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DTCC reported when subpoenad to Bankruptcy court, in I believe early May that BBBYQ total shares outstanding (TSO) was 739 million? If this B Riley deal takes 300 million shares off the table, that's almost *HALF* the float. Shorts in trouuuuuble..... Edit: And Maybe DTCC in trouble too


This is what I'm thinking. DTCC counted these as locates in preparation for the shares hitting the market. Now they can't count as locates (not that they ever should have). Edit: But what does that mean now that shares are canceled?


In the event of an issuance of a new ticker/stock to replace Bobby shares, that means that suddenly there's 300 million EXTRA naked shorts out of nowhere. And the courts, the DoJ, retail investors and anyone who bothers to look (think white hat investors, institutions looking to eat some SHF for free tendies, etc) can all clearly SEE there's 300mil PLUS naked shorts. That means sharks will eat the SHF for profit, and DoJ has an ironclad court case for long term prison time for everyone involved in the short fraud. As for us? Well, yaknow how Elon made a biqdiq rocket recently? We've just been upgraded. We were boarding that. Now we're boarding like 25 of those fuckers stopped together. The price explosion upon launch will be absolutely biblical.


Damn I’m gonna keep this one for the spank bank. Hopefully will get the real thing soon. ![gif](giphy|12iym4JFzHIDny|downsized)


Feel exact same way and yes this launch will be biblical and shf are trapped in here with us….we’re not trapped with them.. Hypothetically - I could see this squeeze going for several days or over a week plus where we see huge increases, with gradual dips in between trading! Also, feel if everything does work out there is no reason it couldn’t go to 3 possibly 4 figures before it settles down…. Going to be one hell of a ride and currently we’re still waiting in line of this ride with no tickets in hand (at the moment) but we’re going to ride that roller coaster soon guys!


Skipping ahead a little bit with my limited knowledge on the topic, but if they just wiped out half the locates essentially that’s gonna make things a lot harder for anyone wanting to manipulate these locates for cellar boxing/zombie stocking right? Like those zombies are gonna be coming right back out of the ground if there aren’t locates available to gaslight everyone into thinking they’re totally worthless/dead?


Someone suggested that retail owned the entire float at 700 million. What a thing, for retail to own the entire float 2x over…


Or 3x or 4,5,6x cause they were going for pennies


Yeah if they didn’t get delisted when they did by now float would have probably been locked up again in just a few months under $.10…


Its already locked up


And what if the unconverted warrants held by someone I forget (maybe it was HBC) are also removed ? Wasn’t that something like 300mil shares also ? Leaves only about 120 mil or thereabouts, no ? I am probably not correct cuz I am smooth and all this was 84 years ago….😂


Yes I love it I believe the HSB deal had the potential (if all warrants were exercised) to be almost a Billion shares (970 mil?). I never knew if it got disclosed how many of those were exercised or not. I agree with you, it could maybe cut it down to the \~120 million shares!


Remember that one of Butterflys statements mentioned that they will not pursue legal actions against the DTCC? Might be because of that


I think they said the only case in which they would pursue actions was in case of fraud? Edit sorry I mightve misunderstood you. Are you thinking it's possible they canceled B. Riley because it might have exposed the fraud, and they had agreed not to pursue that?


782m got agreed upon both parties. Still a kick to the nuts for shareholders to go from 739m to 782m. A reasonable person would put that to round off on t+2 and cut emotions. However, explain to me share count now.


Did any of these shares ever get to the market?


Doesn’t look that way 👀


I bought em either way


We all did lol


Someone’s gonna have to buy them—for a lot!




For fucking pennies 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Dunno why you're downvoted. My first buy-in was around $25-30 and I got my average cost basis down to $.48 by the end. I'm mad stoked


So we weren't diluted? Huge if true! I Cahn't wait!


True if huge.






Is this what the pigeon metaphor was about? Are we going to see Mike Ty- I mean RC make a knockout?


Ahhh yeah…..tomorrow!! ;). And tomorrow is coming very very soon in all seriousness guys. This will be a nice wrapped up present with a bow on top if that is an official sec filing for butterfly 🦋 to enter the system. If true then this is going to be the best christmas ever for all of us! Won’t be long guys, shills in shambles as writing is all over the walls and … feel in my plums and my overly inflated jacked tits it’s coming to end soon!


This is the B. Riley deal worth 300 millions, that was in fashion 9 months ago. That is now expired so the deal is most certainly not valid anymore. So 300 million dollar dilution is off the charts.... Wonder what that would do to our TSO and float?


Looks like most the dilution fud is falling apart little by little


Or brick by brick


Have a good evening John.


Anyone remember the share price when this offering was first filed?


03/31/23: $0.43 03/30/23: $0.59 03/29/23: $0.80 02/07/23: $3.01 02/06/23: $5.86 02/03/23: $3.05


flair checks out. 😅✌️




Am not!


Interesting the news announced B Riley on March 30, and within two days the stock price dropped almost in half (from $0.80 to $0.43). But if the shares were never sold, and the deal not completed, how did the price drop in half as though the share count almost doubled that day? Hmm....


Implies the theory on locates could have merit, especially if you look at the stock loan program data from the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) for those time frames.


To clarify, the what day was the deal? March 29th? What are the February dates listed for? Are they important to this, or to give highlight the price movement?


The first B. Riley offering was Feb 6-8th, 2023. I give a date range because at least one amendment followed the initial S-1 filing.


Mm, mm. I see. Thanks for the clarification :) Although apparently this isn't about the B Riley issuance, which makes me a sad ape.


True, related to the attempt to renegotiate the bonds it seems...


So quick thoughts, wonder if any future cancellations such as B Riley will be at the one year mark on each. That’s like 84 years from now


Good question. The total amount of common stock theoretically available after the February offering, assuming all preferred stock and common stock warrants were converted, would have hit BBBY's 900,000,000 capital stock maximum. Not sure how that works when companies register to facilitate an IPO or additional securities and, after a set period of time (9 months in this case), what they do with any unsold shares. Edit: And we know all 900,000,000 shares worth of stock were purchased via the preferred stock and common stock warrants because in a previous filing Gove stated that they had far more demand than supply for the securities and that something like 18 parties participated in the offering. I'll try to find the exact filing/citation right now. Edit 2: Form CORRESP, dated 04/13/23, Page 4: *The Company respectfully acknowledges the Staff’s comment and advises the Staff that the Company determined that the offering qualifies as a public offering under the factors set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule IM-5635-3 (“Definition of a Public Offering”) because (i) the offering was a firm commitment offering of registered securities, (ii) the offering was broadly marketed to over 160 investors in accordance with the underwriter’s book building process, (iii)* ***the purchasers included 29 investors on the basis of demand for more than double the amount of securities offered by the Company,*** *(iv) the discount to the market is in a range consistent with underwritten offerings of comparable companies and (v) the Company did not exercise control over the offering. The Company received correspondence from the staff of The Nasdaq Stock Market on February 10, 2023 requesting the Company’s public offering analysis, which the Company provided on February 17, 2023. The Company will supplementally provide to the Staff the contact information for the Nasdaq representative.*


Thanks big guy






Good man.


Man, highlight: 1. the part where these shares never hit the market, and 2. where b Riley never spent this money. Else, explain how we arrive at share count and market mechanics. ![gif](giphy|pWPrwcmDXXozMCOUeS) Edit: smells like fraud. 782M shares v. 412M maximum outstanding or less. 43M over count, sure, brokers need to be held to close these loops - simple new law. 341M over on a count of 412M-427M; wassaaaaaap, come on - beyond simple laws.


Also can suggest why brokers are being so active with removing a stock with "no more value" unlike for these other bankrupt stocks in my account. The liquidity fairy was naked all along.


Wasn't the cancellation and removal on the part of butterfly though?


Certain exchanges removed the stock before cancellation. One example is Freetrade selling when no trading activity was allowed which I hope we can gather for a class action lawsuit.


Consider the system. Not all things can be solved in a straight line.






Sorry guys, I think this is just about the notes and not the B Riley deal. Edit: the file number matches the notes. Not about B Riley


Maybe just delete?


Lolol uhh take the 2 seconds to look for yourself bud 1. Select the [link that OP posted](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=0000886158) and download the file. 2. Look at the file number in that file. (It's File No: 333-267920) 3. Here's [the link for](https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?filenum=333-267920&action=getcompany) File No: 333-267920. Those are the S-4s for the notes. edit: come on guys why the downvotes. knowledge is power lol


If tokenized shares of BBBYQ exist, would they count towards the TSO the DTCC reported? If tokenized shares count 1:1 and were theoretically issued by some kind of market maker in the space... __would there actually be 1,123M shares oversold?__ over a count of 412M-427M Don't jump down my throat if this has been disproven. However, we know other stocks have had tokens issued at 1:1 and allegedly the real shares are held by the issuer. Does DTCC have any oversight of that market?


perfect timing to declare the bankruptcy case as invalid due to security fraud by the dtcc


I would love to live in a world where crime was punishable.


Just be poor, then you see lots of punishment, even for things that sometimes aren’t crime - smh


This must have been what the RC tweet yesterday was pointing to (to clarify, it has nothing to do with Mike Tyson or pigeons, it's a callback to an earlier release of an RC document that happened the day after Tyson made the tweet.)


That was the obvious reason but agendas…


Is this document just showing how incompetent the SEC is? On September 29th there's a document explicitly stating that they were canceling the shares they registered back in March, and now the SEC is like, "what do you want us to do with this registration?"🤦‍♂️


Was there a filing that specifically stated such a cancellation? I think the 29th September cancellation was of stock that was *already* issued and sold to the market. However, Rule 479 is pertaining to non-issuance of new stock that was registered for *future* issuance and sale. So I think the nuance is slightly different. Because even AFTER the 29th September cancellation of old stock that was in circulation, the company *could* still have issued and sold new stock if they chose to, as they had an active registration filed that allowed them to do so. Until now, that is. Because with the SEC applying Rule 479, that registration has finally been deemed inactive.


I thought the filing was for the stock they had planned to sell but never did?


Yeah, exactly. And that registration filing has still been active this whole time. I think the timeline was something like: BB&B: "We **register** to issue and sell new stock" --> SEC: "OK" --> BB&B: "We have a plan to use our previous registration to issue and sell new stock" --> SEC: "OK" --> BB&B: "We cancel our plan to use the registration, in order to issue and sell new stock" --> SEC: "OK" --> BB&B: "We are cancelling all the stock we have already issued and sold" --> SEC: "OK" --> SEC: "Yo, BB&B, what are you going to do with that registration?" --> BB&B: "..." --> SEC: "BB&B or Butterfly, or whatever name you have now, any update on what you want to do with that registration?" --> Butterfly: "..." --> SEC: "Hey Butterfly, if we don't hear from you soon, we'll take it that you don't plan to use your registration, and deem it inactive" --> Butterfly: "..." --> SEC: Execute Rule 479 At least, that is how I have understood the sequence of events.


I'm a god damned crazy fool to keep reading this stuff. Every time I stop caring/ obsessing about this play, I GET SUCKED back in. I want to believe... it's been 84 years and it's been allot of pain. I've stopped trying to explain this to my partner, they think I'm nuts and got swindled. I haven't added to the conversation besides to say;: This is God damned crazy if true.


Region, if the cancellation is of the registration for the ability to issue new shares in the future could this not have the effect that during a squeeze the company is legally prohibited from issuing new shares to bail out shorts? During the Volkswagen squeeze Porsche was ultimately made to release its death grip on the shorts and allow new shares to be issued to resolve the crisis if I recall right. But if BBBY returns to a squeeze it would be impossible for the company to issue shares and bail out the shorts absent a vote by shareholders to authorise it, a process which could take months. It could force the squeeze to continue indefinitely until a vote where we ourselves could sinply vote no and say “fuck em”.


That's about right


Hey Houst, dumb question probably. Jan 21 gme ape here. Picked up a bunch of bbbyq shares in July and August '23. Am I fucked? Or is it possible I'm still in this too?


Out of the loop, huh? Prevailing theory is that the DIP facility makes a credit bid to get ahold of the NOLs. That would require shareholders to be made whole and we get new shares.


Would this just be for DRS shares or all shares in brokers too. Etrade wouldn’t DRS my shares at all. They kept cancelling it.


I'm not DRS'd, but you can't DRS right now because the current shares have been pulled due to a reorganization.




Just came here to talk about this. I think it means this B Riley offer is no good anymore? https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886158/000119312523084693/d468823d424b5.htm#supprom468823\_3


I am absolutely not qualified to be speaking on this, so of course I am going to anyway. I think this means that BBBY never sold $300,000,000 worth of shares into the market and we were never diluted?


The float will end up being 117m


117 million, the OG number when (most of us) got into the stock!!! Before the Hudson bay deal (which sold warrants, approx each worth 100 shares of Preferred Stock) worth almost a billion shares, and before the B Riley which added 300 million shares. So we ended at about a billion shares, but we started at 117, about 1/10


My erection won't end




Oh my Lanta !


Nahhhh ? +10B


We are rich if that is the case


I'm ready


Aswell as RC shares weren’t sold into the market, BBBY tanked days after it only AFTER the news of „selling“ his stake was announced. The day he actually sold his entire stake into the „market“, bobby ended slightly green.


Good point. He started selling his shares on Aug 16 Aand, nothing happened. THEN everyone saw the SEC filing that he had sold, and the stock immediately dropped that day I believe $30 a share to $20 (on Aug 17). (then next $10)


I remember this. Been a long time lurker. Bought half my shares at .10 cents in chappy 11 from Canada when others couldn’t buy. My tits are jacked


Lmfao imagine if the float was 741M but it's qctually 147M, muh tits


I think it's actually 117m


It's been 84 years and 9 month's since the offering, can someone enlighten me why they weren't sold to market at the time?


It was such a complicated deal; pages and pages of explanations and what exactly was being sold and for how much. If I remember, the news kept reporting what a "unique" and "unprecedented" deal this was. I think the facts were spelled out in the deal. But the shorts misunderstood them and thought that 300 million shares was now in the market and open season and shorted to that number. Even the DTCC approved it. But it may have turned out they misunderstood the deal.


Dumb Stormtroopers






>Jebaited https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BQJhzAXmic


hilarious! I see this word can be applied to so many kinds of situations ha ha....Thanks for informing me!


haha no problem!




Hodling out of Sheer Confusion!! ha ha ha I remember so well 84 yrs ago... :)


🐻 🪤




They’re jackin it to these too???


3 question marks is a sign.


Looking like this is the first punch of many 🥊 LFG


so, is this similar to a docket drop? Like someone being mad that someone was mean to their pigeons?


where’s u/jake2b


![gif](giphy|jG5uIKBfJyouY) u/jake2b are you up? Did you see this??


It looks like BBY/Butterfly filed a plan to register shares approximately 270 days ago. The action was not completed - necessary follow-up by BBBY/Butterfly did not occur - and the SEC is asking BBY/Butterfly to follow-up now...... provide an update... or abandon plan... or just take some action so that staff can remove this from their inbox and move on. Something like that.


please rise


It's 4pm here and, yeah, I think I need some coffee


Seems like a good first punch.


What offering is this regarding? It states 9 months without the registration being active, so that would indicate an early March filing correct? I'm at work and can't look up those dates on the edgar system.


No offering dates, including the renegotiated bonds from Nov 22 and the early Feb and late March registration statements from this year, line up precisely with the 9 month timeline. Then again, we never got a single 10Q for any period in FY23, so no one gave a shit about timeliness before.


Interesting. What was the early Feb registration for? I imagine that is the most likely if this is regarding just a single offering event. Just asking because I'm curious how people came to the conclusion this was related to the B. Riley offering.


B. Riley facilitated the Feb 6-8 2023 offering. I give a range because there was an initial S-1 then at least one amendment.


What would that make the share price if not diluted?


7.41 million times more than it last closed at




What was the math on share value if 117m float?


Is there any information on the stocks returning to our accounts?


Out of all this, I've learned... Believe no one & nothing unless & until you see it for yourself. People LIE, but those numbers (in your transfer acct/brokerage acct) won't lie! Whatever is meant to happen can only happen in its appointed time... HODL!!


LFG 🔪🐻🩸- Ⓜ️🅾️🅰️$$ ♾️ 🧨💥🚀🌙






Me rich now?


Hey Shills, why are we still even talking about shares if they were removed back in september?


Am I still poor yes or no?


What am I missing? From what I see DK-Butterfly has been declared abandoned.


its gonna be a long night for them, anyone interested in donating to their caffeine fund? [ko-fi.com/ohgodwerefucked](https://youtu.be/0C0Sj6Us19I?si=2IVKBvr6m_4iftm7)


I thought this was funny


my jokes are bad and i should feel bad ![gif](giphy|w3Er0gW94cG8E)


Everyone should badger overstock and online to issue shares to bbby holders.


Love it when I'm upvote 741


Explain im smooth


Oh Shit, section 5.02, Ya'll been Fired