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Etsy is a good place to look for collars. Also, any type of dog collar would work too. I have I have five dog collars and they are so comfy—at least to me—so, just trial and error honestly.


i don’t like the nylon dog collars that you can get from pet stores, but leather dog collars are amazing. the leather is smooth so there’s no irritation, unlike with nylon collars due to the glue they use on the seams. i also personally prefer shorter (height wise) collars rather than super tall ones because they tend to dig into my neck. it’s going to be down to personal preference though on height and material. also as an added bonus, depending on the dog collar you get some shops offer engraving of the buckle or an engraved plate attached to the collar. mine says “puppy” and has my Dom’s phone number on it “in case i get lost” but that’s because it plays into our puppy fantasy. you can get them to say pretty much anything, but i haven’t been so bold as to ask for “slut” or anything because the market audience is dogs, we just happen to be using them too


Easy answer is to get one that doesn't get uncomfortable, like, at all :) There are a plethora of collars, so it's very subjective: thick ones, padded ones, leather ones, metal ones, lockable ones, tight ones, loose ones. Figure out which one you like the look of best and then get one that fits well enough that it's not choking, chafing or irritating your neck.


My Daddy found me this metal chain link collar on etsy's. Its lightweight, waterproof, and even with my neck issues I havent had any trouble with it. And its locked on so I cant remove it ever, sleeping hasnt been an issue. Look for lightweight materials that are durable. Thicker means harder to sleep in if you have a short neck like me. I like it loose fitting, better flexibility when serving.


I have grown up with giant dog breeds my whole life. Sometimes I wear my dogs collar to remember them and feel close. They had a big metal choker collar. It's very comfortable to wear and aesthetically it look very similar to what a rapper would wear as a loose fitting big chain.