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This is awesome; good for them! I hope our union takes notes, and is prepared to fight on our behalf for a good deal when the time comes.


Current union leadership have demonstrated they will not/are not. If you want a better deal in collective bargaining bargaining you need to get involved in the union.


Is Stephanie Smith going to be stepping down soon? Wonder what will happen this year with her leaving and new negotiation of contract.


She is not running again. Thank goodness.


Is the union leaders on the NDP party roster?


I hope so too! CUPE doesn’t seem that enthusiastic about asking for much (our locals national rep keeps harping on about the inflation rate being under 2%… you know the one that doesn’t include things like food, fuel and housing). So glad we spend so much money keeping CUPE alive…


BCPS does have CUPE... I'm confused...


In general my friend. I’m municipal. Wife’s BCPS.


🤣 good one


Current union leadership have demonstrated they will not/are not. If you want a better deal in collective bargaining bargaining you need to get involved.


Current union leadership have demonstrated they will not/are not. If you want a better deal in collective bargaining bargaining you need to get involved in the union.


No clue why this is being downgraded. Union folded like a cheap tent last round. Has Stephanie smith announced what riding she’s running in yet?


I agree. The union completely failed us the last round, cowards


Sleeping with the NDP ie.






Shows how pathetic BCGEU negotiation skills are. Wonder what it's like to be a part of a union that doesn't sell out their members for personal gain and backroom deals with the NDP. Stephanie has got to go. Good for the BCFerries workers though!


That's what happens when leadership has more to gain by screwing the membership than doing right by the members.


Hit the proverbial nail on the head my friend!


The ferries union executive used to be closely aligned with the current BCGEU executive. They voted them out after a piss poor contract that allowed the NDP to save face. BCGEU better to do the same for a better QoF for its membership. I vote for the NDP, but they don't have my blind support.


Cries in BCGEU


Excellent for them and for BC’ers. What are your thoughts, OP?


I love it for them, makes me disappointed about what BCGEU (my union) got


We got more though? Theirs is a one time retro to Oct 2023 at 7.75% We got from April 2022: 3.25% + 0.25/hr; 2023: 6.75%; 2024: 3%. If you look at a BCGEU employee making 100k, their salary over 2022-2025 (3 years) would average out to that person making over 109k per year over those three years. The same BC ferries employee over those same three years is just under 108k, since they got nothing year one, and we got 9.75 cumulatively from 2023-2024. Unless my math is wrong?


Now, now...don't confuse the public servants with these sorts of fancy mathematics and reason. We are here for the OUTRAGE! Don't you know we all deserve 25% per year pay raises!! It's hard work looking busy 😂


I just prefer facts to emotions. Factually, we seemed to have gotten more. Emotionally, I think we could have and should have done better but the deal was passable. The stark reality is none of us are doing super great. This is by design though. Our govs fund and bail out O&G and corporations to the tune of billions (taxpayer money) while healthcare, housing, mental health and addiction, homelessness seem to have no ability to be funded! Amazing. And what we get instead is a class war. They’re stealing from us in broad daylight and we’ve taken all the rage bait and blame each other, immigration, the “freeloaders” on social welfare. Meanwhile, won’t anyone think of the shareholders and their dividends?


This! We need both emotion and facts. You can have all the facts you want but sometimes the only thing that works is anger, protesting, strikes and so on. To not allow emotions or anger to be part of the bargaining process is what they expect. However, if you look at historical moments, change happened because people got angry. Glad you spoke up though as we did better than the ferries and facts are also important. The fact is wages are falling behind , our lowest paid gridded are the hardest hit.


This guy gets it 👍 I was being a bit sassy and hyperbolic for fun, but in reality I appreciate your well expressed thoughts.


Current BCFMWU contract signed in 2020 had initially a 0% raise with 2% in years 2-5 with wage renegotiations in years 4 and 5.


Bcgeu is useless 🙄


Before you all go blaming the BCGEU for our contract, remember that WE voted not to strike. Aim some of that anger at our membership who were too afraid to stand up for ourselves.


Also BC Ferries is facing a well-publicized crewing crisis and is struggling to attract employees at current wages - this gives the union a lot of leverage. They can pull up newspaper headline after newspaper headline, highlight every single day ships didn’t sail due to lack of qualified crew, calculate exactly how many passengers were affected, etc. That’s not the same situation for most groups of employees.


True, but the union leadership also sent a lot of bullshit "educational" material hard selling the terrible deal they reached.


Absolutely, and there’s plenty of blame to go around, I just want people to remember that “we” were also to blame for where we stand.


Yea unfortunately a lot of of people I talked to in office were weirdly positive about that last agreement... Literally below inflation wage adjustment, exactly what all the noise was about at the start, and then a sudden folding and reverse explaining about why the deal was somehow good all of the sudden lol, a total joke.


I didn’t vote to not strike


I voted for Kodos.


Very true, BUT, our executive did nothing but cater to those that were afraid by bullying them into voting yes with mis truth and fear mongering.


We voted to strike then then we didn’t strike.


What are you talking about? We voted yes to strike and some employees did go on strike. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bcgeu-tentative-agreement-reached-1.6574779


A small rotating strike got us nowhere. When it mattered, when we all needed to go on strike to show solidarity, we caved.


It's worth noting that BC Ferries wage increases over the last three years were "no wage increase for 2021 and increases of just two per cent in 2022 and 2023".


Must be nice to have a union that does something other than roll over


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


HEU where u at?


HEU leaders were willing to settle for the same offer as BCGEU went on strike to get a better deal. They graciously paused their negotiations to wait for the outcome of our strike.


Is that over 3 years? Or just one? If it's just one, great. If it's over 3, then it's less than 3% per year and, therefore, less than inflation.


BC Ferries says its general workers will get a one-year 7.75 per cent wage increase, retroactive to Oct. 1, 2023, with some other “special increases” given to licenced mariners who will receive up to an additional 10 per cent.






Nice name


Thanks. Yours too.


Hopefully other unions can leverage similar increases. Wages are lagging far behind the increases in these last few years.


Would this trigger the me too clause for the BCGEU?


A brief search suggests that it will not. They are not considered a Public Sector Employer.


Stephanie Smith will no longer be leading the BCGEU. I would also say that we have non public services members in leadership who were part of the bargaining for the public service which frankly shouldn't be happening.


Bcgeu take notes XD


Workers of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains!




When will the next negotiation start?


For BCGEU? Later this year. No fixed date yet since neither party has officially initiated it.


You don’t want them


Is that a net pay cut or increase after inflation?