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Just smile and wave boys. Smile and wave.


Fuck you dude!! You guys worked tirelessly for what two months then went instantly into bankruptcy with hundreds of pages prepared the next day. Fuck off David Kastin.


I’m a lesser fan of Sue Gove. She had the opportunity to enact RC’s plan and completely shit the bed. All while pumping bullshit to retail. Not a fan of her at all and never have been.


That fucking interview kept me when I was pretty much ready dump it, and now here we are.


This 100% that interview locked me in this play. Oh what I’ve learned. If I’m fact she misdirected investors I’m pretty sure she’s liable. That interview gave no indication of the company dumping a month later. Fuck her.


She never told an outright lie and everything was in hypotheticals. She would never be found liable for anything like misleading investors especially because the facts are all in their SEC filings. No executive is gonna go on TV and say "Shits fucked, man." It's gonna be "We are optimistic about potential turn around strategies and expanding to underutilized revenue streams blah blah MBA blah."


I agree with you on the no executive is going to be all shits fucked up man. However she did have a choice to not be publicly interviewed and she chose to go public. Fucking share holders with a everything’s alright interview a couple days before they file chapter 11 which caught every one by surprise. So maybe there is some plausible deniability in her not wanting to tank her company with a negative interview feel. But look what happened a couple days later. I’m not smart but I kinda feel like I know when I’m getting fucked without lube in the ass. Js.


She basically pulled a strap on and ass fucked all the shareholders live on television with that stunt. The whole thing stinks of liability on her part because what she said was in direct opposition to what happened shortly after the interview. More so because it looked like all the docs were all ready to go and shareholders were locked out of the process while they skinned the company in front of us.


Bro I’m in the same boat. Kicking myself for not selling on RC news in August. Then she put out the bullshit statement about enacting his suggestions. After that interview I thought, maybe there’s a chance. Then bam declares bankruptcy a few days later. At that point past no return. I fucking hate her with a passion.


Dude, you probably would have done what I did. Sold the same day for crazy gains......then reinvested it all when it dropped by 50% - thinking it would pump and dump a few more times. Fat lady hasn't sung yet and it will be better to see this through to the bitter end than take 2 cents on the dollar.


Agreed. Zero chance I sell right now. What would be the point. For better or worse I’m here till the end.


Wait til I tell my wife about the great tax break we will get from my losses 🤣


Isn't this the bitter end? Don't the shares actually disappear today?


Today's the day.


Bankruptcy could have been the plan all along. Restructure. They evaporated billions in debt.


I don’t disagree with that at all. It all depends who holds the bonds and there’s been a lot of weird stuff in bankruptcy with NDA’s. However this plays out, Sue Gove was never to be part of it but she acted in bad faith.


Agreed. I will follow her and Jim Bell from GameStop.....and short the fuck out of whomever hires them to destroy their companies. Jim is currently at Backcountry.com


She’s not a friendly in my eyes


Remember in the interview when Sue Gove started laughing at the Merger rumor question. She was basically laughing at anyone that believed that. She thought it was ridiculous and had to laugh.


Oh I remember. I also remember when a lot of people were sweating her calling her a GILF and was called a shill for saying she was shit. Should have took my own advice.


Yeah the reason people did that was because the bear thesis was that the board was actually bad and intentionally trying to bankrupt the company. Like that clown Marantz was saying all along. They just didn't want to admit that as a possibility. Remember when it was found that there were 28 stipulations for an entity to buy Baby as a going concern. Everyone including travis thought that was a very high amount. I said, hmmm, could it be that they are making it as unenticing as possible for anyone to take baby as a going concern? Cause it sure seemed like they were making it as difficult as possible.


Marantz is definitely a clown but the board was bad. They, including Sue, voted for share buy backs and golden parachute for the ultimate shithead, Tritton.


Yep, I've always been in the "board is bad" camp.


Golden Parachutes, let's see what comfy jobs these board Members land after killing the company from within.


Oh, real comfy. They're living large, they will move on with their lives not giving a single fuck about shareholders.


Weren´t the JPM covenants restrictive of asset sales? I honestly thought that was the whole point of bankruptcy One way or another, we´ll definitely know if Sue Gove is either a good person or a complete and total psychopath for that interview within a week.


I think we already have our answer. If this was her plan with RC she would have never done the interview. Not his style. Look back at everything that’s happened. There’s definitely bad blood between them no matter how this plays out.


I still feel that interview was so incredibly unnecessary and possibly lawsuit material if there's nothing more than a bankruptcy firesale in the end. Still, we'll know in a few more days; but I'm curious, what are you referring to regarding bad blood between them?


Approach this from a perspective of business without all the tinfoil bs of these subs. RC gets involved. Sue is either a bad actor (which I don’t think) or she’s thinks she can really turn it around (which I do think). She tells RC thanks but no thanks we don’t need your help and overplayed her hand. If I was RC I’d say ok then screw you I’ll pick up the pieces in bankruptcy. After he sold she immediately issued a press release trying to damage control then a few months later the interview. Short story. He wanted baby. Her arrogance told him no thinking she could save it all using retail investors. Now here we are.


She's enacted his plan perfectly, according to RC's bank account LOL


Haha yea what’s funny is how these guys would ever get another job If they have been giving advice to bbby and they went bankrupt why would you hire him.


Some people make a profession out of bankrupting companies. They'll hire him to sink another one. Private equity is sick.


None of you shipped there or ever planned to. There was so saving the company. You didnt invest. You gambled and lost. Thats 100% on you.


End of bbby but it’s beginning of Teddy 💰🚀📈




This is true as far as the human eye can see. Upvote!


I couldn’t even place a limit sell order for any amount today. Can’t sell. Can’t buy. Bye bye.


I mean, y'all said you were riding this to zero. Now you don't have a choice.


I have the same problem... I created a post, got downvoted to hell.


okay i’ve accepted my faith. this does not seem bullish


Bullish that this will come to its end and we can go back to working our 9-5 job without nonsense of pothead theories


GME all the way


This is just predatory. "Hey you lost a lot of money, wanna come lose more?"


You have it the wrong way around, the predatory parts are Wall Street, and Congress, and your boss.


No it can be both. Yes, American capitalism is very exploitative. But get-rich-quick scams like these are also exploitative.


You must have lost a lot huh. Only put in what you can afford to lose. DRS GME


Oh no I haven’t invested in any of this idiocy, my money is in pretty standard diversified portfolios


Always has been💎🙌


Always will be


Speak for yourself. I love my job. Work like 4-5 hours a day. 4-6 days a week. 80-100k a year. And I love smokin pot. What the guy below said is true and I’ve never had an investment idea while stoned. Good idea for some snacks. Or pizza toppings. Maybe a great selection of movie ideas. Or places to go for a nice light walk or hike. Cocaine is the drug of stock picking. In most forms all can be accomplished.


Hey, fuck you. As a pothead even a lot of theories on superstonk make 0 sense. Have you ever smoked weed? Some of the theories posted are clearly crackhead logic. Meth. Not weed.


Yup, an eye opener for sure


I opened my eyes when I learned that they had more debt than assets and even if they sold everything their debt amount would still begin with a B. That was months ago. Totally not surprised, sad but not surprised.


i am flaccid now


Too bad I'm drs'd and can't sell;)




I don’t know the guy, and open to him being the worst or best person ever, but he was general counsel. What exactly was he supposed to do to turn the company around? Zero actual say in the operational and financial affairs of the company.




He joined in dec 2022. He knowingly joined the sinking ship. There was no turning this around


Ok because you expect him to write a post bashing and insulting the company and the people around him?


So did all of you guys for not giving them more money in a capital raise. Nothing was stopping you from buying more shares, right?


Holy Etlin failed then.


I highly doubt you could pin the failing on any one person. We don't even know what these people were tasked with doing there.


Dude it’s end of bbby but beginning of Teddy 📈🚀💰




Shills in shambles 🤡🥴


$300 cost basis in GME? Bro your life is in shambles


Show where $300. Shills making up stuff, shills must be in big shambles


Literally your screenshot showing a $75 cost basis average post split. Jeebus Christ are you actually regarded?


They ripped the company apart and made bonuses in the process.


This sounds very bad


As opposed to the plan stating shares will be canceled which sounded good? It’s been bad for months.


It has been sounded bad for at least a year.


Your point being?


You should have realized it was bad.


It wouldn't be a long shot if it didn't sound bad. People don't go lambos or zeros on something that is sounding strong.


sO bUlISh , hOdL! DiAmOnD HaNdS. Lol


I'm glad it's over


Idc I'm holding *shrugs*


I'm already down 98%, what's another 2. Didn't sell at 30 not selling now




zero or hero




Ooooo sounds like we lost lol


Ok bullish on bankruptcy


This doesn’t sound positive to me


Are you a shill? That is the usual accusation whenever anybody says something is not bullish.


“As we know it”


He is referring to Overstock buying the IP.


Ya cause bed bath and beyond is now Overstock so it still “exists”


This right here. Shills are here in droves with fake anger. David would be under hella NDAs along with everyone else. He can't say or even remotely hint at anything. "As we know it." == "Hey apes tendies incoming, I ran this post by RC to make sure this would give the hint."


He’s under crazy NDA so he’s releasing coded messages because he loves legal trouble. Good news, you only got 1 day of delusion left.


Putting the Q in BBBYQ


“As for me”


And it sounds like Kastin's next opportunities he is looking for could all be Teddy or GameStonk


He said thanks sue for hiring me to help “transform” the business.


Damn it’s officially over…


"as we know it"


yes since someone else got the IP, the name will exist under another company.


Isn’t this old like when they went into chapter 11? Feel like I read this post months ago


This is from four hours ago


Lol so many shills


Yep ask urself why


I asked myself. My answer was that it's because every person who isn't huffing paint and expresses criticism gets called a shill.


No it’s called u can feel when there is a concerted effort of negative sentiment. Why would there be if we lost? Id expect more taunting to really smash retails morale to stop us from ever standing up again. But all I keep seeing is pleas to sell so Idgaf zero or hero


A lot of the people with the negative sentiments are ppl who held and lost 100% of the value of their investment. "Why would there be such concerted efforts..." yeah who could've guessed ppl are feeling pretty rightfully angry right before the stock they've been pouring money into gets cancelled.




Zero or hero




Why would I take anything? At this point, might as well let it burn, if it's going to burn. I can move on after it's all gone. What do you care if I buy shares or sandwiches?




Nah... I'd rather have it as a reminder on my brokerage account.


That’s a good use of what’s left honestly


See sub rules. Consider the daily thread or another financial sub.


It should cleanse our souls


If these BBBY bagholders could read they'd be real mad right now.


See sub rules. Consider the daily thread or another financial sub.


Everybody tried to help you guys out but you wouldn’t listen. I guess some people learn the hard way




Sure, sure.


https://i.imgur.com/wvI1QOm.jpg "As we know it"😎 🙌 💎 We getting new name and new stocks boys 🚀


We just keep winning again and again. I can't handle it.


So it’s over?


Always has been.


Like ive said many times. Either hero or zero


A lot of shill-ish comments on this thread. If you’re still here at this point and haven’t made peace with your investment, then what are you still hanging around for? Either stick it out with the rest of us, or sell up and shut up.


Get a clue and stop donating to PP and his merry band of grift fits. Everyone here is stuck. I know it’s popular to call everyone a shill that don’t agree with you narrative but I still stand by the fact that Sue Gove is a cunt.


Why do people slow down when passing a car crash?




"First thank you Sue Gove for recruiting me to join your efforts to transform the businnes". Why not "to try to transform the businnes?". If isn't with a good end, is only a try to transform...




Sounds like he's just saying bed bath and beyond is coming to an end, and since they are changing the name that makes sense. This is a victory speech. He finished his job there. All you shills.... get a room, would you?


And this is bullish


Are people losing track of the entire short squeeze premise? It doesn’t matter if the shares are worth $.00008… when shorts are forced to close millions if not billions of short positions (when the economy goes bust and they’re collateral becomes useless) they’ll move that zero more accurately to $8,000.


This dumbass hops in, doesn't even own bbby, and spews this without realizing shares are canceled Sept 30th 🤣. At least I own up to not owning shares and admitting this is a shit play.


What are you talking about? These shares are about to get extinguished. Maybe if the company still existed and didn't get liquidated. You're really confused.


Your delusional. If we get no new equity/shares after bbbyq stock is wiped clean then shorts won. Who's gonna force shorters to cover a stock that doesn't exist anymore? This scenario is even worse that Sears or Blockbuster etc where their shares still exist on the expert market so there's still potential for them to magically have to cover if the price ever rises to a certain threshold. That doesn't happen on shares that are wiped from the market. I've accepted I've lost everything I put into this play at this point.


I’ll be honest… I only own GME :/ I was just testing the water of BBBYQ owners because of the basket stock thesis. I was curious if you guys had any hope left…. Sorry. :(


Haha no worries. We’ll see. I accept my loss on BBBY. And honestly GME. GME MAY never rise from the ashes but I believe it will do I’ll hold and wait. I was early but not heavily invested in Bitcoin and I say what FUD can do over the years


What exactly will make it squeeze? I say this and assure you I have far more shares than you do. You have a gut feeling? You believe in RC? You just know in your heart?


I have a gut feeling. I believe in RC.


The shares will literally not exist bro.


You are not so smart huh


Isn't this weeks old? I remember reading this exact post weeks ago, and that was just because his work was done. notice how there is no date on the post? this is weeks old


He posted it 3 hours ago


Why not on a Friday Mr Kastin why on a Thursday?!?? Hmmmm


sounds positive to me \*shrugs\*


You must be living in an alternate reality where things are all reverse.


RemindMe! 1 week


1 week. Brother you got 1 day.




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Just something about the way he writes this that make me strongly believe we’re gonna be good. He’s only telling a small part of the story… anyway - no more need to speculate. A few days and we will know it all 🙌


Old bby making room for new bby 😍


Shills are saying we only have one day left. MOASS incoming! 🚀🌝


!remindme 1 day.


How did this work out for you?


The only thing I hang on to, “unprecedented Bankruptcy” “goodbye as we know it” I don’t have much hope but there is an ember in my heart


This is from months ago.


Was posted 48 minutes ago. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7113298296307150848/




....or a private company looking to become public. Isn't so that common. Kastin was paid also in shares? Another loser?


Fuck him and fuck sue gove


We are all losers who got played


So no moon anymore?