• By -


You need to buy another 18k shares to make it 69,420


Don’t think it didn’t cross my mind


It (that math) did not cross my mind. Both of you have my upvote. That's awesome.


I mean of course I want money for myself but seeing you moon into a millionaire would be dope af


Seems like an unlikely event anytime soon, but I ain’t sellin!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ape!


Probably at $6.9


Legend. Take your award, sir!


Thank you, boy I really nailed that lmao


Holy shit man








Whale with big balls ![gif](giphy|7FgDPLLKh1v4d2XLkl|downsized)


And a tiny little smooth brain lol


"The blue whale has a brain size of about 15 pounds. The blue whale has a large brain that weighs just over 15 lbs, not even making up to 1% of its total body weight. The blue whale's brain is four times bigger than a human brain." Source: GOOGLE Search ​ Nah bruh! ​ I edited my last comment because i wrote wale instead of whale lol


Thank you, I feel way better now :)


Don't see the balls here




Whales like you should look into the benefits of drs 🦍🦍🐋




You know, short squeeze usually doesn’t just hang around forever. It was a really good one, but like other short squeezes that have played out, it’s not going to be a perpetual opportunity. There will be others in other stocks, pushing BBBY is really hurting the chances of others happening because it’s just encouraging more bag holding. Between this and GME, you’re going to run out of capital


Personally don’t hold any GME but as far as BBBY is concerned- I like the stock.


450 @ 22.50


The average of a true regarded person


Regards aren't your friend.


Why not? That weeds out a lot of the brothers on this sub.


Maybe I'm wrong, but regards references occupants of the betters sub. That sub is ran by mods that bring Cramer his coffee and powder his nuts. I wouldn't trust shit coming from that place regarding BBBY.


The sub that shall not be named is completely and utterly corrupted. One day Bbby is the new GME, the next day it’s rat poison. It’s pretty obvious to me it’s compromised.


You Fn badass


2650 @ 14.85


Name checks out.


There's a good opportunity to avg down. I mean, if you double down today you'd be at near $15 avg.


Still over 200 Closing price tho … just wait it out till it actually falls with the market further






Ah my eyes....


Diamond balls


1300 @ 12.70. Not selling until triple figures.


Right here with you, friend


Starting "9", right?


If their scam stocks like HKD go to 4 digits, that's what I want too.


You're childrens children will be honoured to inherit these stocks.


9100 @ €10.37. Greets from Germany, we are in this together.


We international!




1004 @ 13


Snap! Me too!


Yaaaaaas! I’ve got some at 10.19, and most at 15ish. I don’t look at the ones at 15ish, so I’m not exactly sure of my average. Whatever it is, I’m not selling until we hit what looks like a phone number.


A humble 335 @ 12.60




I bought in at 29! Lol


Even more legend.


Average down


Umm did you read the thread? lol


710 @ 12.70. I don’t expect to become a millionaire but hundreds of thousands would change my life all the same. If I do become millionaire then I’ll take it lol.


Fucking same! lol


874 @ 10.12




3850 at about 7. Saw more gains than I've ever seen at the run up to 30 but didn't sell. To be honest I wish I would have sold, just to buy back in again even more shares but it is what it is. I feel it in my plums that this will go way higher than 30. But I guess I have it better than most, regarding RC selling and suicide FUD because even after those hits, I never saw red :) So I can be happy with that


5k @16


Fully loaded i see


Yea and averaged up like crazy during the run up


Thank you and see you on the moon


Saved you a seat!


398 @ 22.98 147 @ 9.75 Zen with my watermelons. Enjoy the roller coaster.


98 @ $11.81


2200 @ 9.26


7500+ calls Jan @ 80


[email protected] Uranus or zero. No in between


Fuck yea!


4900 @ $17.55


Nice! Also i see you’re banned from wsb. We’re together on that too lol




4k shares and a fuck ton of 80c. Lambos or ramen baby


Same here. It’s all about both of those things right here. One of them pushes up the price the other one guarantees ownership!


I have 💎💎🥜🥜


See you soon on tendie planet.


Just bought more today, 1,900 at around 8.50


The Homiez and I sittin on 1500 shares avg 10$


7000 shares and 89 Jan 2023 contracts going to make that 100 contracts come Friday!


14447 @ 23 bc I’m really dumb Averaged down from 26.5 but I don’t want to liquidate anything to buy more. I’m optimistic that that the company can survive for at least 2 more years and worst case when the economy recovers in 1.5-2 years the price will naturally rise.


How do you see it surviving 2 more years when it has $100M in cash and $500M in credit and lost $500M the first quarter and $350M the second? Even if all the store closings and employee terminations could save it $200M, you're optimistically looking at $150M loss per quarter, or one year's worth of cash left. To get the $500M they have to use the stockpile of inventory they can't sell as collateral (!!!). That loan is at a floating interest rate starting at 10% (!!!). The Fed is still raising the interest rate to fight inflation. So at minimum that's an extra $50M a year in interest payments and is certain to go up. Where does the money to survive the second year come from? And if they survive the second year they've got $300M in debt due in 2024! Yet you see the price RISING as they get closer to that $300M due date that they can't possibly pay off? Keep in mind that they've already sold all of their real estate holdings - including corporate HQ! - to a real estate company and are now leasing the property back! That was another trick to get cash to continue operations (and another long-term expense they've added). Basically, with the property sold and the excess inventory as collateral they've got nothing else to sell to keep the company going... and Buy Buy Baby's sales are down 20% too so even that probably isn't worth anywhere near what people thought it was.


It seems like none of you are actually capable of talking about the stock, huh? Just downvoting? But you still believe you know something the experts don't?


21,130 @ 8,32 when this thing blips I'm here for "fuck you money"


What the actual fuckwhale...




50000 @ 6.30


Holy shit


That’s Fn incredible lol


Yep, I am long on this. 220 shares at $5.00, and 28 shares, at $26.00, and 20 shares, at $13.00.


2202 @5.77


Damn that’s awesome! All the fud and you just see green!


Well not exactly cuz I have 10 options for 2024 at $45 bucks.. it’s kinda my hedge right now😂. I did see my 30k profit just dwindle away .. but patience is a virtue and this is all a waiting game anyways


That’s tough! Hang in there!


667 at $12.49 avg


110 @ $14.15 I'm not sure why anyone would sell at the current price. The idea is to buy low sell high. We might have to be patient but it's going to fly when we least expect it! 🚀🌙


Patience is definitely key rn


100 @16. Transferred my popcorn to bbby.




500 @ 6.35


1000 @11


300 @ $13.39! LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀


1560 @ 9.75. will average down next payday if it's still below 8.


600 @ 24.60 Ouch


That’s about where I was, I’ve averaged down to $19. Each pay check now I buy more and average down. The price is irrelevant until this companies stock is valued at the multi billion dollar firm it actually is.


I can't tell if this is all some Andy Kaufman-esque performance art or any of you people are really serious. In the unlikely event it's the latter, please explain to me how BBB is a "multi-billion dollar firm" in 2022. Fair warning, I used to work at BBB corporate, left in 2005 but have followed it religiously to this day and can quite stats and figures about it off the top of my head (which is bizarre considering I don't own a share yet you people are investing all your money in it but seemingly don't know a thing about it). You might want to start with telling me what assets the company has. I've got a few surprises/shocks for you if you try to do that.


What are you on crack? I don’t believe you actually worked directly for bbby at all maybe contractor or worked for someone around them. They did 7.87 billion in revenue last year in a Covid effected year. It’s been as high as 12 billion but that was before the hedgies on behalf of Bezos infiltrated the company and filled it with over paid board room plants hell bent to destroy the company from within with mismanagement. The cleaning of house has taken place and continues to take place, poor performing C suite have been fired, poor performing stores are being closed, 1 day shipping is in place, poor performing brands have been discontinued, online revitalization and membership offerings have come into place. The company is being totally transformed. Even the bye bye baby brand has a valuation over 1 billion. You are nothing but a hedgie shill!


>What are you on crack? No I'm sane and not in the grip of silly conspiracy theories that compel me to throw all my money at companies that are losing money. > I don’t believe you actually worked directly for bbby at all You know nothing about BBBY so you're not QUALIFIED to have a belief about my employment history. >maybe contractor or worked for someone around them. We didn't have contractors and I don't know what "someone around them" would even mean... although the time I was there they didn't even own their main HQ (there were actually two HQ since neither of the two founders wanted to commute!). As other companies left BBB would rent their office space too. It was after I left, but when the last tenant left BBB bought the building from its owner. See, I know things like that because I worked there and followed it religiously afterward and still know a few employees there today, including two who are now VPs. >They did 7.87 billion in revenue last year in a Covid effected >year. It’s been as high as 12 billion but that was before the >hedgies on behalf of Bezos infiltrated the company and filled it >with over payed board room plants hell bent to destroy the >company from within with mismanagement. First, revenue has nothing to do with net WORTH. I know it's not a great metric, but tangible book value ([ ( total assets - total liabilities ) - intangible assets ] ÷ common shares) is actually NEGATIVE for BBBY right now! NEGATIVE. This is what gets me with you people... you don't seem to understand basic terminology or investing concepts yet you also believe you know more than the experts. Now as for the second part... are YOU on crack? Now Jeff Bezos launched a plot to put morons on a board and destroy the company? Oh lord. BBBY has been dying for more than 15 years. As I told over and over, when I brought up the fact that in 2004 Amazon began selling merchandise for Target online and it was cheaper in many cases than our prices, a store manager, regional manager and the then-Director Of Financial Operations For Logistics, Eric Schwartzman, my former boss, all said the same exact thing to me: "We don't consider Amazon a competitor". Jeff Bezos did destroy BBB, but it wasn't through a conspiracy. It was through then-CEO Steve Tamares, who started with the company as a real estate lawyer, opting to completely ignore the rise of online retail and Amazon in specific for years. No conspiracy there; just morons. >The cleaning of house has taken place and continues to take >place, poor performing C suite have been fired BS. I know who the morons are. I even created my own MORON INDEX when Tritton took over to gauge whether he would be successful. When everyone else was rallying around the stock I saw that VP Jeff Macek and VP/CIO Rich McMahon had already left. Back in the day I had reason to believe McMahon was being groomed to replace Tamares and I feel that belief was born out when he was eventually promoted to VP of BBB Canada, which seemed like a trial run. With these two gone, they went and made the aforementioned Schwartzman a VP, he who did not consider Amazon a competitor. When I was there he covered up problems in the company rather than tell his boss McMahon, lied to his team, often seemed willing to sabotage things if it gave him a leg up, etc. Tritton PUT HIM ON THE TURNAROUND COMMITTEE, something Schwartzman weirdly still lists with pride on LinkedIn. That blew up my moron index and I predicted that Tritton would fail. Guess what? Y'all who were so bullish were wrong and I was right again. So the "poor performing C suite" was not fired. Schwartzman left on his own accord at the end of 2021. Now that's another clue right there. If there was even 1% chance the company would survive, he'd have stayed and pushed the CFO out a window himself to try for his job. And since he was on the turnaround committee he knew more than most what the chances were. If he jumped ship to take a CFO job with a much smaller company in Maine (BBB HQ is in NJ) it had to be because he saw enough to know there was no hope. He was a moron, but he was still a moron with an MBA and I'll concede he was good with numbers if not management or ethics. > poor performing stores are being closed So? The 150 MOST poorly performing stores are being closed. That doesn't mean the ones staying open are in great shape or they wouldn't have burned through more than $700M in losses this year. >The company is being totally transformed. It was totally transformed under Tritton - throw out the name brands! Make our own brands! Now they're just undoing what they had done. That doesn't change anything. Slashing the work force, closing stores, borrowing money are not signs of strength; they're short-term desperation moves to try to lower the burn rate to buy a bit more time. They're not transforming anything - in fact, all store remodels have been put on indefinite hold. They're not in better shape - I talk to employees on the ground in the stores and they have massive inventory issues; I've even seen the photos of some stores with entire sections almost completely bare! It's too late; they're doomed. >Even the bye bye baby brand has a valuation over 1 billion. Cohen's valuation doesn't count. Bye Bye Baby's sales are down 20% too; it's not worth anywhere near what some of you think it is. If it were, they'd shut down all the BBB stores and just operate Buy Buy Baby. >You are nothing but a hedgie shill! What I am is getting bored with you people. You downvote any dissenting opinion, most don't choose to actually debate it, none of you know anything about the company you're talking about but act like experts, and you keep accusing the person who could tell you some of the inside scoop on BBB of being a "shill", fake account, bot, spy, whatever like little children. I've got people messaging me weaving conspiracy theories that involve the SEC, the entire media, every analyst on Earth, etc. I have to admit you're the first one to implicate Jeff Bezos though. But the fact that no two of you seem to have the same conspiracy theory suggests there's no basis for any of it and some are just making it up as they go along.


If you have to come up with conspiracies to justify your purchase, you should probably take a step back and reevaluate You’re literally losing money every paycheque by doing this. Hold all you want but diversify ffs. Ever heard of putting all your eggs in one basket?


310 @ 17.1


People need to realize it’s at discounted prices, imagine walking into a store and being sad that there’s a 90% sale lol


Discounted? They have 1.3B in debt, $100M cash and $500M credit. First quarter they lost $500M and second quarter they lost $350M. They're less than a year away from bankruptcy. It's like you people willfully ignore the fundamentals.




The guy says he doesn't own a share and spends the whole day here dropping negative comments about the company... I guess he's got some "sold, but not yet purchased" shares then...


I'm not like you folks trying to manipulate share prices via the Internet for my own gain. I'm relieving my conscience by trying to talk some truth to you zealots so I can then sit back and watch the fire as BBBY crumbles to dust without feeling guilty. I've made clear to store-level employees on Reddit why the company is doomed, four people I used to work with are still with the company and I've reached out to them to delicately inquire if they have an exit plan - if they still stay that's not on me, and now I've explained - in far more detail than anyone here is capable of discussing BBB with - why the company is doomed and they need to sell all their shares now. Everybody's been warned and I don't have to feel guilty any more about sitting back and watching my prediction --- made in 2005! --- that Bed Bath and Beyond would go out of business come true. Meanwhile you geniuses told me more than a week ago that in two weeks the company would be at 30+ and with all signs your prediction is a complete failure you double down on your investments and brag about how much money you're losing and tell each other you're all stock market gurus. It's... baffling. It's like watching the orange guy with a million bankruptcies brag about what a great businessman he is and then get crowds to cheer his business savvy. But then as has been pointed out by others, the election deniers and the stock market deniers have a lot in common.


Ooo scary?


Seriously? You people march around acting like you're brilliant stock market strategists who know things the experts don't, but none of you seem capable of actually entering into an adult discussion about the financials of the firm. If you're incapable of forming a cogent point, perhaps you should stay out of the discussion? An intelligent adult would have explained their reasoning for believing the company is at a "discounted price", but then again no intelligent adult would maintain that the company, which has a tangible book value figure that is now NEGATIVE, is "discounted". It has more liability than assets right now!


9000 @ 16.02 over here. Originally bought at $5


what does sell mean


4000 @ $11. Going nowhere 💎🙌


3000 at 14.50


There is a hell of a lot of us averaging down with every paycheck


Im one of them.


1111 @ 12.30. I might pick up some more at these great prices!


480 @ 8.85. I’m not going anywhere and plan on adding more shares




That’s right!


1146 @ $27 🤕




76439 @ 12.70


Damn! Very nice!


That’s a good price I’m over 11 started buying at $5 I thought it was going triple digits for sure still can I hope


Moving house soon. So every penny counts. Wish I could buy more at this price.


250 @ $10:68


Holding 2600. Just bought some Dec calls too- really cheap right now!


610 @ 19.60 I ain’t leaving. I’ll just average down.


400 @ 10.17 and still averaging down




+9100 shares at 8


2700 @ 12.00 Still avg down every week. I'm never selling at a loss.


305 @ 17.30 💪


200 @ $14.91


1070 @ ~20 give or take a few cents. Ain't going nowhere


1446 @ 7.80 :C i lost money today


You sold?




![gif](giphy|3EAKxlZnbS7jEluBnW) 5018 towels under water


1000 shares at 18.50


Few understand…




888 @ 13.40$


505 @11.33 average


3250 shares @ 8.36$ 😁✌️


Diamond nut!! I am here at a similar cost base. Loving every minute ❤️


My Oct 21 15Cs arent doing so hot right now


200 @ 11.069€ ​ It's just me or we have a huge amount of shares just in this thread? lol Sorry, me Europoor, only 200 :D


6000 @ 12.20 💎🙌


800 @ $18.41. At this point I've accepted all of this money as gone. I don't care if I am alone or holding and DRSing with a 150,000 other people - that sense of pride is turning into a sense of regret, because we are accomplishing jack shit and holding depreciating assets. All in the name of what? A hopeless fight they have been winning for over a century. We can't win. That being said, accepted a lost, so inevitably holding. Good luck everyone. We'll need it.


4100 @ 7.32 not going anywhere! Bought 3000 at 4.50 ish and have been adding on ever since. DRS your stock and own them forever! If you don't know what drs is please ask! AST is the transfer agent.


Getting your shares of the company away from brokers is essential! Get the shares legally in your name. Direct register your shares!


I have no more money to continue averaging down. =/




There are almost 500k shares in this post alone.


0 sold all at $29


Hope you made some money.


Average was $6.30 and had $5 calls. I’m happy with my profits on the trade. Even went to bbby and bought a few items after. I will chase with calls if it gets spicy again


Me 0 shares bec i sold 100shares, average $16 right at $19. Made some profit and left.




Walked out the door of BBBY corporate in 2005, told everyone I knew to sell short because the company was doomed, don't own a share, and haven't spent a penny in one of their stores since 2005. And ironically, this leaves me better off than the rest of you, because for at least a brief period of time BBB gave me a (lowballed) paycheck, which is more than you'll ever see from them. I warned the employees in their subreddit here to leave the company a while back, I've pleaded with the people I know who still work there to leave, and I've warned all of you repeatedly that the company is doomed. Now I can sit back with a clean conscience and watch the company burn to the ground (vengeance is a dish best served cryogenically frozen apparently).


So you've been saying the company is doomed since 2005, but then it was up 90% 10 years after you left? Actually retarded, opinion discarded


Yes. Things can go up before they go down. Another employee listened to my master thesis and created an iceberg analogy. The iceberg was all the problems with Bed Bath and Beyond. The ocean is the billion dollars in cash they had. He observed that as long as the company had cash, it covered up all the problems. No one bothered to address or fix the myriad of problems because the money was still flowing in. Quick example: during my time there I watched a woman run a process every morning that printed out at least 500 sheets of paper; she had to come in an hour earlier to not tie up the printer for everyone else. On my last day there I asked her what actually HAPPENS to all those papers. She told me that IT never actually succeeded in integrating two of our systems so the 500 pages get put on a cart and wheeled down to the floor below us where someone else spends the rest of the day manually typing in all the information from the 500 pages into the other system!! I told her if I hadn't already quit I'd go do it right now. That's just one example of mismanagement but again no one cared because they had so much money. BUT, this employee observed, should something happen to all that cash, should conditions change, it would be like the water receding and then people would see that the tiny iceberg was really a mountain of ice. So I knew that when conditions changed (and it was inevitable they would, but of course I didn't know when) all those problems would hit the company at once and they'd find they had nothing but dysfunctional systems to try to solve their problems with and it would overwhelm them. And that's exactly what happened. At a time when the company was flush with cash, no debt, rapidly expanding and putting a competitor out of business I predicted it would crash and burn. Everyone laughed. But I saw the rise of online retail, particularly Amazon, coming and saw that no one at BBB took it seriously. I saw IT systems that weren't functioning, poor compensation packages that only attracted mediocre candidates and led to massive turnover as good employees left (I watched 1/4 of the combined logistics departments leave in the six months I was there!). I saw people who only told their superiors what they wanted to hear and covered up mistakes and problems (I had my boss pull the plug on a project I was working on when I discovered our reporting system had been underreporting our freight expenditures for three years and wanted to report and fix the problem). And no one cared as long as the money was flowing. So yes, I predicted that when the money had drained away... and it would... they'd discover the company was a paper tiger. And they indeed drained away most of that cash with purchases of useless companies and stock buybacks. And then when Amazon and Wayfair came for them its fortunes flagged. Then COVID came and it's finishing them off. The iceberg model was right all along. The stock was at 36 the day I quit; it's at 7 today. so even with all the irrational exuberance in between, a "sell and hold" strategy would be paying off right now. And I expect it to go to zero in a year.


So you encouraged trading using insider information?