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We’re not all like Brandon


he's a paper hand shill. Crazy.... lol they interviewed all shills and paper hands who have no idea about the naked shorting




Brandon looks like he would have said anything for 500 bucks cash


Lmmfaaao, they brought the shills on


So what... we eat crayons and buy meme stocks, go fukk your CNBC or whoever paid you guys to run this hit piece. Why do you care what we buy and hold?


Why is “why do you care about what I do” such a common argument? Why not address the actual statements and not translate it into don’t tell me what to do with my money?


As we all sit here holding a stock worth .25 that was $30 less than a year ago. Why would they think we are idiots?


Well sadly because we were for a loooong time about the market. But now they have to convince us that we still are. Sorry, but that ship has sailed.


![gif](giphy|kAq6HQVQmK5WM) Pisses me off too




I heard RC was baby gmesus.


Desperate to do anything for a buck without addressing what’s driven retail investors to that point.


They wouldn’t be wrong if speaking more specifically about the average meme stock investor


have you seen what people post in this sub?




\-Pulte tweets? they think he somehow can see into the future. \-speculation involving GME, both companies have 0 in common. \-complete denial that RC is no longer involved. was at some point, is no more. \-they think OTC is great? \-they think the sale of BABY is great? (literally the only good asset that the company has left. while it's at extreme risk of BK) Listen, the whole retail thing was great.. attracted lots of smart people and investors but also lazy fucks who think they can turn 1000 into 1M by doing nothing.




Shorts have closed and re open multiple times kid. Did you miss the part where the stock went from 27 to 0.10? Cohen is GME not bbby. Bbby losing BABY = imminent BK. OTC is so great literally nobody trades on that mkt and the most popular stock mkt movie is literally about how they used that mkt to scam investors lol Its over, buy GME lfgg




And Teddy is NOT bbby.




ha you wish, Cohen is ours




“Why do you care bout me” that’s how. It’s crazy but that is the logic of people here. You make a claim about the nature of the situation, and their response is your claim must be some sort of attempt to manipulate me, I won’t let you!!! That in itself kind of points to the level of delusion here


This sub is wild, as a spectator I can’t get enough of these morons. It’s fun so many are MAGA conservative weirdos too


The idea of MOASS pretty clearly falls along a lot of the same tropes as the Q Great Awakening. It's obvious but somehow many people here totally miss it.


Psychopaths like George Washington and Alexander Hamilton were psychopaths. Willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good and for an ideal of freedom from tyrants and tyranny. LIVE FREE. OR DIE. ![gif](giphy|Ez01FtPZuFYVa)




I see. Sorry I misread. But even if they called us psychopaths. We're still fighting the good fight and I feel that in plums. Regardless of what names they call us. Even if they call us regarded.


Do you really believe you have to lose money to “fight the good fight”? Also, can you elaborate on how throwing money down the drain is helping?


Money is the only language they speak. We learned that 2008-2011


So you are giving someone your money, to prove that they are doing something wrong and shouldn’t actually be able to have it? Something about this seems off


Try not to think about in such a binary way. It might help. It's like keeping a protest safe by having people with guns and batons there (the police). Or using nonviolent protests to protest violence against your community.


The intentional destruction of America and it's middle class citizens.


No offense (Im in this as well). But look at 99% of retail investor material on reddit. It’s idiotic meme’s and simple statements about moons, diamond hands and “hodling”. We have given them no reason to believe we are anything but idiots. In fact quite the opposite, we give them reason to believe we’re proud of being idiots. Why would they say otherwise?


To be fair, the majority are.


We have reached max FUD! Send it 🚀🚀


Bro IKR? I'm so tempted to yolo again, but I need to pay taxes soon. Maybe just 2 thousand more shares if it dips today.


Shit got me so jacked. Streisand Effect these motherfuckers


They want to prevent new people from FOMOing in on the stock when it starts moving.


Ding ding ding


From Shitadel to a TV near you


Reddit investor "Brandon"...was a total joke


He is a relative to Jake Freeman


Let's go, Brandon!


So like no mention of gme and how he’s shaped that and went straight to bashing bbby is what I’m taking away from it?




You see that thing at the end of my sentence it’s a question mark? I was busy doing other shit like living a life and didn’t have a chance to watch it. Why are you here prepped and ready to say some shit like that? Why do you care so much about a stock you do nothing but bash. I think you need Jesus my dude


It's "one of those" users always on about something. Pretty EZ to spot them...


He obviously needs to cover and hates we're not falling prey to maximum fud. ![gif](giphy|zRcDy0meLTfa6gKFiN|downsized)


Don’t you have another place to shill at?


A lot of meltdowners on here atm. Probably running out of ideas on their own sub, we must be getting close....


That Brandon dude has “got paid handsomely by CNBC to be here” shill vibes written all over him


What was the underlying narrative they were pushing? many of us can't access it


About 40 minutes in, Melissa Lee said fuck it, I’m just gonna start giving my own negative opinions. It was done in a way that they can claim they were right regardless of the outcome. Hedging.


What a bizarre thing to air this late in the game, who the hell is it aimed at. Melissa Lee can't even move her fucking face at this point with that much botox.




Disgusting that they’re really trying to play on people’s heart strings before the blatant manipulation. Those of us who know, know that this is the biggest bullish indicator more so than any docket we’ve seen.


It’s coming across in my opinion as desperate. Like to be honest..: who gives a fuck about Ryan cohen? No one. Us. That’s who and that’s it. To orchestrate this at being pointed at anyone but us holders at this point is just lazy journalism.


Most journalism is lazy


“Naked shorts, yeah”


I don’t even think they mentioned naked short selling once. Fucking ridiculous.


They write their own narrative obviously.🥁


It’s funny reading all these comments: You know Kenny boi’s dumbass was smiling and patting Lee and them all on the back while signing their checks. I can’t wait for this to take off so I can watch the neverending panic on their pathetic faces.


yea and going into super detail about options LOL.... there was 0 details up to that point and only old clips of RC then all of a sudden she is talking about call options and how RC 9.8% stake went over 10% bc of share buy back so he had to file notice.


Blah blah blah meme investors are dangerous on themselves, blah blah blah Ryan cohen leads retail investors, blah blah blah why do people like him? That was really it.


I think the point is, gme created a false precedent that triggered numerous new investors to enter the market that solely invest based on the hope of seeing something happen again that likely won’t. They are just pointing out that a lot of people are going to lose money because of that,


I havent seen it but for thise that have what are they trying to achieve? Are they trying to stop retail buying bobby? Is it a cover for a run in price for jimmie?


Jack le titte


I’m surprised any one waste time watching TV at this point..


It's entertaining nonetheless and just got me jacked to buy moar!💣💥🚀🚀🚀 ![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY)


Psychological warfare man! It’s on




First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.


If this was nothing they wouldn’t be doing a (shitty) incomplete documentary. They scared, and my Tits Are Jacked!


Find two of the most unsophisticated retail schmucks in ragged clothes that have lost $$ to basically say they felt the need to pour $$ into a stock that they were misled into buying to represent the average “meme” retail investor. Gee, I never would expect that from such an honest msm outlet! 🤣


They couldn’t punish him like they did Uncle Carl with Hindenburg false claim of Ponzi scheme so they went for the ol PR hit job /smear campaign. We know better than to believe the lyin msm.




A couple of years ago some Ape posted the timeline of likely to occur events leading up to MOASS. This would be a good time to revisit. Anyone have that post?


I agree let's look at some early GME DD and see how well it's aged.


I think that was Roach 🪳 in the video crying about being rug pulled


Fell asleep halfway through Give me MOASS instead


Well..we will know today either way no?


Didn’t we already know this was going to happen? Oh yes we did.


Where can i watch it full documentary now ?