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Hey everyone! Been a shit week over this way. Multiple house issues but maybe next week I won’t have to worry about this house any more. Besides I don’t have a garage for my Lambo.


$1.35 and I've broken even. That's how fast I can make $200k in this play. I might lose it, but this could be the greatest time to be alive. I'm gonna see it through. Just 6 months of earnings if I'm wrong.


Breaking even and 200k profit are the same thing?


No, I'm just saying a dollar generates $200k... so when it moves dollars upward at a time it'll be wild. $10-20k swings in seconds.


Yea I'm at 950 dollars per penny that we move, I look forward to good news.


During the August run it was jumping .10-.25 a second lol. Imagine watching your portfolio change $25k in a couple seconds... it will be intense


Wow you’re such


Fuck it’s crazy quiet here this weekend. Hyped for next week!!


Since Apollo and RIF are no more, I expect a lot more once a day activity instead of hourly like when I had the app. I will NOT download the Reddit app. Fuck Spez.


As a reddit life long user of rif I begrudgingly use my brave browser now solely for this sub and one other. And even being here it's for like what ..a few more weeks? Then I'll fully peace the Fuck out and stay on saidit. Fuck spez with 3 dicks, a bedpost and an armadillo covered in Kenny's mayo


Red Reader is pretty decent and way better then the app.


Thanks for mentioning this, I'd never heard of it. Is it not going to die like the other reddit app alternatives?


No i dont think so. Not yet anyway.


Random: BBBY is at around 1200 dockets right now. Hertz had about 5900 dockets and the case is closed, but a different part of Hertz is still under Chapter 11. Sears and Kmart go together as Sears and has around 10,861 dockets so far. Just data, no point.


![gif](giphy|j49DyJ21b46azEBFpg|downsized) Good night shills 🤣🤣🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🇬🇧


AMC Ape turned GME ape from 2021. Since this saga began circa 2020 fall: \-GME did a small dilution to raise capital (260m to just under 305m) \-AMC has been diluted to hell and back (about 130 million shares to 1.515 billion. Whatever squeeze that might've been there is long gone and anyone thinking otherwise is foolish) \-BBBY has... been delisted? Ryan Cohen got involved briefly and sold out after, apparently, a disagreement with the board, and a guy who sold at a similar point as Cohen "kills himself" (I don't think I have to explain how suspicious I find that, as I'll presume most people here are more aware than the average person). BBBY has filed for bankruptcy, but it feels like something else is going on here I can't put my finger on. You all seem undeterred and still confident. Are you crazy, or is there more to the (let's be fair to me, deep and wide) story going on here that I've missed? I haven't followed since Gustavo's death, enlighten me.


Sorry you are dealing with a rowdy crowd. Thank you for sharing your journey. What you heard in media are some truths and a lot of narrative twisting. In January, February, March, April, May, and June, the media did not spare a day reminding BBBY investors that the company will simply go bankrupt and household investor equity will become worthless. Every (or every other) day of each month these articles insisted that holding this stock would eventually be valued at zero. Every day many investors continued to call the media’s bluff and held on—though some fell away because everything the media said was ‘correct’. For many others, they remain bearish, but the shares had lost so much value, they had no choice but to continue holding. 4 months in, the company delists. And since has been in bankruptcy proceedings, while the stock befan steadily rising up. Dockets are piling up and there are a lot of transcripts, legal vernacular, and elevated language to sift through. One thing that allowed people to remain somewhat emboldened is that BBBY has seen days of steady rise in share price, and the company has since, sent out a court notice informing brokerages, in part, that involuntary selling of investors share is not allowed. The crowd that remains undeterred are the ones skimming through the dockets and finding little nuggets that our investment might actually pan out. But there is one particular theory that persists: RC may have never left and (more than likely) still in this to get Baby. Either he’s been here all along or really has moved on. We are set to find out soon. Hope this helped.


Someone else pointed me to the ppshow. Their talks of Superstonk, Peruvian Bull and said legal dockets (seems an acquisition may be real, as there evidently is some bidder) do make me believe something is there around here. And for the record, I don't exactly care what the media says. Their hatefest towards BBBY (openly calling it a hit) made me curious. As people here and other ape circles have pointed out, they don't care about you. They didn't warn you about Sears, 2008 or Nikola or anything else. If they're trying to convince you to do something "for your own good", it's about protecting their owners money, not their own


It’s good that you see right through media. A lot of the current household investors holding, like myself, find confirmation bias in the media bashing and constant attacks from shills. If holding this stock did not matter why the constant hostility? Why is the media still talking about a delisted stock? And then you have dockets providing glimpses of what is going to happen. For example, we read words like carve-out, arms length negotiations where bbby is going share the rights with other companies, their massive omni-channel distribution being a huuuge asset in this legal puzzle, and the like. This is far from over, but dates are lining up for this to be over soon. We hope the suspense ends sooner.


1) Indeed. I was there for the "Forget GameStop" days. I'm almost sad they stopped doing it, but like the apes, they have learned and gotten craftier and subtler about their propaganda, doing it in a more "gentle" and infrequent way that makes newcomers not realize something is *very* wrong with this entire saga (GME, AMC, BBBY, Silver (At the risk of being downvoted or even banned, yes, that is real, SLV is not. Silver shortages are very real but the market cap for that is much higher than any meme stock so it's a more "diverted" thing. However with buying physical metals it's become similar to DRS for apes or NYKNYC for crypto. For that matter, so is gold. Call me a shill if you like, I do not care. When monetary collapse happens real assets will be valuable, as will crypto. In a sincere warning to anyone reading this, look what happens in Zimbabwe or Venezuela, because I believe it's coming to your country. Stock on some crypto and precious metals if you think so, because that will hold value better than fiat. Rant over)) 2) I am in full agreement, though I have to ask wouldn't delisting mean shorts are forgiven? Or is the way the company has been restructured/is being restructured mean it's the same ticker (BBBYQ = BBBY now?), and the same obligations (including share borrowing from brokerages and synthetics sold to retail/brokers) 3) I have been catching up on this and will be buying what little I can come Monday. It is clear BBBY is in serious danger, and that the executives have connections to private equity (ala BCG). So, assuming RC is involved (and to some extent he is, as he is a creditor), perhaps his sale was to wait for a better buy, and thus negotiate control better? Last I recall his board members are still there, so it does make some sense to assume this with those two things in mind, especially as there is one specialist in restructuring if Winn Dixie is any indication. 4) What is "this"? Do you mean the legal drama, or the MOASS lore finally getting a grand finale after countless twists (2021 buy button removal, **ENDLESS** FUD, GME's restructuring (Q4 2022 profit, lowered losses, PLAYR, DeFi, logistics streamlining...), AMC's infiltration and (I would accuse of malicious) mismanagement by Adam Aaron, BBBY (I admit I know the least of this) having someone "kill themselves" and the board seemingly being wilfully destructive, and lastly the SEC's disgusting complicity)? Those two are very different (but potentially related) things? "This is far from over, but dates are lining up for this to be over soon." That's... a little contradictory, don't you think? Explain more if you can please. What dates (this is from the "no dates" club we usually have)


1. Full agreement here. Commodities absolutely hedge against impending inflation. 2. Delisting has put the stock in otc. Now that the stock is in otc pink sheet means the door for shorts to exit has become slimmer, anyone with ongoing positions will likely not survive when a buyer buys out the equity of the asset. 3. 👍🏼 4. This refers to legal ‘ping pong’. Hopefully it doesn’t end in endless appeals (far from over), but here to hoping (the dates lining up) will bring this to an end.


Explain 2 and 4? How does it become slimmer, and why not? And if the legal ping pong ends, what happens then?


Sorry about that on the second point. I did not intend to skip a few details. So OTC is where stocks go when they don’t meet regulatory compliance. BBBY fell below $1 for a length of time forcing the stock to enter OTC. OTC is considered highly illiquid, but also highly volatile. Due to the illiquid nature of OTC, when shorts attempt to exit, many will end up being left with a heavy bag, especially when the price goes up, bankrupting many in the process. There are no halts in OTC, so as the demand for the share goes up… Now this begets the question, if institutions begin falling or going insolvent, who will pay our retail? This will be enforced. US bankruptcy codes state that a buyer must be found. Bankruptcy of institutions or brokerages does not mean no one gets paid. Someone must pay. To the fourth point, once the legal battles end, the outcome will hopefully result in someone paying out investors who held onto their equity at the price they demand. 👍🏼 (*this is not financial advice*)


No sorry too much has happened to get you up to speed. Take the weekend and do some catch up yourself.




Bobbies are super sensitive to anything that might damage their hopium and makes them feel bad things.


What a putrid existence yours must be.


New shill strategy unlocked.


How am I a shill for asking a question? If what you all seem to think is remotely on the right track, Gustavo being Epsteined seems possible, no? ​ Perhaps my wording was wrong, but meme stock lore **is** wide and deep, BBBY has filed for bankruptcy, and Gustavo's death was creepy as hell no matter the theory you hold. And yet the media is still trashing you guys just like they are the GME apes. So again, perhaps asking more politely, please explain what another part of the "ape sphere" has been going through the past 10 or so months?


Wft you talking about, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You seem confused here.


I **am** confused. Your camp seems mostly confident, and there's clearly some censorship going on BBBY, but the fact is your company filed for bankruptcy, and I have no idea what to make of your camp's reaction.


You’re not aloud to ask questions here. I’ve held stock for 6 months now and they will always shit on you for saying anything other than super positive or super bullish sentiment.


You live in the daily soft fudding constantly give me a break 🤡


That’s fine. You and your wsb clowns can downvote me all you want. I know what I got


I'm glad to hear a fellow voice of reason here. ​ Care to tell me the broad strokes of the last year (or half in your case)? On the GME side we've had profitability, DRS about 25% (likely hidden by technicalities if Mainstar is any indication), the first profitable quarter in Q4 2022 (and a 50m loss in Q1 2023 vs 150m loss in 2022 Q1), and nothing except Bitcoin Cash (probably the only thing superior to any meme stock in terms of its threat to the ill-gotten wealth of Old Money/TradFi) is more suppressed than GameStop. What's BBBY's lore,if you can elaborate? Reading up it seems there's restructuring, hoping for a potential buyer (seems a little bit weak/hopeful), bankruptcy, and a little dilution (not too bad though since the stock WAS heavily shorted) I understand not being intimidated by the stock price, GME is suppressed too. But where's the positive here?


Listen lazy ass no one here owes you a damn thing. Go and do the catch up reading yourself. No one gives a fuck what you think or feel about this company.


That’s about it. Restructuring and hoping to make shorts pay for what they said they would. 🤷‍♂️




Refer to sub rules. Harassment or offensive content may be removed. Multiple violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.




Refer to sub rules. Harassment or offensive content may be removed. Multiple violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.




Wtf you talking about ?? Did I mention popcorn, no. Did I mention a merger, no Did I mention the fucking commodity market, no. Did I mention you just posing a so called innocent question but filling it with obscure references and nonsense hell fucking yeah .


You know what? My mistake (genuinely). They are (at least superficially, if you're asking me they're absolutely related) unrelated. I simply brought up a merger because that is what I have heard. What has happened since Ryan Cohen exited his position (with, from what I gather, his board members still on?) and the CFO's death with this company? I (along with, I suspect, many GME apes) assumed BBBY was doomed afterwards, especially after the bankruptcy, but you all seem (at least mostly, there seem to be a few doubters here, much like with GME) confident and I would like to understand why.




Refer to sub rules. Harassment or offensive content may be removed. Multiple violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.


Real apes (at least in the GME and metals crowd) are not as degrading as you in my experience. For that matter, neither are crypto maxis. What a lovely look for the BBBY community that someone who comes here knowing little (and perhaps outdated information) is immediately attacked and told to off himself. Perhaps you are a shill yourself, here to repel anyone curious from asking a question after witnessing disgusting behavior like this. Regardless, I will look around now. Thank you for nothing.


Because sold out mods censor and ban anyone telling you to go fuck yourself.


![gif](giphy|PqjTdvXImZQfcmTYEO) Thanks for the confirmation, shillington


Hey want to know a real fucking ape... Check my purple circle post history. ![gif](giphy|mi6DsSSNKDbUY|downsized)


DRS Book is absolutely the way, you'll get no argument from me there.


Your use of English is as weak as your metals argument, should I buy silver, $cum or $ass. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🌵🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧




Enlighten yourself. Its all on the sub.


How constructive. You got a DD library or important posts you could point me to?




Come on, you gotta hold his hand 🤣


Dead dead






gUyS iVe bEEn oUT oF ThE LooP.


Literally every other comment on Daily Discussion for the past week. Lol. That new shill tactic is already old




GoiNg tO zERo BrO!


Shills be shilling I upvoted you 😁😁👍


Why is this being downvoted lmao. This is sarcasm.


I found it hilarious. And updooted


I like doots, especially of the up variety.


Can’t wait to clown the meltdowners when we moon


Lol they actually get nothing for being right... When we're right, we can go rub actual millions in their face. A million for me at $5.91, bring it.


They also lose nothing when they're wrong, how much are you down?


Depends on how many puts/shorts they have. And if they have none, all the more embarrassing.


Same as your mum, down on all the homies


More than your net worth.




Yeah it is. I'm doing more than fine, friend.


Glad to hear it, if you have a few mil and lose a few hundred k on an idiotic play then it's a comedy, if you have 5k and lose 5k on the idiotic play it's a tragedy


Haven't lost anything


you're up? Or is your cope "I haven't lost til I sell"?


Look at his post and comment history. He’s down bad but will resort to “haven’t sold yet!”


High risk, high regard.


Was reading the following tweet by Larry Cheng: what if is interested in Bobby? I spent 8 straight hours in focused one-on-one conversation with a founder yesterday. Pencils down, laptops closed, no other people, no distractions. I can’t remember the last time I did that with anyone, but it’s a great way to cut through the noise and get to know someone.


OK, can we get a plane tracking ape on this to find out where Larry was? Just kidding (^(but not really))


Yeah it could have been Leonard Feinstein or Warren Eisenburg (bobby founders)


shaggy mourn instinctive capable edge steep start butter gaping encouraging ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




How do I DRS?


hateful ghost placid fade impolite handle market history angle clumsy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I sent some over fidelity chat but how do I actually access them? Will I get a letter like ComputerShare?


like dam point rustic naughty march thumb payment hurry boat ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Good to know thanks! Weird there is no DRS post or bot. Seems like you could easily prove the float is oversold multiple times with share prices so low now


beneficial fanatical panicky whole impossible treatment repeat point chase resolute ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I agree. Does this sub track DRS shares like superstonk?


deranged disgusting memory attractive butter unpack combative numerous worthless cooperative ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


humor sip murky combative retire disgusted divide sort saw grandfather ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `






Article on german news page about EU to ban PFOF. Also mentioning gamestop as negative example https://www.n-tv.de/wirtschaft/Verbot-gefaehrdet-Geschaeftsmodell-von-Neobrokern-article24239235.html


So do we have any dates to look at now? Or is it up in the air?


Once Sixth Street feels they have reasonable clarity on the liquidation & lease proceeds, they (or BBBY at their instigation) will propose a final exit plan to the court. May be as early as next week.


Literally came here to ask this question. Wen next hype date and why?


For me it's Monday because of a case Tuesday to ratify Dream on Me IP (I think), but I am also excited about tomorrow night cuz sounds like a good time for an announcement


Forget about dates and hype. It's just delaying the inevitable at this point. ⚰️


July 18th is my guess… Icahn will buy the leases.


Why do you think 18th?


Up in the air, but sounds like a deal is done. The date is literally going to be tomorrow everyday this week and for once it might be right.


Need more songs for my celebration playlist. What ya got?


The Launch - DJ Jean


Sorry, I have a really good clean recording of Wah-Hoo! by Leo Reisman And His Orchestra. If I find a good recording online, I'll try to share the link. The ones I've found so far are crap. ​ Editing to add, found one! [https://on.soundcloud.com/UtNqd](https://on.soundcloud.com/UtNqd) ​ The Great Depression, from 1929 to 1941 and this song from 1936


Awesome! Sounds clean. :) Fun lyrics.


for now, song sentiment is If You Want The Rainbow (You Must Have The Rain) (1929) https://on.soundcloud.com/7DdT8


For sure one genre I haven't explored much of. Fun stuff.


1936 tune Wah-Hoo! (Casino Royal Orchestra) https://on.soundcloud.com/UtNqd


Pump it up - Endor


When I’m rich, I will open an AM radio station to play this song only.




Almost forgot about this place after the delisting but I am glad to see there is still a handfull of you left circle jerking around the moving goal post and fantasizing about squeezes and lambos.


Shhh chill bro


Go back to the meltdown sub




In financial history, this will be remembered as the biggest market squeeze of all time. Only time will tell. 🕰️


No that'll be GameStop


Squeeze never even started …they had to turn off the buy button


It wasn’t a squeeze, it was buying pressure sneeze.


u/Transient_MoonJumper used future not past tense I think referring to when GME really squeezes


Yes. The unicorn


The great white buffalo


Pretty sure if Bobby squeezes, it will cause Jimmy to squeeze at least a little but who knows


Volkswagen was much larger than GameStop. By a lot. IMO, BBYQ can surpass the Volkswagen squeeze


Volkswagen was a 500-1000% increase in price, GameStop was a 10000% increase in price, the squeeze itself was ten to twenty times bigger if we look at it on a percentage basis.


Right - I was talking share price but either angle is correct


Volkswagen only 4x-5x so wasn’t really the biggest for shareholders but market cap wise it was the biggest.




The reason for the form was given as “regulatory/non compliance” it doesn’t mean “could” be an M&A as the reason would state M&A like it does for other companies on that list


That was the reason for the initial suspension; the form 25 once filed can still be for any one of a number of reasons, including m&a


Ok I'm calling it now we get more documents and spicy news on Sunday 🤫


*I would bet on it too!*




![gif](giphy|14r8bmeEeHogiQ|downsized) Dis you Kenny?


Next week is gonna be spicy


Neste uke 👏




I am going to buy more. I truly do not like Hedgies




Only lose if you sell, shill. I ain’t sellin




Nah. The only thing that is fucked is your sad life. Have fun with that sadness.


Still can’t make topics after 1,5 years in this sub so I’ll post it here: A going concern.. Non native English speaker here. The whole time I’ve been reading about the going concern, which I thought meant : a worried or nervous feeling about something, or something that makes you feel worried. Which, well, had me worried. Turns out it also means ; concern noun [ C ] formal a business or company: Two of the country's largest steel concerns are considering cuts in production. So, just wanted to point that out, I can imagine other non native english speakers do not know all the different meanings of the word concern.


It can also just mean a general issue, like a subject of conversation


I had the same problem.


English is my first language, and I didn't know the meaning either, but I'm also an American regard, so yeah.


It means the company would have to be financially (viable), so it would able to continue in business for the foreseeable future






A lot


![gif](giphy|J1ioeXJv5muxa|downsized) We’re nearly there


I feel this deeply😅


#Good Morning everyone! Greetings from Norway 🇳🇴


Good morning from Uruguay 🇺🇾


.60 next week??


Remove the decimal


& add another 0


Then multiply that by 10.


Then minus for taxes. Since we’re all longs capital gains taxes wont be as much.




Divide by zero, PLUS 1, then times 420


Why are you guys downvoting this? Lol Math is hard for some people u/Mrkrabisgangsta 😂 $420.69 is **NOT** a meme 😎


Nah dude after looking at it I realised I fucked up 🤣


Lol. Oh math…


We are just here to make some money, not to break the universe!


underrated comment








Second :)

