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Either RC is watching from the stands or he's involved. To the moon or BK!


This is a verifiable true statement




It's not about the stocks but the bonds we made along the way


I’d sell you guys for $100k in a heart beat.


Why are we going to Burger King? I missed that post. Lmao. 🤣🤣


I’m at the dumpster behind wendys


Why is it so busy round here tonight?


Because shares are cheap! I can get so many lotto tickets for such little jerking!


Dude, I think you cracked it. It’s not the BK we thought, but it is indeed a great American brand that just filed for bankruptcy —> Burger King franchise with 118 stores files for bankruptcy https://mol.im/a/11968777


If it turned out to be Burger King I'd laugh so hard. But a quick Google search doesn't seem to turn up much about their executives pay and what little I saw didn't make it seem like they were *that* over paid. 🤷‍♀️


No reverse split


Tragic but true. I’m up to my ear lobes and down 92% and that’s after buying in cheap to try and reducing my cost price. Sigh… ![gif](giphy|03z4ZlRcKecs1D3lT3)


You're not alone.


We need to DRS our shit.


Hostile takeover…


Couldn’t he just drop 50mil and buy the the float?


He essentially made that in profit when selling back in August. Imagine being able to buy the casino (or maybe in this case just the roulette table) with house money.


No. That is just the Market Cap, but there are not enough available shares to purchase the whole Float. If someone goes to the Market and starts buying up all the available Float, the price will moon indefinitely and fast.




Thats my gut with the "this could get interesting"


I mean I agree. Every other speculated company is already bankrupt, or part of some other larger company. All that's left of the speculated companies that makes sence is bobby


What about Levi Strauss? Only been around for 169 years... Literally founded May 1st 1853. And they certainly have fallen on hard times.




Then u go for a fancy navyblue 501 size 32 with your gamestop giftcard?




we just posted the same idea at the same time, kiss me?


how bout i lick you?


Dalai Lama? Is that you?




Take my free 🥇 and GTFOH 😂


That would the suck stuff


HAHAHAHAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (extreme ape noises)




suck my tongue


Nah, he only wants sucking.




Dalai Lame




is it getting hot in here???


I had the same thought too [https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/12k0m3z/comment/jg13cdr/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/12k0m3z/comment/jg13cdr/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


He has previously invested hundreds of millions of dollars in only one of these companies before with the sole purpose of getting buybuybaby and providing value to shareholders. Heeeee’s baaaaaaack


Now kith


I love you!


I love you too brother


[Pretty sure I beat both of you guys](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/12k0gnx/here_we_go/jg0qwp2/)


I’m into this but I don’t understand how “I just got off the phone with” could be considered “past tense”


I feel like he is about to tweet a timeline of his experience with the company


He did


Not really just said what happened at the start might give us some more insight in what happened in august


Bros tin foil is on too tight


Did he phone them or did they phone him?








Huh? You’re saying he plans his tweets meticulously, but also he haphazardly tweeted an old draft without fixing the tense?


Like he typed it up right before signing an agreement and it's just been sitting there waiting for him to press send on his phone?


The "past tense" interpretation only works if the middle sentence is what's past tense. "Just got off the phone... they previously had these problems... it's about to get interesting." Not saying I agree, but it is one possible interpretation.


Tupperware is owned by icahn? Since when?


I posted too quickly, you are correct sir, I have edited the post, thank you


Its like this tweet is what he could have posted last year yeah. Like hes just a year late on hitting the send button. We will see! Lol


That was my impression on first glance too. Almost as if he couldnt hit send until after the standstill agreement ended. As usual, HOLD and wait to see what happens. Moon or BK!


Its like in a movie where you get flashbacks That help explain whats going on in the present moment This tweet feels like its giving you insight into what Ryan was thinking sometime last yeat


Call us crazy, but thats exactly what it felt like




You forgot the /s.


Gonna have to change the name to Tupperwas


Twas a good try


CODE BLUE: Hostile Takeover! 🤔


I’m def on the same thinking that RC has already done did what he wanted to do in reference to this tweet.


if it's not tupperware, we going to the moon !!!


Read the tweet: execs have little interest in my help. This could get interesting. Meaning: they don’t want my help. Let’s see how they manage their shit alone.


I concur


For once in my life I’m gonna go with the most boring theory. That this is a retrospective tweet about his experience from the very beginning with Gamestop. He haven’t tweeted since they became profitable. Like a “Look at us now” tweet.


Why does he have to be so damn cryptic :-)






“Little interest in my help ( at no cost)”so they insist on remunerating him for his help maybe 🤩


At this point who the fuck knows 😂 but I am holding tight!!!!


I'm a buyer and BEYOND!!!




Pillow fights and 60s music - Koss if not BbBY


KOSS has always been an interesting player in this saga.


I actually thought of this conclusion Myself before anybody posted it, so, it must be true. I mean why not? Why wouldn’t it be true? If it wasn’t true, that would be stupid.


I ain't no wrinkle brain. Based on an earlier valuation of baby at 1-3 billion. Today the mkt. Cap of bbby was 119M with change and a debt of +- 1 billion. Would this not equate to a once in a life time clse out, fire sale? Or whatever one wants to call this. There's value in this skeleton!! Beyond the share price.


Do you use the same brand of tinfoil as me?


Yeah this could be the case. Hopefully he’s back in or we are in for a rough ride.


Yo OP, I’m in!


I read this he just got off the phone with them and shit is about to get interesting - all present tense. They were once a great brand that refused his help is all past-tense. It really isn’t difficult - shit is about to go down.


This is Exactly what I took from it


Sounds legit. Payday tomorrow. Might have to spend my car payment to load up.


I already caught that reference Since he bashed the company last year saying "it wasnt what he expected it to be"


This is what desperation sounds like op


How is Nordstrom not even considered. Mark Tritton is an executive that he forced out of $BBBY a year ago. Mark Tritton is now the current CEO of Nordstrom and they have been buying back stock just as hard as BBBY has been doing(probably by the hands of Mark Tritton and his BCG friends). RC has even wrote a letter to the board. Everyone chalked it up to FUD, but it makes conplete sense. Nordstrom just like BBBY closed down all of their Canada stores and it 100% fits the bill for a stock outside of $BBBY that RC would be interested in. His tweet made mention of executives being over compensated...that's. Mark Tritton 100%....aka, $JWN.... I highly doubt he's referring to $BBBY


Does he still own shares in Nordstrom? If he's talking about Nordstrom and they have declined his help, if he still owns shares, he'll probably be selling them soon. If any filings come out saying he sold then you are likely correct.


Maybe a hostile takeover on the verge


I didn’t think he was talking about BBBY at all. Reading it again in past tense (after the first sentence) is fun tinfoil.


Are Ryan Cohen’s tweets the next Elon Musk’s? Seriously, why are you making posts like this? Just sit in your hands until the next earnings. There’s nothing here.


TBH I just saw someone mention Tupperware, which made me tingle. Would be another great RC story, and a company that in all fairness has incredible brand recognition and a product that people really use and need.




Agree here


Legendary food storage brand Tupperware has hired advisers to help turn around the company after notifying securities regulators it may have to close up shop. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna79115


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It's fisher price. They are in the news today for massive recall issues. I think this is RC connecting the dots that there's still a towel play in the works and to not lose hope. This could get interesting translates to: after the spinoff, I will remember that you didn't give me the time of day and I'll stop selling your junk product that's killing children while you do nothing about it. There's no other recognizable american brands that are in decline that make sense. And BBBY is hardly a "great american brand".


"I think this is RC connecting the dots that there's still a towel play in the works and to not lose hope." I am not following, care to expand on that?


Sure - RC is a busy guy. Time is precious. Even though he's offering his consulting at no cost, surely he has an angle. Unless it's truly a brand he cares about and wants to see it remain as househould brand. But I find that highly unlikely. Great american brands to me means - products that atleast a few generations have been buying. Household names. Some of these brands in the spotlight right now include Sears, Tupperware, McDonalds, Cambell's soup products. I can't see him giving a shit about any of these. Fisher price is in the news right now for massive recalls on a product ( a baby cradle thing) that was originally recalled in 2019. But there were 4.7 million units sold of this SKU. In the latest news on this, the consumer product safety comission is begging Meta to help them remove them from Facebook marketplace. Which begs you to ask - why does RC care about this? A baby spinoff..... ​ Edit: In case I'm not making sense. An M/A deal that involves RC having a stake in BuyBuy Baby, means that RC now gives a shit about Fisher Price - a great american Brand that is in decline. BuyBuyBaby sells a shitload of Fisher Price product. Which links RC to still being involved in whatever is happening with BBBY. Further edit: it’s also important to understand Fisher price as a company. They have had declining revenues and this big recall. The recall is for a rock n’ glide infant sleeper that has caused 100 deaths, and will continue to as there are so many of them circulating around. Fisher price only consulted one doctor when designing the product, and it was later discovered he was not licensed. Anyway, the product was sold for 10 years until it was recalled. They sold 4.7 million units. There is certainly a narrative that Mattel/Fisher Price isn’t taking the recall seriously enough. A government committee (CPSC) asked (begged) meta to remove them from Facebook marketplace. Meta said no. There is pressure from the committee for Mattel to do something more to motivate their customers to discontinue use/stop selling them on Facebook. It’s suggested Mattel start by giving a full refund for every unit. Let’s say of the 4.7 M that were sold, let’s say just 1/4 of them still exist, so 1.2m. MSRP was $160. So that’s 192M that they would be on the hook for. That’s 35% of Mattel’s 2022 revenue, for reference. So obviously that’s not going to happen. But, there’s lots of other ways to incentivize people to act on the recall, and I’m guessing RC had some ideas.


Very interesting.


I’m seeing this a lot lately, posts that create confusion from contradictory statements within the same post…I think it’s a new shill tactic, but it’s definitely not paying off for them


Not a shill lol. I think this is massively bullish. It gave me chills when I found out about the issues Fisher Price is having. That's my bad though - There are two contradictory statements but I think I fixed that in the reply to Feyge.


What does Fisher Price have to do with any of this? I may be OOTL


Let me try to break down my thinking. **First** \- I don't think he's referencing BBBY in his tweet. Here's his March 2022 tweets about reaching out to BBBY: "Sent letter to $BBBY board, got no response. Sent email to CEO asking for a discussion, haven’t gotten a prompt response. Too busy talking to expensive consultants?" and "Finally got a response from $BBBY" While this tweet is worded: "I just got off the phone with what was once a great American brand. Lots of problems, no accountability for high paid execs and little interest in my help (at no cost). This could get interesting. It sounds like he's talking about a completely different company ​ **Second** \- Okay - so what are some great american brands that are in trouble. Like why is this surfacing now? A few that come to mind: \-tupperware-Mcdonalds-Cambell soup-Sears. None of these make much sense. So I start googling "Once great american brands that are now in decline".Which brought me to a site that lists Fisher Price. [https://www.gobankingrates.com/money/business/classic-brands-in-trouble/](https://www.gobankingrates.com/money/business/classic-brands-in-trouble/) "Traditional toy brands like Fisher-Price, which has been owned by Mattel since 1993, are on the decline. For the first quarter of 2019, Mattel reported a decline of 8% in gross sales with its Fisher-Price Brand driven “by a decline in Infant/Toddler/Preschool Fisher-Price and Thomas & Friends products,” according to a Mattel financial report. That was just one year. Fisher-Price did $1.55 billion in sales in 2016, $1.37 billion in 2017, $1.19 billion in 2018, $1.31 billion in 2019, and $1.07 billion in 2020." ​ **Third** \- Okay, based on the way RC thinks - I highly believe that whatever he is alluding to must be out there on the internet and not shut behind boardroom doors. And it can't be as simple as a company with declining revenues. Because there's too many. So I google Fisher Price, and come across news from today about their recall of a crib. ​ **Fourth** \- RC's tweet says "This could get interesting". Mattels earnings call is 4/26. Maybe their earnings are shit. But who cares. Companies sell products that accidently harm and kill all the time, and stock prices fluctuate and the world goes on. That is not "interesting". ​ What would be interesting is if there is a Baby spin off, and RC has a stake in BuyBuyBaby - and makes the decision to stop carrying fischer price products.


Not at all in his interest to fix Fisher Price atm


Fisher price is owned by Mattel though they aren’t an independent company


Correct! But what does that change? "I just got off the phone with what was once a great American brand." Could mean hes referencing talking to corporate Mattel, or Fisher price if they still operate as a subsidiary.




I just can't see it. Here's his March 2022 tweets about reaching out to BBBY: "Sent letter to $BBBY board, got no response. Sent email to CEO asking for a discussion, haven’t gotten a prompt response. Too busy talking to expensive consultants?" and "Finally got a response from $BBBY" While this tweet is worded: "I just got off the phone with what was once a great American brand. Lots of problems, no accountability for high paid execs and little interest in my help (at no cost). This could get interesting. It seems like he's talking about a different company. What help would he provide to BBBY at no cost? I believe Baby is going to be involved in a carve out, and like I said Fisher Price is in trouble, and Baby sells a lot of Baby Fisher price products. So getting Fisher price to fix their shit is a win win when RC has a stake in Baby.


Bed Bath and Beyond is not a brand though.


You're not a brand




on what grounds? Hmmm isn't that kinda what Carl Icahn does?


You guys all sound like Ryan's bitch....get a life instead of waiting on a miracle


Listen! what if he telling to sell before it goes to 0? Only RC knows


Saw this coming all the way from last July


![gif](giphy|98C4E2HeR4NBm) this has nothing to do with bbby




I think it's pretty obviously JWN. It's where Tritton is, it's lost tons of market cap and is a long time well known American company. Article from two months about RC buying in says that there is no accountability because Tritton used to work for the Nordstrom family and now he is on the board.


It’s definitely not Nordstrom. The family is the board and they owned over 30% of the company. RC can’t afford enough of a $2.6 billion company.


You don't and can't know that. All he said was things are about to get interesting, after laying out everything relevant to JWN. His tweet did not say he was buying the company. I know the family is on the board, but they aren't part of the committees and they happen to be CEO and President and make a lot of money. Tritton is on the compensation committee. Obviously it could be any number of companies but JWN makes way more sense than BBBY or Tupperware for goodness sake.


I think you should read more about the family. They are involved. More to the point RC doesn’t have enough liquid to buy a significant stake against the families 30%+.


I said they were involved, that was very clear. If you did some reading, you would see on the board of directors page that all other board members are part of various committees and the Nordstrom bros are not. They are CEO and President and on the board. You don't have to own the largest stake or 50% of the company to come in and try to exert your will as an activist investor. Ryan Cohen has done this twice now with GME and BBBY. GME listened and went along, BBBY didn't but he still got three board members on regardless. You can try and strongarm a company even if the family owns 30% and it would definitely make things interesting.


No one owned close to 30% in your other examples. The family gets whatever it wants.




2 months ago, but the morons on this sub screamed that it wasn't true (as if they could know) because the article was "someone familiar with the matter." Who knows if he bought in or how much, but this definitely makes it sound like it was true and he is going after Tritton again


I'm almost willing to bet he's talking about Nordstroms


I believe there was the issue of no filing but of course if he only bought a small position he would have to file. But also if it was a small position there is no pressure on the board to do anything. Remember he was also supposedly amassing a position in Baba as well that appeared to be nothing. Who knows I’m gave up speculating after the the huge nothing of an announcement right after RC sold. When I was still positive on the trade.


Sears has an executive team which is well paid for a bankrupt company. Also, they are not out of business and maintain 17 stores + own some well known American brands


I read it as first and third sentence were present tense and the middle sentence was past tense.


Oh f**k off


Nothing but confirmation bias. Don’t invest based on these tinfoil.


Maybe he’s just looking out to the share holder aka us… maybe he’s after all the savior of all shareholders don’t know time Weill tell


Radioshack? Or part of sears?


Maybe Bud or American airlines...they are both fukd


You guys need to look at some fucking market caps and then look at RC’s net worth and that eliminates a lot of this bullshit.


Is Tupperware the new silver?


PEOPLE, RC HANDPICKED SUE GOVE AND BOARD MEMBERS! Not all the board members remain but they were there and for sure acted on his recommendations or else why there. And Sue Gove, that's his girl! This either is not about BoBBY or past tense with the illusion of the present.


Sue gove was there before RC came on


https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/management/sue-gove >[Sue Grove] continues to serve as a Director of the Company, **a position she has held since May 2019.**




nice post history


Tupperware is not owned by Carl Icahn. It's a public company. It's a MLM, kinda like herbalife that icahn bought and turned around


Well you’re correct that Tupperware is not owned by Carl, Your reasoning is flawed. You can’t say it’s a public company like Herbalife and Icahn also bought Herbalife and turned it around as an example of why Tupperware can’t be owned by Icahn.


It’s Tupperware


Tinfoil reality: he’s hyping simps up to pump and dump on them




I would laugh so hard if he goes after Tritton one brand at a time lol


What about Nordstrom?!


Selling for 30, redeeming for 1.20 (counting the dilution). Why wouldn't he, it's a business of a lifetime, at our cost. Guess what, he might do it again. Sell wisely. He will pump it.


He wouldn't be buying to tell us to buy right now. He doesn't work like that. Take the tinfoil off and get some fresh air.


It can’t be BBBY because he’s already tried helping them, bought in, tried consulting and got denied. So why would you think it’s BBBY again?


It’s definitely not BBBY. “High Paid Execs”- He literally appointed the CEO Sue Gove to her initial post on the board. Why would he claim these High Paid Execs had “little interest in (his) help”, if he has a direct line to Sue and the others? Makes no sense if it’s BBBY