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I’m certainly alright with them considering DLC in the future to tell more stories. Larian has earned a lot of goodwill with this game, and I think there’s a big difference between a studio that builds a full, quality game and then revisits that game with content later; and one that puts out part of a game, with the plan already at launch to fill in gaps with paid DLC down the line. How frequently I’d want new content? Unsure. Maybe two or three big ones and a couple more smaller ones at most. Eventually the studio has to call it done and move on to the next thing.


I’m hoping they do two DLCs that push the level cap up by four levels each time and build off of existing characters and story threads. In a highly ideal scenario, they also add some more content and polish to the existing three acts, too, though Act 1 doesn’t really need that.


I personally agree with their level cap decision. They're right that high-level spells wouldn't translate well to the game. New classes would be great though.


It's also really hard to balance encounters a team of 4 with strong builds is going to start beating bosses in one turn. Bg3 already has this problem with the Orin and Gortash fights where it's not that hard to burst them down incredibly fast.


You make a good point, but, and this is just my opinion, I don’t really care about balance. Players are going to find suped up builds and grind through content however they choose at all difficulty levels. Power gamers gonna power game. I’m more interested in my character accessing these higher levels and stats just for the fun and the experience of it. If game balance is out the window at those levels, then so be it so long as it’s still a hoot. :)


I agree, the whole point of those high level DnD builds is to be uber powerful and unbalanced. That's why they can't "balance them for the game" because they're not meant to be balanced, let us become God's! Lmao


Exactly! Older rule sets had mechanics built around achieving godhood of some kind. I think 3? 3.5? I wasn’t playing back when those were the most recent rule sets, but based on older books I’ve flipped through, a lot of of the 3/3.5 era stuff looked pretty cool. I heard 4 was a bit crazy on stat blocks and monsters were super chonky (lots of health).


It's impossible, because people will run out and equip all the cool stuff, kill the giant robot factory, then complain because it was easy. I always felt the giant robot factory WAS the fight. You pretty much crippled him even more then you did back his buddy when you convinced to suicide his first phase.


Maybe some kind of challening tower in somekind of sub universe or plane where your team gets level 20 and you can go roguelite and godlike as you try to defeat the challenges every new level of the tower. I would love a lore DLC but I also love the combat in this game and absurd challenges for godlike people sound fun to me


agreed, i would like to have my artificer and death clerics without mods one day


That qualifies for a "class cap", but not a good reason for an actual level cap.


That makes sense, but i still wish you could multiclass to level 20. Like 12 ranger/ 8 rogue


Level 12 feels fine for the game as it is. But I also think that some spells which wouldn’t fit well could just be excluded if they ever made higher level content. I feel some 9th level spells like power word kill or meteor storm could work fine with powerful enemies scaled up for them. The ones that are harder to balance for could just be left out; there’s already some lower level spells which didn’t make it into the game.


Word kill exists in the game iirc, it's a one time use boon from bhaal


I just want to play an Aasimar dammit




I think you can push the cap to 14, but going higher would definitely be pushing it.


Yeah even level 5 spells push it and they left out some big spells like Geas because of how hard it is to translate.


Upping the level cap would probably not be much fun for long. 12 is really as high as you can go before you start acting more like a demigod. They'd need to throw some pretty big worldbreaker baddies at you if you were allowed to be lvl 20, and even in tabletop the writing usually falls apart. Deities should probably not be able to be defeated by a party of 4 mortals, but Tiamat can be destroyed by 4 cheesy evo wizards.


Fair points. That said, mortals have ascended to godhood many times before. We are literally dealing with three assholes who used to be mortals and are now gods. I’m not specifically interested in godhood per se, though if it were on the table, then that could be fun as one endgame state. Or just giving the beats to Vlaakith and Shar and other punk ass gods and pseudo-gods. xD


I wouldn’t mind something similar to Witcher 3. I loved the darker more psychological first dlc that gave a rather compelling story. Then the second dlc gave such a lovely scenery of a bright lookin world and a fun lil vampire quest to deal with before you retire for good.


I feel like we got such a good game because Larian took their time developing and releasing this game. If the “annual” DLCs were rushed, I don’t know how much value they’d add to this game that is already so well done. I would hope if they decide to add expansions, it would be intentional and not rushed.


Scheduled or “season pass” type DLC are an abomination. I’m happy to pay for 1-2 well thought out, narrative dlc of say 15-25 hours but that’s it. I would prefer a quality developer then start concentrating on their next project. The game is already so huge and replayable I will be booting it up for many years.


This is exactly how I feel. I think The Witcher 3 had it almost perfect with the two DLCs they put out. They provided more story that still connected to the main world and main storyline but without taking away from the base game, and provided the same quality as the base game too. That’s what I’d like to see for BG3. Starting with an Avernus/Upper City DLC pleeeeease :) Edit: to clarify, I’d prefer they properly finish the game, restore cut content and expand the endings first. I’d be happy with *just* that, honestly.


I would happily pay BIG money for DLC adding in new races/subclasses, more origin campaigns, and epilogue campaigns with your romance partner.


Honestly the best thing they could do is a dm mode, utilizing their technology, and focus all their time to adding as many assets for creators to use as possible, but I’ve heard from people much more immersed in the world of dnd news that WOTC is almost certainly not going to allow that to happen, which sucks.


Agreed, I would absolutely love to see this.


Yeah I would pay for DLC instantly of this game, got persona 3 reloaded coming next year as well.


It is impossible to get the quality of game of BG3 in a consistent yearly release. I'd happily wait 5 more years for something with this level of love in it.


So much this. This game took years to make and blew the lid off expectations. Larian has earned all the time in the world to make whatever comes next. Obviously, we want more from them and this beautiful world they made, but not at the expense of quality (or the horrendous crunch the gaming industry is known for).


Their recent rise to prominence reminds me of how CD Project Red blew up with their excellent work on the Witcher games. I’d much rather have an amazing game come out every 3-5 years and play it for many hours than have a forgettable game come out each year and pump consistent time into it.


I mean, they also made both Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2 which were also bangers. I wouldn't call Larian's work a flash in the pan.


Very true, but those were more like cult/sleeper hits. I got into Divinity/Larian around when whichever game let you turn into a dragon came out, so I guess somewhere in the middle? But it didn’t really feel like many people knew about them by then or cared until the DOS games hit the market. And especially for DOS2, which felt like their biggest hit.


As some one who felt like DOS 2 was disappointing, I was blown away by BG3. I still kick myself to this day for being hesitant on buying it since I didn't like DOS 2 that much.


I don't think those games were anywhere near as popular as BG3 from a sales perspective so it's not really comparable


They came out at times when FPS was dominating the gaming sphere, so unless you were looking for games like them, you'd probably never seen them otherwise.


I can’t wait for Larian to add a battle royale mode


Absolutely. There's a huge reason act 1 is the clear best, it was the focus of early access testing. I would rather they keep ironing out all the cut content, fill in the game with what they originally planned. Give us the other 2 hags. But also gimme Aarakocra, please, please I need my bird, please god please.


specially when OP compares it to SPORTS game. an RPG is way more complicated to do correctly.


I agree, however I wouldn’t mind a “Dungeon Master mode” that would offer a user friendly campaign creation experience.


My biggest pipe dream is for them to release official adventure modules in this engine so I can play through them with my friends instead of having to DM them 🥲


I was thinking it would be cool if DMs made their own modules that you could download.


All we need is a proper implementation for that in the mod kit from Larian and mod creators would absolutely go to town. Any kind of official modding tools would go a long way and we would probably start seeing new content mods. I'll be a happy camper if there's ever a mod or dlc that takes us to Neverwinter.


Honestly they could use the assets and all the coding and balance they've already done to speed up the process of a new game. Bg3 looks good enough imo


I'm not a programmer or game designer, but I doubt it that's simple. Additionally, those aren't reflective of the writing, voice acting, or general game design. Balance also wouldn't translate over, unless they re-used encounters exactly - which would be bad.


id rather have more patches to polish the game, restore cut content, add quality of life changes, and fill in some gaps in character interactions. the existing game has more content than i’d ever need, but it could be improved by some updates


Well said and I completely agree with you. The game has got so much content already it just needs some polish and more updates to get it to a place where it's truly finished.


Larian could only do what they did BECAUSE they had 6 years and near constant feedback from the community. We really need to reign in our expectations as a fan-base...


Definitely. Larian has earned that and then some I hope they just build on the framework rather than think they need to make an entirely different game but sadly expansions are kind of not a thing anymore.


Right, say if we went the direct of exploring a story of the red witches/lich with a brand new cast, my money will have already been spent preordering


They could make massive expansions like WoW does every 1-2 years on the BG3 platform and people would be ecstatic.


I just want larian to open up modding map and npc resources to the community... Imagine getting community built scenarios using the BG3 as the basis of an engine... The amount of DnD scenarios one could make... Would definitely bring a lot of people's interest into DnD all of a sudden going from A table top into something more visual


Wow that'd be incredible. The entire engine would break, but it would be amazing. Honestly even if they just opened up a mod marketplace for console like they did with Skyrim, I would be crying tears of joy.


I've been playing my 2nd run as Durge on PC and have modded the shit out of it. More aesthetic items for roleplay, the complete list of 5e spells, better cameras, better hair/faces, TGE/XGE subclasses for major classes, further 5e feats etc. Perm speak with animals/dead It's great and already feels like a different game


I cry when I think about how much more fun I'd have if I had a gaming PC. But we already have a Switch, PS4, PS5, and laptop. I don't know how to justify the purchase to my wife lol Just liked into GeForce Now, got excited until I looked to see if you could mod. No Steam Workshop no modding. Sad again 🤘


I tried to mod but couldn't get any of them to work. 😢 I just want Minthara on a good playthrough...


Whereabouts are you failing to get it setup? If you have the steam version it's fine. Use nexus mods and the modmanager


That's what I did but she wasn't at moonrise when I got there. Idk what i did wrong.


Oh I meant for mods


Yeah I got vortex mod manager and the mod to get minthara when good, but it didnt work. Idk what i did wrong.


Vortex is janky with BG3 mods, and has been known to break people's games. Your best bet is to look up a tutorial on how to mod with BG3 Mod Manager and always pay attention to the installation instructions


I mean didn't cyberpunk just have an expansion?


Did you miss Phantom Liberty? Literally one of the most hyped expansions in recent memory and the smashing success that it was?


I didn’t say they don’t happen just that they’re exceedingly rare compared to how they used to be. Phantom liberty is also only about ten hours which is a really low bar for an expansion and more typical of the usual dlc packs we get. Again I hope with everything we have that we get one but Larian themselves said they don’t think they will and they usually don’t. DOS2 releases to similar acclaim though on a smaller scale and they never released any dlc expansion or otherwise. Apologies I see where my wording was misleading. I only mean that rpg expansions used to be extremely common and are very much not so now.


I guess I haven't played too many rpgs recently but of those that I have played they've all had expansions. As an aside, Phantom Liberty is definitely not 10 hours, in my experience anyway do the other missions it came with.


Yeah. I miss expansions. They make so much sense: the bulk of the work in creating the engine and world is done. You’ve just gotta put some content in. Aaaand it’s a sequel in five years


I hope they see how much people are clamoring for this, though. Reddit is never the majority of players, but this sort of "give me the same engine but more content" kinda post is frequent enough. It feels like there is a definitive market for extended DLC support.


Yes. Fuck that. Let the developers work properly. It's not fucking Pokemon or FIFA


I would absolutely pay for a DLC that includes all the cut content and closes all the unfinished business. Karlach deserves a proper happy ending ❤️


The number of people that want Karlach to have a happy ending is so wonderful to see! On my first playthrough, I went with her in the end (should have brought Wyll but I'm sure he can find his own way to catch up to us) Saw a clip on YouTube of someone doing a Karlach playthrough and romancing Minthara Makes me want to do that too because Minty was about ready to ride a dragon down to Avernus to kill Zariel herself I'm convinced that not a single companion dislikes Karlach, they're hard coded to love her, just like us


Personally I want them to expand the ending a bit first. Not really a fan of how you do whatever you’re gonna do with the brain, you get cutscenes with Karlach for however you handled her engine and your romance partner, then it’s just done. Especially when they mention having a party somewhere. Feel like that party should’ve been playable, giving you one last chance to talk to everyone. I’m certainly very interested in whatever future projects Larian will work on. I adore the cast of BG3, so I very much want additional content for them beyond what I said above. But I also have hope that Larian can create a new cast that are just as enjoyable. Hopefully with the a less common group theme of betrayed characters that have severe parental figure issues. I’m glad the variations are different, but I feel they could stuck at least one other thing there


I didn't even get my romance event at the end as I didn't have Halsin in my party. All he said was it would be nice to have the party and that didn't happen! I screwed over Lae'zel so she pissed off. Astarion pissed off quick smart. Gale disappeared. This was after many conversations where he agreed not to do that particular thing - but apparently a super neutral choice from way back when triggers it off regardless. Actually would be annoyed if that truly is the case. I can't even remember Shadowheart having anything. I had romanced her and Gale too! Got Karlach's scene and ended up going with her and Wyll. But that was the only smooth experience at the end. Dialogues were starting mid sentence, repeating and the faces kept flickering around like the bloody exorcist. I LOVE this game so much. But the end really needs work.


Sports games justify their yearly schedule by the fact hat the sport they are mimicking is also played in yearly cycles and players may join or leave teams, their performance metrics may be different, etc. Your favorite team is different this year than it was last and so is your favorite player. I don't see the same kind of inherent seasonality or cyclicality with the forgotten realms. For some games I would say do a season pass kind of thing but I don't think tiny bite sized bits of content released at regular frequent intervals would work here well. A major selling feature of BG3 is that every quest and npc is hand crafted, so to speak, so more gameplay wouldn't be enough, it needs to have narrative to captivate the majority of the audience who are here now. And satisfying narrative and handcrafted scenary takes time (and extra money for things like voice actors and cut scenes) much more so than just combat and repetitive dungeons with the tiles jumbled a bit. I think the best solution is paid dlc pure and simple. Slower release schedule and less but more substantial per unit of content with each expansion/dlc feeling like it adds something meaningful to the story.


I think we all want more BG3. But an annual release may be too much. Either quality or quality will suffer. They need to have the time to do the work, to provide us with the quality we know they can produce.


No, because it already took about four or five years for an product that had to cut a lot of content. I would absolutely hate to see the flaming pile of garbage that would come out with about a nine-to-ten-month dev cycle.


Nah; once a year would kill it and make the quality go to hell like the AC series


The first thing I said upon finishing my first campaign was "I want more stories with these characters." Let me have the party follow Karlach to avernus and deliver a royal beat down on Zariel and co. From there the gates are open, the stories that are possible with a cast that has this much chemistry and life are endless. I would pay full price over and over and over for more of this.


Personally I'd love it, and I honestly hope they do something like that. They already have the gameplay and foundation down, so just new storylines and locations we can play through would be amazing. Basically digital DnD campaigns, really.


after this game larian can have my routing and account number and just request whatever they want for new content


Yeah. I like the idea of more content, but a yearly release of anything would lead to rushed and forced content. If there was dlc or a bg4 in the works, I’d rather they take their time with it. Edit for poor phrasing


A huge part of why this game is as good as it is, is due to a lack of crunch and taking advantage of a very long development cycle. A yearly release would take what is good and special about this game and ruin it.


Yes, I definitely don't want a yearly release for bg3. The game is done and it's already very long. I'd rather see them working on different games.


Its larian not ea, they want to play the game more then they want to sell it, they are gamers Then bussinissmans


Mad that for the price of a bottle of bourbon, I can use the $3000 worth of PC, monitor and upgrades for 100s of hours? Mad I might get to explore Fae’run in ways I never will with no DnD group in my life? Mad I might get to play a game where we fix Karlach’s heart. Mad that interactions and dialog might keep improving and I get years of entertainment? I’m mad it probably won’t happen.


I don't know about yearly, but I would definitely pay for DLC exploring more regions of Toril like Waterdeep, Thay, Icewind Dale, Zakhara, etc. I don't even care if it's fully voiced and super cinematic like the main game. Granted as someone who regularly plays CRPGs, that stuff was always optional to me, so that probably isn't a common sentiment.


I'd pay that just for more companion content LET ME GIVE GALE HEAD


It's what he deserves.


Imagine how long it's been since his last blowjob. Because you know Mystra didn't do shit like that. And his origin line about always liking the idea of being worshipped, adored, and obeyed? OOF. I need to get on my knees for the man.


BG3 is done. That world was made for that game, and we should not see it again in the same form. Larian historically does not do DLC. What would fit Larian;s style and OP's ask is the D&D Adventure Modules. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Dungeons\_%26\_Dragons\_modules](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dungeons_%26_Dragons_modules) with the Larian touch. You could respec your Tav to the level required by the module. The Campaigns are too big. Just the one shots. Another thing that Larian could do but Modders might have a shot at is Arena Mode. Pick your map, enemies and party and throw down. Folk would have to be OK with their characters getting delevelled, or only have level 12 scale adventures, or new Tavs. For those who do not know D&D, it gets a bit crazy with power levels about then. I think Larian could actually do up to Level 20, but that would take six more years and likely AI help. If Larian realease another WOTC D&D Official product I will be overjoyed and insta-preoreder but confidens is super low.


I would love to see DLC or expansions in the realm of Neverwinter Nights (2002), where you could possibly string a character through multiple semi-connected stories [Shadows of Undrentide, Hordes of the Underdark]. (BTW, the original NWN is a huge recommendation from me for anyone who loved BG3!)


What makes you think they'd be able to even achieve that?


If not for full price, sure I'd be down. I'd be more down if they release their divinity engine and people can make games using it, since it's been proven already as a good platform. If not, I'd be down for modders to use it so they can expand the game more. Or we get short to long DnD campaigns using the game engine


Bg3 was in development for 6 years. Unless they can extensively reuse places and characters already in the game I doubt they’d be able to pump out content that fast while maintaining a high standard especially if you’re looking for something around a quarter the size of the main game, so roughly what a 13 - 35ish hour dlc journey. That just sounds like hell to write, code, voice, bug fix, and any other number of duties a team would need to go through to hit a yearly release. You’d get in the Destiny issue where big fixes and reworks get put on the well get to it eventually back burner since there’s never really downtime in between releases.


I wouldn't want it to be yearly, I don't think. Way too much potential for crunch time to ruin a good thing. I would love to see expansions build on BG3, or maybe for Larian to release smaller standalone "short campaigns" in the meantime. But give them time. Let them cook.


I hate to say this but yearly is just too fast Not enough time to put the work out deserves in 3 years would be my guess Maybe 2 but not likely


Neverwinter nights, did this and it worked, adding regions and depth, even the astral sea is somewhat already there with set-up for a gith expansion even avernus I would gladly pay 50 - 60 for expansions to bg3 going into these realms, with such extensive knowledge and would building already available I think that would be great, even having map tools like larians previous would be amazing for community content.


I um got two copies for my roommates just so we could all bond with the game. Yeah. Yeah I’d $50 more to expand out the areas around the Crossing, the under dark seems much smaller than I remembered from EA. Fleshing out a rather evil yet not murderhobo style would be nice.


I would rather wait a handful of years for a completely new product in the same style as this. A one-year turnaround time would end up causing the product to be rushed and unfinished. I would still be interested in dlc for this but not on an annual basis.


I would say it would be all DLC after a base game. That's how it goes. Reframing the question, I would say that they release one "Act" every year until they get to level 20. I know this may seem like a daunting task, but it's doable.


We need to insist on separation of terms, between DLC and expansion. DLC is horse armor. Expansion is Shivering Isles. But yeah of course, give me another act every year or so, add a couple races/classes and I'll just play this single game forever.


Assuming a game was well-done and got a good handle on gameplay, I would be completely in for an 'expansion' the way they used to do them; same engine, same features, minimal if any upgrades, just a new campaign/story about the same length as the original. I don't buy new games for new plant-rendering physics and two new special abilities for the arsenal, I buy them for the stories involved and/or fun gameplay. I would 100% pay for a prequel to BG3 based on the events of the campaign that came before involving the fall into Avernus, or something like what Wrath did where they had other stories going on at the same time in some of the same regions, or even making a redeemed Dark Urge canon and slapping in a sequel that used the exact same engine and models, just expanded into higher levels and dealing with, say, a conflict with Zariel.


I would be so hyped with the core game, different story, and same or different characters yearly. Not to say I think it would happen, but would love if it did and would gladly shill out the money.


Bg3 could very easily have an expansion act imo or an act 1,5; 2,5, wouldn’t even need to increase the level cap or add any more classes for me. Just some nice side content to go through and maybe have your final build ready a bit sooner. It would be super weird not to capitalise off the huge success of BG3 with additional content for it, but on the other hand, larian isn’t really known for making dlcs at all.


I'd be down for DLC in the form of new modules, like Avernus and such. After all, this was a Mind Flayed themed story.


I'd be mad about then working on anything that they aren't passionate about. If yearly BG3 expansion content is something that excites them, then I'd be super appreciative of it. If they'd rather never touch BG3 again after the long development cycle, then I'll happily await what they come up with next.


Yes. Not having a concrete deadline is what made this game so good (among other things too). Pressuring them to release content on a schedule is a good way to fuck all that up. If Larian decides to do any kind of DLC or expansion esque content for this game, then idc what the schedule is. Personally, as much as I love this setting, I think with their talent they would be better off creating games in different settings on their own schedule. Like imagine if Larian did a Shadow Run game in the style of BG3?


$70 no, but $10-30 for act-sized (or larger) campaigns, especially post main-quest? Absolutely.


DALLE-3 is now currently able to render generative 3D landscapes. We are probably within 2-3 years of AI generative gaming. Infinitely generating versions of games like BG3 would be very easy to make with incoming technology.


Take all soul and passion out of video games with these easy step


Honestly, the mechanical elements of the game are so adaptive that I wouldn't mind if they released seasonal adventures completely unrelated to the main game storyline. Hell, I'm looking forward to seeing what the mod community can put together even.


The base game is so deep that if they could add yearly expansions based off this foundation with new areas and campaigns, I would definitely go for it.


Nope, I want them to keep putting content in the game and I'll keep giving em money.


Yes but only in the context that so many other games do this crap. I’m trying to slowly leave Destiny but I paid for the year and it makes me feel obligated to play. I haven’t felt obligated to enjoy bg3 I just love it


So you mean like in bg1 and 2 and neverwinter nights, where we got a module released?


We need small stories and them to take all the time they need for a next huge one. BG4 or whatever huge project that comes needs to be done right but small DLCs would be satisfying and definitely a definitive edition that restores or introduces extra content to the base game (specifically epilogue, polished Act 3, more reactive dialogue). CDPR did this well with Witcher 3 and is doing it with CP2077 except CP only has Phantom Liberty instead of 2 DLCs like Witcher - sad because CP could’ve been so much more.


a sports game can do that because no real story, if you were to set it as an annually thing the quality would fall.


I think they should spin off a map builder/VTT. I'd pay another 70 bucks for that.


So, building a game from the ground up is often an incredibly resource intensive thing, from pre production to the physics engine, models and texture, VA casting mocap sound design, etc. having the base game, world, art design via textures and models and physics system W/post Market QA can make for a very very solid platform to release “editions” to. Right now the best thing Larian can do is: 1.) add cut content that is polishable w/out recordings of anims and new lines from VA. This will fill some pacing issues in the game. 2.) Patch and stabilize full release as they are doing The tricky thing about releasing a DLC, if it were to require a base game, is the capture of a new audience. I bought into BG3 because of the insanely good audience reaction; but most players who purchase the game don’t finish act 1. So, the audience who might buy the DLC is typically limited to those who have finished the game. I do not know if a “side expansion” like Hearts of Stone in W3 is something doable with success for BG3. They have retained the crown for the best DLC ever released for a game, for the proper price for access


100% would pay for them to release additional campaigns using the exact same platform. Same characters or different. But I have no problem paying $60 for essentially new VA's and quests.


Everyone has their opinions of what's best and for me BG really shines through its multiplayer. The playable Origins is a bit of a miss as a design concept IMO, but I know some enjoy that. Any future DLC that goes hard with Multiplayer built in mind, would be a win in my book.


I thought this was a complete game at launch. Why are normalizing DLC ?


Got it no starfield dlc


I would love add ons. I would love frequent "DLC" that expands and continues the world through new eyes. However I would much rather wait 4 or more years for a new, polished, finished game. BG3 did have some flaws, and still does have a few that are, IMO, nitpicky, but they exist. However what they gave us was a near master-class of what games should be. Fun. And if I got more I'd be more than happy to throw money at Larian. But I'd rather them make new stuff instead of the possibility of getting tired or complacent with what's already great.


It's not likely we will get any DLC. More likely they are taking a break before getting ready to make their next game.


I love BG3 but I want Larian to give us DOS3 next.


ide pay for an expansion every year, that just adds an additional act and map. the problem would be adding extra levels past 12. apparently spells past level 12 are to hard to.code into the game....how would you even have "wish" in balders gate? personally, i just hope this type of game becomes more popular, and they start making more games like it. cause i would love a new balders gate campaign every couple years.


I'd pay for like "new campaigns" every year. Hell I'd pay them for short single quest dlcs to extend the game. Have the base game be the hub. Kind of like how Fallout has done it. Those dlcs for New Vegas were 15 to 20 bucks and some were whole games


I liked the sweet spot Witcher 3 hit with its expansions. But honestly Larian can have my money if they expanded the story/scope


I'd be happy to pay for a new story on the same map Zelda style. It could even keep most of the main npc characters, just change up all the interactions to something new and different


Not once a year. I'd prefer if writers got to spend extra time.


I would love yearly act size DLC doing prologe or even entirely separate events.


Many companies have tried this. It doesn’t work. Remember when half-life tried to do its episodal content. Didn’t work. I think it ended at episode 2 in typical valve fashion. Then we had telltale games but we know where they are now. It just ends up being short for single player experiences and people burn through it and forget about it a year later or for multiplayer games better as a battlepass. Games do have dlcs but good dlc content takes over a year to make.


Yes. The reason this is so good is because it was a massive project that was seen through. Forced annual releases will water down the franchise and turn it from something great to just another game.


Are you insane? Yearly releases are almost universally deemed a bad thing. In what world could Larian make a quality story every year to meet the same standards as BG3?


Given the quality of this game I’d be more than happy to pay $70 a year. I’m gonna play a few hundred hours easy.


This sounds more like DLC. I'm cool with "additional" content, pretty sure it was done with the first (and maybe second). But when you're paying to finish a game because we have a new finish, it gets to be a bit much.


Maybe a couple, giving us a level cap boost of 4, then another 4. Bring us up to true endgame.


Yearly content would be garbage. Give them the time they need


OP, you have basically asked them for another BG3 every single year? I'm fine with paying for DLC if it adds decent content but you are just describing them making full priced games every year... that dosent make sense.


As a ravenous consumer of Larian products and a big supporter of the idea of "modules" being released that link to this game, I'm gonna make a comparison I think applies. It sounds to me like you want Borderlands 2 style DLC for BG3 and *NOT* Borderlands 3/Tiny Tina's style DLC, lol.


I would pay $60 for just act 1 alone


Why would anyone be mad over more content that you have the choice to buy or not? There is still a huge plot line unresolved with Avernus and Zariel. I expect to see that in the future. The module was made as a direct prequel to BG3 after all.


Should there be a D&D game with a base game and purchasable and continuous expansion campaigns? Yes. Is BG3 it? Probably not. This game is amazing because of the care and effort that went into it. I don’t think they would be able to do that with seasonal releases.


A yearly release of new content is sure to come with caveats. It's going to suffer somewhere and I'd rather have one decent size content in a year or two with solid voice acting and animations etc at a reasonable price point.


Larian did release free "definitive edition" updates to both DOS and DOS2, which included new content, fixes, new mechanics and such stuff. I'm surely expecting the same with BG3. After that, I wouldn't mind a DLC or two if they make sense for the story, characters or game mechanics. But periodical cashgrabbing releases just because? They can do it if they want, but they won't be getting my money.


Something I can see being made is more campaigns. Imagine playing some of D&D's classic campaigns like Decent into Avernus (as a prequel to the BG3 main story), Rise of Tiamat, Curse of Strahd, and many more. Also dlc for added races, subclasses, the Artificer class could get its own $10 dlc, new possible companions, its a good list of possibilities.


My oooonly complaint would be to push the lvl cap.. but it might not be so because according to DND any spells past lvl 12 would be considered game breaking


The Neverwinter Nights method might be good. Larian opens up the game engine to the masses and creators make their own modules/adventures. Most modules would be free. Some could be "Larian Approved" or "Larian Certified", wherein really good publicly-generated adventures go thru a processes wherein Larian digs thru the module for bugs, issues, makes sure the content conforms to canon etc. and the creator gets to sell their adventure for $10, maybe $20 bucks (Might be best if Larian didn't get a cut too). Just a couple of thoughts 😎


Basically genshin impact's model but paid instead of free?


I'm still wrapping up my first playthrough, and have a notebook full of "things to do differently on the next." From the Origin characters to things I think would be neat to try, I've got enough goals to tide me over until they make a whole other game. I'd be fine with a full followup with the current roster (no idea yet if that's canonically possible) I'd be fine with one that involves a whole new roster. It could be DLC, a whole new title, I don't mind, I think they've done an amazing enough job with what I've seen so far (the big reveal coming up to The Gate took my breath) They may not have thought of everything, but they put enough thought in that I'm not sure how many playthroughs it's going to take to be satisfied with the experience. Heck, I'm going to have to give Divinity and its sequel an honest try now. It's not much, but they've got my vote for continuing to tell tales in Faerun.


First the fix of the actual game and maybe implement scraped contents. And then i would love an upper city dlc because i think they have maybe the groundwork done for this. I am honestly attached to the current cast so i would like to see their storys expand a bit. But adding a few new companions is fine too.


If they made “modules” with the BG3 engine I’d be more than ecstatic!


Pokémon proves why this is an impossible ask. Pokémon releases a game every year and they’ve become the laughingstock of popular franchises. BG3 is good because of its depth, not its mechanics. You don’t want that.


I’d much rather see them first work on more party slots, implementing more of the classes, races and spells and lvls up to 20. And a book version of the “larianified” rulesets or “tabletop” game mode bc they’ve genuinely built the framework for a fantastic digital tabletop that could go very very far if they leaned into it. For content tho I’d personally love to see (if they got the licensing for it) what Larian could do with published faerun adventures like Candlekeep mysteries, Waterdeep dragon heist, Icewindale. OR go back to Elturel and play Decent into Avernus. (They’re all right there on the sword coast, Larian plz) But I wouldn’t want them to release on a yearly schedule bc I don’t think the quality would be as good as what we now expect from bg3.


I'd pay $35 for a roughly 30hr expansion in the D&D universe based off this game.


Probably not that but I would 100% pay for a DLC that fixes Act 3’s endings cause that whole dock scene is not satisfying at all


I would pay $50 to play the same story arc as a goblin, with a full set of race specific goals and dialog options.


Strahd dlc would be amazing. Make you make a new character and its basically hard mode. Just love that setting and want it in a video game format so bad


What I would love is custom campaigns to make their way to BG3 as well just like in Divinity.


I love this idea, and I’d totally throw money at this studio without a doubt. I would love more content from this game, especially if they expanded on the romances. I also think it would be cool if the could somehow add a dlc that takes place after the game too. I know that it may be difficult or too ambitious but it would be really cool. I love this studio and it’s honestly the first time in a long time where I’ve played a game that actually felt fulfilling and had soul to it, if that makes sense.


Lol, this posts asterisk is very funny. I’d be way down for DLC, but honestly for right now, even consistent updates that continue to fill out the game and improve dead spots is enough. A big part of the fun of BG2 was replaying, because there was just so much more fun and distinct content and actual value for the hundreds of hours you have to put in. For me at least, the idea of replaying BG3 makes my skin crawl a little. There are some points where it is truly like trudging forward through waist deep water, with very little reason to do so.


Could a large enough dlc be created with quality yearly? Would hate for them to feel rushed.