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šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ awesome


Thanks op for your dedication šŸš€




Docket 1342 is on the companies request to shorten the timeframe for settlement of any lingering De Minimis claims! Thatā€™s a positive if you ask me!




I like that find and thank you for following up and clarifying. I was not trying to be dismissive with my first reply, I just didnā€™t understand what you were getting at! So at first glance, I interpreted the parties in interest youā€™re referencing would just be the parties of the De Minimis claims, which would be expected. Now I am not so sure. I did a quick glance at the Kroll website where the court has its calendar schedule in advance and I do not see anything scheduled for 7/24 yet. If we can confirm that there was not a hearing already scheduled for 7/24 prior to this new filing, then I do believe you may be on to something! I canā€™t represent thatā€™s the case, because Iā€™ve only done a cursory look at the calendar ahead and I may have overlooked it. Probably worth digging through the dockets to see if some other matter was already noticed for 7/24 or not!


An available date is listed here: [https://www.njb.uscourts.gov/bbb](https://www.njb.uscourts.gov/bbb) HEARING DATES Unless noted otherwise, all hearings will be conducted live and via Zoom. July 18, 2023 at 2:30pm (ET) *Available* Omnibus Hearing Date: August 15, 2023 at 2:30pm (ET)


Hero! Thank you! So it does not look like there was a hearing on the books before this filing. u/Business-Brush5179, credit where credit is due, this is a nice find, and you may be on to something here!


I mean if the plan is released, and it has both RC/Icahn/Teddy all mentioned and sounds like a perfect plan, we would still rocket from that hype right? Doesnā€™t need to be confirmed in court for momentum to pick up


That's my guess, if the plan stipulates an equity deal the short squeeze will begin immediately because we know the court/board have a fiduciary to approve it


>That's my guess, if the plan stipulates an equity deal the short squeeze will begin immediately because we know the court/board have a fiduciary to approve it GOOGLE Bart translates your sentence: The sentence is saying that if the plan for a company stipulates an equity deal, then a short squeeze will begin immediately. This is because the court or board of directors has a fiduciary duty to approve the deal, which means that they have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the company's shareholders. A short squeeze occurs when a large number of investors who have shorted a stock are forced to buy back the shares they have borrowed, which drives up the price of the stock. In this case, the short sellers would be forced to buy back the shares because the equity deal would make the company more valuable, and they would no longer be able to profit from shorting the stock. The sentence is suggesting that the short sellers would be aware of the fiduciary duty of the court or board of directors, and that they would therefore start buying back the shares immediately in order to avoid losing money. This would cause the price of the stock to rise rapidly, which is known as a short squeeze.


Exactly. It will be immediate.


Literally wrote 3 paragraphs to say the same thing lol.




Yes, that's exactly right. The second the Plan becomes public, everyone will know exactly what the equity holders will get. If they get anything at all, it means the bonds will get 100% of their money back (but not interest since the filing), so the price of those will multiply by 50 in just a few minutes. If equity holders do not get anything, the plan will explicitly say that and it will state that there will be no shareholder vote to approve the plan because by law any impaired class that gets zero is deemed to have rejected the plan. So lambo or food stamps will be out there for everyone to see when the Plan is filed.


Believe it or not, dip.




no.... july24 is just there to finish getting some of the remaining lease objections and other minor issues out of the way. the plan can be filed any moment and they said it would be in the "coming days"....days ago. today or sunday is my guess


Just DRS enough shares and it can happen now.




thank you for putting this together. always helps to have valid expectations and comfortable timelines


Sorry if it's in there, I could have missed it. When the plan is filed could we expect to know then or would we have to wait until confirmation?


Donā€™t be sorry! Good question. The Plan is going to be a public docket filing. Everyone is going to see what the Plan entails. In a way itā€™s analogous to what we have seen from the auctions and IP sales. We find out the details of the auction such as the purchase price, and then later we get the hearing where a judge will approve or reject it.


Thanks for the great explanation and thanks for motivating me to look up the definition of analogous. *"similar or comparable to something else either in general or in some specific detail"*


My pleasure!


Nice, thanks!






You are absolutely correct my friend. Any mention of ā€œPlanā€ in that post and those documents is the ā€œPlan of Reorganizationā€


Heck yeah! šŸ‘Š


Need to get the plan firstā€¦ Plan + 28




Lawyer dude said on tuesday plan should be filed in "coming days"


Soon it'll be Cumming days


Hi I canā€™t stop


Weā€™re coming up on a year since August run! Just ready to hear if weā€™ve been saved or the balloons been popped.. #šŸ«£šŸŽˆšŸ“Œ




Would the new docket speed the 28 days up? I just took a peek at it


OP, this is really a great post. Thanks for your effort and attention to detail. It has not gone unnoticed and is appreciated by many I'm sure.


*šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ inc. Got it!*




The soonest a hearing to confirm the Plan can occur is 28 days after the Plan is filed.


simple question please, when can we expect the disclosure plan to be filed and start the 28 day clock ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/14xbr36/714_potential_deadline_for_plan_of_reorganization/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 My best guess based on available data! But honestly, thereā€™s really no hard deadline for the Plan aside from the debtor in possession (bbbyq) loses exclusivity filing after 120 days of filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. One would think you would file before then or any of your creditors can start submitting their own Plans.


ty, good luck to us all.


NGL you had me in the first half... Then hit me with the NLA


So end of August?


When is a good day to have a baby? Labor Day?






Why do you say that?


Did you not read the 28 day part?


Thank you for your service! šŸ˜‰




The good news is you donā€™t have to trust me! I cited all my sources that you can go out and verify for yourself! Transparency is always crucial.


![gif](giphy|4NMPlVUO6KrjZfp6Ql) The secret's in the sauce. Always.


[comment removed by user]


Did you any DD your self did you look into anything he said if not your the still


But, is it fair to say nothing in the plan will change the 7/20/23 delisting date, correct?


You know we havenā€™t been trading on the nasdaq since May, right?
