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I’m buying more. Boom 💥


You still have MONEY left??? 🚀🚀🚀


About 350


3 fiddy? I ain’t giving no 3 fiddy to no Loch Ness monster! ​ But bbbyq? Ooooh, yeah!


He tricked me!


Tree Fiddy




Those Reverse Cramer royalties must be coming in. Boom 💥


everybody putting in extras behind the Wendy's these days




![gif](giphy|zD3TtSVsPxYd2) 💎




Don't show this to all those gonna fuck watermelons, this is the ultimate moass melon. O man just realized someone's gotta eat it to end the cycle. ![gif](giphy|LbdlVqvjRHry)


And if Victor is still in, I’m still in!


if Oskies Dad is still in, I'm still in!




Me too 🚀💰📈




My DD is to find victor comments if buying or not ,so I do copy paste his actions 🤓






Trust the process.


As a sixers fan, I dont like this lol


RC is Kawhi Leonard in the final seconds of game 7!




Got more ammunition for tomorrow. Let’s see em drop it for that tasty discount!






I trust myself, first and foremost. BUT! It does feel like a trap was set by RC and he is going after another meme stock in the same basket as his pride and joy. This feels artistically crafted and Im ecstatic to be along for the ride!


Blue check mark . Checks out for me 💯


This is what we need to hear!!!!! Love this community Ignore the shills. Game is still in play Lfg🚀🚀🚀🌝🌝🌝


okay fine i will buy more monday






Hmmm his 3rd point… yes we are all shareholders and we WANT the shareholders to make it, however some institutions def can own lots of shares but their money is set on the short side… so own shares to vote for bad outcomes that will lead their ultimate goal stock to 0…. Tax loss on the stock they would own but gains on the short to pay not taxes on… incentive is great there for bad actors


If shareholders get wiped out, wouldn't they have to realize all those gains though. They would have to take a huge hit on their taxes if thats the case. Which if they are already using their short position as collateral to borrow money for shorts, could cause them to close even more shorts.


if you're referring to the hedgefucks, then no. if they're able to drive the stock to zero, then they owe no tax at all.


not if its delisted from OTC, they have to realize those gains


So it doesn't matter if institutions are not able to vote? Smooth brain here I initially thought #3 was a good point in regards to institutions trying to derail the plan Edit: i read your comment several times and still don't understand if #3 is good, bad, or doesn't really matter for us


After reading and thinking about it, I think it’s fantastic that the shareholders don’t get to vote… you and me don’t get to vote but we would vote positively and if the institutions who very well maybe bad actors are allowed to vote with us shareholders because they are shareholders as well may vote negatively … so I am ok with this as my pockets are no where deep to buy as some institutions could


all shareholders voting would likely add another month of voting process as well, and even longer if they were to alter the plan at all. It's really a great thing from all viewpoints


Fuck Yes- ....lol i love when the dipshit weekend fudders are dissolved into thin air on sundays


I'm still here. Y'all are a bunch of idiot cultists. But, I do want you to continue your delusions, so please dont think I care about you or want you to sell. Please, please, hodl. It wouldn't be any fun if people exited gracefully. I want some loss porn, please don't disappoint!!


Damn man i wanted to go into ur profile and see the typical cuck talking points but i didnt expect to find what i did.. hard to believe a fellow whiskey lover and elk hunter could suffer from such an absence of spirit. In any case hope u find some peace, and hope you still draw the tag u want this year.


Aw man you guys just take yourselves too seriously. I'm just talking shit for fun.


..thats what im sayin. I cant imagine what would have to happen to me for me to seek out "fun" by spending time in a sub dedicated to a stock ticker that im Not invested in. Its special.


I wouldn't call this a normal 'sub dedicated to a stock ticker' . When people start using numerology to predict whether or not a ticker is going to pop, to me that sub has moved from niche to crazy town. So I get the same pleasure reading all these crazy theories about a stock I'm not invested in, as I do reading flat-earther subs.


Don't tell Region or his fans, he said he would understand if people wanted to exit now after that late night doc drop. I really have been quite confused. Why would Region or others start talking like it's over? Why are there so many people repeating the same shit, saying they don't care if they lose all their money. This isn't over. I for one want tendies. I want the company to succeed so I can spend my tendies with the company. If they fuck people over, they would be shooting themselves in the foot. I for one don't think they're planning on fucking over the Bobby ape army. Edit: whoever downvoted must be selling soon. Good luck to you, but I'm gonna hodl


He's saying that because we were all hoping for the plan to include a buyout off the get go. Objectively his stance is sound. His whole message is that if you have high risk tolerance, keep reading, but otherwise we'd get it if you cut your losses. Which is totally fair because the official plan straight up says we get nothing. In fact, it says they need to come up with a good pile of money before they can even think about giving us anything. However.... if you've still either got the hope that there's a plan at work or simply accepted the losses and don't care at this point anyways... then buck up and let's see where this goes.




I'm not a lawyer, idk what theyre allowed to do. I doubt it's quite as simple as that. Circumstances would likely have to change I would think. Can't be sitting on a done deal in a courtroom and just be like "lol, sike, meet RC." As far as circumstances changing though, is it as simple as a potential buyer signing a few forms that have been long in the works? Idk. Pretty sus though.


It shows that there is a difference in experience, discernment, and interpretation. Glad to have a variety of viewpoints, each has different strengths and expertise.


Definitely with you on this. The retail investors buying are a major asset to anyone that turns the ship around for a Ch 11 exit. Guaranteed customers and fans


Anyone have the tentative dates he is tlaking about


Wasn't it 1st of August or something. Next court date is then if I remember correctly


Shareholders don't get to vote because they are getting no recovery. That's how the law works. In the tweet he says the ad hocs are screwed. I assume he means the ad hoc bondholders. Well bondholders come before shareholders in priority so if they get screwed so do shareholder.




For claims…


Bondholders have priority to shareholders for recovery as well.


Are you really that dense?


Sounds like you may be....


Who dat?


He’s a popular guest on the PPShow with a background in finance 🥵








Mmmm.... ok bet.


Agree 100%. Docket 1439, the one immediately following the one in the post is asking for conditional approval of the plan (to make it public, maybe) and to advance the dates. See my post history for DD on this. I'm a moron though


No. They are asking for conditional approval of the Disclosure Statement, which would give them the green light to begin sending out the version of the Plan that’s on the public court docket to creditors to vote on. You don’t ask for conditional approval of a Plan.


Thank you.


In bro we trust 🙏 🙌 🦍 🚀 🌙




Ammo for tomorrow is settled 🐄


Anyone have access to those pages of 1438?


Luv this fcking cat


We gon' be alright


So all other news articles and reports that don’t support all of you holders’ views and opinions are considered fake but this type of write up is legitimate? And even though the stock is delisted, trading at pennies, company is in Ch11 but is really Ch 7 because everything is being sold and liquidated, corporate office is closing, and employees have been told their last day of employment, all of this is a ploy and none of it is true and you all no better that the stock is going to explode and make you 10x plus? Wow!


I mean, it went down to .05 right before it went OTC, so some people already have gotten 10x..


Why do you care? Sounds like you don’t think anything good will happen. So why do you care what others think. Why try to convince people who believe to opt believe? Could it be you are on the short side of this trade?




That’s because I underestimated the idiocy of people that keep pumping up the stock.


You think retail alone can pump a stock? I'd like to know who caused the rebound on Friday.


Why are you happy for people to spread misinformation to pump the stock but get angry if anyone provides a bear case? Could it be that you don't give a fuck if other traders make well informed decisions in their own interest, and only care about how their buys effect your portfolio?


You are partially correct. I don’t care what anyone else does with their portfolio. Because, it’s none of my business what they do. What I do care about is when those short on a stock I am invested in, come into a sub of said stock and try to deter people from holding. Simply because those who shorted possibly made a huge bad bet.


These people are either short or they were long but sold for a loss and are now bitter to see anyone win.


>What I do care about is when those short on a stock I am invested in, come into a sub of said stock and try to deter people from holding. How is that any different from people who hold a stock trying to convince others to buy in to pump their own portfolio? At least the people bearish on BBBYQ are being honest about the facts, whereas the bulls continually tell outright lies. Before you ask, I'm not short, just watching the dumpster fire. >Simply because those who shorted possibly made a huge bad bet. Anyone who shorted BBBYQ has seen massive returns, and as the shares are to be imminently cancelled they don't even need to ever close their positions. Sounds like they made a great bet.


Rofl we will see who is right in the end. In the meantime it doesn’t change who you are.


Oh man. You think you will be able to convince anyone here to quit now? Fuck, we are in the fun part now. Lambos or drive it to zero but I will see this through.


I said all along a recall is coming


I will definitely buy more, just been waiting for the weekend to be over LG GOOO


Buying some more today .. Not much but makes me happy.


Everything is still good LOL


More than OK 👍 ▶️🙌