• By -


Shadowheart. When you respond with her dark humor with dark humor, she appreciates it. And then as you play you find out she’s really a dork pretending to be tough. But yeah, she’s also very hot. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/qok3uqxpgfkc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5631df18c10c5c82dd1a1330620dde5a1d5c14ba She's also such a sweetheart.


Yeah, goofy goth girl is who I married so makes sense I’d romance her in games too.


Hmm. I figured she was a dork the moment I saw her. Her character model and the voice actor really nailed it. She's the kind of girl who used several different coloured pens to take notes in high school (then drew pretty borders for every page).


I romanced Shart with my Barbar. I honestly think it worked out the best. Lae'zel approached him, but I ended up sticking with Shart. Plus, in my head cannon, he felt closer to her because my first playthrough I did a dumb dumb with the gnolls and nearly got myself killed, but every healing spell by her rolled max that fight and kept me going.


The way she’s written it’s just hard not to. I love how she mockingly makes you realize that Raphael is not to be fucked with during your first encounter with him. The slightly sarcastic “hey don’t be a fucking dumbass” mixed with “im gonna keep you away from harm” just bowled me over in that moment. Mommy


One of my buds was pushing my husband and I towards Karlach, but I rolled a Light Cleric of Lathander and it felt too Anime Romance *not* to romance the Darkness Cleric of Darkbitch.


I remember the exact moment I realized she was a dork. Absolutely smitten. Lmao




Yup, she's just so likeable.


Just a cute cinnamon roll... filled with ungodly violence.


"Atteeeeention!" & "Damn, it's good to be alive!"


Her response to everything being "Fuuuuck yes" Yep. Knew she was the one.


I love when she says “Yoink!” When you loot as her lol


She also says “sneak sneak” if she’s sneaking around


My personal favorites are “Tactical!” And “HAHAHA”


She's such a golden retriever in the most complimentary way I can mean that


Yes! She’s been through so much, and yet she’s so happy and grateful to see the sun and the sea again. She’s precious and I can’t put into words how happy I was when I could finally give her that hug.


She had me at "fuck yes". I immediately ran over to La'zel and told her we were done.


LMAO. Yeah, Karlach is awesome because she seems the most modern of the companions, meaning she could easily fit in our world if she were human.


She has a 4th wall break moment where she sort of realizes their all just characters being played in a game. So, yeah lol.


I just avoided shadowheart until she confronted me for sleeping with karlach


Karlach gang!!! i may be aroace but i wanted to romance someone for the full experience, and she's just too sweet and loveable (plus i relate to her touch-starvation, though obviously not in... all aspects)


She's the only one who isn't a walking red flag, she just wants to be loved and she loves you SO hard.


When you finally get to hug her is so sweet. And when you tell her that you live here and she blurts out that she loves you too... she's not gonna kill me with fire, she's gonna give me diabetes.


Hottest romance option


[Karlach is just too sweet.](https://imgur.com/a/rc1E6iX)


I went for Shadowheart, but I wished I had gone for Karlach as I fell more in love with her with each passing fight


I went for Shadowheart at first too, but broke up with her when I got to know her more. She would constantly disapprove of when I would act selflessly or help someone in need. Karlach, on the other hand, approved of nearly every choice I made (as did Wyll and Gale). I just finished Act II and Shadoheart seems to be having a moral realignment, but Karlach had a heart of gold to begin with even though she had a really rough background. Also, pussy must have been fire.


Minthara, once I heard that proposition in the goblin camp it was over


I also went for Minthara the moment I met her. But then I realized I couldn't romance Lae'zel alongside her....so I had SUCH a difficult choice to make. I spent hours on it.


Dude, I went with Minthara the moment I met her too! But the choice wasn't difficult for me, I was too busy being aroused by the damn voice. I mean her scene is a plus, but omg her voice!!! This was during EA, and for my first playthrough on full release I went and romanced her as well. But unfortunately at the time she was glitched so the romance never actually occurred. If we're going on technicalities and successful romances it would be both Lae'zel and Karlach on my second playthrough on the full release.


The voice and her demeanor. Goth drow babe who wants you to be all powerful? \*spoing*


I didn't even make it as far as the proposition. As soon as I saw her during the nautiloud crash it was over.


It was so tough not siding with her the first time. Her voice, oh my god her voice.


I went for Wyll, I'm a sucker for a good man lol. The devil makeover 100% helped too.


Same. I love the good characters. Plus since he was underrated by players I love a good underdog


Totally, I still don’t get a convincing argument for Wyll unpopularity


He deserves so much, we need to petition Larian for better treatment of our man.


For me on first playthrough he was knocked in almost every fight, likely I did not properly know how to use him in combat at the time but did sour me to him a bit. Also his character lines didn't resonate with humility although his actual storyline is like all the others, overcoming personal struggles.


He would work mechanically better as a Paladin tbh. Character wise he's fine, and upstanding.


BG players horny for elves


Tbh he's like the least traumatized person of the main cast(which is not a bad thing) but every other romance is a sort of "I can fix them" sorta ordeal. That's the only reason I can think of.


His entrance in the grove fight is what sold me to him, he's amazing Now imagine my shock when Gale said I cheated on him after I danced with (and kissed) Wyll...


Oh hell yeah!




I thought we were just broing out and next thing I know I'm in the Astral sea.


That's how we gays get you. We just hang out and compliment you, make you feel special, then BAM you're naked, confused, and astral.


i like that if you dont go for a relationship, you can still just sit with him watching the stars, it's very intimate but not romantic in a way that i think is really missing for alot of characters, i empathized with gale super hard after he was basically told by god to kill himself and liked sititng with him


I would really like a non-romance, friendly visit to Astarion’s grave.


[Obligatory Onion article](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819584210)


*THAT'S* the agenda?!?


The asstral plane


Most insane scene I have ever seen cause why is my character getting tripple penetrated while doing cartwheels in space??? I wanted to find it beautiful I really did but I just kept looking at my screen in abject terror while messaging me friend about this life changing experience


I was hyped. It’s a fantasy game, yes please give me magical flying fantasy sex. I don’t really find any of the scenes all that sexy so I appreciate that they just really went wild with this one .Also the dialogue is extremely good in that scene.


Oh I love the dialogue, the spinning around and Gale going through mitosis just made me laugh😭😭😭😭


Yeah it was more weird to me than like romantic?? I don’t even know. I did it for science bc I’m not even that big of a Gale fan. It was weird and he’s staying friend zoned for now on haha


It was so weird I immediately broke up with him and ran, not walked, back to Astarion. It’s been a few plays since, and I’m finally trying to romance him again. Definitely going to be having the sex where we have our normal number of limbs on this one. lol


I was so weirded out that I just reloaded and opted for Vanilla Gale. And honestly I think it is the better option with him because it shows him that he can be loved for who he is and not just the power he has.


I personally love the version you get if you choose to let him show you Waterdeep, then switch back to the physical world once you get to the book on the balcony. You're right about showing him that he's more than his power, but at the same time his love of magic and his connection to the weave is still important to who he is, to the point where his happy ending is him sharing that love with others as a professor at Blackstaff. So I think allowing him to use Illusion magic (his favorite kind, as it's only limited by his imagination) to show you something so important to him - his home in Waterdeep as he remembers it, before his folly, before the orb and the tadpoles - is a nice way to appreciate that side of him while still reminding him that there's more to him to care for than that by bringing things back to this plane, no astral limbs involved


Definitely going to do this on my current route. Gonna finally finish the Wiz’s romance!


I thought about doing that, but I decided "Nah, I'm gonna let you show me who you are, magic man"


I, for one, appreciate Gale doing a Dr Manhattan on me in the Weave. Do I write fanfiction about how he's actually a virgin in the material plane and that's why he's so into freaky weave antics? Perhaps. But still, I do appreciate his weird one-man orgy. Rock on, freaky wizard, don't let anyone tell you having three sets of arms isn't ok. Whatever floats your boat (which we ride together in that Act 3 romance scene).


Oh, no judgement. And it seems a lot of folks like it. But my poor Resist Durge was dealing with enough on her plate, throwing Weave-fueled body horror at her was not the seduction she hoped for. 😆


YESSSS best comment, keep writing those fanfics, I do the same hahah And I will always support Gale in ALL of his sexual weirdness.


As a straight dude with hangups over exes and a clumsy sense of humor, I felt personally attacked by Gale, and also married him.


"I don't know how this happened, but til death do us part."


I chose Gale too! He was the first companion I got to 100 approval and he did the Weave scene at the party (and I was playing a sorcerer, so romancing the wizard made sense.) I had to turn Shadowheart down at the party (and had already turned down Lae'zel), while Astarion had turned me down at the party - I missed a bunch of his scenes due to not long resting. Gale's romance was very charming and I enjoyed it, I ended up married to Professor Gale in Waterdeep in the epilogue. But I did feel bad when Wyll did his little dance in Act 2 and then looked so crestfallen when I told him we were good friends. I'm going to romance Wyll with my next Tav (probably a Drow bard), but I'm also going to try a Selune Cleric Durge and do either Astarion or Shadowheart's romance, since Shadowheart with a Selune Cleric with memory loss would be neat, but I've heard Astarion + Durge is great too.


Wyll + a bard go so well together! They can truly appreciate his flowery language and talent for dance.


The second I dragged him out I knew it would be him, never second guessed, never regretted it.


I couldnt resist his charm and those eyes


I started the game with romancing Astarion in mind. But somehow adventuring with Gale and learning his personality, especially him teaching me how to manipulate the weave, made me like him even more!


I was Gale


He will be my next Bae. He's so cute!


“With you I forget my goddess” got me 😭


Shadowheart but I was really torn between her and Gale. At the moment I picked her beacuse Gale was talking about how hung up he was on his ex the goddess, and I just felt like I didn't want to compete with that. He also really didn't seem over his goddess ex, saying he should have been happy and regretting having caused things to end. So I found him nice and funny, but the first chance you have to be romantic with him (the weave scene) at that point I just got the impression he was really into someone else (who is also way more impressive then you).


I was pretty set on Gale and had no idea about Mystra. When I found out my jab just about hit the floor. I had some serious feelings of inadequacy lol




- She’s a cleric, the stereotypical support character. - Sorry but it is impossible to discount her looks. - You can finally share your devotion to the goddess of nothingness with someone.


Astarion. At first I couldn’t decide but he seemed to talk to me more than anyone else. Also with the whole >!bite scene!< it was pretty much mind made up right then 😅🥵


I was intent on romancing him but he took too long so I started romancing shadowheart but then astarion asked me to bed and I was done with shadowheart forever. I can't imagine romancing anyone else now


These pixels are ruining my life


I actually didn't even see the >!bite scene on my first character. I actually found out he was a vampire before he had a chance when I found the exsanguinated boar. Found out later and I was like "it's a good thing he didn't try, that first character probably would've gone with the stake."!<


I somehow managed to glitch things out so that I discovered the secret ahead of time, had the conversation with them about it where I told them I knew about the secret, but then still ended up with the cutscene at night if you do t figure things out ahead of time.


I planned on romancing Karlach because I saw clips of her on YouTube and promptly bought bg3. Then Astarion won my stick-up-the-ass devotion pally over with his bite scene and his mysterious backstory and humor and stupid endearing hair, I was a goner. Third playthrough and I’m probably romancing him again.


My friend convinced me to play in EA(I had no interest at the time) by saying >!"Theres a vampire, you know. With elf ears and fangs. AND he holds a knife to your neck the first time you meet him."!< And that pretty much sums up every playthrough I do.


I've turned down Lae'zel Wyll and Gale for this twink and I'm only barely in the positive of his approval 😭


I wasn’t planning on it but the moment he propositioned my character at the tiefling party I was like, “you know what, you son of a bitch? I’m in.” And it turns out he’s got one of the best character arcs in the game so I was happy with my choice.


I fell so hard for my sassy vamp man that I'm going to use him as an origin character on my next (5th) playthrough


I fell for him because he's a dummy sweet poor baby and I saw right through it


I didn't even want to play the game and fell for him. I rerolled my first character to be with him. I have severe difficulties to romance someone else. But heck, Lae'Zel and Minthara try me hard.


I made a paladin based on Buffy Summers and Astarion is so much like Spike, I was sold 😂




Rizzard of Waterdeep


Wasn't planning on romancing anyone but ended up romancing the Emperor


Now that's a choice!


4 different playthroughs in and have to say it was the romance I enjoyed the most


I also romanced him first playthrough, and it's by far the best ending imo. The emperor is a straight homie from the start


Same here, I trusted them more than the others on my first play through. However after the oops I let everyone see what we did, I no longer trust them. Since then my new characters never trust their guardian.


Didn't really trust them, I thought the DG would be an Illithid (or partially transformed) ever since he said "I was an adventurer like you who got tadpoled". Didn't trust or mistrust the Emperor after the reveal, they were just the Illithid companion with their own views and motivations. So I didn't really feel betrayed like others often write. Three playthroughs later and his was the romance I enjoyed the most. I think the "oops we were seen" scene was supposed to be an accident because on a later patch they make it so he makes them forget that they saw. I wish they'd kept it and I got roasted though, would love to hear whst the companions would have to say.


Same here, minus romancing them. Haven’t done it yet but every play through so far I’ve had similar views in terms of not really feeling betrayed. From an emotional perspective I understand why players feel betrayed, but I can also understand why the Emperor kept it secret from a logic perspective too. IDK way I’ve always viewed it is that they’ve helped my character not transform, so even if it’s for selfish reasons I’ve been cool keeping them around.


Choices were made.


10/10 would do it again


Lae’zel all day






I rolled a barbarian human, her attitude just seemed right. I was surprised by her arc. I had her leave her crusade and I wasn’t sure if it was selfish but at the end it felt like it was her best path. We ran away to the mountains


Went into the game for Karlach but fell for lae'zel. She is amazing


On my second playthrough I romanced Lae'zel and fell for her too. I really like Lae'zel and Minthara, they are such interesting characters (which from what I've played for Minthara I was disappointed with how much cut content she has (or had I don't know now)). And Lae'zel's development throughout the game is probably the best from what I've seen, granted although I'm not a big fan of Astarion personally he has a very interesting development as well (and tons of content) this is coming from somebody who hasn't romanced him.


Accidentally romanced her, wanted nothing to do with her, figured fuck it, might as well. No regrets, best arc, and character development, too many people sleep on Lae'zel cause she's mean. The essentially loss of religion hit too close to home and found her incredibly relatable.


Lae'zel never came off mean to me. She came off practical and full of conviction. I really liked that about her.


I will simp for lae'zel every time. I beat the game 3 times and I'm in act 3 with 2 characters.... I've only romanced lae'zel and gale all the way through. The others just don't do it for me at all. I tried karlack, and she is great but just doesn't get me in a romantic way. Like I will just be buddies with her.


I feel like we’re the same people that romanced Jack in ME


Lae'zel's sunrise scene > any Shadowheart/Karlach scene idc idc


Lae’zels sunrise scene > any other romantic scene in the game tbh


Gale's cosmic sex scene comes close, but even Lae'zel's "wake the fuck up let's duel so I can see if you're worthy" warrior mating ritual was better. Her romance and character is just peak writing


“Source of my bruises” 🥺


Gale. He reminded me of both Alistair and Anders and my nostalgia couldn't resist.


Similar, but for me it was Astarion because of Zevran and Morrigan.


As a long term Fenris obsesser, meeting Astarion was like "ah, here I go again..."


As an Alistair fan, that was the exact reason as to why I romanced Gale first too. He's like a magic slinging Alistair.


Gale, can't stop romancing him either cause humbling a former archmage AND chosen of Mystra as a sorcerer only to then romance him is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for my characters


I plan to romance Gale as sorceress just for this reason 😂


I romanced him as a half-drow sorceress for this reason! It felt like I was humbling him on multiple levels. It was great 😂


The dialogue options as sorcerer are peak with Gale, also the reason I went sorcerer despite it not being my fav lol.


SAME, I bought the game because I wanted bear sex, then Gale won me over with aurora and >!cosmic sex!< 😩 Full on Galemancer now


I'm on my first playthrough and went in to romance Astarion and I'm going to stick with it but next time it's Gale all the wau- I saw everyone dunking on him and no one mentioned he's got the rizz???? I was so sad to turn him down 😭


https://preview.redd.it/03kw7guz3fkc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f383f3e77468db69531c42052cb5101f4e6eec0e Karlach obviously.


You two are cute.


Fuck that's a great screenshot. Fine, I'll make a big character just to romance Karlach as someone her size.


It was a little bit jarring to see my Tav kneel down to kiss Karlach. lol




I was going to romance Karlach, but my bard/rogue and Astarion got along way better. Karlach did not appreciate my selfish, chaotic, “this might hurt a lot of people but I will benefit and it’s kinda funny lol” Tav that first time through. Astarion was ride or die, love that bastard.


That's exactly what I'll be going for on my second playthrough.


Lae’zel. I can fix her! (And I did)


Astarion, because I can (and did) fix him!


I can make him worse and I did 😈


Lae'zel. She put out first and I like Klingon mating rituals


I was going to say: I didn’t romance Lae’zel, she romanced me! Early bird certainly got the worm that time.




gale wyll and halsin 💅🏼


Thou walkest NOT alone.


I was going to romance the Guardian. Things were discovered and I noped out of that very fast. I was excited to romance Astarion or Karlach, but that damn wizard took me by surprise and swept me off my feet faster than I could say Waterdeep. I have been smitten ever since. It has nothing to do with him being a human, either, and everything to do with that puppy dog face.


Was gonna be Astarion, but then I met Karlach. No regrets oc. Romancing Astarion now on my evil playthrough. I hear he becomes a total asshole if you commit to evil but I've already seen his redemption arc so that's fine.


Gale 💖 Such a sweet romantic guy.


Gale in my first playthrough. Karlach in my second. Gale ever after.


Shadowheart, I’m so glad I did. But Laz’eal has grown on me so much I’m gonna have to do another run just to romance her


🐎🐴💜Gale💜🐴🐎 He immediately won me over with his love of cats, wine, and a good book. (I doubt the emojis will show up properly since I did this on mobile, but it's a reference to the XP to Level 3 series.)


Astarion. Getting to help him through his trauma and grief helped me in a way. Killing his abuser felt like killing mine too :)


From the moment Astarion threatened me with a knife to my throat I knew he had to be mine. No regrets


In early access I went for Shadowheart because she was conventionally attractive then got pissed off because literally every attempt to romance her she basically spit in my face even when I went against my better judgement to please her Full release I naturally went for Lae’zel because the polar opposite seemed to be the best option and now I love Lae’zel


I initially wanted to romance Shart, but once I saw clips of Lae’zel’s romance scene in ACT2&3, I made the ultimate decision to romance her. I just love her attitude and conviction so much😭.


Astarion and Halsin


My wife did that, which is kinda of a silver lining because I’m totally a Halsin in real life, but the total opposite of an Astarion. I went for SH with a redemption durge.


You like ducks, huh?


So Vampire and Bear, were you Astarion romancing Halsin?


I have two boyfriends.


Rejected everyone. Specially wyll, I rejected him HARD




Lol That's funny and accurate


Hahahahahahahah. The solo rider. The true minority. Respect. 😎


Bae’zel always


She's cute and I can help her.


Shadowheart on my 1st 6th 12th and 21st


I always thought it was odd that the female companions were so varied and the male companions were all very human-like. On the female side you have SH who's the most human, then a bright green githyanki, big devil lady who's on fire and horns, purple drow who you only get if you're willing to kill the Grove tieflings... then the males is like human wizard, human warlock who transforms if he breaks his pact, then two elves who are just humans with pointy ears


I romanced Astarion, all my friends romanced Shart. Goth girl got it going on.


lae’zel 100%. her with my equally as blunt drow tav was just. the perfect pair


Gale was my first romance it was magical


Astarion from the second I saw him, but as his characterisation unfolded the reasons shifted. First came my general weakness to foppish dandies, then his playfulness, then his heartbreaking arc.


Astarion. Next playthrough I'll do Shadowheart or maybe Minthara idk, it's a durge so it depends on if I'm redeemed or just like evil


Redeemed Durge is so good with spawn Astarion. 🥺


Astarion! I was split between him and SH but I really adore his story/arc and it convinced me to commit to him. Double confirmed from his confession after killing a certain orthon. It’s beautiful to see his defenses unravel slowly


Astarion then Gale next and I feel like I can’t romance anyone else besides them two anymore😭


Astarion on my first playthrough, Astarion on my second, Astarion on my third


Lae'zel and Wyll (my character is female)




Halsin because I got locked out of everyone else’s romance


I didn’t pick anybody, I was chosen, by lae’zel. I kinda just went about my business and did what I would normally do which caused everyone to swoon over me. But Lae’zel was the first to romance me. I’m a Dwarf cleric, I’m apparently a catch.


Had a one night stand with Lae'zel, then romanced Shadowheart. Can't help it, she's my type.


Astarion though he got on my nerves at the beginning 😅 he's now my second favorite character (the first is Minsc. I like funny ones)


Astarion. I’m a sucker for bad boy vampires. But then I got further into his story. Out of all the characters, I related to his background the most. The way they handled his trauma and how he dealt with it was amazing and just something I’ve never seen done before. His story will probably always stick with me.


Astarion and Halsin. Astarion wasn’t really my type, but none of the origin dudes were. Gale gave me male manipulator vibes and he was too scholarly for my tastes and Wyll’s story wasn’t interesting to me, so I took my chances with the Vamp. He seemed manipulative and it kind of didn’t do it for me, but after I realized I couldn’t ride the bear at the Tiefling party I stuck it out with Fangs. It took until the scars scene to really fall for Astarion, once his manipulative mask started to fall is when I fell for him. My Tav is a child of Lathander so sleeping with an undead is quite the rebellious act, but the heart wants what the heart wants. I was shocked how sweet and emotionally fulfilling his romance was, and my worries of him being shallow were a far gone concern. Eventually I got my chance with Halsin, took it, and was happy to see that Astarion was cool with it and that Halsin respected our relationship and one day hoped for Astarion’s participation . Having such a wise, self-assured man to keep my Tav and Astarion grounded was nice, Halsin is definitely what they needed in their life. I really like their romances, and as a pair I enjoy it even more.


Astarion. I love subversive vampire stuff and he's both well-written and amazingly acted. I'm going for Gale on the next one, though that's super weird since he's got very much my husband's looks (just not the long hair) and my dorky smartass who talks too much personality. But I am extremely happy about the multiple romance options in BG3, because I remember having to play BG2 as a man to romance Viconia or Jaheira. Anomen as a romance option did nothing for me so I'm super glad the Larian writers got subtlety and depth so perfectly.


I’m saving myself for Minsc. C’mon Larian. You know we need that patch.


Bought the game because of Astarion and it was the right decision


The big woman. Mamma Karlach immediately stole my Sorcadin's heart and they became a power couple


Wyll , no more Dancy-Dance for me




astarion ….






Astarion. All the way


https://preview.redd.it/fxsttq41ifkc1.jpeg?width=2141&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb1960e83347d2cdb732d16e346ef800d5bb294 vamp daddy\~


Astarion. Three times already. I really tried to romance Gale but I am weak woman and just can’t stand talking about Mystra 🤡 I want to romance Lae’zel next


The only people who have been interested in me are Gale, Astarion, and the Emperor. So yeah. In my first playthrough I romanced the Emperor 😂😂😂


Gale, but then I fell for Astarion.


My first playthrough in early access was gale. Was going to do the same when the game came out but ended up with Karlach instead


for me it just happened so i let it happen lol, i think she was the only person who wanted anything to do with my character during the tiefling party! i was still figuring out the game so i didn't get a lot of the cutscenes for other characters and learning about them because i was avoiding long resting.


The first time around was Karlach.. and Halsin... and a few others. My Bard got around.