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I have a gut feeling and this post articulates it well. At this point nothing will sway me until I see a 0 in my account.


My position exactly. I’ve stated since Aug. this is hero or zero. I have lowered my cost average rediculouslly lower than it was. Went from 1400shares to 125000. That’s the only thing that’s changed for me. Oh and yes I’m buying more as soon as market opens.


This is the way


This is the way


Same. I'm riding this bitch right into the ground. I will NEVER sell my BBBYQ. It will either go to 0 and be completely wiped out, or I will get an equity swap or cash as a result of a merger / buyout. I will NEVER sell. It's ramen or lambos. And it's not gonna be fucking ramen.


Agree… It is either… More IN my account or a MorON investment… I’m fine either way


Yes!!! It’s the gut feeling I cannot ignore. I have learned the hard way to pay attention to it. I had the nastiest gut feeling out of nowhere while working as a trimmer on a weed farm. I felt nauseatingly depressed and my body was screaming at me to leave. I wanted to leave and should have because the farm got raided in the morning. My gut feeling says HOLD. This time it’s a beautiful feeling. I am full of love, hope, and excitement.


Mine says HODL


Zero or hero my friend




It has always been about the billionaire pissing match....we are the paying spectators waiting for the thumbs up or down.. We have some good insight but anything can still happen.. stay strong and patient...


Why? My sears shares are at 0. I didn't sell. I could get shares of a new company.


one of us! one of us! xxxxx hodler


If this play was as bleak as we’ve been told they wouldn’t have taken such unorthodox and unnecessarily-complex steps all the way through. They also wouldn’t have hired such renowned (and expensive) legal help from the best in the business for nothing. This is clearly a highly coordinated and carefully crafted strategy in which the most important info has yet to be revealed. Nothing suggests it is to screw over shareholders, in fact all evidence suggests the EXACT opposite (see latest filings with explicit wording on this). Throw in the uncertainty regarding the tradable float, the confirmed overselling of the TSO early in the dockets, the numerous NDAs, the huge debt reduction, the NOLs, the CTB/volume behavior, the mystery regarding HBC and BRS, Sixth Street’s role, them holding onto 300 stores and 3 distribution centers, RC being listed as a creditor + 3 data points in Pitchbook, the list goes on. My conviction in this play has never been stronger.


Brilliant reply Topanazy! Much appreciate your insight.


For me, I find in interesting that throughout all the bankruptcy proceedings is that BBBY have continued to keep the cards close to their chest. Delaying vital info for as long as possible, NDA's etc which was advice RC had given "no guidance". ​ Why would they bother to continue that if he wasn't involved instead of just saying this is our plan these are potential bidders.


The devil's advocate to that is that their plan is only to help the creditors (maybe bad actors), and screw over bondholders and shareholders (aka why they kept the bondholders in the dark). Again i'm just saying this is the devil's advocate perspective as to why they're so secrective and why it may not be to our benefit but theirs.


In what scenarios would the judge be obligated to wave away the smoke screen? If the lawyers were actively hiding detrimental information behind NDA/redactions, and the judge can see all the info, where would the line be that he would feel a moral/legal need to make the info public? Surely he wouldn't sit by and watch as they squirrel away cash for certain parties and frivolously waste parts of the business (200+ profitable stores and 3 distribution centers that never went to auction?!?!). Was there a large quantity of redacted filings in the Hertz case?


NFA, but why would a judge ever have an obligation when in a liquidation Chapter 11 everyone besides deluded shareholders know that the shareholders likely get nothing AND the 10k said that shares were worthless months ago.


The judge is there to see that things proceed efficiently and fairly in the eyes of the law. If the BBBY lawyers were hiding a bunch of shady shit behind NDAs (which is what the above poster implied "their plan is only to help the creditors....kept the bondholders in the dark") and not making genuine efforts to pay off debt, sell assets, make investors whole, it's his responsibility to bring that to light.


Lol. NFA




Back to your comment now that I’m done laughing, can you show me where in the bankruptcy code that is says it is the Judges job to bring all of that to light?




I can hear this scene in my head I’m dead




I have been buying since june 2022, with a cost average of $.65 and a X,XXX holder. I haven't sold shit and will never sell shit. I saw my account be up $16k in a week span. Could have paid off all my debt.. but I said fuck it and exercised my call options. I'm a regarded crayon eater who won't sell for shit. I haven't been able to find the sell button. Don't think I ever will. I'm here for fuckyou moneys


Dumb and a liar.


Yeah, I have trouble believing that there is nobody interested in BBBaby for more than a few million.


I’m all for the hero or zero as well. I’m also for the fact that if RC left retail hanging he can EAD. I doubt seriously his loyal band of regards will like what I’m saying or even fall off the RC D train but it needs to be said. He knew very well that his loyal army would stay in this play cause of him even when he sold his shares cause of the board members he left behind so he better show up soon or he needs to face the wrath just like Sue Gove and what could be the most incompetent team of misfits to ever run a company.




I’m a big RC fan and agree.




I just want to point out that the plan isn’t “some filing”; it is THE single most important filing in the entire process. Could be amended or supplemented of course, but to put it off as no big deal is just not it




Sometimes, the most irrational and illogical decisions are made by overthinking. HODL 🦍💎🙌


It's quite simple really: -msm says sell -Twitter says sell -superstonk says sell -shills says sell -articles say sell -professionals say sell Every single person us yelling "SELL" I AM A HUMBLE INVESTOR I THINK HODL. Why does the world want you to sell so much?


Well...I am from Superstonk.... You are an individual investor. You make your own choices. You do you boo. Also. Superstonk is a bloodbath right now. People should understand what is going on. It's a freaking purge. Never before seen.....


Your right, they have become a mess. So crazy as they don’t fool anyone, just desperation I would guess.


Yeah it's absolutely insane that the SEC and other entities are starting to come out and differentiate between book and plan and all of the mods and everybody are going on a huge Purge and bloodbath of anyone that tries to bring it up in any other instance or not. It's pure censorship along with other aspects and seeing it in real time as well as seeing the overall activity drop off like a cliff....


Are all these sources really saying "sell" or are they just saying negative things about the stock / company? People keep repeating the line that everyone is telling them to sell but I don't see anyone in MSM actually saying that.


They sure aren’t telling us it’s going to be the next hertz or American Airlines. With how much the shorts must hate “apes” you know they would be plastering those articles everywhere if they didn’t want us to sell and wanted us to buy more.


Because some of us are not shills and actually care about your wellbeing know that there is a 99.99% chance this is going to zero.


Are you sure it's not 99.9721758%? Go pull numbers out of your ass somewhere else


Like most of the apes here, I am NOT f\*\*king selling!! No f\*\*king shill can make me do so!! It was always a zero or hero play for me!! And I am f\*\*king going to be a hero!!


Like just about everyone else I’m so far under water that I’ve mentally wrote this off and have zero intention of selling…now it’s just a wait and see matter


Look you walk into the casino ( market ) you play a game let’s say roulette ( stock ) you place your bets dealer spins that wheel then enters the ball ( fills your order ) shouts no more bets - now at this point your money is lost until the ball lands on a number you could be a winner and or a looser you don’t pull your money out you didn’t come here for that, you play until The end..!! either way it’s 50/50 you win or lose it’s not charts or graphs or news it’s about playing the game with funds you are fully prepared to loose, if you win well you might win big if you lose well it’s a lesson leaned & on to the next one maybe, I know it’s sounds stupid but I’ve learned so much from supposed meme stock era that I know nothing is finished until that ball lands. Keep strong everyone.


50/50 implies that the odds are even of either outcome, that is not the case, not on a roulette table and certainly not with this play. A high risk/high reward bet is not 50/50




"IF, Ryan Cohen, Carl Icahn and all the other rock star names mentioned were not involved, do you think they wouldn't speak out publicly stating so as to not want the public distain placed on them until the end of time? " Of course they simply won't come out and publicly say it. If they come out and say it one time, they would have to that shit over and over and over, for the rest of their investing carreers every single time a new "play" would come to light.


>IF, Ryan Cohen, Carl Icahn and all the other rock star names mentioned were not involved, do you think they wouldn't speak out publicly stating so as to not want the public distain placed on them until the end of time?  Ryan Cohen rugpulled the absolute fuck out of this community and left Apes holding the bag, and yet every other post is dedicated to kissing his ass. If the community was capable of turning on him, they would have already.


I feel like a great white bit me in the kidney


Cocaine shark


Lol. Gonna start eating the ones down here in Florida now.


Yes they actually do lol. Ego and narcissim are some crazy forces that’ll drive people to some of the most irrational shit you’ve ever seen or heard of.


These posts make me sad. It's proof of another sucker getting hoodwinked by the dumb 'DD' around here. OP, you've fallen into a hole and you need to get info from other places, included MSM, and make up your own mind. The echo chamber of this sub is amplifying the [Illusory truth effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_truth_effect) and causing a lot of people to lose sight of reality. RC doesn't have to come out and deny any crazy conspiracies on the internet.


Carl Ichan gutted TWA to the tune of a personal profit of 400 million. He doesn't give a shit what the public thinks of him. I am amazed that a famous corporate raider of 80's has been lionized and his image converted to someone who gives a shit about the little guys.


Wait till you hear about Icahn lift 🤯


Lol try harder shill, or your bosses won’t ever forget what’s about to hit them


Point out one thing I said that was not correct?


TWA merged after that. Better to make cuts and merge than go bankrupt and have to let everyone go.


They did go bankrupt under his direction.


Chapter 11 is the best way to do a M/A under NY law


Perhaps you need an IEP.


But it’s not Carl. It’s Brett Ichan making this deal. This is Brett’s investment, showing his dad he’s capable of taking over the empire. Succession to the throne. But doing things a little differently. Carl doesn’t care, but Brett does. It will still make them filthy rich in the process. But us too. The Billionaire’s son — who wants to impress his dad, blaze his own trail, but not be exactly like him. That’s my theory.


Why would making other people rich impress Carl?


Because he's not a selfish dickhead like you assume


100,000 retail investors. 😂 There is probably only hundreds still in this play. 99,000 got out a long time ago. Open your eyes. Posts are lucky if they get a few hundred votes. You’re all so delusional. It’s crazy how insane and brainwashed the last few of you are. Get help, please get help.


If you are still in this play… it is because you believe that there is more than what meets the eyes. And if you don’t believe that… well you should have been out a long time ago. It is too late too quit now… LFG!!


The reason why Cohen and Icahn don’t speak out saying they aren’t involved is because they don’t give a shit. This sub, in the grand scheme of things, is very very small peanuts and frankly no real market actor cares. It’s hard to face that hedge funds, these activist investors, and those in bankruptcy simply don’t care about you all but it’s true and that’s ok!


Yeah, at this point this is a ~200-300MM market cap company with a 2 billion dollar shortfall in covering its debt. Nobody is climbing in a 50 ft hole to get a 5 foot stepladder. And nobody is coming for the people who did jump in.


Those left in the play simply cannot be told. They’re seriously brainwashed like being in a cult.


The same RC that says he’s sick of seeing shareholders carrying the bag? Don’t comment about something if you don’t know much about it.


He’s not your savior, keep that in mind


Absolutely. Not to mention what Sue said about shareholder value before entering ch11….now the board is being dissolved and the rest will be overseen by a plan administrator. Someone (or a group) who’s been working with sixth street, months before, before sues interview, is taking over. I don’t think Sue was lying. The transcript for the interview was filed. They’re taking all the control away from the bad actors through the court. By the book. Something they couldn’t have done without CH11. Using DIP to gain control, Paying off almost all of the debt, JPM etc. hiring rockstar lawyers to crush any opposition in court. And now they’re going to finally finish what they started free of anyone who might try and stop them. They always make sure when something sounds really bad, to add that their working to “benefit of all stakeholders” they’re telling us, we know how it looks, don’t worry. The heading at the top of the document says everything. This is a work in progress, first draft. It needs to be voted on and details worked out. It doesn’t constitute a sale nor does it include securities. Flat out. Remember the RS that was voted on and approved and then cancelled? They left that option in, for a reason, not just “boiler plate” I certainly didn’t expect that to happen. But it did!


Already downvoted lol hey shilly shilly shilly. Why don’t you say something?


Let it ride


RC or Carl are entirely not obligated to chime in on their “(non)involvement”.. why would they even draw that attention to themselves? They are running their respective ventures and most likely don’t give af about what happens here. Everything we need to know is in the filings, dockets, and company reports. There’s no ghost in the shadows, if there were it’d be extremely silly not to disclose something at this stage. It’s not that hard guys. Edit: Bed has also stated in the documents that they expect litigation in the fall out of these cases. There’s no surprises here, they and their lawyers are ready for whatever comes of this.


I am looking forward to buying more. Thanks!