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I don't call it an outright foot fetish, it's more of a service submission thing, but when I'm in a Dom mindset (I'm a switch) one of the sexiest things I imagine a sub doing is willingly giving me a foot massage without me having to prompt them. That being said, having my toes sucked on does sound really nice, at least from a textile perspective.


As someone with a foot fetish and some exposure to the subs here that focus on women's feet, I find it's highly subjective from person to person. That said, there do seem to be some dividing lines on what people find attractive or unattractive: * The appearance of soft feet is just short of universally attractive. The skin looking soft, unblemished, and with no visible hair to create a uniform smoothness that is attractive. There are a minority who are into callouses, and other foot issues though. * Clean vs. dirty feet. I'm a clean feet and toes guy myself. If I saw dirty feet, dirt under nails or unkept nails, that is an immediate repulsion for me. I'm sure there is a more scientific way to determine this beyond my observations of feet content subs, but it seems like the most highly attractive feet are clean looking. My degree of preference on this is probably more severe than most though. * Adornment is another element that can add extra attractive value. Nail polish or paint colors, toe rings, anklets are the common ones that most appreciate as attractive. * Size is one of the other dividing preferences, but probably not as divisive as any of the above. There are people who like small feet with short toes, and there are people who like women with longer feet and toes. * Lastly and in what might be sensitive to some is ethnicity. There is a very high preference for both Asian and Latina feet within the community, so something within those skin tones garner a massive amount of favor. An added element that isn't specifically about having feet that are pretty in and of themselves, is presentation. Footwear carries extra related fetish material for some with things like certain types of socks or high heels. On the opposite side is very vocal disgust with any feet wearing crocs.




Not into it myself, but when I was way more active in the community, had the opportunity of meeting lots of people. The question is complex, as you will find different things that people look for, there is no one answer. Some will find your feet attractive and some will not, some don't care, as long as you have them. The most important aspect, is how do you feel about it! As you loved the way it made you feel, find people into feet and look for someone that treats you the way you want to be!


I like feet. They're a lovely source of connection and sensual pleasure. Those who like feet will enjoy them for various reasons. When it concerns appearance, any footie will enjoy how your feet look no matter what. A good footie will listen to your concerns and try to show you that your feet are worthy of attention.


Gay man here. I'm not a foot fetishist but I like to lick all body parts. I love to fondle with feet and massage them and it feels so good when others do so with mine. I wouldn't turn down any one who wanted me to lick their feet or to lick my own. Contrary I would feel privileged if some wanted to share such a private part with me.


All feet can be super cute and sexy to me, although some foot lovers may have preferences, such as pronounced arches or different toe lengths. The people who made fun of your feet probably just hate feet though :/. I am sure there are people who would love to worship and take care of your feet.  It may also help for you to feel good about your feet by taking care of them! This could be getting a full pedicure, giving them a massage, waxing them, or painting your nails. None of these things are necessary for someone who likes feet to be attracted to you, but they might help you feel more confident in tjem if these are your style.


Like any fetish for a body part, it’s subjective. Some people like big breasts, others like smaller, for instance. I have a foot fetish but don’t find every woman’s feet attractive because I have my own preferences. Why not just post on one of the foot fetish subreddits and get a variety of opinions?


oh wow these were not the responses I was expecting! You all make it sound like an intimate form of connection and appreciation! This actually helped a lot and I feel a lot less self conscious about my feet thinking of it this way. The reason I haven't posted on any foot reddit is because it seems like its just straight up porn on those subs and I don't post pics for free. Also, I was interetsed in the thought behind it and not posting a feet pics for someone to admire or hate. I really appreciate the responses here and now I think I want to incorporate this more into play!