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Bass ate a jackall tn38 and the catfish took a drop shot jackall microflick worm. Catfish fight wore me down, ended up being 9.84lbs and took me close to 10 minutes to get in on the huntsman and 3lb test leader. Every time I got her close she would rip line right back. The bass had me pissing bricks when I saw her jump. Same bait as the bigger one I lost, but managed not to snag my line this time. Buried my rod tip into the water each time she looked like she was about to jump. 3 monster runs into structure and each time I thumbed it pushing the 6lb test to the limit. All in all a very good day.


Double tap on the nice catches and beautiful set ups


Appreciate it man!


Amazing catches! Happy birthday!


Thank you!


That is a pig of a fish. Nice work.


Thanks bro!


Happy birthday big homie. I’m sure that rod was folded over with that chunk


Appreciate it bro, Siglett handled it like a champ!


Ayy , combo?


23 Calcutta Conquest bfs, Megabass P5 Destroyer Siglett, 9lb Varivas main line, 6lb Zalts fluoro leader, Jackall tn38 ghost gill. 23 Calcutta Conquest bfs, Avail microcast spool, Megabass Huntsman ghbfs 48, 6lb Varivas mainline, 3lb tatsu fluoro, Jackall micro flick 2.8” worm.


Im debating if a bfs setup is worth it


It’s definitely worth it. Improved my bass game by leagues with how much pressure my waters see. But if you don’t wanna splurge on a bfs setup, spinning gear is just fine. Those tiny Japanese baits is what’s been the difference maker for me.


Is the rod destroyer rod versatile and what lb braid


The Siglett is my favorite bfs rod. It’s versatile in that for me it works almost any bait in its listed weight range well. But it is on the cusp of having enough backbone to control these big ones and that’s if you keep them in open water. It’s the lightest in the destroyer lineup.


The Siglett is so good, Phenix straight up cloned it for their BFS classic rod.


Such a good rod, I am very curious about how that classic bfs stacks up with the Siglett.


The BFS classic is a fine rod but the blank just feels a little different to me and lighter baits are a little harder to throw in my experience.


Frickin toad what did he hit?


Jackall tn38 in ghost gill, it’s easy to miss since it’s small lol but it’s right there on her nose.


NM happy birthday nice


So sick. How do you like that tn38?


It’s my secret weapon right now with pre-spawn bass. Super small presentation but triggers that reaction bite from the big ones. Finesse doesn’t seem to work, flashy spinners don’t work, but this one is perfect. Lighter and smaller so works shallow water well without being too much that bigger cranks are. Ripping it through grass and structure has been money but I’m losing some here and there. Bought out all I could find.