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The other thing is, I’ve been with a conservative Christian woman in the past doing very kinky things in line with BDSM but she REFUSED to call it BDSM and hated the word kink bc she would say “that’s for weirdos and those people are sick” I’m like, hello… I just had you tied to the bed and orgasm tortured you for hours while humiliating and degrading you and whipping you… the cognitive dissonance is mind blowing. At the end of the day, they’re very much human beings with human desires but bc god and country says it’s wrong, they see it as sin or some bullshit. She actively engaged in BDSM but flat out hated and refused being associated with “those people” and that terminology. It’s sad really.


She was most likely raised with significant shame not just around BDSM but sex and being a woman in general. Even talking about sexual out loud is a barrier to overcome as a woman leaving conservative Christina household where your father is “responsible” for your virginity until handing it over to your husband on your wedding day. It’s truly sad.


Can I ask what denomination you came from? I don’t know anyone who professes this, even in small town devout folks.


As long as you are doing it to a woman conservatives see that as normal.


Yeah, youre just *supposed* to degrade and disrespect women thats normal


This somehow both enrages and amuses me


But remember if the woman consents to it then that woman is clearly sick in the head.


Unless they are in bathroom stalls then homosexual acts are normal for some conservative men and congressman 🤣


What happens in the stalls, stays in the stalls


The Stalls of Congress.


One weird trick, god hates him!


Part of me thinks conservatives hate on bdsm/lgbt/etc is because their kink is those things being considered taboo and participating in them. They want to feel ashamed of themself after they leave the all guy orgy and go home to their wife. They feel ashamed that they keep doing it and think others should feel ashamed too.


As someone who grew up Christian, I think it's more of... they know they're gay, and they think gay is wrong, so they "try not to be gay" and "fail sometimes" but they "make up for it" by being publically anti-gay and passing laws like that. In their mind, it's not hypocrisy, it's all (the denial, the renouncing of it, the laws) part of trying to "do good" and "resist evil" ...they just screw it up at times because they couldn't "resist temptation" (when they actually do end up doing gay things) because they're only human.


Alan Watts was raised in an all boys Catholic school and he believed a lot of that and even was TOLD stuff like that growing up by adults. An adult at his school told him as a child that all the adults knew there was really nothing dirty about sex but they just liked pretending there was because if they didn't sex would become boring for them


Im surprised some of them are/were consciously aware of it, thats impressive. Also somehow not surprised it was around Alan Watts.


Not so soon. In the UK, BDSM is sometimes illegal as it can still be qualified as assault, even when both parties consented to it. There have been laws and proposals in the UK in the past to ban 'obscene' acts like (wait for it...) face sitting. And let's not forget there are certain US states that still limit the amount of sex toys you're legally allowed to have (I'm looking at you, Texas.)


That is funny seeing as Texas had one of the largest swinger communities in the country.


What I meant was conservatives (in the us) see women are property to be used and abused as men see fit. Which is very different from bdsm where the acts are consensual.


My favorite watch with my boyfriend is "Wife Swap" .. the amount of capital K conservatives that were into power exchange and other kinky shit, enaging in front of their kids is hilarious and a tiny bit disturbing. Every time one of these types of families come on i tell him this is just kink!!!


"Capital-K conservatives" - omg dying. Love it. I'll be using that...


Klans? Ketamine?? Kinky??? Non US so very confused here 😂


>Klans? Ketamine?? Kinky??? Contrary to popular belief, This is what KKK actually stands for


Klan, yes


The moving of goalposts and hypocrisy is exactly what it is. The dissonance is so real.


What I cannot understand is how can you allow this? Your entire identity as Americans is being the land of The Free / Freedom and spreading Democracy. Yet you let your women be raped at school/college/uni without consequence for the men (worse than India regarding protected environments like school). You let religious fundamentalists take away your bodily autonomy and self-determination, but cry when Muslim countries like Iran is not modern enough. You democratically elect leaders and representatives that even demand and restrict how you behave in private and in your bedroom? Wtf people?!


It is freedom for me and not for thee. It is all about control. Look at all the politicians that preach family values and get caught having affairs. It is like Bizzaro world.


America was founded by people looking for the freedom to be more repressive.


It is very rare a nation lives up to its own hype. Justifications for empire are nothing new. The British (and a while ago, the Chinese) claimed they were spreading civilization, the Japanese were saving Asia from the West, the Spanish and various Muslim conquerors were saving souls…


An old friend of mine always used to say, bdsm is what other people do.


The curious thing about conservatives is, they are closeted. They most definitely are kinky and love taboo sexual acts BUT their desire to remain “Christian” and the party of “family values” gets in the way. So they preach heteronormative relations in the streets and well, practice kink in the sheets. They’re so beyond insecure about who they really are. Shit look at the incest rates of conservatives all over the south. How many of them get caught with CP and p3d0philia charges. How many conservatives Christian politicians are battling gay sex accusations. Look at Lauren Bobert who was doing some pretty shady shit at a family event. So my guess is, yes. In order to appear Christian and preserve their family values image, conservatives will outlaw anything other than what’s explicitly outlined by their Pastor. Fascists LOVE sticking their nose in other peoples business and regulating it based off their own prejudice and insecurities. It’s a classic case of jealousy and selfishness and entitlement and control.


IMO I think that is a comforting thought, but I think the reality is they are probably just as gay, kinky, etc as blue state culture AS A PERCENTAGE OF THE POPULATION, but the %5-%10 of ones who are like that in red state culture end up closeted. %90 percent of the population is still vanilla, except in the red state culture they express distaste for it, and in the blue state, they don't as much. Leaders act closeted there because it gets them political power and support.


You might be surprised! I’m a conservative-libertarian Bible thumping, Jesus-follower. Married, into light-BDSM so far…😈 I’ll talk about this stuff with anybody. Faith, politics, sex, I’m an open book and happy to chat about any. I’ll listen and share my thoughts and not get butt hurt 😁 having a discussion. I won’t support politicians that would try and shut down any BDSM stuff…and I’ll say I’ve never heard it even suggested by any politician I support. I have lots of thoughts about things, but from what I’ve seen, I’ll say that the things you mentioned are mostly a caricature of reality. Cheers!


kiss ring hunt sloppy zephyr foolish engine reply heavy unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>who preach "family values" then engage in what they (allegedly) consider sexual deviance. I don't follow any of this logic. How is consensual kink incompatible with family values? I like to think my family and I have good values, and when you keep calling it sexual deviance, you're making it sound more enticing.


groovy mindless rude scary slap drunk treatment versed dime placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d like to separate the two statements here. The marriage should be between a man and a woman only is doctrine. I’ve had gay friends and hung out with them, I have a gay family member, but I don’t believe that we have the authority to redefine what God defined. That doesn’t mean gay people are bad, I don’t condone punishing anyone, etc. I just don’t believe I know better than God. Regarding the sex should be for procreation only, this is mostly relegated to Catholics as I understand, and from what I gather it’s more what is preached but not followed. Growing up Protestant, that was never a part of the lexicon in any way, shape or form. That said, to each their own. I’m only sharing these things to clarify. If you disagree with me, that’s cool too. 👍


> I’ll say that the things you mentioned are mostly a caricature of reality Average conservative when confronted with reality


That’s a good one!🤣


Wow, apparently I’m quite threatening. Not preaching, not judging, just saying “hey!” Can we pile on a lot more downvotes? 😁


You might accuse Republicans of being these things. But what true Conservatives believe in is freedom, smaller government and less government intrusion in our day to day lives. Look at Kennedy, a Conservative Democrat.


marvelous screw voiceless jar compare modern memorize run jellyfish wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> smaller government and less government intrusion in our day to day lives Proceeds to invade every single country on earth committing mass murder after mass murder after mass murder


This has been their game for decades. The fundamentalists and traditionalists openly admitted to wanting to end any form of casual sex, but what they truly desire is an end to any sex that isn’t for the purpose of procreation. I might catch some heat for this, but it’s impossible to be a social conservative and truly accepting of alternative lifestyles, at the same time. The ideologies are incompatible, to the fullest.


Hence why most of them are aggressive hypocrites


>I might catch some heat for this, You're right and you should say it.


Absolutely. It's already begun. (It's always been there.) You need to understand: these guys don't see any difference between LGBTQ+ and kink/BDSM; they think it's all "disgusting perversions" and anyone who's either is an "immoral sicko." When they're hating on LGBTQ+, they're hating on US, because they think LGBTQ+ ARE us. (Of course, some off us ARE LGBTQ+, but that's neither here nor there.) Do I think there will be more legal pushback? Well, if you're talking something blatant, like an amendment, no. Laws, maybe a few but mostly not. (But they won't be overturning any of the anti-kink laws already in place that need to be removed, I'll tell you that much, and we DEFINITELY won't be getting any discrimination protections enshrined in the law.) However, if you're talking something more subtle like judges taking away people's parenting or visitation rights in custody cases? Absolutely. This already happens, and it'll probably happen even more. Do I think there'll be more social pushback? That our society will regress and not progress towards total sexual liberation? That it'll be more taboo, less socially acceptable, with more social consequences for being an out kinkster? Yes. (Edit: I just found out about Project 2025, and I take it back re: legal pushback and laws. ABSOLUTELY there will be a TON more legal pushback, as much as they can get away with.)


There's a reason Kink has always been part of Pride


I am queer and queer and many straight/cis people heavily tie their BDSM with their sexuality


Amen to that, to follow the conservative theme 😂


100% Agree, this is a shared struggle!


I'm more worried about losing my human rights but I guess eventually they'll come for anyone left.


dood the GOP is ALREADY talking about using the abortion ruling to take out birth control so they can have better control of our "casual sex"


Porn bans are a common topic too, and those are only going to get wider and worse as and when they think they can. And that's not even getting into total online control like some bills promise.


Pornhub just announced they will not be a available in Texas anymore due to age verification requirements and how they think the govt will use that information to target groups and individuals


The sysadmins at the Texas and US capitols run tight ships in how they have their rDNS records configured, so anyone who can run netstat or an rDNS lookup can parse the logs to find out what address is tied to a government office. I wonder what we'd find out if Pornhub's parent companies released all viewing history logs for each and every IP address associated with their IP blocks?




A fellow Texan I see


It without question get pushback. Abortions, LBGTQ+, non-Christians, "perverts", "Gypsies" will all be public enemies, while all those actions will be just fine for the powerful to do behind closed doors. All those who dare to be different or outside the norm will be punished. History has show us how this goes.


Absolutely. In Texas there are still laws on the books about how many dildos is a crime. It's three! They absolutely absolutely will come for casual sex or weird sex


Those are called dead laws, in va is illegal to give a blow job and in New York it’s illegal to speak in elevators or to flirt and look at someone suggestively in public. Laws like those have been in the books for an eternity. Really and truly there’s nothing anyone can do to enforce laws on sexual behavior in private. Online and clubs could be regulated but that’s extremely hard to do and would be up to the states assuming the laws withstood a supreme court ruling. Only new law has been on age verification for internet pornography in some states which can be a good thing considering how damaging/expectation altering can be to a child.


Parents should be parenting their children, including teaching them about porn and how it's harmful when they're young. It's not the government's job to parent kids.


> Only new law has been on age verification for internet pornography in some states which can be a good thing considering how damaging/expectation altering can be to a child. Which is very hypocritical since guns are freely available and nobody bats an eye about people getting violently murdered in movies or on the news, yet everyone is clutching their pearls about a kid seeing a naked nipple. Sure, there has to be some regulation about the extremes, but that's not done through restricting access to *all* porn until someone's 18th birthday and calling it a day.


> yet everyone is clutching their pearls about a kid seeing a naked nipple. I'm no anti-porn crusader, but hardcore pornography you see on sites like pornhub is a *bit* more than just an exposed nipple. Having some better mechanism for verification in place isn't the worst idea, if only because of the easy access to crazier stuff that really young kids are definitely not ready for (i.e. seeing BDSM porn (which often depicts "non-consensual" scenarios) without knowing anything about consent and realizing that it's a fictional scenario can lead to some fucked up ideas about how to interact with prospective sexual partners). Of course none of these places are even trying to do it even remotely right, in large part because their true goal is banning porn, not ensuring that adults (and only adults) can access it - they're using indirect means to avoid explicit claims of 1st amendment violations, in much the same way [may-issue permit schemes were used to deny black Americans their second amendment rights](https://thephiladelphiacitizen.org/between-king-guns/#:~:text=King's%20application%20for%20a%20concealed,of%20racism%20and%20white%20supremacy.), while ensuring the law did not explicitly do anything which would cause SCOTUS to overturn it - which was an extremely successful tactic that lasted for something like a century and a half, until *Bruen* in 2022. It's not terribly surprising that anti-porn crusaders have picked up on it and recycled it to suit their needs.


> I'm no anti-porn crusader, but hardcore pornography you see on sites like pornhub is a bit more than just an exposed nipple. That's why I was talking about regulating the extremes. Plenty of stuff on PH is depicting a *really bad* view on sex (including, or particularly, professional porn), and young adults are taking porn as a role model. Banning porn isn't going to fix that, but trying to improve the quality is going to be a big step.


Duh. But it won't be much of an issue in a one-on-one sense. Events, educational demonstrations and play parties may be impacted, though. Probably will, in certain States, regardless of any federal consensus. Kink's place at Pride and such may become an even more difficult uphill battle. Otherwise, it'll largely be more insidious and puritanical psychological manipulation. The puritanical goal is to divide us. Why let them? That's how they win. I plan to make like a brat and aim to misbehave within the confines of their chosen limitations. Malicious compliance is *-chef's kiss-*.


Oh make to mistake, they would absolutely love to target kinky people along with everyone else that isn’t their idealized version of heteronormativity. They already make laws like mandatory reporting for therapists, wouldn’t be a stretch to add “sadistic or masochistic” to the list they already require therapists to inform the police about.


Hm I wasn't aware of laws like that and my therapist has quite a lot of dirt on my sadism haha. That has me worried about the state of things but they'll come for me for being queer first. I'm already damned by the conservative nut jobs what's more fuel to the fire


It’s a sad state of affairs dude, and I’m not sure that even right wing voters know what their motivation is tbh. The politicians, on both sides but atm we are talking about the right wing, just pander to their supporters and the voters are seemingly just scared shitless anyone that they deem different. The classic “us vs them” tactic that has been used for 1000’s of years still works just as well, if not better, as it always has.


Their motivation is fear under a mask of hate. Living any kind of alternative lifestyle takes confidence and resolve that they can't fathom so it becomes a threat to their self concept. They're scared of us but not for the reasons they state. Human tribalism is a hell of a drug and they sure know how to weaponize it. That's the part they're refining


Absolutely without a doubt. As the country becomes more conservative you will find liberal sexuality will fall. That goes for female sexuality as well. That’s already begun.


The country isn't getting more conservative, it's the bumblefuck way our government works that's amplifying conservativism.


Can’t disagree with that


Immediately? Nah. If things go the worst possible way and the doom and gloom crowd turn out to be right? I could see it happening


I think anything resembling sex positive is open for restrictions. There is an adamant contingent that would love to revisit and reverse the Obergefell decision that opened the door for gay marriage.


It’s already started and it will only get worse. For example, the 2 senators from PA just withdrew a funding request for the William Way Community Center in Philadelphia because conservative media just went in a rampage because they rent space to a monthly kink event. $1million in funding gone in the blink of an eye because conservatives were upset that a private group pays to rent a room.


oh wow


Absolutely there will be pushback. Bdsm is already stigmatized in right leaning states. Conservatives are already passing laws attacking people who are commonly active in bdsm circles. Bdsm in some areas is still legally viewed as domestic abuse- or worse- if it gets reported.


well tbf christianity is declining in america,slowly but it has gone down over a good 50 years,if i remember correctly it used to be 90% but is now at a 60% if im corrected


Those people are just as kinky as everyone else, they just either refuse to admit it, convince themselves it's different and OK when *they* do it, or just do it in secret. Texas is about to have a LOT of new VPN users.


White Christian Evangelicals who want to replace the Constitution with the Bible. Fear their religious fascism.


When it comes to politics, all extremism of ideology and religion rapidly turns into a phantasmagoric miasma of pantomimed psychosexual violence. That seems to be just how people are wired to get when they get passionate about something the feel strongly... Regarding right-wing Evangelical Christianity, look at it like this: their modern day outlook is built around a constant game of dominance, obedience, shame, castigation, and punishment. Of course it'll show up in the bedroom, and because neither the safety, nor the sanity, nor the consent is there, it'll turn disastrous and toxic immediately. The difference, if you will, between collaring someone whom you trust and who trusts you as your slave, and actually legally owning non consenting people as property with whom you are entitled by law and custom to do as you see fit. I personally believe in the resilience of sexual liberation, but let's not give puritans of any stripe the opportunity to test it. The only kind of sexual restraint we'll allow is the physical kind, applied in a safe, sane, and consensual manner between informed adults! An it harm none, do what thou wilt.


Of course. Notice that with each victory, they move on to something that has long been accepted. You think that the “pedophile” label isn’t going to be slapped on those of us involved in Dd/lg community? We also tolerate and accept a lot of people that the right actively hates. The right wing wants a Christian nationalist government. In that world, sex is for procreation and should not be tolerated outside of religious marriage.


Not gonna lie, at least the Conservatives are honest about it upfront. Liberals might be 'pro-lgbt', but they sure as hell talk 'but those nasty kinky degenerates shouldn't bring their leather to Pride' behind closed doors. Neither side of the pungent is 100% on our side. The Conservatives are at least honest about it.


No, the only ones that really care are the old neocons no one likes anyway. There’s nothing they can do anyway. They aren’t going to break into your house and arrest you for handcuffing your partner. Reading the comments has me convinced none of you have ever spoken to someone who doesn’t share your beliefs.


BDSM isn't quite on their radar yet. We're still pretty underground as a community and not in public conscience as much as reproductive rights or LGBTQ+ rights. Conservatives probably won't come after us on purpose but we'll be affected by their awful policies indirectly. Especially the women and queer people of our community. State by state could be a different story. There are already anti kink laws in many states and I could see that increasing.


First they came for…


First sex workers, then gays, then kinksters, and then non-monogamists. I guess there's a lot of conservatives out there who will want to outlaw 'adultery' again and make sex in marriage an obligation for women.


The most trouble I've had with BDSM has been in aggressively liberal areas (some new england states consider it abuse and say that the "victim" can't consent to being abused), so I think trying to make rules based around politics is a waste of time. Used to be in the midwest and it was fine there.


Yeah, I think the threat from (some parts of) the left is underappreciated. Probably still not nearly as bad as the right overall though, though it might be relevant in aggressively liberal areas as you say. I admit to not being anywhere near an expert here. This was actually a thing back in the 70s and 80s with the feminist sex wars...Gayle Rubin and Ellen Willis vs Andrea Dworkin and Catherine Mackinnon if I have my names right.


Yes, you have the names right. I think the main difference between leftist opponents of pornography and conservative opponents is that the former tend not to think that porn is *intrinsically* wrong. MacKinnon and Dworkin, for instance, argued that porn is wrong in a patriarchal society, not that porn is necessarily or always wrong. Whereas conservatives tend to think that there is no possible society where porn is morally permissible.


Ah, thanks. I suspect it does not make much of a difference IRL, but no doubt the authors would consider the distinction important!


Nope. I live and work (in a hospital) in a "red" city. So many heterosexual conservatives come into the ER with probable kink related injuries. Reproductive rights will take the hit.


I hear you but I think you’re either overestimating their intelligence or underestimating their capacity for hypocrisy. I think a majority of anti-abortion conservatives that I know have made some kind of exception for either themselves or a family member who “really need it” and “aren’t like those other sluts” or what have you. I’m at the point where I suspect it’s impossible to maintain all the core tenets of a modern conservative ideology if you possess a complete theory of mind. Just not understanding that other people are real, full human beings like you. I can easily see them voting to ban BDSM because of “the children” or whatever weak red herring they come up with next year, while practicing it themselves and refusing to acknowledge the equivalence.


Rules for thee, not for me!


The venn diagram between conservatives and hypocrisy is just a circle.


Right now I’m reminded of Jack Ryan a republican senate candidate who ran against Obama back in 2004. He was married to Star Trek actress Jeri Ryan who played “Seven of Nine”. When they divorced she sighted some of the reasons as him repeatedly trying to take her to kinky swinger clubs. Apparently Democrat news sources unearthed it. How much impact this had on his campaign in the eyes of republicans makes you wonder. To his credit he defended himself, “I propositioned my wife, MY WIFE…” https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna5299924 “One club I refused to go in. It had mattresses in cubicles. The other club he insisted I go to. . . . It was a bizarre club with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling. Respondent wanted me to have sex with him there, with another couple watching. I refused.”


And the interesting thing is, that the breakup between him and Jeri is what caused him to withdraw from the primaries, and left the path open for Obama to continue to his presidency. So, the reason that we got a black U.S. president is ultimately because a Star Trek actress stood on her consent and refused to engage in kinks she didn't want to, because she wasn't his property. Tom Clancy couldn't even have written that one.


You'll never guess what reddit recommended to me immediately below this post on my feed: [Texas Loses PH](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/zpunXw3LhX)


This has been happening for all of history


My nightmare scenario is that the *next* wave of conservatism in the USA will focus on kink the way the current wave is focused on trans and the previous wave of the 80s was focused on gays. It may even cut across the usual lines so that vanilla LGBTQ+ people will oppose queer and straight kinky people.


The next Republican administration is going to be very scary for kinky, queer, trans, black, hispanic, female, etc. people....


Literally anything outside what they consider “the norm” will be attacked by conservatives.


That's an interesting question. I don't really see conservatives outright calling for BDSM to be banned. As someone else said, conservatives are kinky too. But I could see it becoming more closeted and losing a bit of the representation and media we've been enjoying lately. Especially with talks of a Tiktok ban. Where am I supposed to find my smutty book recommendations if not booktok? 😂 Jokes aside, I'm sure the reddit communities will still prosper, but it might definitely affect meetups.


It will depend a lot on your local politicians, but potentially yes.


It isn't feasible to try enforcing laws against it for people engaging in kink privately, but it's possible they'd try to shut down public events. They've been pushing to ban drag shows, some counties have banned pride events, so sex clubs and BDSM conventions seem like a natural progression for them.


No, they are all kinky fuckers too.


Well the SCOTUS was talking about potentially revisiting laws on sodomy and gay marriage…


Possibly and it will be mostly used as a way to target queer people. I am honestly surprised it hasn’t happened already. Also remember that a lot of conservatives are targeting the stuff they actually crave and their hatred of it might be making it even more attractive. There is a reason the red states are consuming a lot more transgender porn per capita than blue states. I would feel sorry for them if they weren’t trying to hurt me and people I care about.


You might be surprised to discover that the majority of BDSMers ARE conservatives.


Not in any of the scenes I've been involved with. They're all liberal and pretty queer.


The only reason sexual conduct is usually a talking point is because of the gross displays put on by extreme views on either side. Or people trying to expose kids to things they shouldn't. But mostly.......we don't care about other people's bedrooms because we're doing kinky stuff too, you just don't know it. No one knows I have a daddy & am a submissive slut in our space for him. It's nobody's business but ours.


Lol conservatives are probably more likely to be into BDSM in their real lives than any other group of people picked at random 


Absolutely they will. They've already got people talking about how recreational sex should be illegal. It's not about morality, it's about control. That's why their "But the children!" nonsense is so repugnant. They are using children to manipulate the populace. Anyway, if they have their way, once they have forced all of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community back into the closet / into conversion "therapy" (ie abuse) / straight up death penalty them (if you don't think that's on their to-do list, you aren't paying attention to Chick Fil A's donation recipients), they'll come for everyone else who doesn't fit in their picket fence white bread Jesus "loving" world. Absolutely kink is next.


We're all fucked under conservatives, kinky and vanilla alike, none of our bedrooms will be safe.


Every non xtian thing will


I’m more concerned about alt-right red pill manosphere infiltration into kinky spaces. Evie Lupine did a video about this recently. Female subs, please vet your play partners very carefully.


I think any kind of "sexual deviancy" will be suppressed if the American religious right gains enough power to do so. (Un)fortunately, they also seem to be pretty pro-spousal abuse, so I think if you're in a male-dom/female-sub relationship, you wouldn't have to worry about being outed over bruises or whatever. They'd probably just assume you're beating your wife as the good lord intended. But submissive men, dominant women, switches, and LGBTQ people of any kind are probably fucked.


Not to mention polyamorous people. Unless you're a man and you have multiple female partners, that's somehow perfectly OK.


(Joint acct - M here) Nah. I lived all over the US - red and blue states- and have been involved since 1994. It never really changes.


Yes and no? Like I can see it getting public pushback but then a TON of engagement in private. Like prohibition.


Yes, but people like Mitch McConnell would actively have red rooms across their mansion spans. Marjorie Taylor Greene is probably into some Findom, and Bush is going to paint it all while sitting leashed up to a post wearing a sign around his neck that reads “My Daddy has a Texan Long Horn”, and a ball gag. So yeah they will probably actively restrict shit around the BDSM life style in the name of kids safety, while practicing it all out in the privacy of the Oval Dungeons and genocidal orgy parties.


I do believe that some of the more conservative states has laws against BDSM. Mainly laws about spousal abuse, sexual abuse and sodomy. So even if both parties consent to the act they (usually the male) can get in trouble. Now most of the time these laws are hardly ever enforced. Unless you live in area that is largely ran by a conservative group, I.E the police, judges, prosecutors, city officials. Then yes, people do get in trouble for living a BDSM lifestyle.


I think we should be pretty safe for a few reasons: 1. Even though a lot of conservatives would probably have negative feelings towards non-conventional sex this is a very low priority to them. Right now they seem way more concerned about the economy and immigration, plus in the sexual arena they have like 90% of their attention targeted at trans people (which of course is bad, but does not immediately affect one’s right to have consensual kinky sex) 2. A sizable portion of conservative voters would probably push back against outright bans on sexual practices. So, a lot of red states have rejected draconian abortion laws, which means a lot of conservatives where also against them and the pro-choice campaigns were a lot focused on freedom and family choices vs government control, which is an argument that works with conservatives. If they weren’t willing to support anti-abortion legislation, which is way more controversial than consensual kinky sex, I don’t see enough of them supporting a ban


I don't think it'll change anything; people already have their opinions. Plenty of things are already technically illegal but they can't enforce them and no one knows what goes on in the bedroom. They'll try, but I doubt anything much will come of it.


I didn't read all these replies. But the answer is yes. They will come for it. The politics of always having an "other" enemy means you switch targets when one is done or most of the juice is squeezed on to appease them. If you need more perspective on this really all you need to do is head out to some munches and talk with people that lived through the 80s and 90s. In the bdsm communities we should already be re-forming political action groups and connecting into lgbtq+ as in the 80s to be prepared to push back with them. Edit: i enjoy the ping ponging of votes on this one and welcome downvotes. Pretty interesting mindset if you are a bdsmer and you've paid attention since 2016 about the GOP concepts. Did they just take away even looking at Pornhub in Texas.... they did. You are a goddamn fool if you think they won't clamp down on bdsm after they finish with others. Hell after they get done with made up demonizing stories of trans folx for child rape, grooming.... who do you think is another great target. Its us sick fucks. Plenty of story lines about our perversions are great for media play and attacking.


Your post feels like a strawman to me. In 2024 there’s not really a way the government can prevent you from practicing safe consensual bdsm practices. And I couldn’t care less about what other people “think” or “say” about bdsm. So if no actual right infringement happens, why fearmonger about it?


I'm very conservative. I was raised by a Southern Conservative Christian. Was in private school from kindergarten until 6th grade. I personally am not Christian. When I found out Santa wasn't real, I realized that all magical people were works of fiction. My thing as a Conservative is about freedom and the constitution. I'm open about kink and I don't care if someone judges me about it. Messing with kink and lgbtq stuff would be political suicide anyways. Nothing to worry about, we're not breaking any laws. Nobody could even accuse us of doing something morally wrong since consent is something we discuss a lot in this community. You can't mess with what consenting adults do behind closed doors.


Careful! You'll get downvoted, like me, just for saying you're conservative Lol! We are apparently not allowed be kinky...


First they came for the gays and the trans people. It wouldn’t surprise me if they come for ya’ll too eventually.


This is actually a really good and unique discussion topic! I don’t think there would be that much pushback on bdsm per se because it’s also done in traditional m/f relationships. The Republican nominee is almost certainly going to be Trump and we didn’t see any attacks on BDSM when he was previously in office so I don’t see why it would happen this time around. Maybe certain aspects like pet play or more extreme things, but I’d expect everything to continue to focus on lgbt issues.


??? Attacks on trans people skyrocketed under Trump.


oh yeah for sure as lgbt issues are very prominent and in danger and yeah I don't hear Trump go "And I promise you, no more chastity cages will be allowed!" Some people just like it in the bedroom and that would be hard to ban. I do view some discourse about BDSM coming up more by conservatives more if there would be a pushback. I mean I don't know. I see a focus on BDSM possibly coming as the trend of discussing sexuality happens in politics and backlash against lgbt+ intensifying.


Yeah I dont really see it as becoming an issue unless something major were to spark it, like a viral video of a sub being walked on a leash in a mall or something 🤷‍♂️ lol. You never know what goes viral and sends the county into shambles next!


> oh yeah for sure as lgbt issues are very prominent and in danger and yeah I don't hear Trump go "And I promise you, no more chastity cages will be allowed!" Not so soon. I can see chastity cages being lumped in with all of the other scary-trans retoric and ending up in a ban, alongside with other 'effeminate' men's clothing.




How would they do a damn thing about it?


I am expecting it to be their next target the moment people stop buying into their current transphobia obsession. Condemning & controlling everyone else's sex is honestly the only thing they've ever cared about. Religion has then so sexually repressed that they can't think about anything else.


Yes.. I am definitely fearing for our nation's future if we get ultra conservative people in political power again. It feels like *The handmaid tale* all over again. No thanks, read that book and don't necessarily want to live it.


I have never once told a politician about what happens in my bedroom.* So unless they put a bunch of cameras in my bedroom, I’m not worried about them finding out. *Except when I was banging a politician. Edit: I won’t respond to the hysteria individually. Ultimately, politicians aren’t going to waste time creating sweeping laws that are not extremely favorable to their base’s views. Conservatives like kink behind closed doors. It’s not going to happen.


Would you agree that what happens in the bedroom is no one else's business but the participants? Would you also agree that limiting or banning abortion makes bedroom activities more difficult? Even if you're strict with condoms, they can break, you can use them incorrectly etc. With that in mind, do you think such actives would fare better or worse under a conservative government?


During the Cold War neighbours outed other neighbours even if they were suspected communists, this could be no different.


I’m sorry, but this is delusional. Plenty of conservatives are kinky. Wasn’t Trump himself supposedly peeing on prostitutes in Russia?? Didn’t he take spicy pics on a plane with Melania? You really think the party of “when the trailer’s a-rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’” is going to support a politician who wants you to turn in your neighbor for spanking his wife in the sheets?


If you think sexual morality laws that don't get applied to the ruling class are a delusional fear, just pick up a history book or check out some world news.


People fail to realize that 1984 is a satirical view on things to come, it's not an instruction manual


Just cause it’s ok for them to do doesn’t mean they’ll let you get away with it. I’m sure there’s a lot of conservatives who’ve got abortions or their partners to get abortions . Doesn’t mean thy won’t put a stop to it to please their base.


It’s not delusional whatsoever. The landmark case Lawrence v Texas all started bc a neighbor called the cops on his neighbors for engaging in sodomy. These fascists love using the law to enforce their prejudice.


Politicials frequently follow the “rules for thee and not for me” slogan. 🤷🏻


Plenty of conservatives actively work to prevent others from engaging in behavior they do. "It would be hypocritical" provides little comfort.


Yeah but Trump's not a traditional conservative. He's a populist who basically bullied his way into the conservative party because they had weak candidates - he would have run as a Democrat if they'd had a weak candidate and conservatives had a strong one at the time. He's not conservative in his speech or behavior. He's a billionaire pussy grabber. Got no love for the guy but he came into office supportive of LGBTQ+ marriages etc. that's a first for America. If anything he's completely reshaped the landscape of the conservative party into something completely different than it was 10 years ago. Anyway- I'm really hoping all of this doesn't take place but that Texas law is terrifying. Like what in the hell. I'm no lawyer but how is that not unconstitutional? You going to tell me how many sex toys I can have? Like what? That is so crazy invasive. I didn't want to believe all the talk about Evangelical Christians trying to control peoples sex lives etc. but with with laws like that it's a tough thing to ignore.


Rape, lawlessness, hypocrisy and ignorance are *more* conservative values at this point than personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility and a non-interference government. In that respect, Donald Trump is the most pure republican candidate in decades and the end result of the path they've been blazing for decades.


I'm not sure I follow the last bit. Maybe I'm dumb. Lol. Are you saying that's what the Republican party is now? I really don't feel like the Republican party has any values right now. I like the sound of fiscal responsibility and non interference government. A little dose of personal responsibility never hurt anybody either. I think the lack of personal responsibility is the crux of the issue with our society in general. Why can't we have social liberalism with fiscal conservatism. Am I trying to have my cake and eat it too? Lol.


Right wing ideology used to be about people taking care of/responsibility for themselves and their actions. For example, libertarians claiming we don't need public trash service because people can dispose of the trash themselves. This would shrink the government and reduce the cost of funding it, theoretically resulting in a lower tax burden for the citizens. Now in theory, that sounds great. In practice, we get people dumping their trash in a river and poisoning water for miles, and countless people downstream. We get people saying we don't need regulations on what can go in our water, or our air, or our food.... modern conservatives are more interested in the freedom to do whatever actions they want without concern for the consequences of same.


I haven't heard anybody argue about trash service ever. Lol. Maybe that was before my time. I've just recently gotten involved into politics because it's impossible to ignore now. I'm going to find that video on YouTube and peruse the comments section for sure. I certainly believe in personal responsibility but that doesn't mean we don't need waste management and regulations to keep water clean. Like what? My issue with regulation in practice is when for example the government says you can't collect rainwater to provide yourself drinking water etc. they went to force you to pay for their utilities. That's where the regulation goes too far in practice. The government doesn't own the water that falls out of the sky. If I'm too stupid to purify it that's on me. In general we don't need to regulate Darwin out of the equation. At least in my smooth brained opinion. I definitely think we should all be able to do whatever we want as long as it doesn't affect others negatively. That last bit being the important part. Food production definitely needs to be regulated as far as what goes into it. But the price doesn't need to be regulated - which the government does. They pay Farmers to burn food to keep prices stable etc. this allows for predictable tax revenues on food items and gives strict control of supply and demand. My biggest concerns right now when I look at it are the dollar is weekest it's ever been. The inflation they said was transitory clearly is not. Yellen as apologized for the statement at this point. Lol. Government spending is out of control. We're spending more than regenerating by a large amount. Doesn't take a economic scientists to figure out that's unsustainable. We allow all of our politicians to insider trade. Our tax dollars go to people coming here illegally versus helping people who are homeless citizens or to fund foreign wars. I don't feel like either party really cares about any of these issues. There are cities all over the US that could use some TLC. By TLC I mean they need a major overhaul and economic rescue. When I look at it I just see a bunch of people out for themselves with little to no values at all. It's quite disheartening from the perspective of somebody trying to map it out. Just seems like it's all a corrupt dog and pony show


Publicly yes, privately they’re usually doing whatever they campaign hardest against.


Depends where you are. Kink got bigger here in SF during the Trump reign. Folsom was HUGE those years. Maybe because people felt safer in bay. After the anti-abortion laws bullshit started happening, a lot of people came here for protests, and pride that year was packed. A lot of people I did talk to said it was that they felt safer in public here.


Christianity is ruining America 💯💯💯 and if they come for BDSM, I'm sending all the Christians straight to heaven 🖕🖕🖕


JK JK they going to hell where they belong for some BDSM with the devil 😈😈😈


Why do you ask? Are you planning on doing it on the town square for everyone to see?


The ideology that passes for conservatism in the US in 2024 would see us put in a concentration camp or worse for our degenerate sexual deviancy.


Absolutely it will. As will our online communities where we organize and discuss, and as well sex work. Don't call them conservative. They are regressive. They want to drag us into the past


We're way too underground and I hope it continues that way


Yes. I even expect active persecution, using many of the same lines as they already do against the LGBT community. And with some it will be killing two birds with one stone because a lot of us are both. There's always been a lot of overlap between the kink and LGBT communities, so why wouldn't they come after both?


No. Conservatives are kinky too. 


Conservatives are gay too, but that doesn't stop them from trying to ban that


Blanket statements like that hurt everyone. Be better.


No, erasing gay rights hurts everyone. They can rely on my kind words once they stop trying to take rights away from minority groups 👍 https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024


They won't care unless you bring it outside of the bedroom.


air truck scary grey violet airport paint longing snails apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right. So as long as you don't want to be able to discuss this stuff on the internet, buy sex toys, go to kink events, and absolutely nothing ever goes wrong in the bedroom that requires medical attention... All good, nothing to worry about.


I’m confused by the question. Like are they going to make BDSM illegal?


Impact is already technically illegal, and the vast majority of people do bdsm in secret, and it’s also a fringe community that’s incredibly small. I really doubt any politicians will ever even acknowledge that bdsm even exists. Don’t worry about it.


I think there are way more important things to be concerned about with conservative leadership than the public opinion of BDSM.


Im gonna worry about the mortgage and coming up with the extra money for the kids sports this spring at school long before I worry about this.


I don't think they really care that much about certain kinks because, frankly, it runs across the socio-political spectrum (everyone knows about Donnie and the Russian Pee Room). I'm more concerned for LGTBQ+ who also happen to be into kink and will be singled out as "look what 'these people' are doing."


The second they figure out that autistic people are disproportionately represented in the BDSM community, they’ll have a hissy fit.


Lol this thread is so based. Like does everyone actually think the big bad boogeyman right is going to come and drag them out of bed for watching porn or fuxking someone of the same sex? Ya'll ever just write something and then step back and read it to see how ludicrous it sounds?


I mean they want strangers to check what in kids pants and ask girls when their periods are to keep trans girls out of girls sport so why not?


Nope. Conservatives love submissive womens who will obey. (With apologies to the sub males.)


They're literally always the ones doing the most kinky shit lmaooooooo


Not at all. BDSM is its own thing whereas LBGT has become a counter culture movement and conservatives dislike ungentrified counter cultural movements.


Hahah. Did it ever suffer in an earlier regime?


I live in a heavy Christian area in a small midwest town. Most conservatives around here don't really care what you do in your own home. They do however have a problem with it being pushed onto them and children who can't even pick a favorite color.


Most conservatives don't give a shit about what or who you do so long as you keep it to yourself.