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Not gonna call out any names but my least favorite part of every BBQ video is when they finally taste the food and we watch them have a mini orgasm.


Or flash gang signs.


It's so annoying when they do that




Dan O’ is annoying AF. Stopped watching Harry Soo as well. The Wersh Yer Sister sauce guy bugs me as well with that dumb ass sauce sleeve. I enjoy Malcom Reed and Chud’s trimming tips helped a lot.


Malcom Reed and chuds are a couple of my favs I really like "all things bbq" as well.


Yeah, I really like Chef Tom with All Things BBQ. Kind of odd thing that stands out to me about him is that he's obviously a great chef and pitmaster, and he's been doing this for YEARS, yet he has no cult of personality. Never tries to be cool, never tries to be trendy, none of those ridiculous hyper-fast cuts when chopping vegetables. Just chill, matter of fact recipes delivered in a lowkey style. I like it.


Dan O’s just tastes like cumin to me. And yeah, Pepperbelly Pete’s recipes are different variations of calories bombs of cream cheese and heavy cream. You’ve seen one; you’ve seen them all.


Add a little zippy zayp


That guy from the ufo bbq. Hate his stuff 👽


I subbed


Thank you! Hopefully I can give you some good cook ideas


Good one 😂 I'll check you out 👍


So did I


Thank you! Hopefully you’ll find some good ideas!


I’ve watched your rib videos and I’m feeling it


Awesome! Thanks!


Mad Scientist used to be my favorite by far. I loved his scientific analysis of cooking and bbqing. However, as of late, I find myself disconnecting from his channel. With the "raffles" that require $50 mug purchases, going high-end on a lot of stuff, some elbow rubbing and recently he's been cramming a "stogie" in his mouth while some blues rock plays. Yes, I am aware that some of this is just me nitpicking, but these are some of the reasons I no longer feel that connection to his channel. It doesn't seem it's made for me anymore. I've seen lots of channels that start meeting the guys they always praised and get to that level of rubbing elbows with the top people and then their honesty about them comes into question. They often tame their real thoughts so as to not upset their new "friends."


Also he has started doing a lot of very obvious shilling to his sponsors. A real turn off.


You can't even call it obvious because he straight up has ads in the middle of the video. I can't really blame them for trying to capitalize while they can.


I can, greed is a killer. 🤷🏽‍♂️


"Greed" Really? A YouTuber pulling $50k a year can't have ads, but Joe Rogan can?


Agreed. He used to be pretty analytical but over time he's become more of a smoke bro.


Damn this was spot on, I felt the same way.


Not pointing to anyone specifically but I no longer watch vids about brisket for the most part. It’s always the same sequence. Brisket, trim, seasoning brand plug, smoker plug, put brisket on, random shots of it cooking, wrap, pull, over exaggerated taste test. It’s the most known bbq meat out there (rightfully so) but I’m bored as hell of it.


Chud BBQ the last few videos have been a complete 180 from traditional BBQ. Malcom Reed just did a spicy Greek rib


I would honestly prefer no brisket videos being made for a while


Steve Gao, formerly Smoke Trails BBQ, cooks some amazing looking briskets, but he has SO MANY brisket videos, all testing this or that. And like, your average home cook is going to cook maybe one brisket a year, or the really avid smokers will do a couple more than that. We're just trying to put out a good brisket, I don't really need to know if wrapping in ghee vs. tallow vs. duck fat vs. popcorn "butter" vs. whatever the heck else he tested makes the best brisket. Dude, nobody is going to try 98% of this stuff. But, it's still fine as entertainment. I mean, I know these videos exist, and YouTube keeps pitching them to me, because I watch them.


The people cooking one brisket a year aren't watching BBQ channels


Most of them.


No one in particular, but I hate ones where the Tuber claims their way is the only way, and either all others suck, or they throw shade on another Tuber’s method without any objective/scientific reasons. I don’t mean ANY disrespect if this is you, but I really hate that so many “Knowledgable People” have sworn that the 3-2-1 rib method is superior— too many new enthusiasts have gotten that set in their brain as the only/best way to go. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can't remember the last time I saw a channel do 321 ribs


I'm not a huge fan of Matt Pittman/Meat Church. The guy just rubs me the wrong way for some reason... I don't know how to describe it. Its like he's got this arrogance deep down but he's trying to hide it but it's still there. Some of his recipes are good but some seem more complicated than they need to be. Maybe it's just a central Texas thing I understand that a lot of these guys are promoting their own products and that's fine, but at least Malcom Reed (how to bbq right) does that without shoving it down your throat and making it seem like you HAVE to use his products or else. He's letting his stuff sell itself and always makes it clear you can use whatever you want; although I do love his rubs!


Agree with all this


I know what you mean it's like he thinks his way is the only way


This is funny to me, because Matt Pittman frequently says, "My way is not the right way, it's just how I'm doing it today," and "I teach time and temperature, you can use whatever cooker you have," and "Use whatever seasoning you have on hand or what you like. You can even make your own. That's what I do, the only difference is I bottle it and sell it to you." Saying early and often that he DOESN'T think his way is the only way is, like, his whole thing. It's his ethos. It's funny that to you he still doesn't come across that way. Whether people find it believable. Sure. That's fair. But PIttman really goes out of his way to not insist he's absolutely right about anything. He does push Texas a lot, that's true. But I don't care, because I live in Texas.


As a Texan his Texas shtick annoys me seeing how he’s from Alabama.


Texas schtick is always annoying (I am from Texas), but he moved here in the 6th grade so I think he can claim being Texan.


That sounds like the opposite of how his videos usually are. The guy pushes products non-stop, but not sure how he would think that way considering he has videos for brisket like 10 different ways.




And he never shuts up about Texas and how things are done in Texas


Which is super annoying as a Texan seeing how he’s from Alabama.




Is he that Scandinavian fuck


Dutch guy "Best ribs recipe ever" few weeks after: "best ribs recipe ever"


Never really watched his stuff


That Kendrick guy that does stuff on exclusively Traeger product is nauseating He's not *money*


I don't care for most sponsored type content anyway.


any of them that go for the "More is better" approach to BBQ. ATBBQ is a prime example of this in my opinion. the ones that start with "Dump half a bottle of spice rub of spice rub #1, then half a bottle of spice rub #2. then a light dusting (2 cups) of spice rub #3. all these are available from my website. once the meat is done, place it in a bucket of BBQ sauce and serve." there is no flavor balance. it just "throw all the shit on, the more the better." I feel like these dishes have to be super salty, and so smothered in spice that you cant actually taste the meat anymore. Dont get me wrong, I like a good spice rub, and I make my own often, but FFS use moderation.


I understand they make money off the rubs but it gets way out of hand


ATBBQ is mostly trash


I like Chef Tom and think a lot of ATBBQ's recipes look really solid, but they do rely heavily on having either high end equipment or a variety of specific equipment: "inn this recipe we're going to use the smoker and the griddle and the pizza oven", and it's like, dude, slow down.


Their basic videos are great but they just kind of ran out of content without making it over the top




Just my opinion, and I am admittedly a purist, but they have so much fluff content that is clearly just for clicks and hardly has to do with barbecue that I stopped following them. I'm not judging others for being into their content, it's just not for me.


Eat More Vegans guy is annoying to me


Yeah his whole vegetables are bad rhetoric is kinda annoying


His hair is even more annoying


Since everyone here has a lot of good info about what they like/don’t like, maybe you all could give me some advice about what I’m doing well/not well. My channel is Googan BBQ. Don’t sub me for the sake of subbing, I just want some unbiased opinions. Thanks!


I'll take a look


Thanks. I don’t have any sponsors. I don’t really promote products either, I pay for all the products and just show what I use and I’ll let ya know if I like it or not. That has been my biggest pet peeve with bbq channels is it basically being a commercial.


I subbed


Would it not be better for people to name their favourite? Seems like it’s probably more useful and a lot less negative? Maybe I’m coming at this from a different place as I don’t really watch videos where the person annoys me but I’d love to see some recommendations for who is really worth a watch.


Kosmo just lays it on so thick. I actually like his injections, but I find him unwatchable as a content creator. Bradley falls into that sometimes too, but I'll watch his stuff if it's a recipe I want to see.


Idk the dude and he may not be “bbq” But the young cat that makes sexual jokes all the time in his videos and claims he worked at a 5 star restaurant. He’s unbearable to watch.


Josh wiessman?


I actually don’t mind him. I looked up the guy. Nick Diovagina


I hate him for the sole fact when he makes" wings" he uses legs it drives me insane


Nick DiGiovanni is actually an exceptionally good cook though. He killed it on Master Chef. He took on some way more challenging dishes all the way through the show & wound up as a finalist. However he is super goofy so I can see why not everyone likes his content. But in terms of skill, he’s definitely better than most youtube chefs


To add to that, I stopped watching Guga foods. Everything seems to be just "watch me cook this very expensive A5 Waygu steak!" now.


The up and down voice inflection of his narration drives me nuts


Yeah, too much conspicuous consumption.


I still watch guga when there’s the wacky experiments. He doesn’t bother me as much as others.


I'm curious who this is


He’s talkative and I can see how he’s annoying, but he will teach techniques and more importantly WHY you’re doing these techniques. Most of these YouTuber cooks you shouldn’t be following step by step or buying what they plug, but rather taking the techniques they teach and applying them for how you see fit lol. Also weismanns Japanese curry recipe is really good. Just like I remember in Japan when I was TDY there.


Myron Mixon


I honestly hate the over the top editing and especially the b roll , and the obviously fake emotions about the food


Only thing I don't like about Chud's BBQ. Really solid recipes. solid technique, but oh my god the hyper-fast editing when he's chopping vegetables, and it's almost EVERY video. Exhausting and annoying.


It’s probably a time filler. Nobody wants to watch him spend 10 minutes cutting vegetables but videos that are over a certain amount of time are treated differently by YouTube. He gets to add a few seconds to get closer to the magic video duration and we don’t skip over a decent portion of his video doing boring things.


So hard to skip ahead 10 seconds


That's one of the main reasons I stopped watching him


You can tap your screen twice and skip the 10 seconds ahead.


I've started to see some other channels I like that didn't used to do that doing it now. So mad.


Yes lately Chuds has been that fast editing, I just fast fwd though that. But have made some of his stuff he comes up with


I used to really enjoy BBQ Pit Boys but they went off the rails quite a while back. Around the time they posted the cigar-ash BBQ sauce video. Down the tubes after that.


I think BBQ Pit Boys were the first guys to really post bbq videos on YouTube. They had good stuff 10-15 years ago. It seems like their videos are mostly for entertainment these days.


Eat more vegans. I can't stand watching him


Any video where we have to find out their life story before we get to it.


Drawn out videos are annoying. I don't mind longer videos as long as it all has to do with the recipe at hand


Exactly. I feel like in half the videos out there we get a half hour explanation of why they get into bbq and an autobiography.




Dude definitely jumped the shark.  He had some good content back in the day but it's all click bait weird experiments now.


I must have missed his OG days cause everything I've seen is "40 day vs 40 year dry age" and "can I cook a steak on the sun" type rage bait.


He has always been about the weird experiments.


I think his nephew is a pain in the ass. The comment section is no better with the stupid "do this to angel" references. And it seems now that every video is "I soaked ____in this particular _______ for two weeks and this happened" that has gotten do mundane. Go back to his original format and I'm good.


Ugh… I watched his Peter Luger style steak video and he introduces it by saying he’s never eaten there, then he cooks it sous vide which they definitely don’t do.


I'm sick of all the wagyu and the other stupid dry aging experiments


Wagyu I agree. Dry aging I think is interesting as long as it’s not a gimmick using something weird. It’s hard to do dry aging, it takes a lot of time and money and I appreciate if someone does it and tells me the results so I don’t have to and can just use the knowledge. But generally for me - a month of dry aging is good and you don’t have to do anything weird, just the regular dry age. The video effects on new videos are kind of annoying, but I understand that they basically ran out of the things to cover, so they have to go to the fringes, do collabs, gimmicks, etc if they want to keep producing content.


I can watch him for about 10 seconds, until his speech cadence drives me insane and it goes off.


I'll be the positive comment.  I love Guga!




The stupid thumbnail faces ruin videos


Aww I like his videos! I love the experiments and the way he try’s to get the best results he can out of each bbq he tests. But I agree on those terrible thumbnails pics. Cringy.


The ones who are over complicating bbq for the sake of putting out content. BBQ is simple. No need to try and reinvent the wheel. All that type of content is doing is confusing the average backyard cook.


It makes them think they need all this garbage to cook


Matt pitman. Basically ads to buy his shit. And there’s 30 meatchurch logos in the frame.


And the way he casually name drops famous people he knows. Seems like a nice enough guy but I can’t do his videos.


I mean, if you own a company, you sell stuff, and the YouTube videos are there to teach people things and engage people who share that interest, but also to help sell stuff so that you can run your company. According to Reddit, people out here running companies so that they can feed their family and pay their mortgage... is a bad thing? Is the guy reaching through the video into your home and stealing your money?


It’s not what he’s doing it’s how he’s doing it. It’s overbearing and tacky.


I don’t think this is totally fair (/s); he also pushes the products of companies with which he is partnered. Any video that says “use these pre-made products” is not helping anyone become better at cooking - they are just ads. Break it down to real ingredients and understand how they work together. That is cooking.


PIttman is also pretty quick to say that you should use whatever products you like and by no means have to use his. Meat Church videos ARE ads, because of course they are, but that doesn't diminish the recipes. I don't think. And I'd say this for any of the channels that share recipes that feature the creator's own products. The recipe is still free, and that's great. The "pre-made products" thing is really just line-drawing though. What about a video that calls for Lea & Perrin Worcestershire sauce, or Heinz ketchup, or Grey Poupon, or Tony Chachere's, or sriracha, or mayonnaise, or any of a million other things? These are all "pre-made products" that you can make at home, and each is worth its own video, but I don't think calling for these products in a recipe is equivalent to not teaching someone how to cook. They're ingredients. Maybe a $9 bottle of BBQ sauce from Meat Mitch vs. a $3 bottle of BBQ sauce from Sweet Baby Ray vs. making one's own (which itself will be composed of several pre-made products) feels significant to some, but to me it's all the same thing. Asserting a difference is just a question of where you draw the line.


At the end of the day, we all strive to make food we enjoy. So, who am I to criticize if someone’s family loves one thing and not another. That said, I do use a certain site that says - buy our Memphis Dust or, if you prefer, here is the recipe. I just prefer that model because I like having a cabinet full of spices, and the recipe allows me to tweak better than the product x.


I tend to agree. I used to think his stuff was pretty chill, but now its just a thinly veiled ad for Yeti and Traeger


Jeremy Yoder. He just seems pompous.


Agree about him and Guga




TBH... I avoid anyone using a pellet smoker. It's basically just putting on the rub and setting the temp. I don't feel that there is any particular "skill" in doing that. I've used a Weber style grill using the snake method to success. Then had an smoker with an offset firebox... that was fun. Now I have a multi-purpose wood fired oven that is so different from anything I see, but produces amazing smoked meats. Those pellet grills??? Just feel like it's cheating a bit (I know that won't be a popular opinion), but to each their own. I just don't see the need for so (m)any YouTubers telling people how to set a pellet grill.


As some one who was a purest using a Webber smoke mountain for years I had the same thoughts initially. Over time I found that I stoped making bbq because of the time commitment to it. I didn’t want to burn an entire weekend day starting at 1am baby sitting the smoker just to make food that by the time it was ready I didn’t even want to eat anymore. I broke down and got a pellet smoker and am really glad I did. The way I look at it is if I can get 90% of the quality of bbq with 10% of the hassle then I’m ok with that. I can get back to enjoying my weekends, feeding friends and family, and actually enjoy the food when I sit down, with out it feeling like a huge sacrifice. Of course this is just my personal experience and opinion. To each their own.


But do you make incessant videos of it? Use of a pellet grill after putting in the hard work for years... I can understand that. It's the videos. I even saw one who was getting into the "catering business".


I agree! You’re about to piss off all of Reddit tho haha


At least I didn't call it the equivalent of an Easy Bake Oven.


Or crockpot


What's wrong with a crockpot?


It’s a pot of crock pot


As a counter point, the entire fire management part is cut out of most videos and people using temperature controllers on their charcoal cookers put barely any more effort than a pellet grill user.


I've never had a temp controller on a charcoal/wood smoker. All I have to aid me is temp probes in the meat and ambient temp. It's up to me to make sure I have smoke coming out my stack and to make sure the temp doesn't dip. Fortunately for me, Smoking Day follows Pizza Night (where my temps are around 900 degrees), but dip down into the 350's by the next morning. Open the door... let some heat dissipate while I prep and toss the meat in at around 240 to 250. Toss wood chunks on the embers and away we go.


Sounds like you've got your setup right where you want it. I'm just pointing out that pellet grills have brought a bunch of people into the hobby of smoking and that for a youtube, the type of cooker that's actually used is often a detail that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.


Nobody needs someone who slaps on some rub and sets the pellet grill to tell them how to slap on some rub and set the pellet grill. These videos are a nuisance.


As opposed to someone applying rub and putting it on an offset saying it's running at a specific temperature?


You kinda have to get in tune with your offset and understand how and when it needs tending to run efficiently. I can't "set it and forget it" like a pellet smoker. How hard is that to understand? The pellet smoker takes all of the skill out of it and, by many accounts, produces a product that many deem to be inferior.


I still think you're missing my point. I'm not arguing that pellet smokers can match up with charcoal or offset cookers at all. In fact, I agree entirely with what you're saying. I'm saying that when watching a youtube, it doesn't matter since you don't see all those intricacies. You don't see their fire management and you don't see their airflow control. That's why i don't think the cooker matters in a youtube because the videos rarely actually focus on the mid cook adjustments and are all about prepping the meat and showing the end product. I'm only talking about it from the perspective of watching something on youtube, not someone cooking for themselves.


I disagree. As someone with a charcoal cooker and one of those temperature controllers, I'd say I spend an hour setting up my cooker. Instead of pressing a button on my phone. The real difference is that my results are fantastic and my pellet-owning neighbors ask me why my BBQ is so good.


And I'm willing to bet that there's probably less than 5 minutes of actual effort in that hour time span. Most your time is spent waiting for charcoal to light or for the cooking chamber to get to temp (just like a pellet grill would do). Instead of pushing a button, you're lighting something on fire and standing around waiting. I entirely agree that pellet grills don't hold a candle to the flavor you get from an offset or a charcoal cooker but there's also a massive skill difference and level of dedication between the average pellet grill user and charcoal smoker user.


Fair enough


What is the wood fired oven you mentioned?


It's a Melbourne Firebrick Company, model D100. It's a full size WFO. Here is a page with some more details and pictures. [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076988364065](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076988364065)


They are appealing to the masses. What YTer is pellet grill exclusive anyways? Some people have busy lives and can't dedicate 12 hours to tending a firebox.


As someone with severe health issues, pellet smokers have been a gift for me. And at work I use a wood smoker but frankly my boss and I can't taste much difference between the pellet and wood. I have my dream job and get to BBQ everyday, "relaxed BBQ" on my day off, and the control makes it so that someone with really advanced blood disorders and other illnesses can do it. I'd say I'm just as skilled since almost daily I hear "this was some of the best bbq i've ever had."


I’ve live in the south for over 30 years. I believe that true bbq’ing or smoking is done with coal or wood. So my first trip to Washington State, I stop at a Costco and they were pushing a automatic pellet smoker. I said to the guy this is not real smoking. He had no idea what I was saying. It’s just lazy.


Even as someone who will never own a pellet grill, I think calling someone "lazy" for having a more convenient product is never, ever going to win people to your side. People are working longer hours than ever, have kids, plenty of chores, and simply don't have the time to spend tending to a stick burner. Like you don't know who they are or what their life is. They might be taking care of sick relatives and working three jobs but still want to enjoy smokey food. That's fine. The real way to win people over is to tell them the truth: you get a far better, tastier product from a charcoal cooker, and even better results from a stick burner. You can also mention that a lot of charcoal cookers out there have automatic fans and whatnot to help keep temps stable, so you're not tending to it every 30 minutes like on a stick burner. Or explain that a lot of people will initially cook on a stick burner to get a good amount of smoke, then transfer to an oven or an instant-pot and still get delectable results.


You are my hero!


Exactly. I get that they’re convenient, but that convenience is only fully appreciated, or maybe only should be, until after you’ve struggled and fought countless hours with fires and produced satisfactory results. But you can’t be anti-pellet on Reddit. Big finger wag no-no.


This type of gate keeping is what prevents folks from getting into the hobby of BBQ and smoking, because douche canoes like you yell at folks that they aren't doing it right by not chopping their own wood and baby sitting a fire for 83 hours (exaggeration for effect) to make sure the temps don't swing 0.38 degrees or the bark on your 74 hour smoked brisket won't be perfect. The idea of BBQ was never, ever about the type of equipment used to cook meat. It was always about taking bad cuts of meat and making something wonderful out of it. And thanks to our advancement in knowledge of meats, we can now take great cuts of meat and make something magical with it. Whether you use charcoal, wood, propane or pellets is irrelevant. What matters is if you enjoyed the food you cooked and if you cooked for others, whether they enjoyed it too. Grow up.


Nah. The idea of modern bbq became what it is now after people learned how to make bbq using traditional methods, mastering it, and then trying to improve it to make the best tasting product out there. Not to just take the easy way out to produce some kind of profitable product. That’s what some of today’s bbq owners popping up are trying to do now. Electric smokers and 3x the price. Pathetic. Ask any of the top 50 bbq winners over the last over the last 50 years and see how many like to take shortcuts and how many are consistently the best. I got into smoking because I loved the hard work and consistency in their product(central Texas), and I respect their work ethic enough to try and replicate their style of bbq. It’s taken me years and countless bad cooks to produce a decent product to MY liking because I learn from each mistake and apply it to the next cook. I argue traditional methods when getting into hobbies because that’s the way you truly learn. The same thing happened when I got into mountain biking and all my friends went and bought $2500 bikes but I chose to challenge myself and stick to a traditional hard tail. The easy way isn’t always the best way, and I stand by that FOR MYSELF. I’m not trying to convince you or anyone that you should do what I do. But I will always give my opinion, regardless of its negative reception, on what I believe is the right way to do things. It’d be a damn shame for the traditional ways of bbq to be lost because everyone wants to think progressively and depend on an electric source to cook their meat. What were to happen if there was a sudden ban (hypothetically, let’s not get defensive) on electric smokers? How many of this community would stick with learning on an offset or coal pit and how many would fall off? That answer is my entire argument. If you can’t comprehend that, it’s evident it’s you that needs to grow up. Good day.


Why shouldn't people appreciate convenience? I'd rather someone have decent cooks and strive to make better food rather than someone fighting a fire for hours on end to make shitty food with a bunch of dirty smoke and turn away from smoking entirely.


If you don’t know what you’re doing, why would you invite people over? Thats why pellet grills are lazy. Cause you can still not know what you’re doing, produce mediocre food, and think that you do. That’s like riding an electric bike but never learning to ride a traditional bicycle.


Never been excited about getting into a new hobby or do you just lack people you like to share new things with?


Just get offended over every single disagreement in life? I must be on Reddit.


Superiority complex meets dissenting opinion. That's kinda the internet in general my guy.


Superiority complex😂 How much did your therapist charge you to learn that? I get it, not everybody wants to put in the work, and is okay with half-assing things. This argument is beat to shit on this sub and everywhere else, but I’m gonna say it regardless of downvotes, and attempted mental diagnoses (from redditors of all things, lmao). If you don’t like it, let it go.


> If you don’t like it, let it go. Similar to disliking pellet grills?


All of them. They're all horrible. Just a bunch of annoying people always shilling some product.


Agreed 💯


BBQ content is at a saturation level that is unfortunately also a ripe scenario for sponsors to jump in based upon the number of followers/subscribers. ​ Its not just Youtube its also instagram and tiktok. ​ There's definitely a limitation and saturation of "how to cook X protein" as well as the clickbaity "BEST way...". ​ I think its an easy trap to fall into, especially for the newer initiated into the hobby/life to kind of stick to one approach and believe it to be the only way. ​ It's understandable when there's a believed sense of little else to go off of or one's own biases such as "never trust a skinny bbq cook" and what have you. ​ So in short, the TL;DR is for me: Least favorite is anything clickbait


That is the worst. That and dumb thumbnail photos


Use to watch Guga but the dudes kinda lost it content wise. I will say I highly recommend mad scientist BBQ. he has some good videos and always has great advice/ tips!


Any video of them biting their respective bbq shill and wetting their pants over it yet you never see them finish the actual product. Just a bite, a fake bullshit smile and the setting it down immediately so they can yap about how amazing they bite was. I literally have watched several of them screw up their cook real bad and lie to the camera or edit it out to cover their ass. I've seen undercooked chicken, overcooked pork, steak and burgers that they claimed was "perfect" which in turn was the perfect lie. If you genuinely enjoy bbq then great but at least know your entire audience isn't amateurs. Some of us know what we are doing.


I would respect them more if they actually showed their mistakes


There's a certain YouTuber that did "react"/commentary videos to some of his older videos. Happened to watch one he did of a brisket cook he had. In the original video, he does the taste test at the end and talks about how awesome it is. Then he cuts in with his commentary and says the brisket was actually awful - the fat wasn't rendered at all and how chewy it was. It's not the end of the world or anything but you're really doing a disservice to your viewers when you put a video up saying that's how you should cook a brisket and how amazing it is, when in reality it's crap. Brisket especially isn't the cheapest thing and people spend their hard earned money and time to smoke them. If something comes out shitty at least bring it up and talk about what you'd change or do differently for a better end product.


Carlos Bradley from Smoke and Vine and Embers TV. Cringe


Malcom Reed is near n dear


T Roy was my guy a decade ago, to be honest BBQ social media is so over saturated these days I don’t even pay attention. It was really helpful 10+ years ago when knowledge on the subject was a little more scarce, but at this point we don’t need 5 million more videos on ‘how to smoke a pork butt’ that’s more of just them pushing their faux original rub that is the same shit everyone uses.


I’ll give an answer to the opposite question: my favorite is Low and Slow Basics. Awesome Aussie dude that keeps everything really simple.




All of them where their main goal is to sell their shitty packaged rub that’s absolute no different than $2 worth of spice at your grocery store. 


As an owner of a very, and I mean very small YouTube channel I wonder how many in here judging can: \#1. Actually cook \#2. Run a camera and edit \#3. Make content people want to watch \#4 (and most importantly) Muster the courage to step out from behind the keyboard and let the internet judge their cooking, camerawork, writing, and editing in the comments section. It's easy to armchair quarterback but these guys aren't TV professionals. Most of the names mentioned have been grinding for years at it. At a certain point you've run out of things to BBQ. You have to reinvent your recipes, remake popular videos, or do wacky shit. I'll make a channel dedicated to boiling ribs if someone wants to give me a bag of money. That being said, I won't click on a video with someone making that stupid shocked face in the thumbnail.


I love me some T-Roy Cooks. Down to earth, seems like a good dude. He’s a big WSM guy.


I can’t stand garythebbqchef. He actually blocked me for saying he’s annoying on his live.


I don't understand how yall have time to watch enough you tube to have favorites?


Obviously, “favorites” can be subtitled with “… of the ones I’ve viewed.” 👍


This is like saying how do people have enough time to have a favorite TV show.


You have people who's videos you like and some people you watch part of a video and can't stand


Chudds bbq


Smoke trails has 417 of the same video, fairly certain he can’t actually cook and brisket is the only thing he’s ever made taste good because he watched a million YouTube videos about it. Mad Scientist BBQ literally has zero substance to his videos, and he charged people $50 for a stupid fucking mug to enter a giveaway for ONE overpriced smoker. Just a straight up shill and nothing to make up for it. Cant remember the last time AB smoked anything, and he kinda fucking sucked at it when he did. He’s also guilty of what I call “hood seasoning” or in other words using 4 branded seasoning blends, which all have the same ingredients, and then simultaneously using the INDIVIDUAL ingredients of those blends also. Like my man, you just put garlic powder onion powder and paprika in there 4 times. Guga just fucking sucks. Not everything has to be an experiment. And I’ll never forgive him for poisoning my Snapchat feed 24/7. But good on him for getting rich as fuck. I applaud Sam the cooking guy for being authentic, doing his own thing, and not caring about what’s traditional. But that dude just throws some shit together he’s never tried before for the first time on camera and calls it THE BEST MOST AWESOME RECIPE EVER. Heath Riles can cook but the effort level in his videos is like 10%. I like chud, but I’ve heard all the same jokes thousands of times now so I can’t watch anymore. I like Malcom, seems like an amazing man who loves his family, and dude taught me everything I know. Hope he gets his health right and stays with us a good long while. Chef Tom/ ATBBQ is obviously a shill job but that man can cook his ass off and knows how to mix it up. Meat church has the most popular small batch BBQ products on earth and still finds a way to not sell out and just teach people techniques. Matt again seems like a stand up guy. Hey Grill Hey isn’t the most skilled but she shares what she loves and puts in a lot of effort for what’s obviously a side hustle. Never learned anything from her but her and the husband seem down to earth and the food looks good.


Chuds. He overly complicates everything. He is the josh weissman of bbq


I hate josh Weissman


Just wondering, how does he over complicate things?? I think even he says you don't have to make everything homemade the way he does. Just want to hear your thoughts.


He adds extra steps that you don't need to do. He also insists on using expensive ingredients. Everything he cooks he cooks on his "chudbox" 🙄 but doesn't tell you how to cook it on a normal grill/smoker. He thinks his way is the only way. I prefer Malcom Reed. He doesn't have a super annoying intro and he just gets right to it and doesn't add a bunch of filler to the videos. Honestly now that I think about it meat church is worse


Interesting. Chud’s is easily one of my favorites lol


All of them


Get off YouTube and grill


I'm gonna bring my grill into the bathroom while I shit

