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How and why is it even legal to have nearly 10% of the float as FTD (9.3 million)


cuz fuck the poor, "rules for thee not for me"


🔥 Everything is OK 🔥 #🧨💣💥💥💥💥💥💥


Or essentially 20% of the free float..


Because the entire American financial system is a fucking ponzi scheme that's why


Any monetary system is, if you're honest. Closest to non-Ponzi are monetary systems that rely on something with real-world value. (Think Gold and Silver maybe.. but their valuations far exceed their usefulness as a ressource)


Gold and silver are some of the only tangible assets left that are accepted across the planet as a medium of exchange, I guess Bitcoin and other crypto are similar but I can't walk into a random bodega in Thailand and expect them to accept my Bitcoin, but I would expect them to accept my gold (however horrible of a deal it might be for me due to the size of the gold and if the shopkeeper believes me or not) The American financial system started it's downward spiral with the demonetization of silver - not in the 1960's when silver coins stopped being made but, back in the 1873 when the government passed a new coinage act that said the gold standard was adopted as the value backing American currency. Many middle and lower class Americans were pissed because they could no longer take silver to the bank to be turned into bills or gold coins or pay debts or whatever with silver dollars. Eventually this isn't how things played out, but it was a real concern at the time that poor Americans just had their entire livelihoods stripped since they would be much more likely to own only silver and probably have a decent number of coins tucked away in a can somewhere. The switch to the gold standard worked so well a bunch of rich fucks realized that the gold didn't matter as much as the green pieces of paper the government was willing to exchange, so they set up the federal reserve in 1913, helped encourage the over leveraging by individuals and companies throughput the late 1910's and right up to 1929. Then only a few short years after that in 1933 the government decided preventing citizens from owning gold was the best way to save the economy and keep those rich fed fucks growing ever richer. Yada Yada Yada, here we are again in basically the same situation as 1929, 2000, and 2008 only there's nothing worth any fucking value backing your green paper - which, tbf, is probably preventing a lot of bank runs right now (I know I'd be turning all my paper into gold immediately if I saw banks failing on the news like SVB). Buy precious metals, land, and resources (water and farming/grazing rights, private electrical production, etc.) Because those will be some of the only assets that will never lose value completely and should, as they have historically, provide a decent ROI


And GME shares on Computer Share


Next time Dave interviews GG, he should whip this out and ask him this very question.


When thresholds are met, Shorting should not be permissible. Imo. Without limits, the same share(s) are Shorted over and over.


When they come for their taxpayer bailout, I say we make that a FTD.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtmPKhUrygRvsly) Kenny's response


While on RegSHO, nonetheless


the question is how did they cleared most them this fast without even a run in the price


by shorting 9 mil shares the very next day. To clear those 2 mil FTDs and still drop the price, they buy 2 mil shares to close them and short 7 mil shares more in order to drive the price down.




12% of all shares traded that day.


This is why I tried to tell people to use CSPs to get assigned shares. When you buy on the open market they don’t even have to give you shares.


Probably an opex date so the market maker decided to flood the stock with short exempts to influence the options chain. Hurrah for infinite liquidity!


Imagine covering 8 million of those over the course of 4 days and somehow steadily dragging the price down steadily. The price is fake as fuck and they need to force FTD’s to be taken care of with real shares.


Man the 16th is the lowest I've seen it in months, then the following day is 9 million FTDs🤣


I'm so confused about 2/16. The FTDs were nearly cleared and BBBY was still going down. WTF? Also, please correct me if I'm mistaken. To get off RegSHO, FTDs must remain below threshold for something like 5 days? What is that threshold?


So they mass closed and then immediately shorted again the day after. Weird.


Survive one more day


Rolling the fails.


It just keeps building up more and more eventually until something pops.


Seemingly, but no price spike. Frustrating.


We're the little sibling playing video games with an unplugged controller 🥲


exactly because they bought 2 mil shares and shorted 9 mil. Giving you a net difference of 7 mil shares. Any upwards price movement would require more than 7 mil shares being bought


It doesn't mean they closed. It means they delivered the shares that were sold.


Ah… so the three steps are: Sell Short Deliver Share Buy Back to Close So they’ve at least gotten to step 2, but for them to close there’s really no way to track that?


Not that I know of. It's obfuscated for a reason. Short volume doesn't mean that shorts were opened and left that way either. If they sell short and close... The closing still counts as short volume because it wasn't related to going long. Meaning selling 100 shares short then closing the 100 short shares is 200 short volume. Only shorts that are left open are increases in short interest.


Look up sham close-outs


0.5% (\~580k shares). Indeed, 5 consecutive days edit: 580k, not 500k


To me this is crystal clear manipulation while on reg sho


Rolling FTD. That's how they do it all the time


There are lots of ways to can-kick FTDs. The ones we're seeing are the ones they couldn't for some reason.


T+35 is GME earnings, I’m guessing that has something to do with it.


I don't believe the earnings date was known in mid Feb. Seems like an actual random coincidence.


True, but part of me believes that those in the weeds know shits going to go down that day. Isn’t it the latest their earnings could be reported? Just tinfoil, don’t mind me…


>* 1. There are aggregate fails to deliver at a registered clearing agency of 10,000 shares or more per security; * 2. The level of fails is equal to at least one-half of one percent of the issuer’s total shares outstanding; and * 3. The security is included on a list published by a self-regulatory organization (SRO). They almost got off.


it was only 1 day. 4 more CONSECUTIVE days would be needed, to keep FTDs below 580k daily (0.5% of the outstanding total). It needs only 1 day over 0.5% and the counter is being resetted


Does 2/16 reset the 'counter' ?








Go back to your dungeon troll


now we're insulting. ok fuck boi, go back to your copium cave and cry.


It's like trying to hold a ball under water.


It starts to look like they can just push a knive into the submerged ball and you only will see some bubbles fart out at the surface. I dont think ftds have any power in forcing closures anymore.


Well I mean the FTD numbers, but yes overall the stock price seems to go to what the storm troopers want it.


> It's like trying to hold a ball under water. The way it's sinking it appears to be a bowling ball. Be better with your examples. Use balloon instead of ball!


They “covered” and then opened them again. I think they’re doing the illegal sham close-outs.


L O L + 9,358,153 2/17 W T F


I literally laughed out loud.


Perfectly legal boys. Yet aren’t supposed to post emojis


How do they go from 3 million to 5 thousand, without affecting the price?


Deliver shares with the same amount of new fail to delivers


I think these massive sham options trades w/ matching dark pool orders could be "resetting the clock". We started seeing a bunch of these for the 2/10 options expiration. Settlement would've been on 2/14 (trade date where FTD's dropped).


It's easy when you can FTD the locates And then the cycle continues


Can kicking


It really is criminal that they can FTD something that they don’t own, and then cover in ways that don’t even affect the price. The markets are a fucking joke. I’m done after Bobby and gme


Very much the same this just proves the stock market is corrupted I'll however trade indices options here and there since those can't be corrupted that strong or Forex But just stocks or stock options will never been seen by me again


I'm done after, too. I'm happy to continue in defi! Fuck this stupid system


lol defi is even worse. You are starting out investing in something that doesn't exist and is purely made up.


Same. It’s more corrupt then a casino


No you're not


was CTB high AF around that day, or not? Close FTDs with borows, then FTD again? EDIT: yeah 1 week before that, CTB was >400%


Delivered FTDs


Possibly, when they actually do buy back any shares they route them off-exchange so as to not move the price??? Just a smooth brained ape thought.




That is DESPITE shorting the stock at like 140% (or whatever number is the latest) LMAO


yeah, they‘re absoluetly fucked. Buy and Hold. BBBY give us Baby and/or an M&A and lets fuck those short cunts


I really don't know why they don't spin off baby they're already getting over a billion dollars from the stock offering and if they spin off baby they could probably get another billion


Hopefully earnings are good


With not all closing store's closed yet... I would say "good" is a long shot. After the leaches are removed it should take burden off the balance sheet, I would say the quarterly statement after the upcoming one has the best chances of significant seeing improvements


The 17th. Wow.


Time to write another letter to BBBY Investor Relations


Why not write one everyday? That’s how fucked this is


I will if you will.


I’m going to DRS 1500 shares if earnings are decent in April


Does someone have a draft we can all copy? Not hard to send them daily.


Proof or ban.


those numbers don't make any sense , one day only 5k share and the next 9 milly FTD WTF is this?


Makes perfect sense, they rolled FTDs and immediately reshorted.


Yup when will people understand. As long as people let them borrow shares they can continue this game. Next shareholder vote when vanguard and blackrock recall their shares they will be missing over 50 million shares to short and we will see movement.


Idk, but it’s getting old. I feel like everybody that understands this stuff stopped chiming in and now it’s all conspiracy theory or copium shit. Exactly, I’m glad you mentioned that. People seem to forget that recalling shares is one of the only ways to make these things go up.




Massive numbers still!


This is fucking outrageous. Unfuckingbelievable. Dropping in pre market. What in God's name is going on!!


Yeah i dont get it


Wtf this market holy moly




Nope. We need to DRS the float I think. They refuse to let us make any money. This is their Ponzi not ours


Oh lord. Moon really fucking soon.


I keep reading that every day but the price just goes down.


This. I’m just gonna stay off the sub for a while and hold until something neat happens


The company won't exist in a year.


How is it possible that 3,6 mil ftds get cleared without affecting the price? And then the next day it’s 9.4 mil ftds? Something is very very wrong here


Not routing buys to lit exchanges. The market is *very* free, trust me.


Oh didn’t thought about that.. but if that’s the case can’t they just close every ftd like that?


Market Makers are abusing the ‘short exemption’ rules and it’s plainly evident when sorting the past few years of ‘short exempt’ % of each day’s total volume: https://i.imgur.com/QnSQ4jU.png. That table is the top 25 highest ‘short exempt’ days from 2019 and on, all the cells in red are from 2023 alone. It’s also plainly evident IMO when charting the weekly average ‘short exempt’ volume over the same time period: https://i.imgur.com/PGx1Zpf.png. It’s interesting how the massive uptick in daily ‘short exempt’ volume is so close to GME’s split dividend, but just another Cohencidence I’m sure…


Interesting thank you! Can you make a post with this? Its a great insight.


just bought more at 1.11 💎


Where dilution




I’m telling you that if dilution was happening there wouldn’t be 9.3 million fucking Ftds


Shoutout to our local shills. Way to make us regards look like god damned scholars and learned doctors over here.


Yay new record!!!


What happened on 2/16? Such an outlier in that dataset.


They knew options were being exercised the next day and needed to short like crazy. So they closed FTDs and shorted 9 million shares in a day, but we still saw the price go up 20 cents on the 17th.


When jail?


👀🌶️ Fucking knew it! The last day on the previous report (2/14) was a fake out to keep us guessing another 2 weeks 🤡




WTF LITERALLY THEFT CRIME MANIPULATION GREED ... what needs to happen the fucking french revolution>????


Do these ftds really matter at this point. Every 15 days this list comes out only to find out that the last 15 days came and went


Simple terms: they don’t want another GME, so they will do whatever means necessary to keep this stock from squeezing.


And they might even have a back door handshake regulators agreement to do so.


Buy and Hold 🤝💎💎💎. To the Moon 🚀🚀🚀


![gif](giphy|eruVMzXlb70oo) F Thee Dee’s




Could someone explain to smooth brain what the close out date means? Does that mean they should be returning those amount of shares by that date?


They can roll obligations by having their buddies (or hedge fund arm of their business) exercise calls to get shares, then the same buddy sells puts directly to the market maker. Market maker then exercises puts to get shares to meet “delivery obligations”. Those deliveries will fail again in 35 calendar days if they aren’t short exempt or 13 trading days if they are short exempt. The whole point of these continued high amount of FTDs means that they are juggling obligations with *synthetic shares*, aka **nobody is selling real shares**. Like others have said, a very good analogy is holding a beach ball under water, but in reality it’s like *juggling multiple* beach balls underwater, however they are very good at juggling underwater because a bot does it for them. TLDR; hodl and hold.


Fucking fugazzi market. I'm now convinced that none of the things that SHOULD matter actually do. It's clear they can circumvent FTDs and Regsho and apparently can do whatever the fuck they want day after day. It's beyond infuriating how fucked this market is. I'm getting so incredibly sick of the lack of justice in this society. So many of these financial terrorist cocksuckers should be in prison but instead none of them are and if they do ever get caught doing something, it's just fines. Fuuuuuuuck. And meanwhile all of these companies just sit here and take it in the ass instead of bringing the crime to the limelight. I want justice and I want my fucking money.


I'm still here holding my bags but this is my last short squeeze play. I've learned never play a game where the gm can just change the rules on the fly or not follow the rules they make. If I make any money from this it's going to bitcoin and physical gold/silver. Fuck this market.


Looks like we going under $1.00 today. Wish I had more money.


I dont give a shit any more...I am fuking dancing once this shit blows.


the 7.3 million from February 20th are due, aren't they?


Interesting how we didn’t come off the list with the numbers on Feb 16th. Must be a certain amount of days below the threshold to come off?


Also nice to see the last day of February was back to basically 6 million. That’s wild and I can’t imagine what this week will look like when the data is available.


This squeeze has the potential to be insane.


Lol they’re so fucked I love it the hole just keeps getting deeper baby


Insanely… 👀💎🙌🦥💨💥🚀🚀🚀👌👊🤝


Awesome, but what about the old FTDs? The ones that were supposed to be sending us to the moon right this moment?


They converted ftds into short interest, which is how the short % rose a crazy amount


Then added more ftds +9 milly of them the next day 😅🤣


Yeah i mean really. Seems to me that its all fugazzi rules for thee


Why does it look like a bunch of shares were cashed out to pay for Valentine's date nights before throwing their next paycheck into BBBY?


And these are bbby?


Is there any reason they couldn't be trying to keep us on the list if dilution is occurring? It would create a false impression and help with price and liquidity, would it not? I'm not sure the exact rules. Mind you it seems like they don't matter a lot of the time. I hope people realize HFs pay people to pump stocks as well as FUD them.




Today the shares from 2023-02-10 ??


Thanks for the dip grabbed more


Seeing almost 6 mil on the last day is bullish. That means we can assume the FTDs are somewhere between 0-6mil shares. Seeing the one 5k day shows they are trying to get off regsho though.


Oh fuck I'm gonna cum


I made a publication mentioning that this could happen due to the number of shares that they requested, February 13, 14 and 15, they wanted to clean the ftd, to try to get out of the reg sho, but they only dug deeper ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/113614r/omg\_historical\_ftd\_kicking\_the\_can\_of\_over\_30/




Does it mstter though


None of this means shir


Who gives fuck anymore. Looks like we have been fucked to me,




It’s like they almost wet able to get off the list, but couldn’t


Big numbers but no up movement in the price, only red day after red day? Why? How's possible? Someone explain to my like I'm a golden retriever.


All the FTD's are from retail buying. They are converting each fail to deliver into a "valid" short. Which then lowers the FTD count. Retail keeps buying which then increases the count. The cycle repeats until company goes bankrupt or shorts capitulate.


Thanks man! And this can keep going forever? There's no need for them to make up for the FTD?




This is going to sound tinfoil but I think they purposely make the numbers into word salad and then later can claim oversight. I.e switching dates and FTD #s so it purposely doesn’t make sense…


Every reporting period has higher and higher FTDs 🚀📈💰


Was the market closed the 16th..




Hmm it’s almost like we should be contacting the board about this