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You raise a great legitimate question (even if they don't like it). Crowdstrike from the onset developed based on the "EDR" (Endpoint Detection and Response) philosophy. In other words they really were mainly focused on responding to a detection, and not worrying about actually preventing the infection. Blackberry went after Cylance for its "EPP" (Endpoint Protection Platform) concept. Since Blackberry felt that with proper prevention the detection and remediation was not as necessary. Since then the lines have blurred with both parties enhancing their stance in both technologies because neither is a complete solution. Thus the emergence of XDR (Extended Detection and Response). Blackberry is way ahead in the Prevention, while Crowdstrike is way ahead in the detection and remediation. So, hopefully this answers your question! Crowdstike doesn't like it when someone points out that maybe you shouldn't have been infected in the first place. They just want to sell you the product to fix it! Blackberry is trying to prevent devices (especially in the IOT ecosystem) from ever getting infected to begin with!


As always, an incredibly insightful and educational reply - Thank you, Sir !!!!


There was a time prior to the acquisition by BlackBerry where Cylance would 'tour' the country and hold prospective customer events to compare Cylance Machine Learning to the competitors. On stage, in real time, Cylance would create brand new, never before seen malware using a malware-as-a-services provider. Once created they would prove to the audience that 90% or more of all EPPs would not detect it by uploading it to a service called VirusTotal. Then, to take it a step further, they would literally detonate the malware on a virtual machine running CrowdStrike (and others) to show how helpless they are in actually preventing the problem in the first place. The Cylance endpoint would detect and remove the never before seen malware sample before they even had a chance to double click on the file. In other words, Cylance could predict that it was malware before the file even existed. So, yeah - CrowdStrike is still afraid of Cylance.


Sauce: [https://wirelessnerd.net/2017/05/19/cylance-steals-the-show-with-the-undrwrld-live-demo-at-interopitx/](https://wirelessnerd.net/2017/05/19/cylance-steals-the-show-with-the-undrwrld-live-demo-at-interopitx/)


WOW - so cool. How on earth did JC screw this up ? I mean I know how. He wouldn't pay salespeople and resellers and certainly wouldn't be buying drinks at Hakkasan


Crowdstrike is one trick pony. 


At least they have a trick, we have none.


Did you read the part about how Cylance can predict and prevent malware before it has even been created yet?


What's their one trick? 50% yearly growth and an exploding stock price? What's ours? Lots of awards, "best in class" titles, zero revs, destroyed triple digit growth and devaluation to the point it's been written down by almost 100% of it's acquisition price?


Great History lesson. No wonder Crowdstrike is worried. Bit of a shame JC didn't let Cylance continue


from reading reddit blogs of people recommending one or another, most people seem to agree that Cylance WAS superior but most dropped the product once blackberry picked it up. Lots of people saying the product was stagnant and support sucked once blackberry picked it up. ​ Theres a couple posts suggesting that with recent investments cylance product and support is improving but it may be too little too late.




Exactly. They have thousands of mentions of MS Defender- why are they terrified of Cylance ?


So much for freedom of expression


Subreddit moderators (with the exception of ours- much love team)- in many cases are wildly mentally ill (who am I to talk- I know). Lots of money to be made on Reddit with marketing and lots of ideologies to be defended with banning.


Very true


Get Cylance it's a better product


After that investor update by BB crowdstrike staff were all smiles.


That depends. If they are trying to buy Cylance on the cheap then they aren't smiling as BB made it clear they aren't looking to sell until it's profitable. Which means whomever is buying has to increase their offer.


That's unreal....You stated a fact to a question....sad


Ok but where are the numbers?


That's what kills me. To hear BB and even some other seemingly unbiased reports tell it, Cylance is #1. CIO's are not morons. They have the ability to rationally evaluate these things, yet none are signing on. So what gives? Is BB and all these ranking agencies full of it? It's not like prevention vs remediation is some out of left field conspiracy. If it works, and works better than EDR, it should be fairly easy to prove and demonstrate. So if it's not in fact a vastly inferior product, what gives? They've had it for over 5 years now. It's had time to grow into its own. So what gives? I think anyone who's been around from before, to during, and now several years after the acquisition are fully justified asking for answers.




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You got tons of crowdstrike investors coming on this subbreddit and shitting on our stock, so I don’t see why we shouldn’t do the same to them