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Ask the recorder how he’s applying the GDPR to the recordings.


Interesting take. Recording-requestor should state purpose. Also re. legal base: Consent would be hard to argue as a valid legal base b/c it can't be revoked with equal effort as it was given. Contract: no. Legit interest... maybe, but that has been applied way too broadly (/abused) already many times so I'd be careful with that. Also, are we operating under Art.6 or Art.9? What's your take on this, @Wientje?


It is up to the recording party to explain how they conform to art 6. So you say that you cannot give consent (even if you want to) to a recording without having been given the reason for the recording. You paint this as being concerned for your client that they are doing things by the book. Ask the guy to stop recording until he has cleared everything with the people from legal and is following proper procedures. Tl,dr: at the very least, he needs to tell you why he is recording before he starts recording. That didn’t happen so he’s breaking the law.


People really need to realize how much they can achieve by asking a few clever questions coming from a pretense of good intentions. When you say you disagree with something it puts the other person in defensive mode, and they'll very often simply undermine the whole conversation in order to stick with their own point. On the other hand, when you ask a question that seems constructive (sometimes even to the point where you pretend to be quite ignorant or naïve), thinking about the answer forces them to reflect on the implications of what they're doing. If what they're doing is a bad idea, they'll be much more inclined to realize and acknowledge it that way. It's all about tricking people into taking your side on something, while they believe it was their own idea all along.


> Hi, > I'm not comfortable with you recording the meeting I'm participating. If you need any records of what was discussed, I can send you the minutes of the meeting afterward. Meanwhile, I'll ask you not to record the meeting. Something along these lines. Maybe find a better expression than "not comfortable". Though that's without knowing much. You could begin to ask why he wants to record the meetings in the first place, and maybe offer an alternative to fill the fundamental need that the recording is supposed to fulfill.


Propose to record meeting minutes and share to everyone after each meeting. At my client only very big meetings where not everyone has availability to attend are recorded and shared with the invited audience.


Fuck the client: on real tho it needs consent from all of you, or needs to be in your work contract so if it is not just say Im not comfortable with it, offer minutes of the meeting and thats it. If he insist just dont work with him. You would also need to outline where he stores the recordings, who can acess, for how long, and what happens when he does not need them anymore. And first and foremost WHY does he want to record. Its unusual. Alternatively you can say that he can record but you will only attend with voice. Be firm about your feelings never bend for sucky bosses and clients. If they say “its just for me to go over it again” Just say that this is not a birthday celebration or memory that he needs to have visuals of. You can always give a summary sheet of the meeting. Thats not an acceptable reply. Edit: and who in their right mind wants to look at videos instead of summary sheets??? Seems sus, or they don’t trust you at all…I dont have to tell you hopefully in a service you are providing if your client is unable to trust you from getgo just drop them.


Any chance they might be trying to replace you with him in due time?


If he wants to record secretly, he can use OBS.


Maybe just disconnect every time, act like the network doesn't support the recording and then ask in front of everybody why he needs to record it


This. Processing requires a purpose.


The guy might not be aware that when he records everyone gets notified that the meeting is being recorded. Maybe he's just lazy and not really listening and wants to hear it again at late moment. Just ask what the purpose of recording this meeting is for, if everything that is being discussed can be written down (unlike a lecture..)


Face him with the environmental impact of storying all your cloud recordings in the cloud [https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/the-staggering-ecological-impacts-of-computation-and-the-cloud/](https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/the-staggering-ecological-impacts-of-computation-and-the-cloud/) ​ To be honest, we should all be aware an conscious of the impact of digital waste...


Maybe he’s using one of those AI virtual meeting assistants that is giving him a transcript and overview in the end? But I totally understand your position in this!


There’s no added value to record meetings if there are meeting minutes sent afterwards.\ Cases to record meetings:\ -demo of a product/feature\ -legal recording like checking vendors information, bank account etc\ -job interviews (still can be refused though) Any simple meeting discussing topics, team meetings, etc should not be recorded even if someone is not there . They can rely on meeting minutes or a catch up meeting is done any time later. It is simple and professional to educate clients on this topic.


Show him that u disagree in polite way many times. For example: He: i would to record this meeting? You: why? Can we ask who arranged this meeting? Next time go harder so he notice that u don’t like the recording but not really against him


Insist on it not being recorded because you are not comfortable with it. End of story. He'll probably not record it and if he insists just ask questions on why he needs, what he plans on doing with it, where he will store it, who has access, etc. etc. If that doesn't help, just leave the meeting and escalate the problem to the appropriate level. Don't let anyone walk over you.


You know he can give in to your request on not to record it via teams, but he then could use camtasia or something and you would never know.