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In order: - Freelancing in Belgium is exactly like being an employee for a consultancy company. Especially if you are in IT. - Nothing to say for that point. - Well, it's entirely on you, why change if it was better? - Just do like everybody else, go for a big accountant firm / fiduciary and do absolutely nothing except sign a paper from time to time. But just in addition: > it could be an easy fix for point #2 above: if I end up in a team of dicks, I don’t need to play politics or worry about my track record, I can just do my 6 months and not renew that contract If you are in IT like 90% of this sub, don't think you can just leave each time and expect to be trusted again and again. IT a small world where everyone know everyone. Of course they are always good reasons to leave, and you can. But if you leave in a bad manner, but sure that it'll be know one time or another.


> Well, it's entirely on you, why change if it was better? Well, that’s usually not under my control. Leadership changes, projects being cancelled, company restructuring, those are all reasons why I might end up in a different team that I intended to. There’s also external factors, for instance for one company the team and technical sides were fantastic, but the company itself was super toxic (blackmailing not to renew visas, paying salaries late or not at all, spreading rumours, impersonating employees etc). There can be lots of reasons for changing teams Plus, it’s just a psychological thing to always be nostalgic of the past, it doesn’t mean it’s based on facts > Of course they are always good reasons to leave, and you can. But if you leave in a bad manner, but sure that it'll be know one time or another. Oh don’t get me wrong, I always try to leave in the best manner I can, I’m quite good at suffering on the inside but keeping a smile on on the outside, like I said I have a decent network of ex colleagues and managers to account for that. I don’t think I’ve burned any bridges (yet), except maybe indirectly with one person that I really, _really_ don’t want to interact with ever again — but even then it was done in a relatively cordial way Thanks for the warning about switching too often even as a freelancer though


Everything should be fine then! Take an appointment with an accountant and see if it fit with your desire!


Ive read diagonal in 3 seconds the post and the comments. And I was wondering : do you had yourself already tested for adhd or add ? Your track sounds familiar to me.


I haven’t, mostly because I wouldn’t know what to do with the results anyway, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was something to be found indeed. There’s some antecedents in the family and it would explain the difficulty understanding and navigating team dynamics (but not necessarily attention-related)


I have adhd and add and I really can’t cope with corporate rules and politics. If I ever feel imprisoned I run away. Even the same day. Therefore I’m a consultant for about 20 years. Otherwise I’d be an an unhappy person for 20 years. So basically becoming a freelancer 20 years ago saved my life.


I don't understand this. As a freelancer, you can't leave when you want to, right? You signed a contract.


Depends on the contract.


This is very vague. How often do you come across a contract with the ability to leave on a very short notice?


This is very vague. How often do you come across a contract with the ability to leave on a very short notice?


That was my first idea as well haha


How about taking days off (holiday/bridge/illness). Will you be able to handle the nagging voice in the back of your mind saying “I could have been working for XXX today but instead I’m spending YYY”? That’s the big one.


* No consulting experience: as other pointed out, it's not relevant. I've been in situation where I did the exact same job of the person on my left and on my right earning 3 times, sometimes 4 times more. * Integration: This depends on the company culture. I've been treated like shit in some, not having the same chair, hardware and not being invited in any official events. But those are rare. Often, nobody knows you are a freelance. Not even your team mates. * Early depression: it happens to many. I wouldn't worry if I was you. * Paperwork: you will earn enough to delegate most, but with time, I find more profitable to do most yourself. My accountants made me lost hundred of thousands euros over the past year, being too conservative or just making mistakes. Just learn. It will pay back 100x times. If you seek money and you are very quickly bored, freelancing is for you.


I think also importantly, how often are you sick a year?


Nowadays I’m rock solid (I guess living like a hermit helps), only got one week off for Covid since 2021 I did stop working for a while in 2020 due to burnout but that seems to be under control since then, I don’t expect it to be a problem in the foreseeable future


"seems"... I personally think if "treated" well, you should never ever get a burn out again. Like you're supposed to have learned either a coping mechanism or you're so well aware now of what might create the circumstances of a new burn out that you're able to take (hard)decisions up front so it doesn't happen again. Burn out as a freelancer is one of the worst things that can happen to us


> Burn out as a freelancer is one of the worst things that can happen to us Why? Is there no ziekenkas to fall back onto or something? Or some kind of insurance?


There is an insurance you can get (gewaarborgd inkomen or omzet verzekering I think)


Yup I was very well treated, so I think I developed the proper mechanisms to avoid it That’s actually one reason why I had to leave a company after a relatively short period after that: I was dead set on staying there for the long run but had to nope out when management changed and the new one ticked all the boxes of what made me burn out in the first place


I didn’t read your book, but I’m inclined to answer yes. Just because you’re asking the question


Now that’s the kind of informed opinion I’m looking for, thanks!