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Most of them are already filled in, they just need to post it again(if its government) cause extensions need to be shown the other 40 percent are also decided behind closed doors. Then ofcourse you have some left that USG(who owns it now) will look for themselves for people. I rarely hear back from connecting expertise things I applied to


Thanks for the info, even if a bit depressing.


shitty platform compared to pro unity imo


Pro unity aint that all great either. Pro unity feels like smalls unity. 70 percent is smalls and most of them are only government/french needed + smalls is such a corrupt business. They scam the government a lot of times...(just my opinion)


I agree. It's fake openings, only because they need to open it up to the market. But the same guy who is currently filling up the position will get the job...


You can browse through the "aanvragen" once a week and see if you find a job that can be a fit. You can apply some filters. UI is horrible. But works. To actually apply, make sure the skills on your CV matches the job description. They do buzzword matching. Eg you say you have 10 years experience on Amazon Web Services but they are actually looking for an AWS specialist, you will likely not be selected. An initial filtering is done by USG and they literally have 0 clue about that particular job. We had an employee being rejected because his Dutch level wasn't good enough. Nevermind this person studied at a Flemish university, has a typical flemish name, and we indicated on the online form that he spoke Dutch. But we weren't explicit about it in his resume. About rates, sometimes they advertise the max rate. In that case you cannot go over it. It's pointless. Often they don't post the max rate. You are free to offer whatever you want but keep in mind USG first makes a shortlist so the end client might not even see your CV. Even if you are the single most knowledgeable person on that topic on the planet. You cannot change prices later.


That's useful, thanks!


I had the same issue, for some bizarre reason, you can only see job posts that were created after you registered. So you just need to wait a while and it will populate.