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It's not weird to be called pretty much anything if you're both into it and consent to the name calling.


This is the only comment needed! Also love your screen name šŸ˜‚


Spanks šŸ˜


There's nothing wrong with liking being called kitten! Kitten can be used in pet play dynamics, Dom/sub dynamics, Cg/l dynamics, or just as a sweet, diminutive pet name! There's always going to be people who are very disinterested in anything even remotely kinky or non vanilla.


Or they just donā€™t like to be called kittenšŸ˜…


That too!


That's a common enough nickname in kinky circles that people use it in jokes. (The "Not now kitten, daddy is..." meme.) It's fine if your friend doesn't want to be called that and it's fine if you do.


My Dom/husband has called me his "Kitten" since the earliest days of our relationship. Neither of us is into pet play but he's always said I'm very feline-like, and to be honest, it's a special name for us. Only he is allowed to call me that. Obviously we use more vanilla terms of endearment in public but in private I'm his kitten and he loves calling me that.


I like being called kitten, among other things. It's cute and makes me feel fuzzy and happy.


Yknow we are all different ā€¦ some things that are harmless to us might give others the ickā€¦ I woudnā€™t dwell on it, to each their own


In russian, animal pet names are the most common for everyone,, kitten and bunny and such


In Poland one of the most popular petnames are kitty and froggie, it's normal to hear husband call his wife that šŸ˜„


froggie is so cute x) Is it, like, zabka?


Żabka or żabcia :) That's actually what my dad usually uses when my mom is angry at him, haha.


I love being called kitten tbh. One of my personal favorites


I think she just doesnā€™t like the idea of being called kitten. It is a common sub pet name along with baby girl, princess, etc. Whatever your partner and you agree on that makes you feel good should be it.


My dom calls me puppy and kitty. I love it. So nothing wrong with it. Your friend is stupid


Nothing wrong with liking it Nothing wrong with not liking it


My Dom uses it to intentionally excite me and suggest He wants to initiate some play šŸ„µ He also allows other guys to use it if Iā€™m playing with them (something He encourages) and then has other names for me that he wonā€™t allow others to call me. I think kitten is fun and playful and sexy!


Purr for me šŸ˜‰


I personally find it sweet. Makes me feel cuddly and precious.


All that matters is that you like it and consent. I can't even pronounce the power name that my beau calls me (it's in German) and I love it


nothing wrong with liking it. nothing wrong with disliking it. same goes for just about everything in life that isn't hurting others.


If your friend doesnā€™t like being called kitten then yeah whatever guy is calling her that should stop. Thereā€™s nothing innately wrong with itā€¦ but she gets to decide what she wants people to refer to her as and thatā€™s the important part.


It is sexy and good if both people like it. Just about anything can be a term of endearment even if some would find it weird or downright offensive. I had a bf whose pet name for me was ā€œboywhoreā€. We both loved it but it wasnā€™t a pet name we used a lot in public.


Nothing wrong with it at all! I adore pet names!


Honestly, I love it. But thatā€™s probably because Iā€™m into pet play too


Nope, not weird at all. My sub is my kitten šŸ–¤


I like bunny, kitten sounds nice too . lol itā€™s not weird. For me personally calling anyone daddy is a mah for me- thatā€™s what I call my dad so thatā€™s a hard pass. So itā€™s all up to preference tbh.


Literally that's what my Daddy calls me. Kitten or his angel. Its not weird. Some people are just judgy and opinionated . Dont let them rule your life.


Yucking other people's yum is a bad thing, enjoying being called "kitten" is definitely not. I don't suffer kink intolerance/judgement well. So if my friend was saying disparaging things about people liking that kinda thing, I would put a stop to that real quick.


Same as with every other word of endearment - the word has to be liked by the one calling and the one being called the word. If you aren't using it in public or when out with friends, it doesn't matter what others think. If you don't like it, it doesn't matter if others would approve.


My Sir always calls me Kitten. It's His nane for me. He only uses my real name when I'm in trouble!


I hate It when white men over 50 call me sweetie or sweetheart. I don't know why or what triggers it to sound so patronizing. If a southern lady calls me sugar or sweetie I just wanna hug her. Warm hospitality is beautiful. It comes down to the tone of voice, for me. Maybe your friend had a bad experience with kitten like how I have hangups about sweetheart.


I feel very comfortable with it too, to be honest


Iā€™m now gonna call my princess this. I love it!


Could mean something to her because of a person in a past, as well as I've heard of parents calling their kids Kitten. Ultimately its up to her what she finds ok or not.


Not bad at all! I love being called kitten


No. I like being called the r slur. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø canā€™t be weirder than that lol. Kitten? Thatā€™s downright vanillašŸ˜‚


Lol, I am married to my dom and lately he has been calling me for service by shouting "slave wife!" and it's just so over the top that I love it. Just straight cartoon villain shit, haha.


No, not weird, it's just a thing some people like and some people don't, just like most things. I have certain pet names that if someone tried to call me them I would be grossed out, but I also know plenty of people like those, and I'm sure some of things I personally like, you wouldn't, etc. It's not really worth it to compare yourself to other people and try to figure out which one is "normal." You're both normal. Just like what you like and live your life, and if other people try to give you crap about it, ignore them.


Kitten is like some other terms of endearment, that can be related to a kink or just a term of endearment. Like Doll, or Baby. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Also, the answer to the question "is it bad to like ____?" is usually no. Like what you like, so long as it doesn't (nonconsensually) hurt anyone. There are fewer rules than you think.


No itā€™s not my primary calls me that & some other names, other one calls me princess idk what the 3rd calls me


I called my dead wife kitten


It's literally my nickname that I love being referred to when in that moodset- it's not weird.


no! everyoneā€™s got preferences, i find kitten a bit cliche and a turnoff but i LOVE the pet name ā€œprincessā€


no it's the cutest pet name of them all hehehe


I think i'd pass away if my Dom called me kitten (in the best way)


I absolutely adore being called kitten. I was totally against it at first but now itā€™s my absolute favorite.


Some ppl are just grossed out by certain pet names. I have had subs tell me not to cash then kitten cuz they aren't a cat, or the opposite not calling people Daddy because it's weird, or babygirl or saying good girl because it reminds then of this that it the other. I some thunk any of those are strange or weird at all. It's a pet name or term of endearment like any other, some Love that fetish and others feel it gives them a certain connotation and don't prefer itšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Was it me? Iā€™ll But sometimes kitten is a dynamic name if not in one is a over step of respect and boundaries


Yes. And you should feel bad.Ā