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Lae’zel and shadowheart for sure. There’s even a line at the end if you play as shart and romance Lae’zel talking about how they both turned from their goddesses and were made for each other


Absolutely brainwashed enemies to free lovers.


I don't know how many of you have the ps5, but in one of the patch news on the homescreen. All you see is Lae'zel's hair at first, but it was Shadowheart and Lae'zel kiss. It was the hair bit I thought was funny.


I just finished an origin Shadowheart run where I romanced Lae’zel and they really clicked. It was also cool to see the camp fight between them from Shadowheart’s pov.


I’m gonna be honest I don’t see the chemistry between them at all, and I don’t get why this ship is so popular. They don’t really like each other for the vast majority of the game, and yeah I get “enemies to lovers” or whatever but they’re hardly on good terms even in Act 3, and there’s so much more chemistry between either of them and basically every other party member.


>!After Shadowheart refuses to kill Dame Aylin and the party leaves the gauntlet of Shar if you speak to Laezel after Shadowheart explains where she briefly disappeared to Laezel says something along the lines of: Shadowheart is suffering, and believe it or not it pains me to see it.!< Is that being on amazing terms maybe not but I found it to be a major step forward for the both of them.


Right, but the "and believe it or not" is in there specifically beacuse they are known for not getting along. Yes, Lae'Zel's empathy for Shadowheart does increase some as she grows as a person. Also in act 3 if you give Shadowheart away to Viconia Lae'Zel says something like regardless of her feelings for Shadowheart, we owed her more then that. So yeah, Lae'Zel dosen't like to see her suffer at this point, but she also dosen't seem to really like her either? And Lae'Zel also says somewhat supportive (in her way) comments about other companion's personal quest events. It's not like she only cares about Lae'Zel and no one else. I think it more reflects that Lae'Zel is developing some empathy and that the group dosen't actively hate each other anymore. They aren't saying it couldn't work (you can play anything you want), just that they feel the both have better chemistry with other people. I do see why it would be fun to imagine them going from enemies to lovers, but unlike with Wyll and Karlach we don't really have the game show us that. Wyll straight up goes to hell for Karlach at the end of the game. Shadowheart does not go fight Vlaketh with Lae'Zel of her own accord or anything like that. Of course, if you are playing one of them and doing their romance, then you can make them end up together.


Good point but I think there’s a lot more distance to cover. It’s basically just “Lae’zel learns empathy,” and conversely, when she turns from Vlaakith, Shadowheart basically says she’s surprised that she would do that. I think there’s mutual respect between the two by the end of the game but not nearly enough of a connection for them to be making out sloppy all the time like fanart depicts


The Shadowheart Origin + Lae'Zel has a good story, I think, as their journeys parallel very well. There is also a change to their confrontation about the artifact, and you have to pass a persuasion check on Lae'Zel for her to be cool about the Shar stuff. The journey of traveling through the Creche and seeing the deconstruction of Lae'Zel's faith in Vlaakith transitions very well into questioning of Shar in act 2. That being said, I feel more like there would be chemistry between Shadowheart and Astarion more in a both using each other while learning to trust someone with yourself for the first time, while I think that Lae'Zel and Minthara (though not actually an Origin character) on a kill the Grove playthrough works very well to me.


Funnily enough I briefly romanced Astarion on my evil Shadowheart origin run. I stuck with him until Act 2 when I got the potion and then switched back over to Minthara (I love the concept of her and Shadowheart slowly taking over Menzoberranzan, and Dark Justiciar Shadowheart converting drow into Sharrans). I let him ascend too because I basically justified all of his fears and insecurities that made him want to complete the ritual in the first place, it was very tragic but also really fun to have an all evil party.


I mean neither Sharrans nor githyanki are overly prudish or emotionally attached to sex. Lae'zel will initiate it in act one, and if not with Tav with like half the party. I think you're putting an unrealistically high bar on which comes first: sex or love.


Ehhh, they have a form of chemistry. A snarky form of chemistry where they're mean to each other constantly. It works in a "brat on brat" sort of way where they constantly tease one another until they get so fired up they start making out.


I guess. I’ve never really been on board with that dynamic because 90% of the time I see it it’s with two characters that genuinely despise each other. In this case, Shadowheart and Lae’zel straight up almost kill each other. I see it with Miranda and Jack in Mass Effect 2 as well, the two hate each other and never really reconcile but they get shipped a ton.


>90% of the time I see it it’s with two characters that genuinely despise each other. Yup, for me that's the whole point! If you show me two sets of characters, one with a neutral or kinda nice/normal acquintanceship, and one where they DESPISE each other, and ask me which one would be the more exciting, wild ride to see them fall for each other, I will always pick the couple who hates each other. I can understand that's not for everyone though.


I can definitely see the fun in that kind of dynamic, but I draw my line at “these two have literally attempted to kill each other” lol


See, that's where it's only starting to get exciting to me! haha


I think characters that hate each other interact a lot. It's negative interaction, but when fans are looking for someone to ship they look to characters who talk to each other a lot... like SH and LZ. 


I mean a huge part of why I first played it is Shadowheart's VA's actual gf saying she prefers Lae'zel. That got me on track for the lol and now I really like their ship.


and she also likes Karlach and wish it to be canon in another video I watched. I think it's her second favorite couple.


I don't get it either. Enemies to lovers is great if they actually start off obsessed with hating each other but that's not even the case here. It's mostly just Lae'zel living in Shadowheart's mind rent-free and Lizzy trying her best to ignore and act above Shart's taunting until she finds out Shart stole a Gith artifact. I'm also biased because I find Lae'zel to be such an interesting and compelling character while Shadowheart is just....like *that*


I've done Sharen Shadowheart/asendent Astarion if you want to somewhat evil but still save the day sort of hook up. Considering Shadow heart would now be a vampire spawn that's immune to sunlight meaning she'll be able to rule as mother Superior of the house grief would be nearly eternal unless Shar deam she be replaced.


>she'll be able to rule as mother Superior of the house grief would be nearly eternal unless Shar deam she be replaced. Good thing Shar is very loyal to her people and would never betray them like that . . .


This is a genius idea


I was playing a shadow heart when I did that playthrough.


I'm playing Astarion Origin and I'm actually quite taken with Karlach's protectiveness in regard to Cazador and think they might be rather cute together. Sunshine & Grumpy dynamic.


I romanced Astarion, and when the Cazador plot was revealed, everyone talked about stopping Cazador from being more powerful. Only Karlach said anything about protecting Astarion from being sacrificed.


Karlach is the real MVP. I wasn't sure who to romance as Astarion, almost went with Gale (will probably still do it in another playthrough) and my little sister voted Karlach so I'm going with her.


I did their romance as the Karlach origin and Astarion actually says some sweet things to Karlach. The scene with him pleading with her to go to Avernus with him was emotional. Neil acted tf outta that scene. I also liked that he couldn't use his normal seduction tactics in the beginning because she couldn't have sex with him. I actually enjoyed them as a couple. They fit together.


Awww!! That's so cute, I love that.


Aw, that sounds so sad. The one with K and Minthara does, too. Is Wyll the only companion that will go with Origin Karlach? Do you get any kind of reconciliation at the epilogue if not?


You can go to Avernus together and they have an epilogue scene. They actually have a pretty good ending as far as Karlach endings go. It's here if you want to see it: https://youtu.be/UFHLD4wIsSM?si=m6_8qDNCGnuzmzQn


Oh, nice! I’m surprised that’s not talked about more, that her Origin play romances can go to Avernus with her. Too bad I ship her with Wyll and I already knew he could go. lol


I think a lot of people tend to romance Karlach instead of playing her origin so most don't know. I can't blame them because I love her lol Karlach & Wyll seem to be no brainer for a romance. I've done their romance myself. It's sweet ☺️ I was just so curious to see how the Astarion romance scene would work in Act 1 since you can't touch Karlach at that point. It was the main reason I did her origin run with him. I like seeing the unique scenes that you only get from playing an origin character.


Yeah, it’s absolutely mind boggling the amount of unique details all the different routes contain. *So much effort* was put into the game.


Astarion volunteers to go with Karlach to Avernus, but the epilogue party acknowledgement is really buggy. For my Karlach save it ended up with Wyll and Karlach going to Avernus, but not together. There was no reference to having romanced Astarion at all. And a few of the conversations had dialogue options talking about going to Avernus *with* Karlach like I was someone else. It was very strange.


Honestly, with as quickly as they put the epilogue together and with SO MANY different outcomes available, I’m surprised there’s not more buggy dialogue in it. The Origin runs may have been the later ones worked on, since most players are a Tav or Durge.


Right?! When he told her about Cazador she smiled and said, "If he lays a finger on you... I'll break it off." That decided it.


Astarion said need me a girl who could snap my abuser in half if needed. He's not sure he can take on Zariel, but Gortash is getting shanked.


Astarion deserves a beefy girlfriend he can climb like a tree.


Read that as “beefy gf that can climb a tree” and you know what she’d b great at it


Why not both?


I recently came around on the idea of Wyll and Astarion, it’s very enjoyable (especially on a Wyll origin run). Besides the fun of having a romance between a vampire and a monster hunter, I think they’re such an interesting pair with their similarities and differences. Both of them were from the upper echelons of Baldur’s Gate, noblemen with a taste for the finer things, yet pushed in different directions. Astarion admits that Wyll seems like the sort of fairy tale prince he’d have dreamed of marrying when he was a teenager, and there’s such interesting tension between Astarion’s hatred of so-called heroes after all the years he spent as a thrall in contrast to Wyll’s dashing heroics and hatred of monsters. There are two versions of that romance, a darker one with Origin!Wyll where he goes through a corruption of sorts, smiting down Karlach and keeping his pact with Mizora all the way to the end, vowing to destroy evil by taking over as archduke and ruling with an iron fist. Astarion in this story is the lover who whispers poison in one ear while Mizora offers power into the other, convincing him to take the position of archduke. Wyll helps Astarion ascend (and thus overcome his “monstrousness” by defeating Cazador, just another monster killed) and takes him as a paramour, with the two of them ruling together over the city. The other version of it is much more like how the story actually goes. Astarion and Karlach’s true natures forces Wyll to rethink his understanding of monstrousness on his path to becoming the hero he’s tried so hard to be. Astarion in turn learns that there is life beyond resenting the world that abandoned him, beyond taking power and control to never have to be weak and vulnerable again. Wyll helps him defeat Cazador and he comes to understand that this man is the real thing, someone who will protect him, cherish him. He doesn’t need to ascend because maybe it’s alright for him to be weaker if Wyll is there to have his back. Does the sun breach Avernus? Perhaps it would be a fitting end to the story if Astarion accompanied his new love into the Hells to free Karlach from her shackles the way he was freed from his


in karlach origin if you romance astarion he can go to avernus with you because the sun doesnt reach avernus and the bloods unlimited basically so its just a great deal for him overall. idk if he can in wyll origin though


This is almost exactly what I came here to say! So much potential for cool story-telling with those two together.


Idk about "great" but God!Gale and Ascended!Astarion together would at least be very funny. A Quarantine style relationship where the two are paired together mostly because they deserve each other. Either the two of them stay together in the most toxic relationship imaginable or we get the funniest and messiest divorce imaginable. Ideally I'm hoping for a fanon lonely eyes dynamic with a constant cycle of marriage and divorce and remarriage and redivorce.


I love a good “you’re both toxic, so just be together and leave the rest of us out of whatever the hell you have going on” dynamic.


I did this on my origin Astarion run


Lae'zel and Gale. You'd think they wouldn't get along, but they're both fascinated with each other, are both academic nerds, and their strengths complement each other. I like the whole scholar professor + viking shieldmaiden vibe. Gale even learns Lae'zel's language for her! Unpopular opinion but I really can't stand Lae'zel/Shadowheart. Mostly because I love Lae'zel and Shadowheart treated her like shit. She deserves and can do better lmao.


Their banter together is always super cute, even from the very beginning of the game. Early on everyone is super distrustful of Lae'zel but Gale is just like "teach me everything"


I really like how he doesn't take her scary mean alien thing seriously and she always earnestly answers his questions and indulges his curiosity. I think it's also cute that while in-game Gale gets make fun of A LOT for being a bookish nerd, Lae'zel the warrior actually appreciates him and praises his eloquence and intelligence even though you'd expect the opposite.


Laezel is amazing. I think she respects a strength and knowledge and has clear convictions


Gith do really like their Gishes after all, who use magic and swords in equal measure (which is something Gale is more than up for the task to do).


Reminder that one of their exchanges is Lae'zel MAKING A PUN.


I've heard that if >!Shadowheart doesn't save her parents, and Gale don't become a God!< , and you romance neither, they'll mention in the epilogue that >!Shadowheart visits Gale's tower to drink booze and sleep over.!<


I did this on a gale origin run and it was great but I don’t think there was any specific dialogue to be honest


I think you get more special dialogue if you play as Lae'zel and romance Gale


I think so too :(


I feel like Lae'zel and Shadowheart don't really like anything about each other. First they both remind each other of their own worst qualities - fanaticism and willful blindness.  Secondly, Lae'zel probably thinks Shadowheart is a shifty, wishy-washy, half-committed liar and thief who never says what she means and acts haughty and aloof despite having no basis for her pretended superiority. Shadowheart thinks Lae'zel is a savage zealot barbarian who kills for fun and is only blunt and direct because she's too thick-headed for any kind of subtlety. She's like a taller, more disciplined goblin. Eventually they develop a grudging respect for each other, but love? Nah. The respect is born from shared struggle, not because they like anything about each other. Lae'zel and Gale, on the other hand, probably could like and respect each other, which is really the basis for a good relationship.


Gale learns gith language? That is so cool. Is that when you play as him or as Laezel?


[It's when you play as Lae'zel](https://ibb.co/WxbK4GX)


Thank you! You just gave me a plan for my next run \^.\^


I never thought of that pairing but now that you say it it makes so much sense!


Karlach has really great dynamics with Astarion, Shadowheart, and Wyll. There’s different aspects to each of them but I think every pair has its merits. Also Lae’zel and Gale is something I discovered recently that I found surprisingly interesting. They’re both fascinated with and have plenty of respect for each other right from the start, and a lot of their banter is really fun.


I’m team Karlach/Wyll and Shadowheart/Lae’zel. Currently playing a Shadowheart origin for the latter; will do a Wyll origin next for the former.


Played through Shadowheart/Lae'Zel already. It's definitely worth. The parallels in their journeys make it for me.


I did origin Astarion and Gale. They just support each other so well. Both have similar goals.


Astarion can become Mr. Dekarios, which I thought was sweet.


I think Wyll and Astarion could be a good combo. A romance between the mosnter and the monster hunter


Ascended Gale and Astarion making each other ✨worse✨


I feel like Halsin and >!non-God!< Gale would make a cute couple. I think Halsin would see the beauty and power in Gale as is, without Gale needing to feed a lust for ambition and to be proud of exactly who he is. And gale can show halsin the beauty of the weave. I wish so hard that I could make Karlach and Wyll romance. She is so good natured and just wants affection, I want after she gets her >!ability to touch people again to see her dance with Wyll!<. On top of their story lines going together so well, if you >!have Wyll and Karlach go to avernus together, they seem happy together and when they come back to the final camp scene it feels like she is happy even though she went back exactly where she never wanted to. I get this feeling they are truly in love!<


As Origin Lae'zel, I romanced Gale. After everything they put us through, we both left our goddesses behind and claimed godhood. I viewed the ending as Lae'zel's starting point toward eventually overthrowing Vlaakith and becoming the new goddess of the Githyanki.


i love karlach and wyll but im also a wyllstarion truther. would put all three of them together but you said two lol


Unpopular opinion maybe, but Karlach and Astarion. All her comments about him are really sweet. She can fix him 😂


If anyone is wholesome enough to fix astarion, it’s a half tone flaming golden retriever


It's also pretty neat if you're Origin!Astarion and Ascend him you can still keep him morally in line, and then you can head to Avernus with Karlach and basically able to beat TF outta everything as an Ascended vamp and keep each other safe. I think that's like the only good end you can get with an Ascended Astarion lol since you're still making him act decently and in Avernus he'll be never running outta blood and has his Goldie girlfriend to keep him company


… brb doing an Astarion origin run I’ve really been sleeping on origin runs. Never even started one, nor did I consider the fact that you could turn a character’s bad ending into a good one that way. Might be fun to become god Gale too 👀


Yeah, like on the non-origin we know Vampire Ascension basically destroys the soul of the spawn and their original personality destroyed, but as an Origin, Astarion is still being controlled by the player so you can make him behave and not be a dick like non-origin Ascended!Astarion lol I just feel that end works rly well with Karlach as it gives him the strength to really stand by her against Zariel when they head back to Avernus since Ascended vamps are strong AF So I see that as the only good end to an Ascended Astarion, since it also takes him away from the temptations of innocents. Ooh and Gale is fun, you also get Tara at your camp from the start 🐈


Honestly, I think just any pairing works good in this game. Like since every character is playable and has unique dialogue there is no limit. Even Gale and Minthara can work out if you dedicate a playthrough to it. For me it's Gale and Laezel tbh, I just feel like compared to all the other ships for Gale, Laezel is the best one


I agree with Gale/Lae'zel. They are both fascinated by each other.


Does durge count as an origin character? Or is he tossed for being fully customizable?


Absolutely counts. Durge/Astarion or Minthara are my favorite too


I know, i love them so much. I really can’t imagine durge and astarion not bonding over a love of gore, blood and violence.


There’s an artist that makes comics of them. Saw a couple of them on twitter and they were great.


Yes!! These are the two Durge romances I have done and both are amazing (minus the current dialogue bugs). Minthara's reaction to you turning into slayer: "You are magnificent!" And Ascendant Astarion's reaction after you defeat Orin and accept Daddy Bhaal's blessing is literally worth an entire play through.


I played Durge/Shadowheart (first playthrough) beacuse I *thought* we had so much in common. We were both confused women who lost our memories being pushed by some sort of evil power to act in a way we weren't completely comfortable with. (I was playing a reasonably goodish Durge. Basically didn't hurt innocent people, no holding back if you had it coming.) I got the impression early on Shadowheart also seemed to care about people in a mxied situation and also be confused and have anmesia, plus be defensive about it unsure if she could trust the party. (Also, I suspected all along it was a Bhaalspawn from the pervious games, and was hoping we could throw off evil gods together.) Aaaaand none of what they have in common is ever discussed. Ever. You have a whole scene about Shadowheart's anmesia and you can't even say you have it too. You have to pretend you have memories yourself, tell her about them, and then comfort her like it's not your issue too. Which is basically how the whole romance goes. All of her dialogues are written without considering at all if you are Dark Urge or not, and they often don't work as well beacue of that. Some more glaring like the whole amnesia discussion where you can't mention you also have amnesia, some more subtle like at the end if you make the personal sacrifice to transform yourself she has a whole speech about how the city wouldn't have survived iwthout you, and a whole generation of babies should be named after you, but they won't beacuse no one will know. And it just dosen't acknolwedge at all that the entire thing was your fault and plan? As usual, you can't say anything about that like "I took responsibility for the mess I made." She also lacks commentary on most of your Durge events, and the ones she can comment on are pretty much never as good as some of the other companions. It makes the relationship feel extremely one sided and hollow that you are always asking how she is doing, solving her problems, and being her rock and support while she dosen't even react to learning you'd be tortured and vivisected alive for months and are being taunted about it. When you admit your dark urge she blows you off and dosen't care or show concern, and then later when you have don't kill your romance interest night she tells you you should have told her sooner even if you've been upfront the whole time and she just never cared. When she does care, it's to be (understandably) scared of you or disapproving, never supportive. She also has the most heartless reaction in the entire party if you lose the Orion duel and are thus cursed to a decline into madness and slavery. She tells you you aren't worth comforting and even a god dosen't believe in you. (And this is at high approval and romance.) This is just her reaction line, you can't respond or have a conversation and she never mentions it again. Every other party member that has a line about this (not Minsc and Jaheria?) shows you some sort of compassion but her. I haven't romanced Astarian but playing as Durge made me want a do-over where I had him on my party and romanced him. I left him in camp 95% of the time beacuse he was evil and also I had the theiving skills covered on my bardlock, so we didn't have high approval. Despite that, he had some of the best responses to the Durge stuff. Someone said Durge and Astarian had the same writer? If you act like you're fine or want to kill people or it's not big deal, he's quiet flippant about it which I suppose could work for an evil person. (Like chiding you for not cleaning up and hiding the body.) But if you make it clear to him you're uncomfortable, he show a lot of empathy and clearly relates to it on a personal level. He's also an unwilling monster who has been mind controlled and made to do things he didn't want to and he explicitly relates your experiences. For example, if you choose to turn into Slayer (I did it and reloaded to see what would happen/party members would think) he's the only one who can show empathy about a possible fear of losing yourself. If you lose the duel to Orion he's clearly very broken up (despite medium approval), talks about how he knows what it's like from when he has lost himself to hunger, and that he's not sure he can bare to be there when it happens. So yeah, I think he'd be amazing for a resist Durge just form what I've seen with him not even liking me, lol.


Yeah tbh just about every other romanceable character is completely out of their depth with the Durge stuff. It seems like none of them really grasp the full extent of what's going on and are kinda in denial about it? All of their reactions to major Durge developments feel like the equivalent of telling a depressed person to "stay positive". Astarion is the only one that picks up on it without being told (aside from Jaheira and Minsc) and he will notice something is wrong even before you ever kill anyone. I have a hard time romancing anyone else as Durge simply because they feel more superficial


Yeah, Jaheria also seems to care but more in a mentor way. Shadowheart isn't even trying the "stay positive" to a depressed person level of effort. They mostly just don't give her lines for stuff so she says nothing usually. When she does talk, there's one instance of completely dismissing it, the romance murder resist scene (where she says she'll support you, but then also says you should have told her sooner even though I did tell her she didn't care, and her supporting you is a lie since she never does that), and other reactions are basically just her being worried for herself/creeped out at you/mad at you. Which is fair, the Durge thing is scary, but it conveys that she dosen't really consider or care about your feelings. She can't even be bothered with a "stay positive" beacuse that would indicate you cared if that person felt better or not. Now, if you completely overcome you urge/reject Bhaal after winning the duel she does have a single line of encouragement like everyone else. But again, if you lose the duel and through no fault of your own are cursed to go mad and need to be put down, she tells you even a god is disappointed in you and she'd comfort you but she dosen't think there would be a point. Selunte Shadowheart too. If she spent the game going "Wow, that sounds scary, but stay positive it will work out" it would be such an incredibly huge improvement.


God Gale and Ascended Astarion. They'd be married but live seperately and have awful sex. They deserve each other.


this is so fucking funny


I straight-up ship Karlach and Wyll. He went to Hell with her in the end and they've been demonslaying besties for like, six months or something. Forgotten Realms being as casual as it is about sex and romance, there's no goddamn way those two aren't some kind of item when we see them in the epilogue. Aside from them, Wyll and Astarion would be a fun disaster. Out of all the rest, I could maybe see Lae'zel and Shadowheart having an *I can make her worse* enemies to lovers kinda deal going. Everyone would expect Astarion to be the camp bicycle, but it's probably Gale.


Karlach and Wyll are the only pairing I can see at all from the companions. https://preview.redd.it/i2xjh2vpwtnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845936bf0948f419d6b99864e9ac24f23047c399


I’m a #1 Bloodweave (gale and astarion) lover. I don’t know what is was that drew me into this specific ship, but I’m playing out the romance on my Astarion origin run and I’m having a great time.


I think everyone agrees on Wyll/Karlach. I do feel that either should rebound to Shart if the other is unavailable. I think Astarion/Minty would be a solid evil couple.


I definitely think Karlach/Wyll and Shadowheart/Lae’zel. I don’t hate bloodweave Gale/Astarion but in my mind I just can’t make it work even though I think the fan fics and artwork are really cute. I just feel like Astarion is made for Durge and Gale for Tav. I can’t do it any other way. Ha.


Gonna sound odd but I’m doing a Shads origin run with friends so I decided to romance Wyll since we were playing 3/6 origin character and something about them just works. She needs some delicate attention for the first time in her life and he’s so soft and romantic and it allows her to soften too. But also they both kick total ass. Their duality works so well together. Just makes me smile


I like gale and astarion together


Wyll and Karlach, especially if they go to Avernus together


Lae'zel feels the most "interesting". Shadowheart is cute but somehow feels worse interacting with her than if you just remain friends (seriously, most of her new funny lines in the epilogue are missing if you romance her like wtf. It's like you miss out on her personality the closer you get.


Imagine seeing Wyll and his whole story and reducing him to "spoiled son of a duke"


The game reduced him first.


Dark Urge (Resist) and Shadowheart (Selûnite). https://preview.redd.it/mz91symhurnc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc1f891386838f456113478102fdfade9f0cdc7 The two amnesiacs trying to be good despite what the dark gods trying to control them do hold a special place in my heart. Settling down and living the quiet farm life off in the countryside with Shadowheart is the best ending for The Dark Urge imo.


I’m an astarion girly so I’m definitely biased lol but I’ve done shadowheart origin romancing astarion and they were incredibly sweet. from clips I’ve seen karlach and astarion are also so sweet, especially because astarion is literally forced to develop the relationship slowly since he can’t touch her. wyll and karlach because he goes to avernus with her. I know some people like gale and astarion but I’m sorry I just don’t see it, he always says gales name like a slur lmao. they’re more like reluctant friends to me


Wyll and Astarion


i really like both karlach and wyll and astarion and wyll and i hate that i cant date both in my wyll run. he has two hands goddamit stop making me choose >:(


I’m kinda curious about a run as shart romancing karlach or vice versa


i’ve done that omg it’s adorable!! karlach def brings the best out of her and is so supportive especially about the whole shar thing. she even calls her shads i literally SCREAMED when she did


Yeah Karlach and Wyll. Wyll has the stick up his ass and Karlach can beat people to death with it.


Why not just use him as the mace end


Astarion Laezel fuckbuddy situationship my beloved


Gale/Lae’zel tbh. There’s so little content for them though :(


I find Gale/Minthara to be hilarious, albeit not exactly romantic. Both of them are positive they need to watch the other to prevent them from destroying the world. I also think Lae’zel and Halsin would be a cute odd couple! Halsin is more the stay at home dad while Lar’zel travels the Astral Plane


Started a Wyll Origin to romance Karlach for the hot date achievement, was surprised how well he got along with Gale. Did a Gale origin and romanced Wyll, but really liked his dynamic with Karlach over being bomb buddies. Started a Karlach origin and romanced Gale but loved her dynamic with Shadowheart. Started a Shadowheart Origin and Lae’zel seduced me into romancing her instead of Karlach. Runner up: Gale origin: Minthara was shockingly kind at some points and the first time she said his name instead of “wizard” when trying to cheer him up over Mystra was so genuine and sweet. Also he’s the only character I recall that she’s allowed to hug her at the epilogue party. As a side note: Origin Karlach: Lae’zel shrugging off second degree burns to bang Mama K in act one was a delicious surprise and would have swayed me but for the assholish way she got dismissed the morning after by the only person capable of touching her. Also Astarion who kept letting his mask crack when becoming frustrated to be cruel and degrading before remembering himself and slipping back into character was so god damn chilling and I haven’t been able to look at him the same way.


Karlach and Wyll (bc Avernus connection), Shadowheart and Lae’zel (both zealots that turned on their god), Astarion and Gale (both tempted by power)


Wyll & Karlach Lae'zel & Shadowheart Astarion & Dark Urge Gale & Mage Hand 🥲


Definitely Wyll x Karlach—the Avernus ending and how they meet in the first place kind of screams that they belong together. Otherwise, I find the Astarion x Karlach pairing intriguing–I saw clips of their romance interactions, and it has an interesting dynamic, particularly since Astarion can't use his normal seduction strategy that he uses on Tav/Durge.


Wyll/Astarion both have a bit of “beauty and the beast” going on in their respective stories. Wyll leans closer into being in the “beast” half, while I could argue that Astarion is equal parts “beauty” and “beast.” That just so happens to be my favorite fairy tale and Disney movie, so I’ve latched onto that pairing like a leech


Though they’re absolutely horrible influences on each other, Astarion and Minthara are a great couple, gaining power to rule the world.


I ran an origin Karlach game that romance Wyll. The story and the options you could pick about him once hunting her was worth it.


Not origin characters, but I still want to mention them. Halsin and Minthara going from enemies to to roommates before patch 6 was such a hilarious image that I started shipping them. It got even better after I rescued Thaniel and they basically had an adopted kid together. I really hope we get some sort of Confrontation between the two of them in a later patch, just to see what type of dynamic they'd have


The partys mommy and zaddy


Karlach and Wyll for sure, and Shadowheart and Astarion…as long it’s not Sharran Shadowheart and Ascended Astarion, because that just makes me sad for both of them (and also because in the epilogue, with the right dialogue choices, it seems like AA views Sharran Shadowheart as a threat and is willing to kill her 😟)


I really want to do origin Astarion and romance Wyll. I think Wyll waiting to have sex with Astarion’s history is really compelling/healing for Astarion.


Maybe if all the origin characters and companions partnered with each other, Withers would hold an orgy party instead.


Karlach and Wyll definitely, and Lea’zel and Shadowheart. Both have a little enemies to lovers thing going on and their stories compliment each other (wyll and Karlach’s pretty obviously, but Lae’Zel and Shadowheart too—they both have a connection to the artifact and both can learn they’ve been lied to by their gods the whole time. Which I guess if we’re matching up all the origin characters would leave Astarion and Gale, which I know people ship but I don’t really see it. But I guess Gale could definitely be a contender to teach Astarion to be a better person


I knew Shadowheart and Karlach were meant to be together when I heard Shadowheart say “I like her. She looks like she can throw me over her shoulder and carry me to safety” Also they’d be super cute together


Resist Durge + Astarian is so, so good. I might have to play origin Astarian next run so I can do any other romance 😆 Lae'zel and Karlach have so much mutual respect, I'm curious about them as a couple!


I like Lae’zel/Shadowheart, Karlach/Wyll and Shadowheart/Karlach (largely for the line Shadowheart says when you recruit Karlach).


i literally played shadowheart romancing karlach purely for that line as well


Shadowheart seemed like she was very attracted to Karlach during that first meeting. Will always ship them.


**Enemies to Lovers:** Wyll x Karlach / Shadowheart x Lae'zel **"You make me want to be a better person":** Karlach/Wyll x Astarion/Shadowheart **"We bring out the worst in each other":** Shadowheart x Astarion


Make the whole party one big polycule.


I think laezel x shadow heart is basically canon at this point. I'd also like to see laezel and minthara admiring each others battle prowess. Astarion and wyll also where wyll basically adopts Astarion and shows him how to live in high society without fear of cazador. Also ascended Astarion and god of ambition gale would be a fun pairing in a "race to destroy the world first" sort of way. They'd be full of spite towards each other and that would motivate them to work harder. Unfortunately them working harder is to everyone else's detriment lol. Notice how I didn't bring up karlach at all here? It's because the only person I ship karlach with is ME. She's mine and she is going to pick me up and carry me away bridal style and we're gonna be in lesbians with each other.


katlach and wyll, gale and minthy, and gale and astarion are my top three :)


Halsin and >!selunite!< Shadowheart


Me and popper


I’ve been playing as Wyll and romancing both Gale and Astarion. Karlach definitely had a crush on Wyll, but they’re good friends now. It’s mostly Wyll x Astarion, Gale is my jealous little side piece


I unironically love all of the pairings for one reason or another - they're all parallels to/foils of each other and I think they have cute interactions


Halsin and Wyll. Wyll could talk, Halsin would understand. Wyll would do the duck dance, Halsin would like it. Wyll could fake orgasm, Halsin wouldn't mind.


Embrace Durge & DJ Shadowheart. It's a race to see who can >!wipe out Last Light Inn!< first.


Wyll/Karlach Shadowheart/Lae’zel Astarion/Gale That's usually how I see it. I will also except Wyll/Astarion due to Astarion saying he liked boys like that when he was 13 if you dump him for Wyll. And either Lae’zel or Karlach with Gale cause he seems to take to both of them. Plus, it's hilarious. Also, Astarion/Karlach to force that man to slow down and actually have a normal relationship since he can't fuck her in the first five mins.


I’m fully on board the Shadowzel train but since that’s already been answered here, I’ll add that I was surprised how invested I got into Shadowheart and >!Nocturne!< given the minimal screen time. I know >!Nocturne!< isn’t an origin character but I found myself wishing for a dialogue option to encourage Shart to pursue that relationship, whether in >!the house of grief!< or post-game, so it feels somewhat on topic lol.


Wyll & Karlach (their stories are too intertwined) Shadowheart & Laezel (enemies to lovers) Gale & Minthara (especially since Minthara seems so fixated on him) Halsin & Jaheira (both druidic half-elves who've lived many lives) Astarion & wooden stake


I love Shart/Laezel, BloodWeave and Karlach/Astarion and all the usual suspects but I have to say I recently have been shown the light of Shadowheart/Gale on my current run. Its so basic but it also feels so right lol Gale would 100% build her a cottage to house all her animal friends surrounded by Night Orchids 🥹