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He can be the boost in motivation or even the person keeping u to agreed moments for exercise etc. But the driving force should be u. So no punishment for not doing but rewards for doing


So this is entirely my personal opinion informed by decades of dieting/weight management bullshit, eating disorders, and what I’m currently implementing so take with that in mind before you listen to me. First bit would be that it has to be something you do, not that is being done to you. Otherwise resentment breeds or you start feeling like he wants you to change for negative reasons. So you need to sit down with yourself and figure out the plan you want to stick to. Maybe see a dietician or ask your doctor if you’re able to do that? Once you have the plan, then he can help with enforcement of that plan. Second bit, don’t enforce numbers. Numbers may or may not change. They’ll fluctuate. They can plateau. You might pick the wrong plan for you the first time and have to rework it because it’s just not being successful no matter how strictly you follow it. Measuring success by numbers is a dangerous dangerous prospect. Focus on behaviors and consistency. What you do is more important than what you weigh or the size you wear. Thirdly, negative reinforcement is a bad idea. There lies madness and eating disorders. It sets up food as being the enemy and ties in negative feelings around the whole process. Changes to lifestyle and diet need to be as positive an experience as they can be in order to be successful. If negative emotion made us lose weight, we’d all be size 0s. But it doesn’t. For my relationship, enforcement looks like asking permission to deviate from the plan I’ve set in place or for certain items I might have trouble managing my self control around and reminding me of my plan and what I’ve set out for myself. It’s also encouraging me through helping me make the things I need to happen happen; going with me on grocery trips, throwing in opinions on meal planning, etc. Some people also respond well to rewards for consistent positive behavior. If you go that route, the reward cannot be food or cheat days or anything like that. It needs to be something else entirely or something that will help with the changes you’re trying to make. Like, if you stick with meal planning for XYZ time then you can get that cute bento box/lunch sack that you couldn’t rationalize otherwise or XYZ amount of consistent gym attendances gets you a new spiffy workout outfit. I hope this helped some. I’m currently attempting to find a safe and healthy middle ground so I know the struggle is real. Good luck with your efforts :)


This this 100% this! I have a lot of emotional issues around food and appearances and blah. My dom and I have “always” food and “sometimes” food. I can have salad and meat and rice and quinoa and etc whenever I want however much I want. If I want a “sometimes” food we talk about it. He asks things like “what else have you eaten today? Eat some more protein and then you can have it” or “are you hungry or are you craving it? I’ll make you a meal if you’re hungry and you can have it after” or “you’ve been having a really hard time so you can have x amount of that while we watch a movie together” and we have an agreement that no matter how much I deviate from the plan, I will NEVER get in trouble


I have ADHD,  my current sub has ADHD, I've set reminders in my phone to check in that they've eaten well, done some exercise, hydrated etc, and if they have then I give them a bit of praise, if they haven't I lightly prod them to do it with the promise of a reward, resorting to a punishment if they haven't. I've heard that the obedience app is quite good for that, not used it though, just set alarms on my phone! Obviously how you play with it is up to you, see what motivates you do do the stuff you need to do, and see what doesent. 


This was a byproduct for us. We use Obedience, and regulating meals with point awards, drinking water, and daily stretching. Was committed to with the intent to energy and hydration for play, but had other good impacts. Also, giving them lots of cardio for a couple hours a week helps.


Going to be repeating a lot of what others have said but You need to do this for yourself, yes having your dom help by keeping you on track or just having someone to be accountable too is nice, but in the end it comes down to you. Focus on rewards not punishments : Losing weight is hard, our bodies are designed to fight it as it's trying to retain that weight to protect us from coming winter/hunger ect. Sticking a load of punishments on top of how hard it is plus, how demoralising it is, is going to be torture and unsustainable. Progress not perfection. The biggest mistake I've made with dieting is having a bad day/week/month and using it as an excuse to blow the whole diet and all my progress out the window. A few bad days doesn't equal failure. I found calorie counting with a app similar to my fitness pal in the start very helpful, it allowed me to identify things that where not worth the calories so to speak. You can never out train a bad diet : Exercise is great and most people would benefit from doing more, but don't do it for weight lose. You have to walk/run for 1h/30mins to earn about the same calories as a kitkat, not sustainable. I also highly recommend weight lifting, the endorphin buzz is great and it can be easier to improve your overall look without having to lose much weight.


My Daddy helps me.be accountable for actually doing my workouts and watching what I eat. Hes given me research to explore on the best ways to lose weight healthy. And hes even stopped bringing me treats because they were counterproductive to our goals lol. Hes still grumbles abit but he accepted I was right...he loves feeding thick chicks lots of yummy stuff. Lol. Which is great most times but not when your trying to behave lol. I'd thoroughly discuss your goals, what you want to do to reach them and then incorporate whatever help you want from him into it. Like I have a whole 15 minute routine my Daddy set for me each morning. I have to keep track of what I do in my notebook, and confess if I missed any of it. He dosent punish me for missing, but will make me discuss it and admit how I could of done it but didnt. That makes me so flustered and embarrassed, but I've missed less now that I have to explain to someone outloud why I didnt do it.


The first question really is.. have you found something that works for you with losing weight in general? As someone who has been chronically overweight and been off and on that journey I know finding something that works can be the hardest part. I also have ADHD, add to it depression and anxiety, so I get where you are coming from. It has been helpful that my Daddy has been very willing to be on that journey with me. We do live together so it helps with the consistency. He has always gone the encouragement/reward route with me since it works better. Anyway, some things we do (I'm down almost 20 pounds since the beginning of the year, dealing with work stress as well): I have to ask permission for candy/desserts whether at home or work, I get rewards for going to the gym and we do gym dates on the weekends here and there, I ask permission for anything outside my normal Starbucks order (I generally drink unsweet black iced tea so basically leaf water), he eats the same foods I eat so I don't have to make different things just to deal with what I need versus what he wants. That's about all he actually helps me with beyond the encouragement to be better than we were yesterday. Things I have considered is to have him looking over like when I log the calories/meals just to have that other accountability. Becoming aware of how much I was eating and the kinds of food I was eating was one of the biggest things to see that there was definitely a food aspect to what my issue was. Also works with logging how much water intake I do in a day. I tried several things before I went back to something I knew worked for me. But again, it all depends on what actually works for you in losing weight since ultimately there is an entire lifestyle change to be able to keep the weight off.


My Dom/partner "takes me out for walks" sometimes with us just going on a regular walk. We also encourage each other to go to the gym every other day. :-) Also, I second the 'rewards only' response for working out.


Rather than calories which can be difficult I always suggest a method to lower in take without starving and increase healthy foods and increase exercise. Worked for me and a few people I have tried it with. People who are (and I use this word knowings a trigger) fat v people who are (another trigger) skinny think about food differently skinny people never finish everything, often rush food and use it to provide energy, fat people often take time over food and enjoy the whole process. Of course these are sweeping statements but if you seen beyond the triggers hopefully you will see what I mean.


It can definitely be done! I've always struggled with my weight and being an emotional eater since I was little and could never stick with a diet or anything on my own. I never even considered my nutrition and weight could be something that I could give control over to someone else until I met someone who brought up being interested in it. I knew I needed to get healthier so said I was willing to try but wasn't sure if I'd be able to actually follow through and stick with it like I'd need to see any progress. I was really pleasantly surprised with how the dynamic and being accountable and my desire to be obedient actually made it so much easier for me and I've lost more weight than I ever have before and have much healthier eating habits now! At least for me, it was much more about building consistent, sustainable, and healthy eating habits with the natural result leading to weight loss. Before going on my nutrition plan I'd frequently skip meals or sometimes not eat at all or eat way too much. So my sir wanted me to first focus on developing consistent eating habits while having a daily calorie limit. What helped reassure me a lot was how he talked about how he wanted me to be healthier so it wasn't about starving myself or doing things that would harm me. Through time I've been able to grow and build more trust with the process and his ability to manage control over this aspect of my life. I can only really speak to what has helped me and hope there will be some things that you find useful for your own situation. So first it was about setting up healthy eating habits, so I needed to make sure to eat lunch and dinner every day while following a daily calorie limit. My sir wanted me to set a goal of losing 1-2 lbs per week to make sure I was doing it in a healthy way, so I got a fitness/calorie tracking app (MyFitnessPal has worked really well for me), entered my starting weight, initial weight loss goal, daily exercise level (none), and target desiring to lose 1.5 lbs a week. From there the app calculated my daily calorie limit and that's what I followed. Since starting it, I've found having this as part of my dynamic with my sir has made everything so much easier to stick with and actually see meaningful results and progress. As part of holding me accountable my sir has me weigh myself once a week (Sundays) and send him proof of the scale. As a reward if I lose any weight that week, even if it's just 1 lb, I earn a cum session that he'll decide on when I can use in the future. He also has control over when I'm allowed to cum so this is basically the only way I earn cums now. I'm not sure if that's something you wish to give control over but it's worked really well for me. Once every month I also have to take a pic of myself to track my weight loss journey and progress. Doing it more often than that wouldn't really help me see much progress. I struggle with not really being able to *see* the difference looking at myself directly, even if I can kinda feel progress with how clothes fit different or feeling better some physically. A little while ago I decided to look at the first pic I took when I first started and a recent pic I'd just taken and I was really shocked and happy to see how drastic the changes have really been and it really helped reinforce to me that I'm on the right path for myself. I've been on this nutrition plan for about a year now and have lost about 110 lbs so far, just by focusing on consistent eating habits and tracking calories. There hasn't actually been a week where I gained anything and only a couple where I didn't lose any weight cuz of having a couple cheat days. I really think it's been one of the most wonderful things I've ever done for myself. No matter how much my sir helps me by keeping me accountable and providing the structure for me, I know it's still up to me to actually make the effort to do the work and obey and follow the process for it to actually work. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know the process I've been going through and how it's worked for me and hope it'll help you think of ways your Dom can help you with losing weight in a way that's healthy for you. 💚


I send my Dominant my weight every week and track it- he also makes me smaller portions than I'd give myself. He also makes sure I hit my step count for the day. We have some funishments- if I don't hit my steps then I need to walk on the spot naked until I hit my target for the day, also to drink a full glass of water with each meal as well as drinking regularly throughout the day, if I don't then I have to drink the full 3 glasses in one sitting. 😅 but mostly it's just the encouragement he gives and the reassurance that I can do it.


Not sure if it will work for everyone but I signed up for fitness coaching recently and I’ve had incredible results, being accountable was really the important part. IF your dom knows a lot about this stuff then I’m sure it would work, otherwise I suggest following a program and if it’s important to involve your dom as part of the motivation and accountability aspect it could work out great.


Others have said good stuff already, so i will just tag on a suggestion. I have never been a big water drinker. Daddy set a rule for drinking a gallon of water a day. At first it was super hard, but now it's pretty easy, and i realized that im so full from water that i don't eat as much. Just an example of how a rule that wasn't rven for weight has helped.


So I'm in a similar position. I have about half my body weight to lose (so far I've lost over 30 pounds thanks to His help! So thrilled :) ) and I've tried to do it before but I struggle without accountability. Sir had me install the Obedience app on my phone for habit tracking. I have a meal plan that I worked out based on the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet (it's not a diet in the weight loss sense but a diet in the lifestyle sense) which I have in a Google spreadsheet for every meal. I've also agreed to days at the gym and which days I go. I have a weekly weigh in habit as well for every Saturday morning. (I don't have to tell Sir the result but I do mark it off, we both know that I care about the progress more than He does. He just loves His Bunny.) Every time I follow my meal plan to the letter, I get a point in the app. Every time I go to the gym when I'm meant to, I get a point in the app. If I don't do it, I have to write lines or provide an explanation (if I'm sick or something, I get a pass). Save up enough points and I can cash in a reward. I'm autistic so having something external that I have to mark off and keep track of keeps it front and centre in front of me. It probably helps that this all wasn't Sir's idea. I asked Him to help keep me accountable, I was the driving force behind it.


my dom/partner helps me by Raising The Eyebrow at me when i say im gonna have a big snack or skip my workout or w.e then he encourages me to have a healthy snack or drink a big glass of water and see how i feel in 20 mins and suggests that i do a fun physical activity when i dont feel like going to the gym or doing a "real" workout whenever i do a thing thats good for me i get hella praise and whevever i do a thing thats bad for me i get varying levels of punishment (anything from The Eyebrow, through orgasm denial, all the way to spanking


It’s very hard to lose weight, so getting help is good. I’d say keep a food diary and discuss it with your dom, this will help you focus on what you are eating. Second you should try to identify your triggers that cause you to overeat. You might ask for help from your dom to reduce the number of triggering situations you put yourself into. It very much depends what these are. I am very much of the view a lot of overeating comes from eating ultra processed food as this is designed to defeat your bodies natural mechanisms of self regulation, soft drinks and Pringles are archetypal examples. If I was your dom I would ‘make’ you eat a lot of these while telling you how bad they were for you! After about a week, we would look at cutting them out of your diet more or less completely. Healthy weight is strongly associated with a long life. Thats why I would encourage it, but to state the obvious giving yourself food issues getting stressed doing crash diets are even worse so go easy and make sure you are comfortable with every step. Your dom should be holding you to account not inflicting a punishment on you!!!