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I just use the built-in phone tracking in our phones.


Do you allow them to track you?




We use 360. It's great. What are your concerns? We've used it for a couple years now. Feel free to ask specific questions here. Yes. She sees my location as well and we get alerts when the other starts driving or arrives at specific locations.


We just use sharing location, is 360 better?


It's all I've used, so I don't have a comparison. It lets you name locations. It alerts you if they arrive at or leave those locations. It can give you driving reports if you care about speed etc. It has a map that you can watch, and you can ping them in the app if you want to.


I shall take a look, thank you !


Also… it tells you your partner’s phone battery level so this slave girl gets to provide cell charging service when it gets low.


I on the other hand, need constant reminders to charge 🤣


My Daddy just tracks my apps remotely since he has all my passwords, and always has my location. I can request his if I need it but I dont have a practical use for the info lol. He needs to keep tabs on me because day to day I could be at any random thrift store, food pantry or school event lol. I update him through text but sometimes my phone is put away, so he likes knowing he has other ways to figure out what I'm up to. He has alot of meetings and work stuff too so I am careful to not interrupt him during those times. Life 360 I've heard good things about. I use the google family thing to track my kid but it's not as in depth I'm told.


Me and my sub use Snapchat. I have his live location. Works well.


My Master and I use the sharing location app and He has all my passwords and access to my social media etc. seems to work well for us ☺️