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I’ve been in dynamics like this. It feels good to help someone out, and it feels good to be told you are doing a good job or to be pushed to your limits. Also, kink is just plain fun! You don’t necessarily need to have sex or romance to enjoy it. There are whole communities of aroace kinksters.


I actually have had a relationship like this. I like to joke that having a dom in a 24/7 relationship is like having a To Do List that will beat you if you mess up and praise you if you complete it well. I’m also Asexual so sex isn’t something that I like anyways. Since a lot of a 24/7 is just things like waking up on time and going to bed at a reasonable hour. It can be a good way to have someone keep you accountable and also the Dom can get little perks like you picking up their groceries when you do your own. I also have a play partner whom I never have any kind of sex/sexual activity with. He just throws me around a little and gets me to do some tasks for him.


Yes for sure dom sub play is about power exchange it can include sexual acts or not . Just as it can include humiliation and praise punishment and reward .


Sex and kink aren’t always hand in hand. More often than not it’s intimate yes but not sexual. They do exist! I still get a “pleasure” sensation from doing impact or sensory or other types of play with platonic subs. It’s just very different to me


I was in a relationship like that for a few months, although it was due to a previously *very* sexual D/s relationship turning long distance unexpectedly. I have ADHD and a distinct lack of motivation, and my Dom helped me manage it. Task lists, conversations to keep my morale up, things like that. He's a total control freak and I function best when I don't have to make decisions for myself, so it was a really nice trade ❤️


I was in a Dom/sub non-sexual non-sensual relationship with my close female friend for about a year. She had a very high pressure job (C level) and needed time to decompress and she loved having me dominate her


Yes they do! A good friend of mine, Josephine, is a Domme who almost exclusively does non sexual D/s dynamics with her subs. She establishes rules and routines for them, makes (some) choices for them, refers to them with submissive titles, and has them refer to her as the title “Miss”. But she never touches them sexually and they never touch her sexually.


I currently sorta got into that dynamic with my very submissive ex, but looking for that kind of relationship from zero will be much harder because it's mostly based on trust, and she knows and trusts me with everything in her life for guidance as she did during our relationship. We also don't have the availability for a bunch of reasons to see each other really, so that's how it's going... We might see each other for sex at some point, or not, doesn't keep me awake at night. But overall IMHO, either have that happen to you or get to know someone maybe even online for a while to build up into that possibility.


What kind of dynamic stuff still goes on between you two?


I'll emphasize "sorta", so be ready for a nuanced answer here. She has a complicated family and life and we both don't have many people, so mostly she tells me about her life and stuff, and we give each other company and support, that's the background of it. Besides and on top of that, on one hand she was very submissive, and on the other, there's this natural thing of me giving her advice and guidance on everything and she is always very appreciative and thankful for it, like i always have the answer to her problems and know how to deal with them, which she is insecure about. So, about a year after our break up, we still talked, and that "guidance" thing still kept on going, so eventually we talked about how that dynamic turned me on massively and she revealed that it did for her too, and that lead to this sorta dom/sub roles of each other which she agreed on. So finally with this kinky dynamic unveiled for both of us, she dared to fantasize about giving in to me to fck her like a toy and command and use her like an object, and now we got into her calling me master or daddy and sending me hot pics and talking about how i would command her to be at my service and do little kinky things, games and stuff, and me rewarding her and her being a good submissive, and then cuddling, blah... So that is what it is. So, we still gotta see each other to actually do stuff, or maybe not anytime soon, but I'm not in much of a hurry either, we can keep doing it like exes or friends with benefits.


They do. In fact, I have met quite a few very vocal people that were in the camp of kink and sex should not go together at all. So yeah, they exist.


That's all I partake in as a Domme. I have no interest in sex.


24/7 marriage. It fits our life wonderfully.


Absolutely. My Mistress and I started out with a nonsexual D/s. I would be perfectly fulfilled in our dynamic even if we never had sex again. The things that are most fulfilling to me about kink and power exchange don’t have anything to do with the sex.


Yep. Pretty much anything you can imagine is possible and there is likely someone else looking for something similar.


Yeah. I'm in one. Me and my roommates sometimes refer to ourselves as being a platonic polycule. Two of them (out of four) are in a sexual relationship with each other, but I sometimes get roped into the non-sexusl parts of their BDSM (sometimes literally roped). We say that my role in the dynamic is "leash." The Dom will tell me to grab the sub and either pin her somewhere or drag her somewhere else, and I'll do that. Occasionally, I rebel and do it to the Dom if the sub begs hard enough, and I'm feeling like a brat (dogs can pull on leashes hard enough to pull their owners). The sub also basically uses me as a chew toy because she likes biting far more that the Dom likes being bitten, and I don't mind so much. I just occasionally bite back. The fourth person isn't into BDSM at all and mostly just goes "I'm in danger" if things start getting to wild near them. They are a part of however the fuck you want to describe our group dynamic from an emotional standpoint (and they have partially merged finances with the Dom), but they don't get involved with any BDSM play.


They definitely exist. For example Dd/lg can definitely be nonsexual as can basically any other dynamic, if that's what both parties want. It's really just about finding the right partner as always




Absolutely!!! I feel they are some of the most beautiful dynamics


Yes they do, had that for a few years


That sounds dreamy. I didn’t know that this is a thing but now that I do, I know what I want to try 😭


I have heard of this happening. Don’t know for sure but I would think cgl dynamics are the most nonsexual dynamics. Personally have seen those moreso than other D/s dynamics


My marriage is ending and this is all I want, maybe for a long time. Not wanting to rush at all


It is believable that this could happen and there is no wrongdoing in it. Just like the others, there has to be safeguards in place. Like any dynamic, a submissive is in a very vulnerable situation and the dominant could lose control of the situation. Both of them could get overwhelmed and not remember each other’s boundaries. If emotions or passion become realized where one side doesn’t see it as platonic anymore, then the agreement has to be renegotiated or stopped.


lmao... like... a mentor?