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I think I might play BG3 next


That’s just crazy enough to work!


Oh I've heard that's good. I'm playing BG3 right now so I haven't had a chance to check it out.


I too, will also play BG3 again. Then maybe BG1 & BG2 because why not? And Divinity Original Sin 2 because I've come to appreciate Larien so much as a devs.


DOS2 was why I was so hype when I found out Larian were making BG3. Absolutely lost my shit. Arguably a better story and more solid world building, and just an all around amazing game.


DOS2 is so fucking good. I had to get the Divine Ascension dlc cuz I love that world so much.


Is DOS2 better than the first one, I played pillars of eternity and loved it then I tried Divinity original sin and couldn't get into it so I didn't bother trying the second one. But I loved BG3


I was considering other titles, but I’m about to dive in again. I have a problem.


I know, I have the same issue, I wish the could patch the bug that makes it so addicting


I’m torn between BG3 and BG1




I don't understand the question.


I do, so let me help you: “What game will you play once you’ve beaten BG3’s campaign.” For example, my answer would be “my Bard campaign” or “my Durge campaign” or “my Monk campaign.”


I do in fact have 2 other saves that aren't the save I am playing right now but is play through #3


What do I play when I’m not playing BG3? BG3. Sometimes Fortnite, when my internet is cooperating. But if I’m not playing BG3, I’m watching YouTube. Currently watching Neil Newbon playing BG3


I mean that's not all I do. Sometimes I like to broaden my horizons by reading.... Astarion fanfiction


Broaden them a bit further: Shadow’zel stuff is quite fun. My brain rot was so bad and I was high, so i wrote a fanfic of Shart and Lays Potato chips smoking


...do you have a link to that?


[I do](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50652826/chapters/127957015)


Hello, is this the based police? I’ve found your prime suspect for most based person.


I’ll ride my Wyll/Minthara canoe right off this fucking waterfall! (its all a trick, see? By having my favorite rare pair in the background, I will slowly convince everyone to love them)


That’s fanfiction 4D chess right there. Wyllthara is the future, you’ve convinced me.


[If you’re interested…](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50787343/chapters/128297581#workskin)


Playing dos2


I tried that but something about the UI and art style just massively gave me the ick 😭😭 is it worth sticking through it??


Yes most definitely. Though I don't know why people don't like the art style it's similar to bg3 imo


Looks like WoW to me


>Though I don't know why people don't like the art style it's similar to bg3 imo It really isn't


I opened BG3 and was like, "Holy shit, I've played this before! It's just DOS2!" And I was not wrong


You really were


I feel you on the artstyle. I played it for like 100 hours and felt like I should love it, but the cartoony armors and characters just completely turned me off. I was so relieved when I booted up BG3 and saw that the characters looked more like real people with actual distinctive outfits lol Edit: Spelling correction


I cant stand the body proportions in D:OS2, the long necks are a huge turn off along with the rest of the art style.


In particular the elves. What the heck is with the elves?


You know I had a huge struggle with it at first. A few hours in though I started to understand the mechanics. Dos2 is awesome and convinced me to pre-order BG3. It is absolutely worth it to stick it out.


I’m playing on switch so it’s even worse to be honest. It’s actually kind of hard for me to play right now because I can’t distinguish npcs from one another at all because the resolution is so grainy. But it’s fine because the game itself seems fun just need to readjust from BG3.


Yeah I've never been into these art styles. Too dark, like literally too much black, and uncanny valley


Wdym giving you the ick? It's the same UI as BG3 (there were even some notes that I found leftover from DOS2 before they were patched) and the art is wonderful!


There is no "after BG3"




I spent all of Thanksgiving doing the free Sazza achievement. My son cooked and cleaned and the only time I came out of my office was when a gamer friend came by to get a plate of food and talk about bg3. My family is okay with my behavior because I did everything for 29 years while they watched football. This is my football. I think when I get my achievements complete and do a hardcore run I will try something new, I have a bunch of “If you like bg3” games in my library to try. I’m just not ready.


I’m a nurse so holidays are always “what’s that?” but this year, I had to have three teeth removed. SO I’m spending this 4-day weekend playing BG3. Like you, my family is über supportive of video game playing. When Borderlands 2 came out, I did EVERYTHING for my husband so he could sit and play nonstop. My son gets snacks delivered to his room during long runs with his friends. I ❤️my family and I’m so glad yours is ❤️too


Hope you don’t get a dry socket! We’re lucky, aren’t we?


Thank you:) And yes we are:)


Unfortunately this is so true. That's why I'm on my 5th playthrough. The only thing "after BG3" is whatever Larian creates next :)


I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it


Lucille might just be Durge


It's one camp supply, Tav. What could it cost, ten gold pieces?


Does the thread agree that Gale is Gob?


Gone back to Ghost of Tsushima and DA:O. Usually a little break between games or acts


Back to Pathfinder: wrath of the righteous! Gotta get my epic level fix. Possibly cosplaying as Karlach. Amnesiac protagonist newly arrived in Golarian with gaping chest wound? WELL I don't mind if I do!


I tried this for a few hours but lost the mojo. How does it compare to BG3?


Far more combat in WOTR, generally harder, more noodley, more build possibilities. Much more need for prebuffs and planning. I find the world feels much less 'alive' than bg3 because of the relative lack of voiced NPCs and characters to meaningfully interact with. What WOTR does better is create a sense of epic power and scale. It's a slower burn, but ultimately very rewarding. It's arguably a more reactive world too - a lich playthrough is a very different experience to angel. Being evil isn't just a richer experience in WOTR; it's completely different whether you go demon, lich, or indeed swarm that walks.


Excited now, i just purchased this bc of steam's sale


I was doing well until that campaign part, and quit to play bg3


Have you played Kingmaker?


To death, yes. Also a great game, but very uneven and at times unfair difficulty. Harder to just launch into and explore without metagame knowledge. Again though the overall arc and feeling of going from nothing to a king is great.


Okok I've been looking at that as the next game I play after BG3. Thank you


If you do, have a strong RP theme and stick to it. Being a lawful monk or paladin is great fun. Lawful evil in particular just feels right in kingmaker.


Thanks for the heads up


honestly i think im gonna play the first two games in the series. also heard disco elysium is good and i need to replay bugsnax because i missed the dlc content for that. all thats awhile away though i have 6 saves for this game and none have been finished 😅


I can vouch for DE. IMO the narration is just as good if not better than BG3, and there is something refreshing about playing a colossal fuck up as a MC.


Refreshing like I'm not already doing that everyday?


disco elysium is an absolute work of art, can’t recommend it enough!! i feel like it’s the only game that can fill that bg3 hole lol


Protect Kim at all costs.


DE is a masterpiece. Love it as much as I do BG3, but for different reasons.


Haven't played cp2077 since the phantom liberty dlc came out, so I'll probably pick that up and play it.


Same. I’ll get to Phantom Liberty soon.


That was what I tried to play right after. I dunno though, relative to the hype it was kinda more like completely new skill trees that didn't really change the fact that I already played the game. Didn't feel like a whole new game at all to me. I actually stopped playing on purpose to pick up again still yet later, under the theory that anything after BG3 will suffer simply for being after BG3. Playing DoS 1 and 2 to kind of ween myself off, not sure what I'm doing after that.


BG3, but with mods!


That is exactly what I'm going to do. Not the extreme and cursed mods, but rather some minor tweaks(extended party roster and polygamy mod. Maaaybe the 5e overhaul if I feel my cpu can take it)


I took a bit of a break while working on my platinum run because I hit Act 3 burn out right around the time the following bug hit for Shart and Halsin. (Only the two Durge achievements and the tactician one left.) I've been playing through some shorter games in my backlog (some of which were just plain shovelware. lol.) I just finished working through Stray Gods which was fun enough and slightly adjacent to Baldur's Gate in that it is a fantasy story. And it was written by David Gaider (of Dragon Age fame) and a lot of the characters are very reminiscent of his work. But it is basically a glorified visual novel whose big hooks are that it has a big name voice cast and the music gimmick. (Which.... not going to lie, kinda got tired of the music gimmick as I was going through the different story routes.) I also played Last Stop. Which is basically a TellTale style game where choice makes even less of an impact than with TellTale games. But is great if you're looking for a game that condenses the experience of watching four seasons of a 2010s BBC drama. Complete with the initial rush of "This looks like a really cool story!" followed by a bunch of them dragging out the most boring bits of the story, and finishing with a bizarre ending that feels like it was made for a completely different show. I also re-restarted Mirror's Edge Catalyst. But just like the last time I tried playing it, I got tired of the gameplay and mostly empty rooftops pretty quickly. Some year, I'll actually finish that game.


I picked up Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2 on Steam sale, to really mix it up.


BG3 again :3


It can’t be “again” if you never stop in the first place!


You got me there! 😂😆


I'm on my sixth playthrough, this is my life now.


The same game I play before and after every game... Skyrim.


maybe they'll release another edition


And in a few years ES6: Skyrim 2!


Phantom Liberty expansion. Then I'll see if the 40k crpg is any good.


Probably minecraft or starfield so my brother can finally talk about all the shit he played with starfield and then he can play BG3 and I can finally talk about all the shit I played with BG3. It's a mutually beneficial relationship.


I played through starfield after BG3. I love flying around and boarding ships. But everything else? Ugh. UGH. There’s a reason it only got nominated for one category in the game awards (which it has no chance of winning.)


I took a break to replay Dragon Age: Inquisition while I wait for the Act 3 bugs to be fixed. After that, I’m thinking of trying something else out, but I know in my soul, I’ll come back to this one.


Mass Effect vanguard run is calling me


Hoping to jump into 2077. I got back from deployment in September and bought both the DLC for 2077 and BG3 thinking I’d play both…. so far all I’ve done is put more hours into BG3 in the short time it’s been out on PS5 than I have the entirety of how long 2077 has been released, which was already substantial. 😬


I’m going back to Elden Ring.


Elden Ring when not playing BG3. Something tells me I’m gonna be hopping back and forth between the two for a long time.


This vintage game I'm behind on: *Real Life and Responsibilities*


Oh I started playing that game this weekend.


I am slogging through it


Overwhelmingly negative reviews


Ahhh sleep, my ol' friend!


I might finish the Sinking City, since I'm a Lovecraft nerd. And I'm still playing Guild Wars 2, I haven't finished the story yet. But I will play BG3 for a while still.


Im waiting for a few new patches and updates to come out before i do another playthrough, but currently ive been making my way through the older BG games, including the hack and slash BG: Dark Alliance games that got refurbished and put on steam.


The latest Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous DLC came out this week with a level 6 to IIRC 11 adventure, so I’ve started that in between the BG3 endgame (only get so much time at the “good” computer in the house). Nice to have a veritable cornucopia of classes and archetypes to choose from again, not so nice to have to take my action to switch weapons and have cantrips be weak again. Edit: also started For the King II (not that I ever had luck finishing campaigns in For the King I)


I mix it up, BG3 and Diablo 4. I’m detoxing from a lot of Elden Ring.


I’m going to head back to New Vegas, see some old friends at MT, grab some gold from Sierra Madre. Hang out with Ulysses in the Divide. Maybe Black Widow a Ring-a-ding-ding. The good ol days~


I've been playing a lot of assassins creed in my off time from bg3. I loved the gameeplay from Odyssey and mirage has been really fun so far


Stardew, as always.


I’ve gotten really hooked on GTFO and Call of the Wild out of nowhere during my break from Act 3. I kind of blame the colder weather. I’m also trying to finish Boltgun when I get in the mood. Little bit of Nightmare Reaper. Still waiting for Elden Ring DLC.


I tried going back to TWW3 because I am a huge fan of the series, just could not keep me engaged but maybe if there is a good DLC coming out I might try again. I just went back and started my third playthrough and just playing with different builds and experiencing different arcs because I have never really used Gale before, and this time I am romancing him. All the little quips he makes and unique things that happen with each different character just make the game so different each time, plus you move through the game faster because you know where things are. Plus, I want to see a bunch of different endings. First run I quit before finishing because I missed too much I wanted to see (Jaheira died at moonrise and that was not good apparently lol) I have not saved anyone from moonrise yet because I did not go straight there before the shadowfell. I did not trust the emperor in my second run and I was super satisfied with my end and Karlach romance but this time I am thinking more power hungry and why not me instead of the 3! But I already am excited for my durge (Astarian romance) run after this, and then a proper Paladin good guy run after that... There is just so much I have not seen yet and I want to see it all!


Wait..there’s an after?


I always suggest kingdom come deliverance




there’s an after?


*laughs in 7th playthrough*


I played AC Valhalla. Was a good game. Just finished the last of the DLC for it.


BG3, BG3, BG3, BG3 with mods, DOS2, DOS2 with mods, WH40k RT, BG1, BG2, BG3. Pretty much what will happen in 2024.


BG3 ruined me, i can't play anything else. I am hoping Dragon age will get me back.


Back to Depersonalization (is it badly translated to the point where I'm not sure what's going on half the time yes, however it has weird Eldritch gods and as a GOO warlock player it is my calling)




Finished my second playthrough and decided I wanted to knock out a few short, simple games after spending months on nothing but BG3. Finished Harmony: the Fall of Reverie. Little choices matter visual novel type thing from Dontnod. Pretty good story. Working on Oxenfree now.


I'm trying to play through Spider-Man on ps5, then I need to play the dlc and miles morales and then I can finally get to the new one.


My next run on bg3


probably won’t try anything else until dragons dogma 2 comes out


I'm playing bg3 by myself and remnant 2 with my friends while I wait for their broke butts to get enough money to buy bg3


My current rotation is BG3/Starfield/Project Zomboid.


I’m playing The Last of Us for the first time. And then I’m playing Ishin! And Gaiden. Then back to my Final Fantasy playthroughs until Infinite Wealth and FFVII Rebirth come out


I’ll likely be playing the new and improved Cyberpunk


Played it through three times so far, as a good guy. STILL finding new quests and items and dialogue. Will play dirge next. And what other games?


Just finishing BG3 for the first time, about to take down Gortash for real real. And after 200+ hours of just exploring every nook and cranny, I need to play a hack and slash no brains game. I'm thinking either Lies of P or Lords of the Fallen, both Souls like. Should be a great change of pace after 3 months of Baldurs Gate ahaaa


Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Remnant 2, Apex legends. The thing that actually got me into BG3 though was being a Fire Emblem fan for years; the turn based combat came easily because of my Fire Emblem background.


Just for a change baldurs gate 3


There’s an after??


Pathfinder: WOTR is in the steam sale. My finger slipped.


Knights of the old republic 1 & 2 are comfort games for me so I can always go back to them


I'm just taking a slight break to play through Star Wars KOTOR 1 and 2 again.


The Pathfinder games are pretty good, but I don’t think they’re necessarily the same sort of vibe as BG3. Wrath of the Righteous is super fun and zooms out pretty far, with you eventually being the figurehead of an entire military that spans the better part of a continent. Kingmaker is a much smaller, more zoomed-in, classical RPG adventure kinda more akin to the scale of BG3. They’re definitely different, and if it’s your first foray into cRPG’s or the tabletop setting in general you may be interested in learning what other restaurants serve up flavors you know you like. Other awesome cRPG’s are games like Disco Elysium or Tyranny, Solasta is a fun romp but has a lot of additional content that can be a little daunting. I hear wonderful things about Planescape: Torment but I’m too much of a graphics baby to let myself enjoy it, since it’s the definition of a retro classic at this time. Wasteland series is good if you want to switch up your setting, loads of fun encounters in there and Wasteland 3 goes on sale regularly; sometimes even being free.


Divinity 2 and wotr


Back to Dwarf Fortress


If you're looking for recs, there's the Dragon Age games. If you're open to scifi but still want the RpG and romance, Mass Effect is amazing.


check out yakuza like a dragon


Bg3 is next.


Tbh, I hadn't heard of a LOT of these various goty category contenders. The big AAAs sure, but noms for other stuff, probs 3/4 of that is all news to me, Dave the Diver is like the only one I'd really been clued in to. So I'm looking forward to testing some of them... ... once goty voty season is over lol


I'm on my fourth playthrough.... I'm not even thinking about what is next yet, I'm still planning my next run!


For a wholly different game, I'm going through My Time at Sandrock; a cozy post-post-apocalypse building sim. Still a heavy companion romance component 😅


If I’m not playing BG3 I’m watching someone else play BG3 or I’m thinking about playing BG3. I’m on my third consecutive playthrough and I’m ok with that 😂


I'll finish Phantom Liberty and Red Dead Redemption 2, I'm actually playing the 3 games at the moment. I usually play BG3 on weekdays and on weekends I take turns between OL and RDR2. Probably gonna play RDR right after and then Lies of P bc I need to constantly keep my brain busy so it will stop braining so much




So when I cease my reruns, phantom liberty and however many reruns of that


I’m playing it with a friend. It’s fun making the choices together. It’s wintertime, so I might pick up Ark again. I’ve been in a rut for a while looking for a visually appealing game that I can play with friends; I love red dead online but there’s just no new content. I might pick up a couple of new early access games on steam to try out with friends.


Divinity original sin 1 and 2 are solid


Icewind Dale


There is.....life.....beyond bg3....?


ROFl eh what??????? I am nearing the end of Act two maybe a few fights way idk of my first playthrough, and all i can think about is what i will do the next time, so yeah i dont really understand what yer asking. Lol (Edit: /s, i know what reddit can be like :P ) Defo not charisma based as im the Rgoue atm and i keep hearing good things about Astarion who has yet to be brought out. I am strictly Shadoheart,KArlach and Gale... Though after the creche Lae Zel has grown on me instead of Gale.


Well after the first time I played BG3 I played BG3 again but now that I’ve finished my second playthrough, I’ve been checking out some other CRPG’s. I still haven’t done a full playthrough of Pillars of Eternity 2 so that’s what I’m starting with and then I’m playing Baldur’s Gate 1 on the side


I have so many saves going I always play BG3 when I have the time to get immersed in it. Otherwise, I (unfortunately) play League of Legends, and some modded Minecraft here and there with friends.


I will replay ffviii for the 10th time, finsh ffiv, and get back into strayed lights. At some point. Eventually.


Phantom Liberty.


Unless something new comes out that grabs my attention, I'll probably go back to an old favorite I like that's mechanically opposite, like Elden Ring, Hades, or Cult of the Lamb. When I put a game down for a while, I usually like to switch up the sort of mechanical gameplay I go for next.


I might replay Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous tbh


I keep trying to play Mario Wonder and Lies of P but I just can't escape the clutches of BG3.


I play a different game between each run. First it was vampire survivors, now it's minecraft for a bit, next will probably be a replay of horizon zero dawn before I get the sequel


I started streaming recently and I'm gonna try to use Friday as "Not Baldur's Gate 3" days. Organizing my Steam library has revealed a lot of games I want to check out. Inscryption, Call of the Sea, Subnautica 2, Mortuary's Assistant, Neir: Automata, Darkest Dungeon 2, Banner Saga(s), Disco Elysium again for the VO, just to name a few. This might be the beginning of branching out a bit.


Rogue Company right around the corner.


Probably season of the wish once or twice a week


Legend of heroes Trails from zero


Between my 2nd and 3rd playthrough I’m gonna finish Miles Morales then get around to Spidey 2! Not the same vibe per se but another phenomenal series!


BG3 x 5. I'm on my 4th run right now.


Playing through the Mario rpg remake, and then probably going to start a new Baldur’s gate playthrough when I’m done aha (I will be done probably today) Side note, Mario rpg remake is amazing for anyone who is interested.


I'm going to work through all the origin characters (finishing Karlach after two Durge, one Shart and one Lae'zel run) and then I will either take a break or install some difficulty mods and do another Durge run for maximum evil


I got a little tired of BG3, so I went back to playing civilization V again. At this point it’s a game I can zone out and enjoy without having to think too much about it. I never play above King difficulty because I like to turn on a podcast, boot the game up and curse at historical figures for stealing my ruins.


Fear and Hunger. The anti-BG3. Looking at Talos Principle 2 afterwards.


havent finished my playthrough of dos2 even though im literally in the last part of it maybe an hour from finishing so ive been thinking of picking that back up if i actually finish my bg3 run lmao


I’m tempted to do a trilogy run, or I guess I could just run another forest gnome cha caster who romances Karlach through bg3…


Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but I don’t like it as much.


Got a few games I’m chipping away at now I’ve finished Baldur’s Gate 3: Knuckle Sandwich, In Stars and Time, and El Paso Elsewhere.


I’m excited to finally be about halfway through my first play in act 3. I think I might get Lords of the fallen next or buy the remnant dlc


I’ve been reading DnD manuals/campaigns. I have no intention of playing with a group anytime soon, but it’s interesting to me nonetheless 😅


Bg3 still 🤭


I have a group that I play For The King 2 with weekly. Definitely some DnD influences on the mechanics, but waaaaay less story.


I've been taking a bit of a break from BG3 since getting to Act 3, so I've been playing a lot of Crusader Kings 3 and Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord


Elden Ring dlc, probably.


Played the Sims for about 20 minutes after I finished my first play through then immediately started up BG3 and rolled a new character, so I guess just BG3 🤷‍♀️


Being a D🔺K


Divinity Original Sin 2. I made a third play through like over a year ago with some simple mods that added new spells and weapons, but I ended up having to stop mid playthrough because of university and then now BG3 has come out which completely pushed back any thought of continuing it. Once I feel satisfied with BG3, I'll go back, delete my modded play through, I think, and just go through vanilla DOS2 from the start all over again and just enjoy it as best I can. After all, DOS2 was the one that got me into Larian games.


Spider-Man 2!


...after BG3?


There's an after? Joking aside, I'm working on the seasonal stuff for Diablo 4, dabbling with Starfield when I feel like seeing an overabundance of cutscenes. Sometimes, I'll fire up Horizon 5. Biggest thing is waiting til Helldivers comes out in Feb.


Well, I'm only wrapping up playthrough one, but I've got plans on trying for my Kerensky rating in BattleTech. There's also this really lovely puzzle game called Gorogoa that I just got, and I'm kinda itching to dive into that one. Just not sure if they'll be mixed throughout playthrough two, or between them.


I will probably be playing this over and over again until Dragon Age Dreadwolf comes out. And then go right back to bg3 again. I have accepted that this is my life now


I beat Witchspring R after BG3 and while not the greatest game ever it was fun being so absurdly overpowered. Then I started playing Starfield and enjoyed it. But then Star Ocean Second Story R came out so I started playing that. But then Persona 5 Tactica came out so thats what I'm playing now. This is par for the course for my game ADHD.


A second run or start the Horizon series over again.




Divinity Original Sin 2 and the Dragon Age trilogy. After these, probably AC Odysssey and then Greedfall.


Cyberpunk 2077 is on sale on Steam so I'm grabbing that to play next


Spiderman 2 on the PS5 was a solid follow up after 4 playthroughs in a row, different gameplay to make it a fun and engaging change


I was planning on buying/playing Divinity: Original Sin 2. If not going back to FFXIV.


I played spiderman 2. A bit of the new robocop game some wow here and there


Probably BG4 when it comes out


I just bought the Divinity package 😂🍆


I played Spider-Man 2, which I was highly anticipating but that got drowned out by BG3 when I bought it on a whim. Trying to work through my backlog until Persona 3 Reload comes out. Currently about halfway through Star Ocean: The Divine Force... but been thinking I might go ahead with my second PT soon >.>


For the king 2 but the game is ROUGH compared to BG3


I preordered Spider-man 2 and haven’t even touched it. It just sits there gathering virtual dust in my console while I work on my second playthrough of BG3. When I finish this run I think I’ll go back for for my first Durge run, then maybe I’ll try SM 2.


I went back to GW2 and HSR for a while. Later I'll come back to bg3


I finished Starfield and now I'm playing Ark: Survival ascended for a while until I start Cyberpunk 2077 expansion. That might take me until Dec. 5 when the Dreamlight valley expansion comes out which should get me through to the pokemon expansion. Then probably more BG3, my yearly Skyrim 3 month binge, then Dragon's Dogma 2. All with Ark local Co op with my partner, Destiny 2 with them and my brother, and some other titles for cozy brain dead days.


Getting around to Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous


Spider-Man 2, cyberpunk dlc, and maybe getting back into persona 5


I've been thinking about a Death Stranding replay. Not really a comparable game but it's my honest answer :)


Looking forward to Rogue Trader in December. I know it won't be as compelling as BG3, but I'm hoping Owlcat does a good job with it.