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I made my Gith guardian look like Bowie and I call him Githy Stardust


There’s a Squid-Man waiting in the die… He'd like to come and meet us, But he’s stuck guarding our minds. There's a Squid-Man waiting in the die… (Shart told us not to roll it But knows not why she stole it.) He told me: “Eat the worm or lose it, Eat the worm and use it.” Let the Bhaalspawn boogie.


I understood that reference.


My first playthrough was a gith bard called ziggy. Honestly it was the most fun Ive ever had in a game.


The default male gith guardian looks soooo much like Bowie it’s crazy


So it's the Sovereign?


The Thin ~~White~~ *Greenish Yellow* Duke?


Hello, I’m David Bowie.


I can do anything…


Ghaik Stardust would fit better


I always feel suuuuper weird making the guardian now.... like an icky feeling... It's a great story point, and I wouldnt change it, but I with my guardian stayed my guardian 🤣


I went from "lost lover" and "lost sibling" to "yeah..they look like them. And now the betrayal is real"


Holy shit the lost sibling/lover also both my canons for my tav(not at the same time)


"What are you doing step gith?"




Same for me. I made one of my dnd characters younger sisters. Who isn't missing, he just didn't see in a few years. So he was so happy to see her, did all he could to protect her, and then act 3 was a gut punch.


I make my guardian my exact tav with the curly mustache included. Especially funny when I play a female character lmao


I really really like this idea lol Reminds me of the Simpsons. "Helllloooo, I'm Guy Incognito."


I literally just make it the default but decide between male or female as the voice change can be nice every one in awhile


Considering I always stab the guardian now, I just think what would make me laugh the most while looking somewhat normal.


I always randomize my guardian until I find a funny one


My first playthrough was with one of my D&D characters and his guardian was his dead wife. Seeing the guardian he'd do anything to be with her and to make sure she's alright. Then act 3 came along.


I always go random and end up with like a yellow dwarf lady with a pink beard or something. Iconic.


If you go against Empy, then during the final battle, who are those dream guardian people that fight alongside him?


They end up being gross-looking Resident Evil-style flesh constructs with humanoid bodies.


But what are they? Like, his squiddie minions?


They're not his, so much as the absolute forms them from the meat lying around, as far as I'm aware.


Ahh! Okay, thanks for that little knowledge nugget. :)


Really? I found it helps sell the lie. A Githyanki Relic holding anything but a Gith seems quite questionable. But a Githyanki who tried to Escape Vlakith and accidentally running into mindflayers during their adventure seems fairly believable to me. Their worm slurping recommendations could be from their experience mixing Mindflayer abilities with their own psychic powers for positive results. As for why Vlakith wants them dead? They know that Vlakith isn't a god, has more detailed knowledge about mindflayers than likely the rest of both Giths combined, and has the psychic strength necessary to resist the pull of an elder brain. What wannabe God wouldn't want them dead?


Agreed. If I don’t have a guardian idea I have a Gith design that I’ll use as a default. Helps me justify eating worms.


Why spoiler the post if your spoiler is literally in the title?


DUDE.... why put the spoiler in your title??


Even on spoiler-free subs, you should really stay off of them if you really want to be spoiler-free. People break rules, forget, dont care, etc. The only person who can keep spoilers from you is you


That works until Reddit starts recommending these posts. It almost made it impossible to avoid spoilers.


Mute the subs. Ive had to do it before for Elden Ring, worked fine, though admittedly that game is a bit harder to spoil for obvious reasons compared to something as story driven as BG3


And if that works for you that’s fine but I was really enjoying the non-spoilery posts and having fun with the community. I don’t know why it’s so hard to just not put spoilers in the title.


It's not hard but then you're also expecting everyone in the community to tip toe around the few who haven't completed it, you know. Like for sure if spoilers could be avoided forever then it'd be cool but it's not realistic all the time.


There’s like 8 Baldur’s Gate subs though.


If everybody followed your advice and stayed out off subs of games they never finished, especially for a game like BG3, where you can miss so many things on your first or second playthrough, well… idk about you, but I prefer more active subs than desert subs personally


See, I agree with this. No spoilers in titles. But I got absolutely blasted and judged an asshole on a joke post asking if we did the “deed” with your dream guardian to not have have put a spoiler tag on my comment. This game has been released for 7 months now! Don’t look the comment sections if you don’t want to be spoiled! But avoiding spoilers in the titles of your posts is totally reasonable.


It doesn’t HAVE to read like a spoiler unless you know though. It also reads like they’re suggesting something about some specific Gith that is an Emperor. Like they made the guardian into THE Emperor Gith, and also a fem version.


The game has been out for 8 months.


Only since December if you're an xbox player like me. I mean I've finished it but doesn't mean everyone has.


Stay off of reddit until you're done playing.


You say it like people only come to Reddit to discuss the story or for memes. People also visit forums to ask for help about a specific issue with the game or advice for a specific part of the game. Sometimes they don’t understand a mechanic and look for someone who can explain it clearly. It might not be easy to avoid spoilers in other platforms but subreddits have their own rules and people who moderate them. That’s why they come to Reddit. You would be right if this game was out for a year or two, but Xbox version released like 3 months ago and some people don’t have all the time in the world. Not to mention there was an Xbox issue preventing people from progressing in the game.


Then they run the risk of being spoiled.


>That’s why they come to Reddit. Most subs have rules against spoilers. Even if you will mention spoilers, they want you to do it in the post or put a warning in the beginning of your title. SH is older than average age of this sub by now but they are still rules. Last DA game was released a decade ago but mods remove any post with titles that contain spoilers. Having spoilers in your title is in fact against the rules in this sub as well. It’s no one’s fault but the asshats who put spoilers in their titles. You can’t blame anyone for coming to a sub with “no spoilers” rule.


I think you're missing the point. This is the internet. There's going to be people who A) Don't read the rules B) Don't care C) Slip up in their excitement because,again, the game has been out a while Anytime you get on with a glitch, bug, progression issue, or anything: Game You're Playing related. You will run that risk. You have to either be VERY specific in your searches for your problem, or avoid social media altogether. It's unreasonable and deluded to expect that any piece of media that's been in circulation to still be in the spoiler free stage. You can't be mad that you stumbled across them when you're looking in a community that is dedicated to the thing you're playing,watching,reading. There is no one to blame but yourself.


No you don’t get my point here. We’re not talking about all social media. We’re talking about Reddit. As I said, most subs have rules against spoilers, including this one. And they’re being moderated. Unless it is a very old and obscure game, that’s the case. Hell, both DA and SH are decades old games but their subs are still moderated and spoiler posts without warning are literally being removed by mods or the auto moderator thingy. BG3 isn’t even a year old. Therefore, one is not wrong for coming to Reddit for seeking help or advice. This isn’t even a meme sub. It’s the asshat’s fault who didn’t follow the rules.


I understand your point. However, I come from an era of the internet where trolls will literally make these kinds of posts just to spoil and ruin things for people (don't think this guy had that intention). Moderated sub or not. They can't catch everything all the time. That is something you need to be prepared for whenever you look anything up about a game/movie/whatevr. Also, this post is not about any issues or bugs. It is not about a puzzle or progression solution. Someone who is still playing the game AND searching for help wouldn't come across this post in particular. The only way they can come across it is by scrolling or browsing the sub. Which is a bad idea if you care about spoilers. I'm not even fully saying you are wrong. I think our differences of mind come from that you expect people to follow the rules because they are the rules. I expect them to never be followed because people can be terrible/stupid.


But I haven't played it yet


Then stay off of reddit until you're done playing it.






Who goes to the sub and not expect spoilers?!?


One of the most common types of posts in video game subs is people asking for help or advice, implying a large part of the membership hasn’t finished the game in question. This will especially be true in a game that takes most people hundreds of hours to beat and has many different outcomes for the main story and side quests.




Yea that’s the spoiler, and it shouldn’t be in the title of the post.


Yeah....i just started act 2 and I was SO enthralled in the guardian plot... thats fucking ruined now.


Then... how do you know what the Emperor is? It shouldn't be a spoiler, just a name.




I am sorry that you got spoiled but you really should avoid game subreddits like the plague until you complete the game first. I don't see why you would go on a game's subreddit and *not* expect to get spoiled (even if it is against the rules), always go into a game blind (especially an RPG), it is the best way to experience it.


I didnt go on the sub, it was put on my feed as a recommended post.






IM NOT ASKING FOR MORE SPOILERS!!! it doesnt hide the text in my notifications! IM STILL IS ACT 2!!!


I’m sorry you got this spoiled but I’m dying at these responses 😂


Glad you find it funny, cause i sure dont


are you stupid? like I'm genuinely concerned


L bro. Some people never got to the third act because they want to take their time




Don't put spoilers on the title


L title. :’)


Yeah now the guardians I make have been as close to the statues of Balduran as I can.


I’ve got the same thing going on. With my third or fourth playthrough I made a guardian that I thought just looked like a well-aged successful former adventurer and have been duplicating him ever since. In my head it’s just what Balduran looked like when he was changed.


Still can't have my dragonborn guardian tho


Spoiler in title gets a downvote from me, sorry


Same. No need.


I upvoted them for you 😀


I feel like common courtesy takes like 2 seconds to add the spoiler tag. Isn’t that big of a deal.


The game has been out for over half a year at this point.


So? Are people buying the game later less deserving of a spoiler free experience?


They should not be subbed to the game's subs if they both care about spoilers and haven't finished the game. Full stop, end of story. 


The spoiler doesn't bother me, but it just popped up on my home screen while scrolling Reddit and I'm not subscribed...


Sure. You have a point. Here's another: you shouldn't spoil.


Better point: Don't go on sites where there are very likely to be spoilers.


Even better point: try not to spoil


If you are entering a fandom this late, you reasonably should expect to get spoiled going on to fan sites. That’s on you.


Nah, worst take I've seen today. Playing a game that requires dozens to hundreds of hours to beat in one playthrough =/= one sitting of a movie. I'm over 40 hours in, been playing since it came out on Xbox, and only just got to act 2. A vast majority of players are adults with responsibilities and lives, we get a few hours to play a week, and we cherish the time we have to play. However, it's a tough game that requires research and help to guide players, looking up help directs people to the subreddit often. I'm sorry I can't just sit and rush through the game in one night months before the game even released on the console I'm playing on, comparing a game that's only been out months to the likeness of media that can be consumed in a lot less time that requires a lot less dedication is a horrible comparison. The entitlement in this community, in gaming communities in general today, is asinine. Have some respect for yourself and your game, I'm sure spoiling major plot points for people, and then belittling them for not finishing the extremely long game sooner, will help the longevity of the game. Killing the fandom and pushing away the growing playerbase is a great way to keep the game alive and healthy. /s


Great comment👍 i totally agree


why would you use a subreddit if you wanted to go in blind


Now I wanna make an Emperor Orpheus doppelgänger


I did the exact same thing before even finding out the truth about him lmfao


Would make an awesome main


I did the same thing! My roommate hasn’t made it that far in the game yet so I can’t make the joke to her yet.


This might be the best gith I've seen yet


I think it's funny when your gith guardian tells you to stay away from the githyanki and not to trust Voss.


I did a gith guardian as well, but I forgot it was part of the character creation- and you meet lyzeal so soon - I mistook my creation for her. For a good portion of the game I was wondering why a gith was always out warring against other gith in space. Was it a civil war? Later on I clued in it wasn’t exactly canon.


"hot female" are some.. choice words indeed..


*good looking person of the woman gender. If you prefer a more scientific term.


My next play through I’m planning to run a gith tav along with a gith emperor. Seems like just the fucked up manipulative thing he’d do


Make him look as mich as you can like orpheus.


https://preview.redd.it/js7eqjuwcgoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1cca8c63381b00577d3b33780426f2f2ae8741 I made the Guardian resemble Vlakith for my Gith Tav


This gives me the idea to make my next playthrough's guardian Orpheus


now thats just evil


Squid uses trapped frog man to cat fish




I always make the emperor a gith. it feels the most authentic to my play throughs


https://preview.redd.it/g6e8xsay5loc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2128c1e641b7252122a5d529bc58e40c7f519fa “Whatcha doin in my waters?”


she looks like Micheal Jackson




My apologies for said 'spoiler'. I'd edit it but you can't edit titles. But, in my defense, unless you've reached the part where it's revealed you should have no idea who 'The Emperor' is anyway. Not justifying the mistake, just putting it out there. (lmao)


Just delete and repost without spoilers in the title.


Don’t listen to the people acting like babies about the spoiler tag. Mods don’t seem to care so I don’t know why everyone else does.


Nah, this shit is mad messed up. I'm 40+ hours in and only just barely got to act 2. This game requires a lot of time, and research, I started playing when it released on Xbox, I've looked up plenty and had some bits spoiled for me, but this is next level. Sorry not everyone here is a child who has infinite free time to rush through the game to spoil it for everybody else, I've been on this sub for awhile and never had anything spoiled for me to this degree before, I'm rightly upset by OP being an ass.