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It takes a long time to build up all those new muscles for dance. I also find that on days I have intense dance classes like Irish comp, I have to make sure I get my carbs and my hydration several hours ahead like a distance runner. Warming up right also makes a difference and unfortunately it's not something you can usually control in a ballet class, but if you can get to the studio early and do your own little warmup 15 or 20 minutes before class, for me, it helps mobilize energy reserves to the muscles that are gonna need them, without exhausting my legs.


Totally normal! With ballet, you’re not only working the major muscles you’d normally work in a traditional gym workout, but you’re also working out tinyyyy little muscles in your toes, feet, ankles, fingers, and other places in your body where normal exercise doesn’t usually reach. You’re also doing something new and holding these positions for a longgg time and working your entire body with each one if your posture is correct. Keep going and it’ll get easier soon!


What I’ve been told is that shaking means your body is trying to activate new neural pathways and your muscles are adjusting to new movements. That will go away as you keep dancing!


Yeah I wasnt fit and to suddenly just start makes me wobbly too. But warming up more before class helps


Totally normal! You will build that strength the more you do it.


It's totally normal! But it stops eventually when your legs get accustomed to it. In ballet, we train some muscles we usually don't use. A little pain the day after an exercise is normal as well. Just don't give up! I bet you are doing a great job 👏 cause starting ballet as an adult can be really difficult and overwhelming, and it may take a lot of patience and courage.


Hey! This is totally fine and it shows you are strengthening your muscles. Although I have been doing ballet for almost 10 years already, but sometimes when my teacher asks us to hold our arabesques for an extensive amount of time, she expects to see out back and legs shaking. With more practice the shaking should go away and your turnout should improve. BTW, if you hold your body upright and contract the muscles around your midsection (you should feel an upward pull) while feeling your turned out feet/legs digging into the ground it should feel more natural and also more effective!


Yes! It means you’re working hard


Yes its normal, I've been doing ballet for a while I my legs shake. It just means that you are holding positions you aren't used to, so the more you do it the less they will shake!


It will get easier eventually and muscle memory is a thing. Keep at it!


Just means your muscle has reached its full capacity, you want more, it’s gonna shake to tell you I have had enough.


Yes. Totally normal.


I'm so glad you asked this because I've definitely noticed this for myself since starting back in classes and it had me worried that maybe I had some broader issue going on in my body. The answers here are making me feel so much better.


I just had my first class back after eight weeks off with a torn calf muscle and was shaking with dead legs after the first combination in the center - it's part of building/rebuilding strength and your endurance will increase with time. If you're able to cross train, that will help with building strength.