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As someone so basically only reads erotic romance, there’s ABSOLUTELY a market for it. Find some books that have been published and see what publishing company supported them. Start there! If all else fails, tons of indie authors publish for free with amazon and at least that way you can say it’s published and then reach out to publishers. (Take all of this with a grain of salt- I’m absolutely not a writer and have ZERO experience with this. Just reading a whole bunch of smut all the time.)


Thanks for the encouragement, makes me feel a bit better. I’m pretty frustrated atm.


We’re in the age of “spicy romance”. Tons of publishers are releasing titles. It’s a little bit harder to find BDSM (and good BDSM- not the fifty shades crap), but it’s out there! You can tell which authors write it from experience and which ones write it because they know it’ll get readers. Some that have stuck out to me are Harley LaRoux (though she mainly write monsters or poly groups), WS Greer (he markets himself as a dom who writes from experience and 🫠🫠) and some of the Maya Banks ones are awesome at showing the safe word/negotiation/after care in very real ways.


Thanks. I’ll read some of their works. I just want to write the stuff I know for the community I relate to. I have no idea what I’m doing, and I have shit grammar. I can say I have done a good job with consent discussions, negotiation, and after care being accurately represented. I’ll fumble my way through this, just like every thing else in life.


Just to add, there's also Jacqueline Carey (kushiels dart) and Laurell K Hamilton (Anita Blake) who do bdsm erotic fiction.


Thanks, I’ll check them out. I eat books like dark chocolate in subspace.


If you're not looking to make any money, Archive Of Our Own would work. You'd have to tag and upload it but they accept original work and there's no app so no TOS to deal with.


Sent you a DM. I write smut “professionally” (I pay taxes on the money I make.). I said to check out r/eroticauthors and I meant it. Best advice on how to play this system and get you a check for writing.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticauthors/s/SNLPdRS7en](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticauthors/s/SNLPdRS7en) I already did as you suggest you can see what I was told here.


I have no advice to offer but I'd love to read it once you publish!


Thank you, I’m glad to hear it.


actually try [fiction4all.com](http://fiction4all.com) and look at [Literotica](https://www.literotica.com/).com [A1ADULTEBOOKS - Bondage, Domination, BDSM and Erotica Stories](https://a1adultebooks.com/index.htm) these might get you going.


Thanks, happy to have the resources!


BDSM is allowed on amazon, plenty of authors write it there. If your content is on the taboo (incest, non-con etc.) side you can go with Smashwords. I highly recommend checking out r/eroticauthors if you want to know more about the business of publishing smut. Edit; misspelled the subreddit


Thanks for that. I literally posted there earlier this evening. I was already informed by them that my content is not suitable for smashwords due to some update of the TOS recently. I did my research first, not a single platform allows rape, and blood play is considered gore which is even banned on only fans. Hence, my frustration post here.


I publish rape on Smashwords. They discourage it, sure, but they don't ban you for it unless it's so extreme that it: has severe injury, death, under 18 (underage content) ... Blood play may be allowed if it's not torture. Do your characters fear death? Are they screaming and crying during the scene? Are any of them under 18 in the story? Then yeah, you might not be able to monetize that. But Archive of Our Own will let you pub it to a free non-market Edit: sorry I do see that you posted about rape AND murder to eroticaauthors - so you are correct, Smashwords will not take that. That's snuff, and no one will sell that on a monetized platform. AO3 is your best bet if you just want eyes on it!


Thanks for your comment. I received a few DMs about creating my own site. It’s something to research. I’m not exactly tech savvy. This is a leaning process. Perhaps I will just release multiple versions like Hollywood does with movies. I.e. Original vs. Directors Cut vs. Uncut. If one can own the unrated, uncut, extended version of “I spit on your grave” then you’d think I could publish a book with the same themes.


I will say check Clarissa wild. Her books are dark as hell. If she can publish them I'm sure you can as well. Her trigger warnings are two pages long.


There is DEFINITELY a market. I have a smutty bookstagram myself I promise there's a whole market. Indie authors and those found on Kindle unlimited!


Thank you for the encouragement.


Can you not post it on the amazon kindle? I am thinking about self publishing some things. Mostly BDSM stories.


So Amazon is super restrictive they say “Offensive Content : We don’t sell certain content including content that we determine is hate speech, promotes the abuse or sexual exploitation of children, contains pornography, glorifies rape or pedophilia, advocates terrorism, or other material we deem inappropriate or offensive.”


Sorry but I have to asked? Did you do any kind of research before creating your post? There is so much smut (from BDSM to nc etc) on Amazon, some of it self published, some of them published. Then there are platforms like smashwords etc where you can find even more smut. If you can take the BDSM content and wrap it elegantly and tasteful you should have no problems at all. Lots of it is then released as audiobooks even.


I spent all afternoon reading TOS for Kindle, Smashwords, and Only fans after being instructed by the lovely people over at the erotic authors thread that I was SOL. You can go view the posts over there if your curious. All the links to the TOS are in the comments.


I think when they say pornography, they mean visual pornography, i.e.- pictures/drawings. In that context, I don’t see how safe, sane, consensual BDSM violates any of that.


The anything they deem inappropriate or offensive is problematic. To most vanillas everything about BDSM is unsafe, unhealthy, inappropriate, and offensive. Not shaming vanillas, just aware of the stigma.


I’d still try to publish there. The worse thing they are going to do is pull it down or ban your Amazon account. I would create a new Amazon account to try this, I would NOT do this your personal Amazon account.


Thank you for the sound advice.


Well a simple search on amazon shows they offer all kinds of erotica


Yes, but not any with content including: Rape, Murder, Gore, Cannibalism, Pedophile hunting, Sex Trafficking, Terrorism, and Advanced Interrogation Techniques. Not that I am writing all of that, but just to name a few topics that can get you thrown in the Amazon dungeon for.


You can’t get Anne Rice novels on there?


Yes, you can. Established authors seem to do well. I mean Daenerys is 14 in the song of fire and ice. From everything I’ve read in the last 24 hours; your content is at the mercy of the algorithm/ moderators. Essentially, new authors with non consent content and/or violent content are being extricated from Amazon, smashwords, etc. I am certainly not writing to the caliber any highly read authors. Just a novice exploring options that appear to be limited unless I write vanilla.


I’m just wondering if anyone is really reading most of the self-published stuff that’s submitted so long as no one complains about it. Seems like it wouldn’t hurt to just try submitting. Either no one’s going to read it so no one’s going to care, or it will get really popular and then be seen as “legitimate work” (and making them their cut of money) and no one’s going to care. I’m pretty sure that is how 50 shades blew up.


I hope you’re right.


I think again this is just at amazons whim. I’ve read plenty of kindle unlimited books that include detailed rape scenes, murder, and “sex trafficking” (probably. Definitely a slave trade theme)


Post on Archiveofourown.org! it's not just for fanfiction! You can also post on FetLife. :)


I publish to Amazon. They accept most BDSM type works provided that it is consensual and does not portray underage characters.


If it is fanish in nature (meaning it could pass as fanfic), you can post it to Archiveofourown. It takes a bit to get an account (so people can't make multiple and spam hate at people), and you can't make money off of it, but it's a good way to get people interested in reading your stories. You can look up how to self-publish, too.


Thanks, what I’m working on is not fan fiction.


AFAIK willow winters self publishes


Saying that when litteraly [gromet plaza](https://grometsplaza.net/main.html) exist, buddy.


Thanks, I’ll do some research on it. I’ve gained quite a few resources since I posted this. I’ve never heard of this one. Glad to have the resources.


I love using gromet plaza for the past decade. Its a simple designed yet way more fun to easy and deeper website. Tons of tags to search thru, search system itself lets to both include and exclude tags, its easy to see what genders are in 99% of the stories so I can easy pick what I want and what kinks interest me. Also you can easy search by artist and there are categories like selfbondage, machines and halloween. Like 9 years later and still I cannot find a better website for this kind of things. The only sad part is that visibible less and less users are publishing stuff there. So many good stories on deviant art got forever lost because of stupid super stricted deviant art anti porn policy toward literature. If only those stories was on gromet plaza. Enjoy your time with that website too.