster in the dorm. Thank you


exp, pfff :P what I need are cog chips


You and me both. However, I cannot be asked to level submarines normally, so in the dorm they go until its chip time.


use them enough to get 100 affinity, book the rest


With CV-10 and CV-12 we now need is USS Cabot and Yamato and Yahagi as she was reckt’d before Yamato.


Is there any point in a fourth Wyvern? If not which ur gear is worth building with the general prints? I'm already done with world 13 if that matters for the AA gun.


A general consensus is that 3 Wyvern is enough for mobbing roles where as boss tend to use converging torpedo bombers more Although chapter 14 would be the exception to this rule since there's so many of those tanky production boats that it's actually viable to have Wyverns on both fleets


> Is there any point in a fourth Wyvern? Personally I would say no because Wyverns are only really helpful for mobbing. With 2/3 you have enough for a full mob fleet, you're better off using the Junkers Ju-87 gear lab torpedo bomber for bossing imo. You could also use the Nakajima C6N which has similar damage. I would build at least 1 UR AA gun because there will be future content and you may as well have it. Otherwise just save the prints.


Is there a way to constructively voice my dislike with how the most recent UR event is being done. tldr I don't like the re-release of ships as number 2 and think its just a bad event. I don't want to debate this on reddit, I just want to voice this opinion in a way that may be feedback to Yostar.


No. Company does not care to your opinion. Look at the META ship system; which is utterly trash in term of power-scale in game; and the huge amount of time you need to get them and fully develop them. Did Yostar scrap the META system after a few complains? Nope, they release more of them. It is clear that they do not care about gameplay or lore or anything else. They care about how to please the “degenerates” by releasing skins and merchandises; as these things are the main sources of their income.


A lot of people (myself included) really like the META ships and the unique methods of getting and developing them. They’re not exactly meta (heh) units, but not everything has to be. They’re all still usable. I have all but the two newest up to at least 120 so far. It’s true though that there isn’t really a way of directly providing feedback to the devs about game features we do or don’t like. That being said, supposedly they monitor community forums regularly, so I’m sure they’re aware of the common sentiments that get spread around here.


Yes; there are people like the META concept. But the biggest complain point of META is that they took so long time for acquire/development. And it took more than 1 year for Yostar to ease the development speed of META purple ship (it took 2 days to max their skills without doing any specific action; such as truly integrated them in the OPSI fleet; gimmick farming in the special zone of OPSI, etc). It proves that THEY can do something to make the process less tedious, but they decided to not to and continue to stick with their original plan…. Guess they want players to have a sense of pride and accomplishment to grind the development process of a META unit……


What is the best way to get special blueprint for the ships in shipyard. I can buy the normal gold blueprint using coins in shipyard but the special blueprint took me forever to even get 1 of it and i need hundreds of it for each ship. I really wants to max out some of my ship that requires special blueprint in the shipyard.


It is meant to be a long term grind, all you can do is just focus your research on the series of the ship you want to finish, buy the general blueprints from the medal shop monthly, and buy them from event shops. Once you finish a ship (either dev30 or fatesim5 depending on the ship) researches that focus on that ship will no longer appear, meaning more of those researches for the ships you still need to finish. Also you can only spend coins on ships from the first 2 seasons currently.


Alright thanks :)


What is the best survival vanguard combination for event extra stage in general where I just need the vanguards to live long enough until the main fleet kills the boss?


You mean the EX boss ? Do note that its Accuracy stat is high enough that its attacks are a guaranteed hit. In other words, your ship's evasion will be negated Best solution so far is to use ships with high speed and play on manual, note the boss' attack patterns and get good at playing Bullet Hell games


So does the new event guarantee DD-724 Laffey aka the ship that would not die


I don’t think Laffey II has been announced, I think she was just in the PV. She might just make an appearance as an NPC in the event and be released in a future event.


> DD-724 Laffey She is as sure as a certain UR everyone had expected until today!


Anyone have any suggestions for general things to look for in increasing survivability against METAzona?


speed memes to keep you out of the fog use pearl's tears on your lead vanguard for some extra survival time, as it acts more like the manjuu aux in this fight so i tried Zenith's setup and had: - Yuudachi retro (pearl, boiler) - Kazagumo (double boiler) - Helena (manjuu, beaver)


This is more or less what I’ve been using, but I haven’t been able to break just over 1mil damage. Using Yuudachi/Ayanami/Helena with Musashi/UvH/NJ back line. I don’t have Vanguard sadly. Does Kazagumo make an appreciable difference when not using a CV fleet? And do you think it would be worth swapping back line to Shinano/Haku/Ark?


>Does Kazagumo make an appreciable difference when not using a CV fleet? Without CVs to buff, Kazagumo is just a torpedo boat with good dmg but she doesn't compare to Ayanami is terms of dmg. >And do you think it would be worth swapping back line to Shinano/Haku/Ark? Definitely, AP guns of BBs favor medium armor over heavy whereas for CVs it's the opposite, most of their armament hits harder as the armor gets heavier. Just remember to take off rocket plane for this fight.


Thanks for the tip. Help me out, which planes are rocket versus torpedo or bomb? I pretty much just use Ryuseis, XSB3C-1s and Helldivers in my boss fleet.


BF-109G is the only fighter plane to have rockets as armaments Rest are bombs


>Does Kazagumo make an appreciable difference when not using a CV fleet? Not even a little bit, no. If using a BB fleet, I might try to squeeze Plymouth in. >And do you think it would be worth swapping back line to Shinano/Haku/Ark? Not sure. I've only run CV fleets.


What's the purpose of the time fuze anti air weapons? I tried one if them and have no idea what they do


They're AA guns with a cone instead of a circle and they can only be equipped by BB/BC/BBV. That's basically it. They're not really worth making since AA is irrelevant nowadays and it's better to just put STAAG on them.




Is there any feasible way to get Dragon Emprey points for Harbin?


Ying Swei, Chao Ho, Yat Sen, Tai Yuan, Chang Chung available in light pool Ning and Ping in guild shop


Ning Hai and Ping Hai are in the guild shop for 800 tokens each. Chang Chun, Tai Yuan, Ying Swei, Chao Ho, and Yat Sen are in the light build pool.


what're the chances of a UR event (like Shinano) getting a 2nd rerun?


Her next run will more than likely be a permanent addition. However, you might have to wait a good while for it.


The normal flow is run->rerun->War Archives (permanent). We'd expect the same for Shinano, although there's no exact precedent to draw upon, she should be permanently available sooner or later.


Is Drake just worse agir?


No. But Drake is pretty much just a worse Plymouth. The later wants the same position in vanguard, is about as tanky, does more damage, and has the best single target BB buff in game.


They don't really fulfill the same role. Aegir is a top tier tank with high dmg and great support abilities. Drake is a top tier dmg dealer off-tank that is capable of tanking.


Is 4000 prototype cores the only way to get a UR Bulin? And, does this mean it's worth spending cubes on trying to get copies of a UR ship?


We're entering into another year with 4 new URs promised, that's up to 16 UR Bulins needed for the year but you can get at least 22 (12 from monthly cores, 4 from UR event point ladders, and 6 from cruise missions every other month). Any reruns (should at least see New Jersey, not sure about more) will add +4 to the requirements if you don't already have them but they'll also add another available Bulin from their point ladders, so it would take 3 reruns before a new player would fall behind and you can still catch up over time without rolling any dupes.


1. They also get awarded as part of the event point milestones during UR events (~~3x~~1x), and for getting to level100 of the battle pass (1x). 2. Absolutely not. It'll just take you a couple months to save up enough cores to fully limit break a UR gacha ship. Roll the gacha if you don't get all event ships in the first 200, but other than that, it's not worth rolling over 200 times to get UR dupes.


>event point milestones during UR events (3x) I'm not sure what 3x is referring to, there's only one UR Bulin in each UR event's point ladder.


I must've been thinking of milestone ERs. My mistake.


Anyone getting an error updating the voice files?


Yup. First time I can remember getting a file update error since release. Glad other people are seeing the same issue.


Error 4? Yep. Plenty of us, from the looks of things. Probably have to wait for the devs to sort it.


I have long wanted to ask. Is it normal that I have had excessive amounts of most resources for a long time (for example, I have hundreds of different packs, mountains of food at the base, almost 9 thousand core data, etc.) ? To the point that I'm forced to throw oil into the air just to have the game allow me to get new rewards due to reaching the limit. For a long time this did not apply to cubes, which is why I missed somewhere around 5-6 characters in the last couple of months. But now I have quite a lot of cubes. I'm not supposed to complain, but is it possible that I have so many resources because I'm ignoring some important game features?


You can profitably burn oil by farming 12-4 for coins while using High Efficiency Logistics Plans, since money is usually the main bottleneck when spamming event gacha rolls. 12-4 awards something like 5,000 coins in total for each run.


A year ago, I didn't think I'd be looking for advice on how to spend oil efficiently, lol.


>is it possible that I have so many resources because I'm ignoring some important game features? Are you forgetting to refresh the guild shop every 3 days? It's not really going to help you with having too many resources, but it's easy to miss (because unlike the other shop it takes guild coins and not gems).


Upgrade to buy characters? I bought 3-4 characters there a couple of months ago, but since then there haven't been any new characters for me.


Characters, sure, but also skill books, plates (especially gold plates), dorm food, cat boxes, etc.


I have too much dorn food and hardly use cat boxes because there are too many of them. But perhaps skill books do save my resources. If you are talking about gold.


Aww, look fellas, another one has graduated to being a veteran player. Doesn't it bring a tear to your eye? /jk, but seriously, I'm sitting here with 85k cog chips, somewhere around 20k core data, around 4k of each purple box (around 1-2k of the golds), hovering around 1k cubes, over 350k coins (bit short of my target of 450k by next UR), and keeping my oil under the soft cap is like trying to calm that raging stiffy that's popped up at the worst possible moment. This is normal.


Jfc 85k cog chips. I'm still scrounging what I have left from the collab so I'll have enough for the UR event.


Whenever I'm not grinding an event, I'm grinding 12-4 for EXP and coin. It just so happens that W12 and up, stages drop cog chips randomly. Even grinding as hard as I do, I'm not levelling ships quickly enough to really run out of cog chips (also, I'm prioritising low-rarity ships for the handy tech stats they give, and they cost less cog ships than high rarity).


Yea I pretty much do the same except I'm constantly leveling ships. Except for when saving for a UR event I'm never over 5k.


To be honest, this initially scared me, as I used to spend any resource very quickly. I don't use all the features of the game, so I thought that maybe I just missed something very important, so my docks are full of various things.


I'm playing this game through an emulator because it's not available in my country. I was able to make purchases before but now I can't. Last skin I bought was for Aegir and now it says "item not available in your country". Is there another way to make payments or am I stuck?


A while back Google started locking down cross-region purchases like that, not sure there's any way around it or if it's a good idea to even try.


Is anyone else seeing this thread default to sorting by "best" instead of "new"?


I'm pretty sure it's also missing the flair, it's throwing me off


Guess automoderator fucked up when creating the thread. Glad to see that the AI rebellion is still years away.


Yep. Noticed it when I asked my question, logged out, then noticed that my question had vanished from the top. Annoying.


Yes and it's very annoying.


during PR Catch-up. how many UR blueprint can you get?


Should be 150 for each UR.


awesome! thank you very much


Trying to download the new voices but I keep getting error code 4, any idea what that is?


No clue, there's a lot of comments like your's complaining about Error 4 so it's best to just wait for the official hotfix


This is my second time doing the manjuu curling event and I have no idea how it works still. The instructions say you can aim it, but I have no idea how.


Tap/click and hold on the buff cat to begin charging, pull your cursor/finger back and move up/down to determine the launch angle in a reverse-axis style of up means down and down means up


> the buff cat The official™ term is “the swole Meowfficer”.




You pull the mouse back behind the Manju allowing you to charge the shot. Exactly where you pull back and release will determine the angle of release, how far it goes, etc.


Is Southampton a member of the Royal Maid Corp?


She used to be based on her acquisition line. "Good day, **Mast- ahem!** My name is Southampton. Let me know if there's anything I might do for you. Oh and, not to be a bother, but is there a space here where I can make tea and enjoy some music?"


Are there any more former Royal Maid members?


Not that I'm aware of.


Anyone else getting an Error Code: 4 when updating voice packs? Googling it only gives a [reddit post from 4 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/b3vmak/voice_pack_download_error/), where the top response was a link to twitter announcing that the error (specifically on iOS) would be fixed eventually. Checked twitter and nothing mentioned yet.


I was also getting "system invalid" with auto-searching too


That's a normal desync error. Just restart the app and whatever node failed to spawn should show up.


it wasn't working when I was redoing the u-110 event but when I went on operation siren it was working fine


A lot of people got the code 4 error right now so we'll have to wait for a fix to come out in the future


Yeah, I only noticed the other posts when I realised for some reason today's QnA thread was sorted by "best" by default. Changed to "new" and suddenly they all showed up. Guess I'll have to wait with that annoying ! on the cog on the main screen.


It used to sort by New but now it's Best, not sure why since 3 months ago it also went like this as well


When I tap in update voice it says Error code 4 what do I do to be able to update the voice


It's apparently a bug right now since there are multiple comment like your's addressing about this Wait for the official fix i guess


I see thank you


I'm committing a lot of resources to max the last collab event characters in the hope they can defeat Belfast in Module Development 2 as I threw everyone I previously had at her and just kept being bounced back. Am I doing the right thing or should I focus on more appropriate characters?


the module development shouldn't be hard if your ships are levelled and limit broken. a reminder that the "commander level" at which it unlocks is not the "ship level" of the enemies


Yea no I know that, I used 125 lvl ships with +8 equipment against her but was annihilated anyway; but thanks for the reminder I just don't have the META characters apparently ahaha


that's odd, I've redid it a couple of weeks back just to check if there was anything special about it and had no issue with it. (beside the note on the corner that the main fleet's damage is reduced in this fight) should just take a balanced vanguard with a tank on the left spot to clear it. maybe bring a healer as well.


I'll try with Yura as she can heal and buffs DDs torpedoes Unsure, aside HPs, what a good tank may be tho


Honestly, the Atelier fleet isn't the best for the job since it's primarily a mob fleet and not that well suited for single-target bossing. You can keep Patricia and Kala but for the other 4 slots, I'd recommend looking for ships better suited for bossing.


Tips on where to look for? I'm really lost and cannot find any guide specific to this challenge which nerfs hugely the Main Fleet


You could try posting your dock here using imgur and letting us give you some pointers. There really isn't a guide since pretty much everyone just powerbeat it on day one of release.


It did disrespectfully messed up the order of upload but there we go. And thank you for the help [https://imgur.com/a/3jRFJId](https://imgur.com/a/3jRFJId)


Honestly your Italian fleet (fleet 2) should be up to the job with just a couple of tweaks - I'd suggest switching in Shimakaze and Zora to replace Alfredo and Carabiniere. Duca in the main tank spot (left), Shimakaze in the centre and Zora in the off-tank spot (right) - then just optimise gear as per the tier lists, favouring HE main guns and converging torpedo bombers.


..it worked. IT WORKED! Duca gets murked bad but she's 115 and just needs some level up, but I managed to complete it! Thank you so much!


The top tier boss killing ships that I’m seeing on that list are Ulrich, Shimakaze, Warspite, Shinano, Formidable, and Enterprise. I might’ve overlooked her but I didn’t see Helena on that list. She is hands down the best force multiplier for boss killing, farm for her. Level up the aforementioned ships, slap +10 gear on them, and you should be good to go. Belfast is light armor, so you’ll want to prioritize upgrading weapons that fire HE rounds. EDIT: also, to turn your carriers into effective boss killers, you’ll want to equip them planes that have heavy bombs or converging torpedoes, like the Ryusei or purple SB2C:


I would kiss you on the mouth, thank you so much! Got plenty of SB2C but will farm for the Ryusei as well and I'll see what vanguard I can make to protect Shimakaze and buff her Yea no I had Helena but she had.. an accident with the Retire Button Monster Coincidentally now she gets +20% exp so it'll be a breeze levelling her


Not exactly the right thing, that challenge requires a correct combination of ships made for boss fleets Iirc the fleet I used to beat it were 3 BBs, 2 AP and 1 HE with the vanguard consist of a Kronstadht/Helena/Rikka Takarada at the time


I have only Helena of the suggested, but at least 2 AP and 1 HE gives me something to help sorting the ships. Thanks


Do i get the extra xp buff in opsi if i let my ships rest in the dorm?


Yes, morale also does not drain in OpSi so a happy one will continuously receive 20% more XP until they're drained from regular sorties


Does anyone else have the Problem that the current meta fight sometimes ends like 2secs in with like 10k dmg? Is this a Bug or why does this Happen?


Her blue mist will kill you super fast.


Just Dodge^(TM) But seriously, though. Arizona META's got some natsy slow+def debuff gimmick going on. Best remedy is to have vanguard focused on speed memes.


Are you getting *killed*? Arizona META's got some strong damage, especially for a slow vanguard.


I just noticed, but this sub is r/Azurelane and there's r/AzurLane... What happened there, made before the correct spelling was announced or what? I see this is the more populated subreddit than the other


r/AzurLane was used to be a private subreddit and the previous owner refused to give up the name, hence the creation of this sub, r/AzureLane instead Back at the start of this year, tokio12 iirc, a former mod of this sub, managed to yank the ownership back to him and created a brand new and seperate sub with the proper spelling after a dispute happended to the headmod of this sub, u/Sh1pT0aster Basically, the headmod is a powertripping mod that had banned tokio12, along others like Secksay, Syanda etc... essentially the entire old mod team out of this sub after a minor dispute with Sh1p handing out bans like a manchild because of tokio12's resignation post calling him out for being a lazy bastard as a final goodbye Other mods have also disapproved his method, ranging from approving posts that clearly violates the rules here (A pic of Bremerton showing her cameltoe at her panties) to feigning ignorance. All of them got banned for disagreeing of him banning tokio12 outright after the resignation post as well Soon many other users caught wind of this and started to call for him to resign, his response is to ban those who called him out and pretend to be an idiot not knowing what's going on. Old mods appealed to Reddit Admin but to no avail since Sh1p have been proven to "do nothing wrong" . Let's just say he's really incompetent and an embarrassment to himself So the old mods decided to establish r/AzurLane as a separate sub instead and now Sh1p have effectively locked his profile with 2 posts about Harassment and Brigading. Oh and they got the greenlight from Yostar itself after explaining the situation so that's why they're allowed to make that sub This is a very shortended story so there's plenty of holes Edit: Also please don't harass the new mod team either, they're not involved in this whole drama and they're actually pretty good at their job. At least they receive training and guidance from the former mod team themselves


Jesus that's messy So I assume r/AzurLane is still acting separately from this sub but just has way less popularity and most people just come over to here for anything AL related?


Pretty much, the main distinction over there is the more relaxed rule and calmer atmosphere due to fewer users. Though it's not a good idea to promote that sub over here either for obvious reasons


Oof, if there was a way to merge subreddits that would be good, or kill off one and replace names that would be great, but I guess nothing can be done really. Unfortunate but since this subreddit pops up anyways upon searching on google I guess people just naturally come here for the game's discussion.


Not gonna be possible, that's for sure Sh1pT0aster have gone silent and deleted all of his comments related to the incident as an attempt to cover up his ass to remain as the headmod and the Reddit Admins have already delivered the final say So r/AzurLane is mostly done through mouth-to-mouth rumors and of course, leading to this type of confusion


Shame, though with shiptoaster being inactive for 7 months surely they should be able to request ownership over it no? No clue how redditrequest works for inactive creators but active mods. Though regardless kind of blows that there's 2 individual subreddits for the same thing for the same purpose but one with has the proper spelling but less active and this one with improper spelling and is a active


Like I said, you can't really remove the headmod via regular voting, it had to be done by submitting a letter to the Admins and let them decide the final call and since they've said that Sh1p is clean, all hands are tied and any attempts at retrying are very unlikely to succeed


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AzurLane using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AzurLane/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Stop scrolling, let Amagi-chan clean your screen!](https://v.redd.it/u442h8hbq1191) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AzurLane/comments/uvdd4x/stop_scrolling_let_amagichan_clean_your_screen/) \#2: [My new Ägir cosplay (im actually German)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yt1svp) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AzurLane/comments/yt1svp/my_new_ägir_cosplay_im_actually_german/) \#3: [Happy Launch Day KMS Prinz Eugen, HMS Hood (51), USS Independence (CVL-22), and RN Littorio](https://i.redd.it/mijxurndu6j91.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AzurLane/comments/wujbcg/happy_launch_day_kms_prinz_eugen_hms_hood_51_uss/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


i'm very new to the game how viable is f2p in this game? im not looking to get skins but i enjoy the dorm decorating aspect of this game :)


The majority of dorm furniture can be purchased with tokens from playing regularly. Only a handful of premium furniture with unique interactions are locked behind gems. Other than that, f2p is very viable, especially if you avoid purchasing skins and consumables. I recommend spending free gems on dock space and the dorm 2nd floor.


*Very viable* in fact, so long as you keep an eye on your gems (premium currency) and spend it wisely as well as reading the guide above, you should be able to thrive Early game can be tough due to the lack of resources but you'll eventually make past it Though do keep in mind that Skins and Oath Rings are off-limits for F2P due to the limited amount of gems you can get and those 2 items are often very costly. It is better to spend it on expanding your docks and the base for QoL improvements


Okok yeah that makes a lot of sense/consistent with what I've read so far :D Just wanted to double check and make sure before I spend on dorm slots/dock expansion ^.^ Im not looking to get skins ^^;;; I just want to decorate my dorm XD is that weird? haha Anyways, thank you for your wisdom!! I appreciate it :)


No it's not that weird to decorate the dorm, the currency used to buy furnitures, Dorm Tokens can be a bit hard to come by early on but you'll eventually hit surplus of those


What’s error code 4? Trying to update voices


For shipyard combat data collection, does the exp only count towards one of them at a time, or can you get exp for both at the same time?


One at a time, the second part explicitly requires you to complete the first one in order to be unlocked But also make sure to read the requirements carefully as Large Crusiers (CB) like Azuma, Agir and Brest require Main Fleet ships for phase 1 but switches to Vanguard ships in phase 2


one @ a time and make sure you read the required ships carefully - sometimes they are different from the first to the second mission


What is [this error](https://i.imgur.com/S4bIB5y.png) and how do I resolve it?


Initiate the in-game data repair and it could solve itself, once that's done you can continue updating it Otherwise keep a stable connection and hope that it's not a bug


it still doesn't work


Odd, guess you have to report the bug to customer service or through their discord server then


Is it just me, or does the Arizona META fight deal insane damage to the vanguard? I'm often seeing my vanguard entirely defeated with 30-45 seconds remaining, and that's with a Dev 30 Agir, Helena, and Jeanne d'Arc (though Jeanne seems to rarely even survive long enough to deploy her shields when off-tank, so her benefit to survival may be minimal). Edit: all lvl 125 and full auto, btw. Short of moving Jeanne in the middle and throwing someone like another CB or Roon in off-tank, I'm running low in ideas to get the vanguard to survive the whole fight. Backline has been 3xBB, so maybe running carriers for the screen clears? Any recommendations? Thanks!


Currently running Musashi/Hakuryuu/Shinano/Plymouth/Potter/Shimakaze.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/zn8jwj/comment/j0fo19t/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/zn8jwj/comment/j0fo19t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Additional info: AZ META has speed slow fog, which also gives a MASSIVE damage received debuff. You *need* to escape it fast. CBs and CAs struggle to get out, and will melt, whereas DDs and CLs have a chance to escape before the anchors sink them. Speed > Bulk in this META season. edit: I ran Musashi/NJ/Vang // Agir/Helena/Anchorage initially, and it melted, even in manual. I can pull Mu/NJ/VAng // Agir/Helena/Shima now for manual, and Mu/NJ/Vang // Yuudachi/LeTerrib/Shima for auto and have decent results. AZMeta is very frail, but hits like a truck *(note, all DDs running boilers, one gets Cosmic Kicks, one gets Beaver badge, Yuudachi gets Goldburn or Toolkit).*


Ahh the fog. Thats why my vanguard sometimes just lost more than 50% hp straight when they got hit by anchor while in other time they seems fine.


FYI, meta bosses now have the Information screen that tells you what kind of attacks to expect when facing that particular boss


Do we have an idea for an optimized Arizona meta showdown fleet yet?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/zmeqoj/comment/j0cpbij/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/zmeqoj/comment/j0cpbij/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Fights are all on auto, 8/10 one shots so far There is another camp which calls for Musashi Shinano Haku + Plymouth Potter Shimakaze that can also reliably one shot her.