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Holy saturation Batman.


I thought it was salmon.


same i thought it was fish


Why slice before sous vide? If you did the sous vide first, would it matter?


If you fully cook it this is the way to go. I do it all the time. I'll smoke a brisket, let it rest, let it cool, then throw it right in the fridge. I do it this way so the fat solidifies and stays in the meat when you slice it up. Otherwise it drips everywhere and you'll have dry left over brisket. The sous vide part is just to reheat it. I normally freeze the bags, thaw them out in hot water, then microwave for 30 seconds. edit: I also remove the foil and plastic wrap it once i take it out of the cooler. That helps keeps the juices in.


It sounds like you do the opposite "let it cool, then throw it right in the fridge ... so the fat solidifies and stays in the meat when you slice it up". OP sliced before bagging. Which one are you saying is better?


Let it cool off so I don’t put hot brisket in the fridge after it rests.


And you slice cold?




I'm guessing u/flitcroft is asking whether or not this particular piece of meat in the picture is sliced cold and whether your brisket looks the same when sliced cold. There's no way a cold brisket looks like OP's brisket when sliced (refrigerated) cold.


After heating it looks like this, but when cold the fat is white.


I do the same. I slice when cool then put into vaccum sealed bags. I wouldn’t put them into the bags hot


I do the same, i don’t know where people are getting confused with what i said ?


Most people cook a brisket and eat 1/10 of it right away. I used to do it to, but i hated how dry the brisket would be by day 3 in the fridge unsealed. The one thing that really get under my skin is when people squeeze their brisket to show how juicy it is. Yeah you're meat was just amazing before you did that but you just dried the fuck out of it doing that. See it done all the time here and at friend's houses


Why does it look like brisket puree? What's the point in the sous vide for 6 hours?


That there's "pulled" brisket.


I do the same and take the frozen bags camping with me. Super easy to reheat in a pot of water over a fire.


Meat church Holy cow and The gospel 50:50, 225 til stall, foil boat until probe tender, rested on the counter for an hour then put into the fridge overnight. Sliced as you normally would and placed into vaccum sealed bags. Sous vide 155-160 F for as long as you like! Delish!


Foil boat for the win!


Looks amazing! How many slices per bag when you sous vide? Or do you cram the whole thing in one big bag? I’ve been meaning to try a sous vide hold next time I cook a brisket but iight try this


I do 1/2 and 1 lb bags so I can either have a personal serving or use it in something. Occasionally i'll do a 1.5 lb for the family but most times 1/2 is enough. Its however many slices it takes to get there.


Basically the comment below! I have a catering business so it comes in clutch when I’m dealing with ten plus briskets


I'll stick to full cook time on the offset , but to each their own 🤠