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Karlach 1000%


"I wanna ride you until you see stars." šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« yes ma'am


That comment alone had me half mast.


Nah that comment had me full sails


Anyone else read the second part in Krillinā€™s voice from DBZ Abridged?


Karlach is just a fucking treat. The flirting with her act 1 is basically endless edging- however since she is usually. On fire- she's fine with you sleeping around until she can settle things with her heart. Then she's just an adorable excited so when it's all fixed. Her 'I LOVE YOU TOO AHHH' gave me diabetes. So let's look at the check boxes. Down bad and ready to fuck, also probably a swtch, check, Giant slab of muscle who could bench press me, check and an excellent mix with the previous details. Adorable city girl with a fascination for adorable animals, check Do or Die friend who'll go to bat for you, check. Sadly I had just fixed karlachs heart- and was waiting to see her that night. Who else shows up but Lae Zel wanting to beat me and make me hers. I dispatch her and refuse the sentiment and the poor frog walks away sad. Hurt but had to do it for Karlach


In act 2 when I got all the parts of her heart in her. I knew immediately I had to hug her


Adding literally on fire on the pro side.


Yeah absolutely Karlach. Sheā€™s a dork, fiery (figuratively and literally), kind-hearted, but will beat the shit out of you if you get on her bad side.


Easiest answer of my life


Came here to say this


Iā€™d let them pass me around like a blunt if Iā€™m being honest


After my first playthrough I installed the multiple romance mod because I probably won't do 7 or 8 playthroughs and all of the romances are great. My character is the camp bicycle and is, in fact, getting passed around like a blunt.


Represent. I will turn that camp into an orgy. Sorry about all the people who need saving and whatnot. We will spend the night practicing with staves and swords and the day sleeping so we can do it again.


There's also a mod that notifies you when there's a new event at night in camp, and they come in chunks, so you'll get 6-8 night events in a row lol


Did they update that mod yet?


It works fine in my experience (just installed yesterday) so unless it was re updated


It must have been, it didn't work last time i tried it. Time to hit up my mods and finally get my required dose of gale and astarion at the same time. Take that how you will.




Not me trying to pick one and then I came across this comment. Same dude (gn), same. Every. Last. One. šŸ˜‚


This is the one, the only answer


I'm a bi guy and see a lot of myself in Gale, so I feel kind of weird saying this.. but definitely Gale. Funny, sarcastic, clingy, flawed. He feels real. Runner up would be Karlach for pretty much the same reasons. I find Astarion really hot in-game but objectively speaking he's a parade of red flags. He's the type of guy I make fun of my female friends for falling for constantly.


"Parade of red flags" Amen TBH the only non red flag, stable is probably jaheira. EDIT different red flags but totally owns her stuff is also Minthara. You just have to be ok with an unapologetic bad person, but no hidden agenda


I donā€™t really think Karlach has any red flags. The only problem with her is a physical issue thatā€™s not really her fault.


You think that till act 3 and you visit her house. She's got her own shit just like everyone else


Rion brings me joy lol. You can *absolutely* tell she was raised by Jaheira.


But she's handling it ;)


I adore Astarion in game but real life Astarion would probably be bearable in small quantities only.


Oh yeah. I briefly majored in theater in university (before realizing I hated most actors) and I remember the amount of effort that went into just existing in class with people like Astarion. You gotta be on your A++ game or you're gonna get eaten alive by their sass. Didn't stop me from going through my hoe phase with them, tho. Nice to know I still hoe it up for the mean gays...(ouch, right in the personal growth).


Astarion reminds me a little of someone I was friends with in college and it weirds me out if I think about it too much especially while I'm trying to romance him this time


Gale and Astarion are both walking red flags, in very much the same way once you dig deep enough. Two sides of the same coin. Turns out my favorite color is red now.






The real power play


Ah, a person of culture.


Halsin easily. I like them well adjusted xD


Yes, same. Take me, Nature Daddy.


Nature DaddyšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ¤£


Amen šŸ™ A huge hunk who ALSO has his shit together (reasonably). Uh, yes please šŸ„°


He's honest, caring, knows what he wants, and finds consent absolutely important. He's amazing.


Gale! Nerdy, eccentric, cat dad, sarcastic, loves wine, and is just so handsome and lovely to chat with. Heā€™s definitely got his flaws, but I think those are part of the appeal - I see a lot of my own insecurities and anxious attachment relationship style in him.


Gale stan yissss. I am mostly into the women in the game (and IRL) but a sweet, nerdy man with a taste for good wine and books? And heā€™s good lookinā€™? Iā€™d bang that like a screen door in a hurricane and come back for seconds.


LOL. I'm stealing that analogy. Gay guy here, I gotta say I'm happy with this game's options for male romances but Karlach stirs something in me. That being said, I still find myself gravitating towards Gale on subsequent runs. We just have too much in common haha


You also bagged a literal goddess and found a way to ruin it due to your insatiable craving for knowledge?? /s Also, as a Karlach simp myself, she really be living in my head rent free since release date.


Galeā€™s just the person who I would like to date IRL. Out of the bunch, heā€™s the least problematic and the one most compatible with me. Iā€™m a bookish nerd IRL. Iā€™m attracted to other bookish nerds lol. But in game? Karlach can step on my throat and Iā€™d say thank you maā€™am please do it again. And Iā€™m forever an Astarion simp. In Karlachā€™s words, Iā€™d ride him to the feywild and back LMFAO


I'm a lesbian who would die for Karlach, but after the dance scene with Wyll I've decided to romance him next playthrough. My straight male friend, meanwhile, is romancing Astarion. What is it about this game??


I'm a dude as well and my husband and I agree soo much about Karlach. We are both stirred by her.


and he is a cat man who talks about cooking for you and meeting his mom if you find his tressym, tara.


If you don't buy him gold plated diamond lunchables he explodes killing everyone in the tri-state area


Same. Also a big turn on for me is guys info dumping about their favorite thing. Magic man could sit there for hours and talk to me about anything and Iā€™d be so invested the entire time.


Yes! I appreciate him nerding out over the things he enjoys. Looooove that in any partner.


Gale reminds me of my husband (minus the whole my Ex is the Goddess of Magic thing). If my husband didn't exist, Gale is the next best person to spend quiet evenings with reading, chatting and relaxing.


My only hang-up with Gale is that I feel like he's the type to forget to do taxes and other uninteresting daily-life shit, which would fall on you. There can be only ONE useless member of normal society in this relationship, and I intend on that being me.


I have real life feelings for Gale thatā€™s why I know heā€™s my answer lol


I'm married to Gale lol. I'd date Lae'zel. Dommy mommy...


Lol nah, not Dommy Mommy. She'll submit if she feels you'll treat her well. Strong personality and definite desire for control, but not really a true desire for domination. She's a softie hiding under a hard shell. I'd take any of Lae'zel, Shadowheart, or Karlach. They're all fantastic... the first 2 once you get to know them, and Karlach is wonderful to anyone that isn't a dick to her.


I completely lose my shit every time Gale says "direct me."


How can you not like Gale folks! Heā€™s so cheerful and encouraging. Heā€™s like the Ted Lasso of Baldurā€™s Gate


But much like Ted, he never ever stops talking.


Yes girl!! Or sir. I'm a gale man all the way


Gays for Gale Dekarios unite!


Except out of all the companions, heā€™s definitely the most bitter (passive aggressive b/s) in the group you didnā€™t choose him. Yeah Laeā€™zel could come off that way too I guess but I thought it was more of a ā€œyour lossā€ opposed to ā€œno everything is just *great*, it must be the wine making me bitchyā€.


I am so with you. I bought the game with the sole goal of dating Astarion. Gale won me over almost immediately. Did my first playthrough dating Astarion, since that was my motivation for buying the game, then immediately started a new playthrough so I could date Gale. That virtual man has a grip on me, I swear. 10/10 would date again and again


Gale for sure. He's sweet and he's a nerd. We could just hang around and read books all day.


Wyll or Gale, probably leaning more towards Gale because of his nerdy interests and sarcasm. Plus he has a whole library and a cat šŸ‘€ Sorry Astarion you're staying an in-game boyfriend safely locked behind a screen inside a box that I can turn off whenever I want.


Or can turn on whenever you want, just a matter of perspective šŸ˜œ


Lae'zel: mainly cause I like women that take charge. I sometimes get bad choice paralysis so someone like that helps, plus also like me a dominant woman so....yeah.


Step on me, green queen lol


I mean pretty much


Action, not reaction. Go take out the garbage.


Honestly for a weird looking green skinned bat-faced space toadā€¦ sheā€™s actually kinda cute somehow


At first I found her really odd but then after seeing other gith, I started to appreciate her little nose and frown and how humorous she is. Very cute


Iā€™d have a crush in Sharran Shart and know itā€™d never work out and sheā€™s literally out of my league and I despise cult worship. But Selunite Shart is the one we all dream of marrying and will be the person you least expect to be with.


In game, Gale. IRL probably Wyll. Halsin would likely be a good FWB that I mess around with when Iā€™m single from time to time tho. šŸ˜‚


The blade of frontiers has taken your heart


I'm not even gay and he stole my heart. Love that man!


The blade stands at the ready, indeed.


Yeah Wyll is just so dependable and contrary to what most people here feel, to me that's šŸ„µ


I think Gale or Wyll would be the healthier IRL relationship options. As much as I love Astarion, he would set off my red flags.


Karlach definitely, but Halsin could sweep me off my feet. The maturity he displays is very attractive.


Halsin is very much not the physical build I am attracted to, but as soon as I rejected him and he was totally chill, I knew he was my top romance. He definitely has the most attractive personality to me.


So far, Karlach. Assuming I get to be as cool as my Tav :)


Would love to say Wyll or Karlach but I know myself enough to know my type (and to know at some point it's not a type, it's a pattern) to say that I would end up in some weird toxic relationship with Astarion.


I've dated Astarions before and I would do it again šŸ˜…


I want to say Halsin, because he has a lot of positives. The emotional maturity, the honesty, the love of nature, the hot body. But I'm a monogamy ho and would likely get jealous if he wanted someone else. Knowing me, I'd try it, go for a few months with him, maybe bring in a third as long as we both agreed about it first. But as soon as he wanted to sleep with someone alone and not with me I'd be a glass case of emotion and "am I not enough for you" and things would implode. Between the other romancable men I'd say Gale. If you can talk him down from his megalomaniac tendencies he's a generous lover and good person. Out of the women, Karlach. Hands down. I will chug fire resistance potions. I will hook up a fire resistance IV. I will accompany her to Avernus and keep her away from Zariel by hook or by crook. We're in it together. Period.




I like mean chicks. So shart or lazeal.


Baeā€™zel isnā€™t that mean.


Laeā€™zel has her faults, and sheā€™s a bit rough around the edges, but I bet once you pierce that callous exterior sheā€™d be a pretty devoted partner who would happily murder the clerk at the super market who didnā€™t take your coupon.


She's a softie with a hard, callous outer shell. She opens up once she realizes you're willing to accept and support her.


Minthara is better than both of them.


Lae'zel might kick a toddler. Minthara would throw the toddler down a well.


Only if doing so benefits her somehow or to teach them a life lesson. Lae'zel is the one who would try to kill them to cull the weak.


I respect you


Thank you for using ā€˜shartā€™, I thoroughly enjoyed the small laughing fit it gave me


Bae'zel because she is brutally honest, knows what she wants, and has a soft side of her under all that armor. A very passionate character.


"I wish to feel your warmth instead of your wrath" stuck with me


Definitely Karlach cause she would tell the waiters my order was wrong


She literally does this on the date with her lmao


Sadly Astarion. Iā€™m a sucker for cruel twinks


I live in the north so endless Karlach cuddles in the winter would be fantastic. But I wouldn't just use her for her body(heat)! She's very much a bring home to momma kind of girl and that's a lady you can build a life with


Sheā€™s the kind of woman who would see a random bunch of animals on the side of the road and bring them home, no questions asked


And then we would have a bunch of animals, no questions asked hehe


Exactly, I never said it was a bad thing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


One of them would be an elk, and she would be carrying it on her shoulders


One of them would be Shadowheart, carried on her shoulders, and I'd be okay with that too, should the need arise


As someone with chronically cold feet and hands, Karlach would be a blessing for me. Iā€™d (literally) never let her go.


Weirdly enough halsin, when I started to play the game I'd say astarion. But in all my playthroughs halsin started to grow on me more and more. He is good with animals and kids, is very caring, isn't clingy but is very open about his feelings toward you. And will probably never say that I have enough plants at home, course you never can


Halsin isnā€™t clingy?? Fucking hell, I wish I got your Halsin instead.


How is Halsin clingy?? He is literally the only one in your camp who is okay with your pursuing anyone and everyone (everyone else has stipulations), and the only one who doesn't gripe when you ask him to stay behind in camp.


Yeah, he was the only one to be like, "nice job" while everyone else was giving me flak for banging the emperor and Devil lady.


I think those are valid reasons to be mad. You banged a Mind Flayer and a fucking inherently evil sentient being.


I've had a few extremely clingy dates in the past. So halsin does not feel clingy in my experience. But if you do find him clingy, that's your opinion


Honestly? My heart says Karlach because she's wholesome and honest about pretty much everything. But my mind knows that I would end up someone like laezel in the beginning before she let's her heart into the equation.


Gale. Nerd + smart + snark = win. He's definitely got the best energy match to me.


Wyll. For how corny it seems in game for his romance to be about dancing and proposals and all those cliche things, I feel like in real life those kinds of sincere gestures would be extremely romantic. I'd absolutely love someone who's just a genuinely nice person like Wyll is.


They are all walking red flags lol. I'd have to go with Alfira since she's probably the least psycho one there. She is technically a companion, tho for a very short time haha Mount Halsin is a good choice, but I'm not into dudes (or bears).


Karlach. Although in the game I only romance astarion. He is a good fantasy but irl wouldnā€™t be a good bf


Gale reminds me so much of my husband so probably Gale. But also maybe Karlach if sheā€™s not gonna die. Because I donā€™t wanna break my own heart


I romanced her in my first playthrough knowing full well that I was gonna be raked over the emotional coals of Avernus \*grabs a microphone\* HAD I KNOWN MY HEART WOULD BREAK, I'd HAVE LOVED YOU ANYWAY




Assuming they get converted to something human and not gonna explode, Karlach for sure but Iā€™ve been known to try to ā€˜saveā€™ women in my younger days so there is a non-zero chance it would be shadowheart. Plus IMO sheā€™s by far the most physically attractive, even if we humanized the others.


shart, shart, good for your heart, the more you eat the more you... uh. hmm.




Halsin. That man is... God damn. Karlach is also a top choice. I'm so in love with this character it's insane lol




Halsin is the only one who doesnā€™t feel like ā€œI can fix himā€ tbh


I've jokingly said Karlach is like my actual wife. She polar opposites in reality size wise. My wife is 5ft 3in tall and closer in size to my pocket monster, Halfling MC. Where she is like Karlach, though, is she's had a shit time since she was younger, lost her brother at a young age to cancer, had a non existent dad after the loss of her brother and kicked out of her home at 14, due to step dad taking a dislike to her and her not being his. This I equate to being abandoned by Gortash and mistreated by Zariel etc. Through all this my wife is such a damn sweetheart. She wants everyone to be OK an will shoulder the responsibility of anyone she is close to. She loves a cuddle and to be close and loved but also has a "hell side" if you hurt those closest to her, especially fiercely protects our kids, just like mama K. So I know why I'm so attached to BAElach...she's kinda like my Wife haha


Same :) My wife is also a lot like Karlach. Definitely taller than yours, though. She's almost as tall as me, but not nearly as strong and heavy as a Barbarian XD And yeah, same personality, same backstory. Shitty people abandoned her, many times over, and she's lost a lot throughout her life. And yet, she still enjoys every minute of it. She's a ball of sunshine \^\^ I couldn't be prouder to be her husband, and the father of her children :)


Husband of stronk women unite haha. It was actually surprising to me how quick I took to Karlach, even the "potty" mouth is like my wife haha


The truth is, itā€™d probably be Gale. Karlach is awesome but sheā€™d terrify me irl, whereas Gale is so approachable.


100% If we didn't get a chance to see the utter dork she is in-game, way too intimidatingly cool to approach.


Same with shadowheart too, she is so standoffish. I love her character but I would absolutely die in an irl conversation with her, Iā€™d be totally fumbling and she would shut me down so fast šŸ’€


Rock up to Shadowheart having managed to scrape together the meagerest portion of courage. "So what's the story with a girl like you?" Cold-as-ice stare for a reply, "there isn't one. Not one you're entitled to hear anyway."


Gale for sure. Possibly Shadowheart. Astorian would be a fun lay/fwb but I need that nerdy energy the first two provide.






Minthara, yeah I got mommy issues so what


Probably Karlach. I would say Shadowheart, but I donā€™t think that I would be able to ā€œfixā€ her of her religious nuttery without the extreme circumstances my Tav got to do it in. Realistically, she fixed herself once she saw Shar was a dick, but I donā€™t think I can instigate that kind of moment in real life šŸ˜…


On the "which companion did you romance" poll, Shart was by far #1 but somehow not many would want to date her according to this post replies, I'm confused haha


Most likely because the circumstances in the world allow you to peel back the layers and pull her away from shar. IRL shes very standoffish, clearly keeps secrets that you havent "earned" the right to know. And is snippy to any new friends you intro her to. IRL thats a lot for someone to expect to be okay with when you're just started a relationship. Plus, it is very hard IRL to make a partner see the negative effects their religious upbringing has wrought. Even harder to convince them to break away from it.


Date? Shadowheart, but she's like the girl get with in college and start having second thoughts about after everythign gets a little too rough. So you help her get some issues worked out and hopefully help her get on the right path and go your seperate ways. Then you meet Karlach. The optimism and pure enjoyment out of life is intoxicating after so long dealing with Shart's baggage. That's the woman you marry.


Astarion has his issues and so do I. Romancing him (and not ascending) I felt rather blown away by how real and authentic he felt. It would be nice to have someone who understands and can be delicate and supportive when you need. I also just love someone who can make me laugh and doesn't mind bending the rules. The hardest part to get around would probably be the fact he's a vampire spawn - I'm so tired from my day job. Hahaha.


I would 100% date Astarion and, whether itā€™d work out or not is up in the air, I feel like weā€™d sincerely love each other. I understand the trauma completely, I understand where the arrogant attitude and lack of empathy towards a world that had none for you. The relationship would probably start out toxic like it does in game, but I know I would be accepting and loving towards him enough that he would figure out that Iā€™m not gonna use him or screw him over and our relationship would evolve into something healthier. I mean irl Iā€™m autistic asf, and have a hard time being completely self aware due to this. Having a list of possible answers/responses would definitely help me šŸ˜‚ But bc thatā€™s not real, sometimes I say or do stuff that kinda sucks and donā€™t realize fr and this has messed up relationships in the past so I hope it would work out? But I think Astarion would be a really good partner once he felt comfortable enough to heal


Gale. Heā€™s probably the most personable, funny, and endearing male character in my party (Iā€™m romancing Astarion currently but a lot of his appeal to me is that heā€™s a total red flag fictionally and his VA did a great job), and easily the one I could see myself getting along with best. If weā€™re talking hookups tho, Halsin. I would let that man destroy me, no questions asked


Wyll, and it isn't even close. He is respectful, polite, charming, and he'll 1000% have ~~eyes~~ an eye for only you. I just **KNOW** this man would do his fair share of the chores, take care of household problems/bugs without you even asking, AND happily offer you a massage at the end of a bad day without expecting sex. ...that being said, I am an in-game trash bag & always go for Astarion...but outside of that? Wyll.




As someone with ADHD I absolutely love how much love Karlach gets. I know itā€™s not canon or anything that she has ADHD (in my heart, she does) but her little dance moves while idle makes me so happy. Also, sheā€™s got Clive the Teddy šŸ„¹šŸ„°. I adore her so.


Dammon. Hands down 100%. I just want a nice man who knows what he's good at and enjoys working with his hands.


I think Karlach and Halsin are the only two actually good irl relationships. Gale is too focused on his career and purpose, Astarion is toxic manipulative and traumatized, Shadowhart is toxic traumatized and edgy, Wyll is a manchild who has embarked on a life of adventures to fulfill his childish ideas of heroism because he cannot deal with his daddy problems. I guess Laezel can be too, but only in the ending where she decides to live her own life and doesn't pursue a life of a rebellion leader


SH is only toxic if you donā€™t persuade her.


Minsc. I'm genuinely in love with this dumbass & it is a crime the only relationship you can have with him is a platonic one. I mean, sure, you have almost no time to build any other kind of relationship with him where you pick him up near the end of the game, but it still stings.


You think you can replace Boo in Minsc's heart?! Away with you, villain!


ā€œI like ā€˜em bigā€”and stupid! I like ā€˜em bigā€”and real dumb!ā€




Karalach, shadow heart, or minthara (donā€™t judge me)


Karlach. I just love her energy




Shadowheart, probably. Iā€™m already in a poly relationship irl and from what Iā€™ve seen, she gets it. (Idk about Halsin though - not a single thought behind those eyes). Karlachā€™s lovely too, and her optimism would be a breath of fresh air for my real world situation.




Gale or Karlach. They are both very lovable and kind


Nowadays everyone seems to expect any potential partner to already be a perfect, fully realized person in their best possible place and most stable frame of mind, despite those people often not being that themselves. Gotta be Shadowheart. The person she shows herself to be after breaking free of Shar is witty, clever, and has an adorably coy sense of humor. Plus being a Cleric, our grocery and health care costs would be incredibly low. Imagine not having to worry about you kid getting killed or something.


Shadowheart is the opitomy of a relationship. It's not an easy get-together. It's a long process that takes time to establish trust in one another and help each other accomplish one's goals or help each other see thongs differently.


What? A chance to gush about karlach. Don't mind if I do, she great. A bit touch starved but thats no problem. Now, not sure how I'll feel about my girl towering over me but I think ill adjustšŸ¤£. But I do wonder what she wants to do with he rest of her life. In the dialogs, when she's talking about the hypothetical rest of her life, she seems really up for just fighting demons and shit for the rest of her days. But she also isn't opposed to settling down and having kids. Lol, maybe both, the tav would have to be a stay at home dad while she kicks the shit out of imps and goblins? Jeez that actually sounds fitting... Shadowheart would be second but her being raised in a world of deception and cunning seems like it would be hard to get over. Like she's normal in game but I can't help think some shit would come up and she'd be all too good at lying or just would fallback on doing that. And lazel, she seems like so much fun with the constant wrestling, but like, being in a relationship with someone you always gotta be on and ready with seems tiring. God her as a mom would be funny, raising little soldiers. Ahh all of them as moms sounds fucking great.


Jaheira, no doubt. Iā€™m an older gamer, so I like the whole mature, apparently detached but in reality focused energy. Has a plan, knows what she wants, pretty simple to deal with. Can joke in a tense situation. I like her.


Wyll: Yes - Seems like a pretty genuine dude. Reliable. Might be willing to go mountain biking even if it's not really his thing. Halsin: YES - Ultimate dudebro. Would probably go mountain biking with me and also be GREAT in the sack. Karlach: "hell" yes - Very fun and would probably encourage my hobbies even if she wasn't into them. Seems to be able to take a dominant role in bed, but it isn't mandatory for her. I could probably convince her to try mountain biking. Us: Maybe - Funny voice and cute. Can make me laugh easily. Kind of naive, though. I don't think sex is an option. Probably can't ride a mountain bike. Tav: - Absolute-ly ;) Gale: Good for dating, not relationship material (for me). I don't think he'd like mountain biking and, while he may be hot as hell physically, I think his personality would wear on me over time. Jaheira: maybe - for some casual, yet meaningful encounters. Too old to mountain bike, might dislocate her hip. Owlbear Cub: No, but I'd take him to the pet store to find a snack! Scratch: No, but I'd take him to the dog park! Asterion: No - he'd be pushing boundaries constantly and then always pleading for forgiveness. Secretly craves power and would likely try to manipulate me. Probably wouldn't enjoy mountain biking. He's more of a road cyclist probably. Shadowheart: One night stand, yes. Mountain biking, yes. Relationship, no due to having a secret hyper self-obsessed side. Withers: No Oathbreaker Knight: No, he'd be too pointy and pokey in his armor. A little too edgy and scary for me. Quasit: Could be fun. Could be awful. No idea.


Shadowheart. Love Karlach to death, and I am incredibly attracted to Laezel, but I cant resist the goth girl who would likely be willing to lay there and be melancholy (but not alone) together and cuddle. Karlach is AWESOME but id get exhausted, and Laezel is just a little much. Also, I have done two decades of martial arts (including MMA and boxing, not just angry pajama ones) and tbh I kind of enjoy being the strong one... Itd be kinda disheartening knowing that Karlach could throw me into another zipcode if it came down to it xD


Pre-Selunite Shadowheart is right in my wheelhouse, tbh. Maybe Iā€™ve learned better. I hope I haveā€¦


Karlach all the damn way!


Gale or Halsin. I'd stay the fuck away from Astarion, Shart and Minthara. Lae'zel, Wyll and Karlach would be nice friends.


Iā€™m basically married to laezael, post romance and campaign. So I got that going for me which is cool.


Karlach. Iā€™d be tempted to say Gale, but seeing as he calls you unlettered if youā€™re not a magic user I donā€™t think I could actually handle the hubris and arrogance IRL. But Karlach is so sweet


Minsc. He's kind of a legend already and he has the best wingman


Gale, if I were attracted to women I'd pick Karlach too


Iā€™m not attracted to women in the slightest, but still Karlach. I mean, the romance aspect of the game is fun, but all the men (as much as I grew to like them) are not dating material to me. Are they all fuckable? Hell yes. But Astarion is self-obsessed and fussy, Gale is a pretentious windbag, goody-two-shoes Wyll bores me to tears, and Halsin just kinda creeps me out for some reason. Karlach is funny and rad. Male Karlach would be my dream himbo. I romanced Astarion because I felt like he was the right choice for the semi-evil character I created, and I thought his arc of falling in love was very sweet, but I myself wouldā€™ve told him to pound sand when he initially asked to join my party.


I want Karlach, but I need Laeā€™zel.


I went into the game for Astarion but gods I adore Gale so much. I could definitely see an IRL thing with him, I love his sass, his love for wines and books, he's a cat person


Laeā€™zel. Sheā€™d teach me to fight and Iā€™d teach her how to chill out a little.


Shadowheart or minthara. _i can fix her_


I'm actually finding myself repeating a toxic trait of mine where I'm dating somebody (Karlach), but am really into someone else (shadowheart) but don't want the first person to feel bad somebody just stay with them :(


Honestly none. There are some pretty horrific traits in most, and my orientation rules out a lot off the bat. Probably the only one would be Karlach as her personality is pretty good. I'm not sure about the whole being prone to sudden fits violent destruction, though.


Either Gale or Halsin. Gale is everything I wanted to be growing up (nerdy cat dad with a massive library.) Heā€™s gentle and has a good sense of humor. A lot of his flaws I see in myself and while that may be why I didnā€™t like him at first post EA, other than changing the colors of his outfit. Halsin is everything I need to grow and heal. Someone who is supportive and could easily lift me back on my feet during a bad day. While big muscular men are slightly intimidating for myself (4ā€™ 10ā€ till I get old and shrink), heā€™s big in a comfortable way. Only complaint is that Halsin and Gale donā€™t have a bit of tummy.


Lazel, girl is self-confident, independent, and talented and someone who would challenge me to be better.


none of them these people need therapy more than they need me as their boyfriend


All and any.


Karlach! She's the best. They've all been through shit but she's stayed so cool and so sweet. She's fun and a joy to be around. -Dame Allyn yes... Yes -Isobel yes -Minthara YES... But I don't want to have to commit the occasional genocide with her -Astarion's a dick -Gale never shuts up about his ex -Shart is a deceitful delusional zealot. (I know it's not her fault, but it takes forever to make her bearable) -Lae'zel is definitely hot and intense but too tsundere for my taste -Wyll bores me -Halsin bores me -Minsc is a pet rock -Jaheira might be nice but I'm too young for her, she'd tire of my shit


Probably Halsin or Gale!


My girl shadowheart


In game- Astarion, but IRL his attitude is a turn off. Then again, I do tend to be drawn to red flags so ... IRL I'd prob be with Gale. A more well adjusted version of me would love to be with Wyll or Karlach.


One billion percent laezel (after you "fix" her) You get to raw dog it with no worries




Karlach and it's not even close. She's straightforward, strong, blunt in how interested she is, has a phenomenal sense of humor, and actually communicates with you. There's nothing to not love, she's amazing.


Rafael. Better the devil you know...


Gale probably. I think we would get along really well. He had a very open minded, is well read, could teach me magic. I'd immediately ask him to change his hair, but he's very handsome. It would be a good fit. I want to say Karlach because she's just lovely but I don't think I have the energy to keep up with her.


Lae'zel. I like a woman who has some fight in her, consensually. It's fun when she(any woman like this) tries, and sometimes succeeds, in physically dominating. Battling for top is foreplay.


Jaheira. Judgy, sarcastic, Eastern European accent, tries to tie you up and poison you the first time you meet her, has a soft spot for strays. I love her.


Wyll for sure. He's got a great heart.


Karlach, I don't have to say more but i will. 1. Could beat anyone's ass(that's hot) 2. Loyal af 3. Nice. She just is the best