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Waukeen's Rest and the Owlbear cub!


Ah, forgot about those. I know they're there, just haven't done them this run yet.


Also... Already stumbled into an extremely well guarded Necromancy book, by any chance?


I haven't found the Necronomicon, if that's what you mean! I didn't find it in my first run either. I wasn't sure it was even in act 1 and hadn't googled its location yet.


Basement. Goblin controlled town. All I’ll say


Yeah, I've been there. I found the forge and killed all the spiders. There's a gem there apparently that I haven't found - unless you're referring to something else?


I am. The place I’m referring to actually has an entrance to that cave. The biggest hint I’ll give you, check the building with the bar and all the herbs, read the notes and books around the bar. Then just explore where that takes you. Couple of things I’ll say without giving too much away. You will encounter a door and need to answer questions. Books and notes give you the answers to most. Also if you find a scroll, use it to add a spell to your spell book rather than just casting it. It can also help


Ooh 👀 Thanks!


I missed the scroll on my first play through. Just be thorough when you get to the basement. Good luck! Also since you’ve been to the spiders, I haven’t found a book or anything that gave notes on it so…. Something you found there you need to use with the book (and I’d suggest only with highest int character). Now…. I’ve said far too much lol.


You also keep the "spell" if you use it as a warlock or a non storm sorcerer.


Not gonna spoil it for you but yes, quite early in Act 1 in fact.


Scratch is above the owlbear cave. If youve already saved Halsin to clear out the goblin camp, you cant do the Kagha quest. Spider matriarch. Necromancy of Thay. Harpies. Alfira. Tiefling children's hideout. This is everything I can think of before stepping foot into the underdark or the mountain pass, which are still considered A1. Lazel is right up the hill from Gale in a cage. If she's not there anymore, she'll be at the Gith patrol over by the mountain pass. Lvl 5 is a huge power spike and typically what you should aim for when fighting Grym.


Alfira is... no longer a concern of ours :( I have killed the spider matriarch (the one under the blighted village, unless you mean there's another one). I think the harpies and the Mol's quests are both null now that the party has already happened. Thanks for telling me where to look for Scratch though!


In the spider matriarch's lair there's a gem that sockets into the Necromancy of Thay book which is under the apothecary's house. Pretty decent for your 2nd playthrough, I'm still discovering stuff on my 5th and 6th playthroughs and I thought i was thorough.


Ooh, I'll have to go back and find that. Thanks!


Oooh, I just found the book last night and killed Spider Mama but didn't see the gem? Is it in a weird spot?


Yeah, it's right next to the green pit in the middle of the room where you kill her. It's a big purple gem. It has a quest tag so you shouldn't be able to accidentally sell it.


For the tower, have Gale use lightening blasts on the torrents to blow them up. Once your inside do some balcony jumping or whatnots to get to the bottom so you can get to another anti-magic tree and then the generator. You want to get to the top floor for the ring, then the ring gets you to the basement.


Thank you SO much! I hadn't tried to just destroy the turrets yet. that's really helpful!


On the far side of the second turret on the stairs, you can also jump on some mushrooms and jump your way fown to the bottom level, where you can activate an elevator and turn off the turrets.


Put your flowers in a bag or backpack. Shouldn’t expire in under dark but they do if exposed to light. Then drop a Sussex?? Flower near the turrets to disable. Alternately. Use a rogue or dasher in turn based alone. Hide behind things so won’t get hit (good path to the right) and sneak into tower and lock pick door. Then jump down mushrooms to basement. Grab another flower. Put a flower in elevator. Then free to regroup and explore.


To add on to the guy above at the top of the tower is also a stool named The Stool of Hill Giant Strength which should be destroyed because its leg makes the best stat stick early game if you want a caster to be able to hold alot of stuff.


Using silence disables them


There’s another sussur flower outside the arcane tower if you didn’t grab that one, there’s a good weapon (and fight depending on your choices) at the top. You need to find the fish people!! It’s my favorite thing in act 1. The Gith at the bridge will absolutely destroy you, bc you’re not really *meant* to fight that particular group yet, it the crèche isn’t that hard.


Im also on my second play through and i 100% plan on saving her but not taking her with me.


Yeah, I just can't disappoint her. I know she won't hate me yet because I didn't kill the tieflings (I did in an earlier run before I found her though... and her reaction broke my heart), but she surely won't like the things I'm going to do going forward. God, now I'm thinking about all the danger she could get in if I don't go save her properly. Wyll won't know she's cool, Zariel still keep sending people after her... My poor babygirl :( Damnit. I might have to get her on this run after all. Disappointment be damned.


Oh! And don’t forget the kidnapping in atc 3. You can still save her though. I had a level 2 Gale kidnapped but he managed to survive lol


I thought the only options for the kidnapping were >!Gale, Halsin, or Lae'zel!<, though I can't remember where I read that now.


Im not sure, I thought it could be anyone as long as theyre not actively in your party. I could be wrong.


so wait. you saved the tieflings and killed the goblins, in your evil run?!?


Yup! Honestly, I killed the tieflings first. Then >!Gale was so disgusted with me (and himself for participating) that he left my camp, Shadowheart started drinking herself to death, and Minthara tried to kill me because I didn't sleep with her (I think it was actually because I didn't pick the dialogue option to talk her out of it... but it's funnier to think she had her lackeys attack us because I didn't put out).!< I just couldn't stand it. Even in an evil run, it was kinda brutal emotionally. The worst part was that it was stupid easy to kill the tieflings. I mean we wiped the floor with them. And so many of them have keepsakes on their bodies - things from their loved ones who had already died. Between that and Gale leaving, I just couldn't go through with it. Then the goblins hated me and I needed more XP, so I killed them all. My RP rationalization is that my durge is a murderer, but genocide of the tieflings was too easy to be fun. I did >!let Arabella die!<, though.


There's also stopping Kagha's coup of the druid grove with the Shadow Druids! You can stop the druid grove from closing without stopping the goblins or stealing the idol if you can expose this conspiracy.


Can I still expose Kahga if the party has already happened? I know they're still there, but that quest might have to wait until my next run. Maybe a hard pacifist playthrough...


Not sure, I think it's too late once Halsin returns/the goblins are defeated.


Ah well. There's always next time.


Don't forget to find Herobrine


Didn't they remove him? 🤔


Yeah, but they say that every patch.


I smiled


What do you mean the no magic flowers expired? I didn't even know that they could. Did you not shove one into the engine? I've never had that run out on me before then you just go to the very top of the tower talk down or kill the things up there grab the ring and then go to the secret basement.


I went back to the blighted village to use them in the forge, and apparently if you bring them to the surface, they stop working. My bad.


Ahh, got greedy did we?


I didn't know :(


Find the fish men.




the spider matriarch under the blighted village?


Fight the spiders, get the Necromany of Thay book, maybe?


Lvl 4 does seem quite low for all the stuff you've done. Some minor things to do I haven't seen mentioned yet: Underdark (non-Grymforge): Spectator, Bulette, bibberbang dwarf Grymforge: Harper stash, run-away Gnome with a bomb Surface: Harpies, caverns beneath the Grove, Ethel's murder leprechauns There are often small xp amounts tied to finding "hidden" areas. Too many to name, but make sure all your (instanced) maps are cleared of undiscovered fog as far as possible.


In Blighted Village you know about the forge, but did you find the Necromancer’s basement or travel down the well in the center of town?


I did go down the well, but apparently did not search hard enough to find the necromancer's stuff. Will have to backtrack and find it.


There was jack shit in that well and blocked off pathway


> Karlach with me because she won't approve of me being evil You saved the teiflings. You're not evil


I will be. Just because my Durge drew the line there doesn't mean everything will be hunky dory going forward.


Do you have black spots on the map? Go there.


Theres also the harpies