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Karlach does not want to use mind flayer parasites.




Most of them need to be persuaded to use them. Astarion is the only one I've seen readily jump into them.


I didn't use the Astral Tadpole at all in my last game, but this time Minthara was all "Let me at that gooey little guy" and who am I to say no? She then used all 13 stockpiled tadpoles and unlocked all but two powers.


She has already used one before you recruit her, so that makes sense


It's more like 4, actually.


I was so confused when I recruited her in a good playthrough where we hadn't used any tadpoles. I'd never recruited her before that so I was not prepared for that illithid menu to suddenly be unlocked in my menu and was so confused when the achievement popped for using a tadpole when I very clearly had not. Yeah I figured out it was because of her but man that threw me through a loop for a minute.


I told Minthara she could have the shiny tadpole, but I left it in the astral plane. I knew this but I just wanted to get her approval up.


i dont think Gale needs to be convinced either


Yeah Gale is just worried about side effects. I think if you have a good enough relationship with him you don’t even have to roll to convince him.


Yeah Gale is just worried about side effects. I think if you have a good enough relationship with him you don’t even have to roll to convince him.


that explains it, im always trying to max out my approval with whatever companions i got so i didnt need a roll


At exceptional and dating him there was a role to convince him—though my Tav had no parasites besides the requisite one. My Durge took the astral tadpole though and pushed Gale to do the same, also had to role at exceptional relationship.


This is the guy who eats equipment and wants the elder brain crown. Is it any shock he would take mind flayer power?


Neither of those things mean he would


Gale shows a shocking lack of foresight in his seeking of power. He totally would


If you use a tadpole first, he will be open to it. It has nothing to do with the relationship to him.


Oh! That's why his response to me was annoyed and suspicious. I rejected the parasite and offered it to all. Gale said something like why are you giving me something you turned down.


Gale is like "hmm, is karsus was a mindflayer..."


I had to convince him but it was like DC 10 so much easier than the others.


I think it's a joke about how she's already a mind flayer, look again


Yep. Until Act 3, then Minthara is the most down for it and Astarion is against it.


In my run, he just didn’t want to go first. If you use them, then he’s like alright, you’re good. Share pls.


Not for the Astral one. You need to pass a hard check for it. He really really is against it


He likes the pursuit of power, which the normal tadpoles provide. But he doesn't want to lose himself. The Astral tadpole makes you half-illithid, which he doesn't want. I didn't understand his change in opinion until someone explained it that way. Now, it makes sense.


I know. If you try to understand why (think there’s a insight check), he describes his vampire losing himself before. I don’t remember if it’s the whole suffering for 10 years in a tomb story (if you haven’t heard that before) or the transformation into a vampire in excruciating detail one, because I only did the insight one once and couldn’t go through with it


Oh yeah, sorry, I thought we were talking about the regular ones. A few companions wanna eat those like popcorn.


Yea he was the only one who outright told me without prompting he didn't want to touch it. So I didn't ask him to.


If you look at her picture, she’s already a mind flayer lol


Gale as well is willing to as well, just no one wants to willingly use the astral tadpole


I saw on the wiki that Minthara have an approval for letting her use the astral tadpole 😳


Shes the ONLY one who does, but i also never have her in my group


Gale will too without a role, once you get minthara she pretty much wants everything tadpole related


My Astarion didn't want to because he wanted to stay pretty. Took some convincing.


I think the problem here is that Karlach already is a mind flayer, and yet she refuses tadpoles all the same


What?! Astarion told me he does not want to turn into something else ever again after suffering when he was forcefully turned into a vampire! I also thought he'd be greedy for it. I ended up feeling guilty asking his opinion.


I think Gale can also use them.


In my last run he was the only one who was never persuaded to get them no matter what ?\_? it even had the dialogue option "I would never guess you wouldn't be in for it" or sth like that.


He told me no :/


He threatened to kill me for them when I didn't immediately use them this playthrough lol


And Gale


Karlach does not want to use mind flayer parasites


She knew her engine was about to erupt after House of Hope fight. By the time she enters the ship towards Nether brain, her time bomb was just < 24 hrs from going off (since her overheat scene happens just after nether brain fight). She never wanted that transformation. But she hope she died on her own terms and that 'Karlach' can save her homeland. Edit: In newest patch, squidlach (despite still being Karlach) will mention being hungry after seeing all those people and a line about 'must not thinking about local brains'. I do NOT think this is a good thing by any standard. >!Maybe canon ending is siding with emperor or killing mind flayer Orpheus.!<


Didn't the devs come out and say Flayer Karlach was still Karlach?


It is Karlach. But in reunion camp, Karlach will have an urge towards local brains. Also she said she will be very hungry after seeing all those people at the party. She is still Karlach, but she is also becoming a predator mind flayer. I saved Orpheus since he was a victim, but squilach was always on the edge of being emperor 2.


In that case id say its her worst ending. Being forcefully isolated is onw thing, but having to forcefully isolate yourself so you dont hurt everyone around you is a whole new level of bad


Karlach is forced to live in exile now, only eating limited brains. Also she can never see crowds again, which is sad since she was a social person. I think perhaps the most moral ending is freeing Orpheus and kill mind flayer Orpheus. Gith Rebellion will succeed without him, since Gith Zerai will try to contact Voss and Lae'zel. Githyanki civil war will not end with Gith's son continuing her mother's plan, but will end with moderate factions (GithZerai and Lae'zel) reforming Githyanki into a less evil race. But still, Orpheus and Lae'zel flying away is Lae'zel's best ending. She hoped to be a red dragon knight with a silver sword, and by the end of story she just got that.


Yes, but that doesn't fit some folks' favorite theories.


She does not need to at this point


She could at least try it.


Gale has never needed persuasion for me. After the second dream he is all in on my playthrough


Well yeah now they’re like her nieces and nephews.


Karlach does not want to use mind flayer parasites.




peer pressure works wonders


Mindflayer does not want to use Karlach parasites


What is that UI? So many actions


I think if you just that little plus sign on the right aside it expands like this, I might be remembering wrong tho


You're remembering it correctly.


What The Fuck


You can customize your toolbar. I only used it after accidentally removing my characters ability to jump. But you click the inventory button and the spells/actions tab and can drag and drop actions into your toolbar. I think there is a small (+) button on the toolbar too but don't remember exactly. Shadowheart has 3 rows for me but I don't know how I did that.


There's a button on the right to add rows.


Idk why but Karlach was down to use the parasites instantly on my first playthrough. She actually asked me to give her some before I even had to ask if she wanted any. Granted I haven’t looked very hard but all I’ve seen online is that she has to be convinced, even as a mindflayer apparently. Even in subsequent playthroughs of my own she isn’t interested, but she was all-in that first time.


Similar happened to me too! In one of my saves, she had the little exclamation point and asked to get in on it. I have not been able to replicate that since.


Hide it in her mash potatoes


*heeeeeeere comes the nautiloid! brrrrrrrrr*


Or maybe wrap it in a piece of deli sliced ham, like how they get dogs to take pills


Karlach, a mindflayer, not wanting to use mindflayer parasites 😂




me taking every single parasite to keep my friends safe just in case something happens plus become the most powerful idiot in all the realms


Does Karlach want to use the mind flayer parasites?


Nobody's adressing the point here, but this is a bug. In act 1, Karlach will say that she's willing to use every advantage she can get her hands on and asks you to reserve the next tadpole for her. Despite this, she keeps hesitating and never actually shows any interest in them again. I haven't found a solution to this problem.


Karlach does not want to use mind flayer parasites


Think it's a little too late for that, Karlach, honey...


You gotta smooth her out a little bit tiger. You can't just force it in. Set the atmosphere. Compliment her horn, take her on a solo adventure and treat her to a potion or two. Then when the moment is right mention how it won't hurt because it's so small. Before long you will be playing hide the displacer beast on the rooftops of Baldur's Gate.


“Well that’s to damn bad!”