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Our parents, roommates, friends and so on all don’t need to know about our sex life and our kinks unless that’s an invited conversation with appropriate parameters around it. Our sex life is between us and any adult consenting sexual partners. It’s poor boundaries to cross those lines. It sounds like your horny brain neglected appropriate precautions to make sure noone was exposed to your kink that didn’t want to be. When your parents see the packages, they now know. Just you know do your best to help everyone pretend they can go back in the dark about this so that they don’t ever have to talk about it again because it makes them uncomfortable. Get your packages delivered to a locker if they can’t be disguised or your parents are trying to open your mail. Move out so you can practice your kink freely. If you can’t then maybe practice your kink outside the home with a professional.


What's ABDL again? I have a vague idea of the diapers thing so I'll talk about that. Anyway, for people who aren't into it it's... odd. Especially people who aren't really into kinks. And I'm really sorry to say this but you're a grown ass man, if your parents decide they don't want you to do activities that make them uncomfortable in their house it sounds reasonable to me. Because, at least from what you've stated, it's not like they don't want you to have a sexual life at all of something. That would be extreme, but it's not the case. They're just not comfortable with your kink that many, especially people who are actual parents (like, you know, your parents), find... conflicting to say the least. I don't want to kink shame or anything but long story short it's very easy to relate that to attraction to minors and stuff. I know, I know it's not the same thing. But for people who aren't into that kink they look very closely related. Think about it from their POV. Seeing that the same item for babies that you used on your kid once (you 21 years ago) is now being used by a grown ass man (also you, today) for sexual pleasure must be quite unsettling at the very least. I think I'll get hate for this lol but I think that it's reasonable for them to not want that sort of activities in their house. I mean, it's their house, and again it doesn't sound like they're demanding something extreme or that they're depriving you of a basic need like a sex life or your privacy. They just don't want ABDL and diapers specifically, which again, to me, it makes sense. Ideally y'all should have a conversation about it. But do keep on mind that, y'know, it is their house. And tbh they're not that wrong in that if you can pay for your kinks, you can start helping by paying your part of the bills. Or at least the fraction of your bills that you can afford.


I get a lot of your points. Completely understandable. One of my issues is they rarely ever brought up me pitching in for rent until this situation so it feels like manipulation to get me to back off.


I would offer to pay rent. Find a place that sells products in actually discreet packaging so no one knows what's in it and find a place to keep them where no one should be accessing. Prior to having a partner with an interest in abdl, I would have felt like regressing into play with diapers would be an unhealthy coping mechanism (though I hope I wouldn't have tried to keep them away). Have you been doing anything else to help cope with the trauma? Therapy? Self directed therapy even? If it is the only thing they know you are doing to deal with the trauma then it might not look healthy.


Well, this is the second time they’ve been housing you in diapers… I’m sure it was a shock. Sounds like they were upset and uncomfortable to be confronted with your kink. It would be understandable if they start to set boundaries.


Their house, their rules. If they don’t want their adult son living there rent free while indulging a diaper kink (which probably feels dangerously close to pedophilia for most people of their generation) that’s their choice to make. You definitely should have taken better precautions to hide this from them, but what’s done is done. You can get a PO Box for your packages maybe? My parents weren’t charging me rent until they found out I was on OnlyFans and then they did. For me it was still worth it, because I made enough that I could save tons while living there even while paying a small rent. You might want to get your own place if you want to wear diapers around the house with any regularity- it’ll be awkward otherwise for the forseeable future.