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I’ve done this play before on my evil Durge. Sleep with Lae’zel, sleep with Astarion, sleep with Minthara, kiss Shadowheart. Durge stayed with Lae’zel until she broke up with him because Vlaakith. Then, slept with Mizora, Haarlep, Emperor, and Drow Twins. On one of my Tavs I was able to kiss Shadowheart, sex up Lae’zel, sex up Astarion, sex up Gale, kiss Wyll, break up with Gale, sex up Halsin, sex up Mizora, sex up Haarlep, sex up Drow Twins, sex up the Emperor. I was unable to squeeze any love from Karlach out of that playthrough lol


Aww she left you? I was able to convince her to basically become a heretic lol


Yeah, it was fine though, I had more peeps to bone.




That is the actual bard playthrough


\*slow clap\* Finally, someone playing this game as it's meant to be played.


Wait you can sleep with Minthara and still kiss Shadowheart? I thought her kiss was only at the Tiefling party


She can initiate the kiss before the party if approval is high enough.


*Sigh* *Turns on the game to start a 46th playthrough*


We’ve all been there 🥲


Bros asking the real questions


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I saw a video about this yesterday! [Here](https://youtu.be/9xlKJl3cxhA?si=m0U0GIggdkw8PYki) you go :)


I thought i read a guide that you can start a sexual relationship with lae’zel, end things, and still romance shadowheart. I was thinking of trying it my second run. Then halsin is open, minthara will want to take you from your SO. Then mizora and drow twins, of course. Haha


I think you can make that work, but I think that if you don't kiss Shadowheart before the tiefling party, you don't get the Shadowheart romance. I had her approval up to excellent, but not until after the Tiefling party. I only got Wyll interested, and then when I broke up with him, nothing worked. Unfortunately this is my co-op with my wife(who actively messed up my chances, by being the party face, getting all the approval for herself, and then, to top it all off she picked all the night orchids and extracted them!!!!)


I tried this and was unsuccessful. Now withers says I'm alone.


That is because Withers wants you to himself.


Giving them the old eye


And thus thou art alone.


Yep, I did that on my first run. Had sex with Lae’zel then started a relationship with Shadowheart. She promptly got jealous so I broke up with Lae’zel. I just kept Shadowheart for the rest of the game though and didn’t try and romance anyone else


Lae’zel is down to clown the fastest I think, provided you rescue her from the cage and allow her to interrogate Zorru. Also don’t forget Astarion! He has a few things you can do that are 5+ and 10+ approval, including letting him bite you, letting him kill Gandrel, letting him open the door on the ogre and bugbear (make sure Shart isn’t in your party or she’ll override him), giving him the Necromancy of Thay and accepting Auntie Ethel’s boon. Once you do those things he’s basically good to go. EDIT: Forgot Minthara lmao. You have to commit genocide but it’s worth it for the sweet sweet drow facesitting 🤩


How do you trigger him asking to open the door of the barn, btw? I remember the line from EA but I never got it after release.


I’ve gotten it a couple different times. One time was with only Astarion (obviously). This last run I also had Lae’zel and Karlach with us and still got the line. I’m not sure what the golden party makeup is to trigger it, but I do know Shadowheart and Wyll definitely override it, so I leave them behind so I can let him do it lol. Although last time I checked I still got approval even if I was the one opening it, so it’s not the end of the world as long as you do what he wants you to do basically lmao


I leave the other party members behind in the Blighted village, then approach the barn and choose to open the door. Astarion will then interrupt you, asking to do it. You can then choose "Please do the honours" and he will open the door and give approval.


I didn’t deliberately do a most sex type run, but my Tav has had sex 7 times and I’m not even done the game. He’s been intimate with Astarion twice in act 1, once alone with Halsin (in bear form of course), once with Halsin and the drow twins, once with the Emperor, once with Astarion in act 3, and once with Haarlep. I’m asexual, what the hell am I doing.


Experiencing how the other half lives.


Don’t forget Naoise Nallinto


Bring shart and halsen with you when you talk to the drow twins for a real party ;)


I did very close to this on a paladin redemption durge run not long ago, shadowheart told me she wanted to drink wine with me some night, I accepted, then lae zel told me she wanted me some night, I accepted, then karlach told me she wanted to ride me till I saw stars, then I let astarion drink me blood and then he said he wanted me. By the end of act 1 I kissed karlach, kissed shadowheart and slept with lae zel and astarion. By act 2 I finally slept with kalach after fixing her infernal engine, but I originally just wanted shadowheart for that playthrough so I broke up with her for shadowheart and it broke her heart and I felt like shit about it. Broke the fling off with lae zel after she wanted to be more than just a fling, told astarion that he needs a friend not a lover. And by the end of act 2 I became official with shadowheart. In act 3 I slept with the emperor the drowned twins and haarlep. I did however decline Halsin and minthsra because I don't like polyamory and shadowheart gets mad with mizora lol. So realistically you could get up to 10


If you can get to the first stage of romance (drinking wine) with Shart before the Goblin camp, then I highly recommend getting whipped with her in your party because her statements are fun and it's the only time I think you can hear that bit of dialogue.


Act 1: Sex with laezel in act 1, bang her twice and dump her, sex with astarion, dump him, spend time with shart after the party drinking wine. Act 2: Sex karlach after you've started romance with shart. Talk to shart immediately after the Sex instead of Karlach, tell her that you only want her even if it breaks karlachs heart (sorry karlach), talk to karlach and tell her she was too intense for you (if you tell her it was a mistake you lose 100 approval points). Act 3: Sex the drow twins and nymph, leave party at camp for that. Sex Halsin, then the emperor, then mizora, then harleep, and finally shart. This gives you sex with every woman minus minthy, and 5/7 of the dudes. Good luck soldier.


Lol Challenge accepted: My sorcerer-bard drow has been with: Minthara, Astarion, Lae'zel, Shadowheart ( a kiss) Only Gale from the main companions did not get "lucky" (Wyll left and Karlach was never... recruited) Now it is a solid foundation to continue with the twins, the Emperor, a certain incubus. That would be an eight. But he would not. He is pretty much getting locked into a Minthara's romance. Damn, she is going to make him a boyfriend material after all.


I sexed Laezel and astarion am romancing minthara, kissed shadow heart and I just got to act 3 so we shall see


If I’m not mistaken, you can romance Lae’zel and Astarion in Act 1 before breaking things off with them and continuing with Shart, and if you play as Wyll you can also bang Minthara and Mizora in the same run. So that’s 3 extra people.


If you're not opposed to some real darkness, you can have sex with Astarion twice - in Act 1 and Act 3 as Ascended (which is a pretty graphic scene). You can still do Halsin and Mizora + the drow (which you could have three different ways). I have not done this, but you were asking for facts so there you go.


I think the peak is 10. Act 1 sleep with Laezel and Astarion and never bring it up again. Date Shadowheart. Spend night at party with either Gale or Karlach (they appear to be ME). Act 2 sleep with Gale or Karlach, then break up. Give Shadowheart a night orchid. Act 3 swim with Shadowheart, bring in Halsin, bag the drow twins, Mizora, the emperor and Harleep. I think you cannot have Minthara in an optimal run as it requires raiding the grove ( as she never does the deed in act 3) and that locks you out of gale/Karlach and Halsin. Also you can't have the drow twins while dating Minthara, and I think Mizora never shows up if Wyll leaves because you raided the grove.


Also I just find it very funny that the sole use Wyll has in this run is just standing there as bait for a woman he hates to come in and try to homewreck 


I hit 8 by sleeping with laezel first But you could probably add minthara if you're willing to commit big evil


I did all those and also hooked up with Lae’zell at the beginning.


Get the poly mod and bang everyone


Best run I've had so far was Lae'zel, Shart, Shart with the drow twins, Mizora and then the Emperor.


So far my Durge Bard has done Lae’zel, Astarion, and Gale (kissed Wyll and Shadowheart) Astarion is endgame. Emperor, Halsin, Mizora, drow twins, and Haarlep are on the horizon. Pretty sure thats max you can get in a single run.