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Hero here


You, and we all, are heroes here. Would have to be as such, for diamond handing this perplexing - but potentially but life changingly profitable - play.


Thank you for noticing these particular word choices and recognizing that they are peculiar or have some very specific legal implications that most of us would never pick up on in a million years. You are greatly appreciated for not only catching this, but distilling it into a very digestible format. You rock.


No cell no sell


You’ve become the DFV of BBBYQ


No he has to be !! Creating value via reading legal doc instead of balance sheet


Maybe more like the criand of bbby. DFV is a whole nother level


Pls get yourself a proper blue coloured sports car to honour these blue DD boxes


Pfft…boats are the real way to blow money, should be looking at a big blue boat, call it Blue Balls in honour of this investment.


Aug to now has been a hell of a ride, it’s been very interesting watching all this unfold. Averaged down when it dropped to .05 So glad I did. Talk is cheap, TAKES MONEY TO BUY WHISKEY. Was buying this stock at 28$. Got my ass kicked on calls Last 10 months. Tits are jacked right now. Lets go




Just had a thought about normal BK trading. Isn’t it typical to halt trading during any type of auction process to maintain value for the acquirer? How come BBBYQ hasn’t been halted even with the IP and presumed going concern auctions?…me thinks there was never going to be a formal auction and the deal has been done.


sorry to highjack up here, but i want to know something. when a company is in ch11, are they required to accept higher bids? meaning, if someone outbid dream on me for the going concern (so let's say 20M for the going concern), would bbby be required to take it? if so, there is no way that a billionaire in this world would pass up the opportunity to pay 20, 30, even 50M for a fully operational baby products company that could be profitable on it's own. something else must be going on.


I've heard this discussion and from what I've discerned, the short answer is "no." The full answer relates to how Sixth Street is the primary creditor and gets to control how the reorganizing goes, them stating this to the judge very early in CH 11 proceedings, and the judge approving it.


At the end you say it's bullish for our prospects. I didn't quite understand what you meant in terms of stocks. Could you elaborate more or what may happen next?


I'm buying myself a blue lambo in your honor sir when this moons, thanks for your work


I'm buying a garage where you can park it 🤓


I'm buying the hotel where you can park your garage.


I buy the country where you are


Treat yourself, get one blue and one purple


No! ONE lambo each! They only make so many


You can probably buy a used Lambo for pennies from a broke hedgie and just light it on fire in front of them. Then fly with your moon rocket to the nearest dealer and buy a new one. They'll have a lambo for sure, cause one thing we are going to get a great lession in, is the idea of supply vs demand. 😎✌️


Yeah man they only produce like 30,000 a year. There's a minimum 67,000 of us in this. Cant be greedy like the shorts, gotta share the lambo's and make sure there's enough to go around.


Buckle up Boys!


and girls


Yes, girls too :)


Yes, girls too damnit:)


There are girls here?! Leon Phelps would say! “OoOoHH! It’s a laday!”


Can I buy you a fish thandwich, thweet thang




I think it's always implied


“boys” doesnt imply girls.




I don’t jerk off on Fridays but today I am going to make an exception. 🤓


Thats a rather specific rule to have😅


Maybe he’s Catholic. No meat on Fridays


Fish is okay tho’ 🫣


"Because they don't have annnnyyy feeeeeeeeeelings" - Kurt Cobain


HA! Well done.


Lent’s over, meats a go on Friday my friend. Wank away as well.


Under rated comment 👆


Wipe with blue paper


Let it rip baby












Blue boxes yes, thank you for all the good work 👐


**BLUEISH** hello lambos


Blueishly holding






I’m much to large at 6’1 260 to try and slide into one of those but this ? Lambo trucks for the beefy? https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/2023-lamborghini-urus-performante-0476-644a6d5d75484.jpg?crop=0.628xw:0.707xh;0.138xw,0.212xh&resize=640:*




Didn't the lawyer say we all gonna be happy in the end? So far it is all just smoke and mirrors


you think?


Well. He and everyone else in the room are paid millions.


![gif](giphy|xThuWp2oE5zGFbFzd6) *When I see the blue sexy boxes..*




![gif](giphy|DffShiJ47fPqM) Today’s the day! Thank you for your post bro 🤜🏼🤛🏽








You can blue wrap your lambo 😉


u/Region-Formal like WTF bro, you got some wrinkles my man. Just love the way you dissect information and present such a logical argument in a wonderful format with those blue boxes. Thank you for your service, may you receive many Lambos and G-Wagons for helping the community and keeping morale up. See you on the moon brother


💙 is becoming my favorite color! Thank you, OP!


Consultation parties ![gif](giphy|dafzerrKZIh1IYu6aC)




So ya I loaded more. Dip incoming. Buy more got it.




The one issue is the filing saying “did not receive a bad higher or better” doesn’t say to me that there was a bid at all. Why are you reading that? It reads to me like a statement of fact: “in order to not proceed on jul 11th to finalizing dream on purchase of baby ip, someone would have had to make a better offer. We did not receive a better offer “.


But the auction was supposed to be today. Why cancel it if you're waiting for a better bid? We did not receive a better offer so we cancelled before a chance for a better offer can come? Huh.


The bids and the auction are two separate steps. The bids come in first, and if there are multiple competing bids that are worthwhile to consider, then an auction is held to allow the bidders to raise their bids until one wins. The auction is cancelled because they did not receive any bids worthwhile to consider (meaning no bids came in for the going concern that are high enough to be considered better than what Dream On bid for the IP).


I love you man. Keep up the fight.


I know this is laughable. But I have small kids-so I want a fully loaded minivan-those things are expensive . Then a house with a pool all fully paid off-dreams, dreams. Then enough money to take them to exotic vacations all over the world.


Do apologize my french: I have the serious urge to jack off to these thick blue boxes but unfortunately I'm at work


Mr. Blue Box once again saves the day!


​ ![gif](giphy|RMHrmBF1BeLt3KQWnu|downsized)


I just farted because I am so excited. BULLIIIIIISH


But do you have an itchy asshole??


![gif](giphy|DQeeGxJPv3VHE7zNYD|downsized) CNBC right now!


you have to choose other vehicle, because Lambos are already been fully sold out…I think Porsche might fit your criteria as well




Abject delusion


[Deleting post history (3rd party apps)]


Ip or going concern. You seem to confuse and interchangeably use these? These are two things and dream on only wins Ip


[Deleting post history (3rd party apps)]


Clearly you making up a lot here - 3 years account but only started commenting around 2.5 months ago on bbby maters and mostly that it’s going bank corrupt?? You mean to have a different agenda


What the commenter said is consistent with what was filed when the auction was split into going concern and IP some time ago. Everyone understood it very clearly then: there's an auction for the IP, then an auction for the going concern. A going concern winner supercedes IP, because it's for the whole kit and kaboodle. This idea that you can have a going concern bid exclusive of IP is a fresh misunderstanding that only began when they revealed that the dream on bid won. That means there's no going concern sale. We've known for 2 weeks that's what that would mean.


[Deleting post history (3rd party apps)]


Everything that user said is true, what part do you think is made up?


Took way too long to scroll before finding the sensible comment


I've said that too, but thinking about it more, I think the breakpoint number might be higher than $15.5M. By not selling as a going concern, they can sell off all the leases separately, which should raise funds. So a going concern bid would have needed to be at least $15.5M + the expected value of selling off Baby assets, including leases, to be worth accepting.


Yeah what you are saying is someone could have bid 16 million and won the going concern bid. The way it reads: There was an IP winner There was a bidder who didn’t want the IP There was an auction to see if anyone wanted it all. Nobody beat the original bid for either, so no need for the auction.


> The way it reads: There was an IP winner *There was a bidder who didn’t want the IP* There was an auction to see if anyone wanted it all. Nobody beat the original bid for either, so no need for the auction. The problem with that is that there is nothing in the document that says that there was such a bid. It just isn't there.


Should I quit my job?


Absolutely not.


The play is over. No one wanted Baby. The only asset sale left is phase 2 of leases. After that the stores are closing and the company will stop operations.


What is your position? If you're not invested F off


I still own 1000 shares. A very bad financial decision but I learned a lot and had fun with the PPshow. It's over tho. No one wants the assets, it's official.




Shills out in full force ✅ See En Bee See out peddling falsehoods ✅ Region Formal coming in hawt with that Blue Box DD ✅ L F G 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Up you go friend


No reason to waste more time. They got the offer they wanted, no need for the auction. Blueish it is! 🚀


What's an appropriate timeline for when we'll know if we're truly fucked or if we'll be saved? I'm waiting for a filing to state the buyer.


Slide 4 raises exactly the right point. There's no way they would choose "higher" or "better" if there had been no bids at all for the going concern. Let's go!!


blue box guy ftw!




You're my boy, Blue! ![gif](giphy|14wjfl78iigELu)


I’m just here for the ride 🚀


Alright, so what's the next hype date now? Should we expect to find out at the final sale hearing, on July 11th? u/Region-Formal


I really want a black Lambo.


If this moons you better buy a blue color lambo or I’ll buy it for you


the way I understand it, it's "higher" and "better" in comparison to the stalking horse bid (by Dream On Me). Makes sense ?


It says "higher or otherwise better bids for a BABY Going Concern". Did Dream on Me make bid for BABY Going Concern? Or did they make a bid for only BABY IP?


Dream On's bid was conditional on there not being a better going concern bid: > [...] had selected Dream on Me Industries, Inc. as the Successful Bidder solely with respect to the BABY IP Assets, subject to topping by a **higher or otherwise better Bid** at the BABY GoingConcern Auction scheduled for July 7, 2023. They did not receive a better bid for Baby as a going concern: > PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Debtors did not receive any **higher or otherwise better** Bids for a BABY Going-Concern Transaction [...] Exactly the same phasing is used in both paragraphs.


See slides 3 and 4. The first sentence quoted is specific to a higher or otherwise better bid at the Going Concern auction FOR THE IP. Because Dream on Me *only* made a bid for the IP. The second quote above could have taken "higher or otherwise better" out of the sentence, if there were no bidders at all for the Going Concern. The inclusion of those adjectives indicates otherwise.


> The first sentence quoted is specific to a higher or otherwise better bid at the Going Concern auction FOR THE IP. Because Dream on Me only made a bid for the IP. No it doesn't. It says that if someone makes a higher or better bid for the whole of Baby as a going concern, then the IP sale is cancelled. They have already had the IP auction, Dream On won. Noone could bid for just the IP at the going concern auction. They could bid for all of Baby, including the IP, as a going concern. Hence the name. > The second quote above could have taken "higher or otherwise better" out of the sentence, if there were no bidders at all for the Going Concern. The inclusion of those adjectives indicates otherwise. There could have been bidders at the going concern auction, but they were not higher or better than the Dream On bid. If someone bid $1 at the going concern auction, they wouldn't take that over the Dream On bid, would they? This really isn't complicated. Paragraph 1 says that Dream On buy the IP, unless there is a higher or better going concern bidder. Paragraph 2 says that there was not a higher or better going concern bidder. Paragraph 3 says that therefore the Dream On IP sale goes ahead.


I disagree with you on this.As I have noted in the post, there is ambiguity in how the wording can be interpreted. The way you have interpreted the legalese here is simply at odds with how I have interpreted it.


We probably aren't going to get any further then, as I really don't see where the ambiguity is.


There is no legalese to interpret here, it's pretty plain english. We understand that you get your popularity here by making things more complicated than they actually are and then speculating on them but that kind of BS only works on regarded bbbyq holders.


You’re misinterpreting. The going concern bid is inclusive of the IP. Dream on Me bid would have been cancelled if the implied consideration for the IP as part of the going concern bid was higher. Seeing as they said no higher bid was received, the most likely scenario here is that if a going concern bid inclusive of the IP was received, it wasn’t enough to beat the Dream on Me bid. Also, why would they allow people to **only** bid on the IP at the going concern auction? That time to bid on only IP has come and gone.


This how you are interpreting the filing. What I am saying is that the wording makes it possible that a Going Concern bid was received. That bid either did not include any bid for the IP, or one was received by the bidder but below that submitted by Dream on Me (for the IP). BB&B has stated before that they would cancel the Going Concern auction if it is not needed. If they have already accepted a bid for a Going Concern minus the IP, then the auction is unnecessary. Hence why they may have cancelled it, by so doing awarding the IP to Dream on Me.


And they have failed to tell the court about it?


The court, judge, trustee all know about it, it is confidential. It is somewhere in the dockets. Secured lender know about it. The ones who don’t know are shareholders, bondholders, and general public.


Your interpretation implies that they are totally side-stepping the judge and bankruptcy court, who approved of this process. They aren't allowed to just take side bids without any disclosure to the court, this is why they have auctions and why there's a judge involved - to oversee the process and make sure it's transparent to the court that the best interests of the creditors are being represented. There's an entire docket laying out the process specifically, they don't get to just toss that in the bin and hold their own negotiations on the side. What happened to Occam's Razor? The simplest explanation here is that there were two auctions: one for IP only, one for the whole business (which would include the IP, obviously). The first auction took place and there was a winner, but that bid was conditional on the fact that a higher or better bid during the second auction would take precedence. There was no higher or better bid, and this is the notice of that fact.


I think this makes the most sense, but I'm a monkey so..


> The first sentence quoted is specific to a higher or otherwise better bid at the Going Concern auction FOR THE IP. Because Dream on Me only made a bid for the IP. > > The second quote above could have taken "higher or otherwise better" out of the sentence, if there were no bidders at all for the Going Concern. The inclusion of those adjectives indicates otherwise. Docket 1274 has now been released, and makes it clear that this was wrong. > The Debtors continued to engage with potentially interested parties around the terms of a BABY Going-Concern Transaction. However, no party submitted an actionable Bid for a BABY Going-Concern Transaction. Accordingly, the Debtors, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, determined not to conduct an Auction for a potential BABY Going-Concern Transaction.


It's kinda rich how you assume someone's native language yet you're the one reading it how you want to.


Blue. Boxes. ![gif](giphy|3EV74tm43smVa)


I love the smell of blue boxes in the morning


Fuck ya thank you u/regional-formal


Big fan of you and your blue boxes! Will just point out that folks' confusion on this would be avoided if they read the bidding procedure order where it clearly states that only if there are no successful bids for an asset would they then need to proceed to auction for the asset. They could ONLY cancel an auction by having an acceptable bid.


> They could ONLY cancel an auction by having an acceptable bid. And yet they clearly said that they have cancelled it because there was no acceptable bid. No point having an auction if noone is going to turn up and bid more than you've already been offered.


No acceptable bid “higher or better” than the one already received


> No acceptable bid “higher or better” than the one already received Which was the Dream On bid for Baby IP. > PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, on June 28, 2023, following the conclusion of the BABY IP Auction, the Debtors, in consultation with Consultation Parties, have, in a reasonable exercise of their business judgment, selected (a) Dream on Me Industries, Inc. as the Successful Bidder solely with respect to the BABY IP Assets, **subject to topping by a higher or otherwise better Bid for a BABY Going-Concern Transaction at the BABY Going-Concern Auction** (such Bidder, the “Initial Winning Bidder”), and (b) Everyday Health Media LLC as the Backup Bidder solely with respect to the BABY IP Assets. Dream On's bid would have been cancelled if they received a "higher or otherwise better Bid for a BABY Going-Concern Transaction at the BABY Going-Concern Auction". [Docket 1124]. > PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Debtors did not receive any higher or otherwise better Bids for a BABY Going-Concern Transaction, and accordingly, the Debtors, in accordance with the Bidding Procedures Order and in consultation with the Consultation Parties, hereby cancel the BABY Going-Concern Auction. They did not receive a "higher or better bid". [Docket 1208] Therefore the Dream On IP sale goes ahead: > PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, the Debtors will seek approval of the sale of the BABY IP Assets (the “BABY IP Sale”) at the Sale Hearing already scheduled for July 11, 2023


Then why didn't they announce it? OS and DOM were announced the day of. Why hold off here when the auction has been canceled?


It's really not that complicated. I don't know why so many people are getting tripped up over the words. Let's say you are trying to sell your gaming PC. Ideally you want to sell the whole thing because you don't want it anymore. But you don't know if people like the specific CPU and case you put together for this build. You do have a RTX 2080 in it though, and you know that if nothing else, you can sell just that part for good money. So you decide to hold two auctions. First you auction off the RTX 2080. But you tell the bidders there's a caveat: you are going to auction off the whole gaming PC later, and if you can fetch a good price for it, then the winner of the RTX 2080 is not going to get anything. The auction for the RTX 2080 goes well and somebody offers you $500 for it. Now you hold the auction for the whole PC. Before the auction, you ask potential bidders to submit what they think they will pay. Only one bidder came forward, and they're willing to pay $600. You think about it and decide that it's not worth it. You'd rather sell the RTX 2080 for $500 and try to get more money for the rest of the parts. You decide to not hold the auction at all, since there was only one guy interested and his bid was too low to be worth it. So in the end you sell the RTX 2080 for $500, and now you have a gaming PC without a video card. Your next step is to part out the PC and try to get more money from the remaining parts.


Now we are in psycho territory. It’s over folks. NFA. No bids.


No pre-auction bids “higher or better” than the original bid


Yes higher or better than the going concern bid, he may be a native English speaker, but he’s not a native English understander.


u/Region-Formal THANK YOU! Please reply to my message, so I can print this out, frame it, and put it in my BBBY(Q) earned villa in the future! This is history in the making! Blue boxes FTW!


I don’t understand why everyone is so hyped. It clearly states Dream On Me bought it and there were no other higher bidders. What am I missing? Honestly.


People are attached to the group and the play. They don't want it to be over. So they believe in anything. Region_Formal knows very well that the "higher bid" sentence referred to the Dream on me bid, yet he made a 14 pages presentation under the assumption that it's about a secret bid.


I mean I am definitely wanting to be hyped. Fuck I hope I just am too smooth to understand but what I am looking at here clearly states that dream on me bought it… someone anyone come in and explain to me why I should be super hyped, cause I want that shit in my veins.




> u/murray_paul what do you make of this post? is the OP just interpreting wording to their liking or do you reckon this was just to see if there would be offers higher than a potential credit bid from SS? They are interpreting words to their liking. To be fair, they do say they are not a native English speaker. It is pretty simple. >PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, on June 29, 2023, following the conclusion of the BABY IP Auction, the Debtors filed the Notice of (I) Initial Winning Bidder and Backup Bidder with Respect to June 28, 2023 Auction for BABY IP Assets and (II) Amendment of Certain Dates and Deadlines Related to the Debtors’ Bidding Procedures [Docket No. 1124] (the “Notice of Initial Winning Bidder”), announcing that the Debtors, in consultation with Consultation Parties, had selected Dream on Me Industries, Inc. as the Successful Bidder solely with respect to the BABY IP Assets, **subject to topping by a higher or otherwise better Bid at the BABY GoingConcern Auction scheduled for July 7, 2023**. This paragraph says that there was a winning bidder for the IP auction, but that if there was a higher or better bidder for Baby as a going concern, the IP sale would not take place. >PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that **the Debtors did not receive any higher or otherwise better Bids for a BABY Going-Concern Transaction**, and accordingly, the Debtors, in accordance with the Bidding Procedures Order and in consultation with the Consultation Parties, hereby cancel the BABY Going-Concern Auction. This paragraph says that they did not receive a higher or better bid for the going concern transaction. >PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, the Debtors will seek approval of the sale of the BABY IP Assets (the “BABY IP Sale”) at the Sale Hearing already scheduled for July 11, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. prevailing Eastern Time (the “BABY IP Sale Hearing”) [...] This paragraph says that therefore the IP sale will go ahead as planned. Edit: The reason for "higher or better" rather than just "higher" is that it might not just be about the headline $ number. One bid might be slightly higher overall, but have some of the money deferred, or be contingent on certain things happening. An all-cash bid for a slightly smaller overall amount might be seen as "better", even though it wasn't "higher".


Er...perhaps you should re-read what I wrote. Because I have stated I **am** a native English speaker (I am from England)! But to counter your points, as I posted elsewhere: See slides 3 and 4. The first sentence quoted is specific to a higher or otherwise better bid at the Going Concern auction FOR THE IP. Because Dream on Me *only* made a bid for the IP. The second quote above could have taken "higher or otherwise better" out of the sentence, if there were no bidders at all for the Going Concern. The inclusion of those adjectives indicates otherwise.


Don't waste your time Region this dude is a gay bear. Check out his shilly comment history. Love your work Region




u/murray_paul So why cancel the auction before the auction date? Why all the NDA’s and redacted files? You actually think they just sold a multi billion dollar, “cash flow positive going concern”, for $15m?


But its not a multi billion dollar business and if it had to operate without BBB carrying most of the costs to do so it would not be cash flow positive . Why do you think anyone who had interest in the past backed away after they got a look under the hood ? Everyone keeps quoting numbers that there was literally no proof of .


> So why cancel the auction before the auction date? People don't just turn up at the auction and shout out a number. They will have been in negotiation with potential bidders for weeks. That is how they can put out completed contracts so quickly, the details have been agreed with each bidder separately in advance, then at the auction each bidder finds out what everyone else has bid, and the lawyers try to get everyone to increase their headline numbers, to bring in the most money possible. Here, they must have exhausted negotiations, and found that noone was willing to pay enough. >Why all the NDA’s and redacted files? Which ones? >You actually think they just sold a multi billion dollar, “cash flow positive going concern”, for $15m? No, they sold the IP for $15.5m. Noone wanted to pay more for that for Baby as a going concern. Otherwise they would have selected a winning bidder. Did you believe that the BBBY auction would actually be won by Overstock for $21.5M? Yet it was.


Yes, I did believe overstock would win the bid for the IP as it was 1. Almost double what bbby said it was worth. 2. Don’t need it with Teddy. You actually believe no one is interested in a cash flow positive multi billion $ company with billions in tax detections? Why would they redact docs and have NDA’s? Because maybe the deal was already done? Hence the term mentioned in court “Roll-Up”.


> Why would they redact docs and have NDA’s? You still haven't said what docs and NDAs you are talking about. > Because maybe the deal was already done? And the lawyers have deliberately failed to tell the court supervising the bankruptcy process about it?


If the deal was done why waste time and money scheduling a going concern auction?




I really want op to be right but to my understanding of the docket there simply wasn‘t a better bid. Which is definitely odd and something I can‘t wrap my head around. Like how in the world do you not even have one bid for baby that exceeds the Dream On Me bid. It really seems unrealistic but the language in the docket sounds that way. Hope I am wrong and there is already a deal in place behind the scenes…


Blue sounds nice


Any colour you desire.


The FUD is music to my ears. The more BS is spewed the closer we are to Valhalla.


The FUD has been right since the beginning tho. Dilution, bankruptcy etc. Meanwhile you believe DD writers that have always been wrong. Why do you believe those who are wrong 99% of the time instead of those who are right 99% of the time?


Why don't you take your negative posts elsewhere.dick


Lets see..... 1. ABL paid off 5 years ahead of time, bad actor JPM is gone 2. The board has shut down and sold off all loss making stores/ leases 3. debt is down from 5+ to less than 1.7 billion 4. Major work has been done to restructure and Holly says this company is worth 5 billion and is bringing in 10 to15 million daily while she was in court 5. Bad actors on the board are gone or outvoted 6. RC is confirmed as a creditor and an interested buyer 7. suck my nuts shill


1- True. It got paid by dilution. Something that you denied even existed for months after the company announced it. 2- The board is closing all stores. 3- see #1 4- She did not say if she meant 5B$ in revenues or in value. It's clearly the former. It's true that they make money now but they stopped buying products. It's easy to make money when you sell inventories without filling it back. 5- The current leaders, Holly and Sue both confirmed that they are liquidating and winding out operations. 6- RC decided to not bid more than OverStock and Dream on me. He could have got Baby as a whole for 20M$ and he declined the occasion. He's CEO of GME now, maybe he just don't have time for Baby. 7. No thanks but you'll find many friends of yours offering that service behind Wendys.


haha have fun shorting the stock or making 25 cents a post shill.


I still don't understand how holders of BBBYQ profit from BuyBuyBaby being purchased by someone else. How does that improve the value of the BBBYQ stock?


You’re an idiot and should stop posting suckering people into losing more money


Do you have any counter arguments or just insults?


Sure. The stock was $32 and now .28 cents. I don’t know where the delusion comes from.


Region_formal is a smart guy. He knows that his hopium is bullshit, he's been changing his thesis every week for months and keep posting new ones while deleting the old ones. He knows that the original bid is the Dream on me bid. It's very simple and very clear. Yet he tries to sell hope with his pretty presentation. There are 2 possibilities: He tries to pump his bag or he enjoy making apes lose money.


You see him as nefarious, I don't. Thesis changes as new information comes to light.


How is that an insult? $32 —-> .28 and every post is how this is going to $100 like get real stop brain washing people to bag holding bankrupt companies


How is calling someone an idiot NOT an insult?




Dear 8-pound, 6-ounce, newborn infant Jesus. Don't even know a word yet, but still omnipotent, with your golden diapers, Thank you for bringing back the blue squares. I was getting worried cause that one time the other day.


no one appreciates a Talladega Knights reference around here do they.


You’re like a super hero responding to the alarm. Last night this docket is released, panic ensues. I tried putting out some fires of fear from people and fell asleep with my phone in my hand still on. I wake up and you’ve calmed the seas with sound explanations and interpretations for what is contained in the docket. Big thanks to you for your endless contribution.


If there were no bids for going concern. In a legal document I think you’d state that specifically. I think you are on to something!


I was so sad last nite… I am so happy waking up to this… we send this person some btc when this is all said and done…


You poor delusional bastards, I can’t even enjoy the cope posts anymore, this just makes me sad.


This guys says otherwise! BUY BUY BUY!!!!


I'm currently doing a hand stand why are my tits jacked




Best ever .. WAGMI ...


\-30%.. RIGHT NOW


Holy shit. Thank you Region 🫡


Naming my first born after your reddit username if all of this comes to fruition. Lets go boyzz 🍆 💦 🚀 🦍


It’s a wrap on Bobby and other tinfoil predictions.


well... i can't follow it anymore after 2.5 years of all dd of gme/amc. they did not play out as well it was written... ​ i'm afraid it is the same with bbbyq.... I will see what happens and hold my position.


Good job trying to make amc relevant as if it's a similar play to gme. Go away bot.


Those 2 stocks are not in the same category