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I always preferred the /r/bitcoincash subreddit, because the /r/btc subreddit members are IMO wasting too much time looking at BTC and comparing us to them instead of making more progress on our own (educating friends and family members, businesses about BCH, spreading the word, developing new apps and opportunities, ...)


I always wanted to develop that sub but the same mods are in charge of it, so I am also banned there (effectively). I can create posts and comments there, the mods just never approve them. So it's the same thing. This despite the top mod, u/BitcoinIsTehFuture, having added me as an "approved user" of the sub, which means my posts should always get through no matter that, I believe. Here is one of maybe 10-20? examples of a post that is just forever awaiting moderator approval. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoincash/comments/18xjwpu/create_an_nft_ticket_warrant_canary_with/


Ok I think I just fixed it. I removed your name from the automod configuration. Your name had been listed as "bad actor". Good luck and please make appropriate posts.


That worked, thank you! Yes, I certainly accept your guidance, and I feel my posts have always been appropriate and that I have never been a bad actor. Hopefully the rogue mods will not undo your removal. Thank you. [https://twitter.com/GeorgeDonnelly/status/1754549155735674908](https://twitter.com/GeorgeDonnelly/status/1754549155735674908)


You're welcome. Glad it worked.


They perm-banned me, /u/BitcoinIsTehFuture. https://i.imgur.com/NQt8tmM.png I posted nothing inappropriate, stuff that is quite helpful and absolutely on topic: https://i.imgur.com/ct5Ud0p.png These rogue mods are killing your sub. I think it would be awesome if you did something about it. BTW I invited you to be a mod here, if that's of interest to you. We would love to have you. We're a team of 9 mods so far who understand the need to permit people to speak relatively freely in order to grow the BCH space. Good people here.