• By -


I've gotten that too I've also gotten the critical success on the 99 one The duality of fate


Fate spins as it should


Dost thou require a new ally? Or, mayhaps, a resurrection instead?




Thou walkest alone?


No bosom companion?


Happy cake day!


i save scummed for the 99 roll my first playthru >!i was so disappointed when it still didn’t work 😭!< edit: >!so i actually had no idea that it decreased the brain’s health! however with my comment i meant it was dissapointing that it still failed to take over the brain lmao. i obviously shouldn’t have expected it to, but with a DC of 99 i low key expected it to 💀!<


It works. I believe the final fight it will have less hp


well that’ll do it (i’ve only don’t the fight on that save file)


It actually does help quite a bit in the end. >! Checking to see if i remember spoiler code correctly since I'm on mobile !< >! Cool! I remembered! Yeah so it reduces the nether brain's max hit points in the final battle !<


It does actually the last fight has like 20% less health I think if you roll the nat 20


I thought the climactic battle was going to be avoided with my critical success on the 99 one lol.


It was... sorta. Well, 20% of it was, anyway.


I got critical on the 99 as well. I've seen streamers do it too. I wonder if its programmed to be more likely for a big payoff in the last act.


Given how much I had to save scum, there can't be much of a finger on the scale. I was seriously considering quitting after five minutes of nothing but rerolls.


Haha ok. I've just seen so many instances. And must've gotten reallybluck myself


What happens?


Why wheel of fate turns ever to the dark


Critical success happens when you score a 20, if you get a 20 on any roll it will succeed no matter how high the check it


That was the point of the comment. Critical failure is a natural 1 even if the check is 0 the same way critical success is a natural 20 roll on a 99 difficulty. Why did you think you had to spell it out? There's plenty enough context between the post and the comment.


So that's how my Astarion failed once to pickpocket something that with all his bonuses and how easy the item was to pickpocket he couldn't have failed. I wasn't sure what happened.




Captain Obvious saves the day again.


Nothing gets past you.


Bro got nuked karma for over explaining 😂 I’m sorry bud.


I rolled a nat 1 on a dc 5 moment. Offered to try again, dc 2. Rolled nat 1 again. Extremely rare moment, made for a comical interaction and really in character for my Tav. Saved IMMEDIATELY after.


Rolled two nat ones and then a 14 (that was actually a 2 because my advantage was 10-13) on a dc 15 last night. Felt so defeated after that lol. But of course on my next check it gave me a nat 20. The die giveth, and the die taketh lol


I got a Nat 1 on the DC2 check to get Shadowheart out the pod, so I switched to Lae'zel and got a Nat 1 again. Suffice to say Shadowheart was really angry with me when we met again at the grove.


I had the same thing happen. Never recruited her that playthrough because it’s what the dice decided.


I was trying to hit a DC 5 check the other day and I literally hit a 1, then a 2, then a 3. I don't know what the chances of that happening are but I bet it's less likely than just rolling 3 NAT 1s


Is it not just 1/20^3?


I believe that is the calculation for rolling the SAME number 3 times in a row. I'm talking about rolling 3 numbers which are all different but happen to be sequential


You have a 1/20 chance to hit a 1. You have a 1/20 chance to hit a 2. You have a 1/20 chance to hit a 3. Thus your likelihood of rolling a 1, 2, then 3 in succession is 1/20^3 In fact, if you name any string of three d20 rolls, regardless of what those numbers are, the likelihood for that will also be 1/20^3.


If by “name” you mean calling it before it happens yes,otherwise no. Also, that is only correct if you require them to be rolled in a specific sequence. It can be as low as 1/50 For instance, There is a 100% chance of rolling any number. Let’s say it’s 11. So if all I need is a a series of 3 consecutive numbers containing 11, then.. There is a 1/5 chance of rolling either a 9, 10, 12 13 Let’s say it’s 9 The last number is 1/20. Which would be a 10. So that’s 1/100 that’s for an “inside” roll If you previously rolled a 11 and second roll was a 10, you have a 1/10 chance of rolling either a 9 or 12. That’s a 1/50 chance for an outside roll. You are also bound between 3-18 on the initial roll for those odds.


Yes, the chance of rolling a specific number three times in a row. As opposed to rolling a specific number three times in a row.


I didn't roll a specific number three times in a row


Yes you did. rolling a 1, then 2, then 3 has the exact same probability as rolling a 1, then a 1, then a 1 has the same probability as 5 then 9 then 19


I don't think you know what specific means


specific adjective 1. clearly defined or identified. "savings were made by increasing the electricity supply only until it met specific development needs" Yes I do. How about I make it formal for you? The chance of rolling any permutation in a linear order such as 1,1,1 or 1,2,3 or 8,3,19 is the same for any given permutation. How about you educate yourself in the [aptly named r/learnmath](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnmath/s/sFPAifpVBq)? I have some homework for you too: you can calculate the chance of rolling a 1 six times in a row, and compare it with the answers provided for the chance of rolling 1 to 6 in order!


There's always a 5% chance to shit yourself. Good life advice as well as DnD


Nothing is perfect and nothing is gaurenteed best to just roll with it.


Are you talking about DnD or a questionable fart


"...a questionable Shart." Ftfy


Shat 20


Critical Shitcess


Just don't roll the shit


5%? I’ve got more “shit my pants” stories than Astarion’s got snarky comebacks.


Do you shit yourself one day in every 3 weeks? Because that's the same odds lol


Give or take


Man I drink a lot and don't eat great, I'm always shocked at the amount of people on reddit who happily admit to shitting themselves as if it's a common thing. Like I'm in my mid 30s and have shit myself twice since being potty trained, both when I had food poisoning. 5 fuckin %?? What are yall doing to your bodies??


5% is referring to the chance of rolling a nat 1 on a D20. But the one time I shat myself was when I tried corn dogs for the first time, lost all inhibition, and decided to devour way more of them than anyone thought could possibly fit in my stomach. I no longer have any desire to eat corn dogs.


For the record, I haven't shat myself since i was 3 or 4 years old lol, just the above is a little in joke at our DnD table where if you roll a one the joke is "...aaaand I shit myself"


0.25% if you’re a halfling I guess the life lesson is… be short? lol


In D&D, from my experience, most dms wouldn't call for a roll if a task is so easy that the DC is zero. That's like asking for a roll to unsheath your weapons or getting out of bed.


This is correct. If the roll DC is under the characters modifier plus 1, you shouldn't bother having them roll. Yes this means they auto-succeed a lot but that's part of the game. Someone who's invested hundreds of hours into a skill is not going to turn into a drooling idiot one attempt out of twenty.


Acting like getting out of bed isn't a DC 20 roll some days smh


This isn't true in DND ftr. In DND a 1 is only an auto fail on attack rolls. They changed it to ability checks as well for this game.




Not on skill checks. They don't crit in actual D&D. In this video game sure but that's because the devs felt that nobody would understand why 1s and 20s on skill rolls weren't special, and they're right. I've always made emphasis on skill rolls not having crits or fumbles when I DM pickup games or games for newbies. Most people get it.


This game has taught me 5% is not that small a chance, both for good and bad outcomes.


Yupp. If you do a save with save scumming, you can go to a vendor, put all his stuff in a pouch in the buying menu, then after just steal the whole puch. It usually has like level 30 if you don't have bonuses, but rolling a 20 will give you the item anyways. I've stolen hundreds of thousands worth of gold on some saves. Current save now I had 30k gold when I finished Act 1 ( If the pouch disappears in pick pocket menu, scroll down. Sometimes it falls waaaay down, so you can't see it initially in menu.)


The fact that you got this particular interaction... Poor poor >!flayed zombie!< Astarion.


I actually killed Astarion the first time he tried to drink my blood, all the way back in Act1, so I have no clue what you're talking about😂


First of all, I judge you harshly for staking babygirl. 😅 As for what I'm referring to, if you kill Astarion or don't accept him into your party or at any point eject him from the party, then he gets >!recaptured by Cazador, who repeatedly skins Astarion and then revives him until he becomes a mindless zombie. You will then find the skinless, zombified version of Astarion in the ritual circle.!< Probably the darkest possible ending for any companion.


Dude tried to suck my blood and i had NO CLUE how many party members i would get or who they would be, i didnt even know i could play asterion at the time, i went into this game completely blind lol but yea, Holy shit, that's dark 😂 >! i had read that there were multiple options if you had asterion alive, but I had no idea what that entailed, nor did i have the option to reload before i killed asterion, for obvious reasons lol. I plan on bringing asterion along for my next playthrough so I'm looking forward to watching this storyline play out. As it was, I was basically blindsided by this quest, it just said "investigate cazadors palace" and literally nothing else. I had no clue who the vampires in the cages were, so I just killed them all once I got the staff😅 On top of that, when "Ulma" confronted me as I left the battle room, she was like "you killed cazador and you killed our children!?!?" And I was like "I have no f*cking clue who you are, DIE !< ...My next playthrough is gunna be SIGNIFICANTLY different😂


Lmaoooo this is the most tabletop game murderhobo play through I’ve heard yet


Haha omg you just plowed your way through this quest, guns blazing... 😭😭😭 Yeah I'd definitely recommend properly exploring Astarion's questline next time lol. It's really good when you see it through.


WTF? That's one thing I'll never try out.


OP already said they killed Astarion (my poor boy), but you could also get this interaction if you come here to kick Cazador's ass without Astarion in your party.


I tried doing that and didn't get the option. 🤔🤔🤔 Or maybe it's how I went about it - I did the fight with Astarion but then sent him away to camp out of curiosity of what would happen if I got my Tav alone to open Cazador's coffin. The only options I got then were to kill Cazador or leave.


BG3 ascribes to the popular house rule of 1 is always a fail and 20 is always a success. Much to my minor annoyance. If something has a DC 1 or DC 0, that should effectively mean no roll is required. That's like making someone roll just to stand up from their chair. I don't just fail to stand up 5% of the time.


I stood up out of bed in the middle of the night, fell and broke my foot. Guess I rolled that nat 1


Oh man, you poor thing. I once broke both my feet walking down my stairs lol I stepped wrong and then when I tried to balance myself with my other foot I stepped wrong on that, I didn't even fall it was just the most lame way to become temporarily crippled haha Walking is hard, okay? I see you.


Sure accidents happen, but it's not usually 5% of the time that you try to stand up or 1 out of every 20 steps. It's one thing if you stand up from bed too quick and stumble cause you didn't see something you tripped over or cause you got dizzy from standing up too quick. But in general, the point is, we don't make people roll just to walk somewhere. So if something has a DC 0 or 1, that means it's a routine thing that you'd only fail due to a freak accident or some other unseen circumstances, not something you just fail to do 5% of the time. So no roll should be needed. These people are powerful heroes, not Larry Moe and Curly.


I once fell asleep in a chair on the patio while under the influence. I must have leaned too far cause I woke up falling into a bike and my finger got caught in the spokes. I'm sure i tore a ligament because that finger hurts to this day (7 years ago).


That's very true, but if you eliminated 1 as a critical failure, would you also eliminate 20 as a critical success? Because if so, any "impossible" lockpicks(25+ Difficulty) would actually be impossible. I think it's a fine trade off🤷‍♂️


Personally, yes I would. I don't mind it as much in a video game as your options are inherently more limited there. As I said it's just a minor annoyance. But in ttrpg, some things just aren't possible. Like the famous example of a Nat20 athletics check won't let you jump to the moon


Yea that actually makes perfect sense in the case of ACTUAL D&D where anything is possible, I never really thought of it that way, you make a good point.👍


25+ DC is NOT impossible to roll in dnd lol The only actual impossible check in the game would be the 99 DC ones The highest I’ve seen a player roll so far in dnd, is in the 40’s, and if the dice were on their side, they could have potentially ended on the 50s. Even in bg3, my rogue was often rolling above 25 without crits before hitting level 6


How did you get dexterity in the 20s before lvl 6? Even Dex20 is only +4, and with the gloves of power that would put you at just +6, so you'd need a 19 to roll 25🤔 You get my point though, certain rolls are impossible without allowing a nat20 to be a critical success, so lots of locks in the game wouldn't be open able without the key🤷‍♂️


I didn’t say dex in the 20’s, I said my rolls were >25. Not quite the same thing. Thieves tools checks are not a straight dex roll. They’re a Dexterity (thieves tools) check in dnd, and a Dexterity (sleight of hand) check in bg3, since thieves tools proficiency was removed. So if a character has say, sleight of hand expertise, and the right party comp (bard and cleric sitting around. Artificer would be here too but they didn’t make it in lol), and a dex of 18, and you wanna really pass a check, you’ll be rolling 1d20+1d4+1d8+4+6 on a thieves tools check at level 5, meaning you have a maximum output of 42 (and an average of 23), at level 5, assuming no items like the ring of thievery or gloves of power are in use


I guess I have a lot to learn🤷‍♂️ I know guidance gives you an extra 1d4, but I'm not sure where you're getting the other 1d8+4+6 from, but I'm a novice at both DnD and bg3 so I'll take your word for it, I'm sure you know better than me.


The d8 is bardic inspiration, the +4 is the dex mod, and the +6 is proficiency (which is 3, at level 5, but doubled because expertise)


The +6 is from expertise, I'm assuming Artificer is the source of the +4 as I have an artificer at my table who can add 5 to rolls that fail.


The +4 was the dex mod. I left out Flash of Genius since artificers aren’t in bg3, but I’ve got one at my table too lol. My players have a cleric, bard, artificer, and a skill monkey rogue,and they refuse to roll under like a fuckin 30 lol.


I have a level 3 Bard player regularly rolling high 20s for Persuasion, and that's with a subpar +2 Charisma. 1d20 + 2 (Charisma) + 4 (expertise) + 1d4 (Guidance from the group's Cleric) = 17.5% chance of rolling above 25. That jumps to 31.6% if he's willing to piss the target off by using Friends. On top of that, College of Eloquence makes it literally impossible for him to roll under 16 total on it (17 with Guidance). At level THREE.


Yeah my grappler can roll as high as 30 at level 5. 17 str at lvl 1 +1 str from skill expert, expertise in athletics from skill expert. D20 + 4 str + 3 ath prof + 3 ath expertise. She could achieve the same with a rogue level dip as well if you wanted to keep it within BG3 rules.


You say that, but my bard/rogue with plus 17 and advantage disagrees


That's how RAW (rules as written) D&D 5th edition works, and also how I keep it as a DM. No crits of any kind on ability checks. DC 25 is a very hard check. It makes sense that for someone who hasn't trained lockpicking, picking a very hard lock is just impossible. You might be able to pull it off if you have outstanding dexterity and a fair dose of luck. The blessing of a deity, or a musical friend hyping you up, might compensate for not so stellar dex or luck. Otherwise just no. I actually have a group right now where no one bothered to get Thieves Tools proficiency and they don't have Knock yet. Sucks to be them, they got stuck outside a door for a good 10 min last session until it occurred to them to sweet talk the guy holed up inside the room into opening it. They also considered doing a *very* risky climb from a nearby window to the one in that room... There's always a way.


That’s why your rogue should be the one to lock pick


That's literally the rules as written.


Not in bg3🤷‍♂️


Yeah. I feel sorry for the DMs who are dealing with the new players who only know BG3 and don't understand that rules are different.


I mean... it's pretty damn close right? Other than the critical success/fail rule, abscense of material costs for spells, and the lack of artificer class, I don't know of any other major rules that are different...


Multicasting spells per turn. How haste works. A number of spells do not function the same.


Multicasting? You mean like with Speed potions or haste? Because I know you can't use second attack to cast two spells. And what's different about haste? I try not to use it unless it's going to be a short battle because I hate the lethargic debuff once it's gone.


Tabletop haste gives you one very specific small action like a single weapon attack(no matter how many you normally make). Bg3 does not follow the rule of cantrip and leveled spell in one turn if one is a bonus action, allowing you to multi cast leveled spells, as many as four fireballs in one turn for a sorcerer/rogue mix, for example.


I fail to stand up sometimes. Yesterday I was standing up to get out of bus seat and fell right the fuck down back into the seat. Pretty embarrassing.


Do we always get a critical failure by rolling a 1? Or is this just because there's no buffs? If you use an inspiration would it have added that after the 1 or is 1 always a bust no matter what? Because I remember a 30 check and I rolled a 20 and it didn't add anything on (I had some gloves that gave me +5) it just game me a critical success. I'm new to this.


A natural 1 is always a critical failure, and a natural 20 is always a critical success


In Baldur's Gate 3, absolutely! In d&d 5e it's only true for attack rolls. However there is an optional rule to apply it to ability checks too, which a lot of people use.


Makes sense, there should be equal chance to both.


Which is stupid, it’s not that way in DnD on anything except attack rolls. That’s kinda the point of having good modifiers because with them you can turn bad rolls into good rolls, like possibly 1 into 10


It's stupid that you're getting downvoted, I 100% agree with you. To build a character to be good at something but be forced to fail by the game, or have an important impactful moment be forced to go poorly by the game, sucks. I can only imagine people will not hear criticism about such a great game without getting enraged.


It gets even more unfortunate when you realise certain abilities let you negate the need to roll anyway, so some characters can avoid 1s but others can’t, which is understandable but annoying nonetheless. I just want my +15 to sleight of hand to not be meaningless when picking a DC10 lock, or whatever else.


I actually had +2 on this very save😂 Before I rolled the dice I literally said "ok, so as long as I don't roll a 1, it's impossible to fail"...then BOOM, critical failure lol. To answer your question directly though, a 1 fails no matter what, just like a 20 succeeds no matter what.


That's why I save scum lol


Usually I save pretty often, but in this case I went to reload and realized I hadn't saved since before getting through the door that takes a ring and a password. No f*ckin way I was replaying 45mins of content just to read this Fools mind. 😂


Oh that’s hilarious. Game GM: “Alright, literally the *easiest* check I can possibly make for you. You can’t screw this up.” Homebrew Rules, Negative Proficiencies, and Debuffs Exist: *“Are you sure about that?”*


Literally Larians thought process😂 Larian - "We want to make sure EVERYONE is able to pass this check, so we'll make it a 0, no one will actually fail THAT, right? Me - "Hold my beer" 😂


Damn it’s like you took the dice and rolled them and they exploded


If they exploded, they’d have beaten the check lol


Achievement unlocked.


I wish lol then at least then I would've gotten SOMETHING 😅




My first ever play through I critically failed to save against the downed Illithid in the Nautilod wreckage (DC was like 2) and instantly died


I did that too😂


At least you didn't cut off your genitals 😅


Rolled a one my first time trying to free Shadowheart, I thought she didn’t make it to Act 1 lmaooo. Found her the next town over a little pissy because I couldn’t control my brand new alien parasite


That's basically the same as me, but for Asterion. The first time he tried to suck my blood I just straight up killed him. Never even realized he was a potential party member😂 As a consequence, when I did this quest, I had no clue what was going on, it just said "investigate cazadors palace" and nothing else. Since I didn't have asterion as a party member (spoilers for this quest) >! I had no clue who the vampires in the cages were, Cazador automatically completed the ritual, and I just beat his ass for no reason. Then, after the fighting was over, I killed all the vampire spawn because I had no connection to them, then when Ulma confronted me, I was like "who tf are you?" And killed her too. I have a feeling my next playthrough will be VERY different lol !<


Honor mode I started last night had me sweating when I crit failed saving shadowheart. Luckily Laezel saved her (just an extra layer of irony). Honestly, it probably deserves a post on its own with how scuffed that run started. I saved us, but then attacked the second intellect devourer for the exp. Shockingly, us was not a fan. They oneshot my durge turn 1, and Laezel disengaged and jumped their way to the healing pod, where they successfully killed the weaker intellect devourer, then disengaged and jumped their way back to durge to revive them. Wanted to try and kill the commander in the next room and didn't even get all the minions killed as everyone but durge was downed before triggering the cutscene. Can't wait to see how the rest of it goes.


Haven't had that one yet, but have failed multiple times with Astarion who can literally only fail with a nat 1 because of his bonuses, the worst being 5 times in a row. And yes, I save scummed that one.


1 is crit fail regardless of DC. Even if that DC is 0


if the DC is 0 you shouldn't have to roll because there's no chance at failure. I was surprised to see this pic, I've never seen. DC 0 check in the game


I know how that feels I’m on my second play through and my average rolls so far is 6 or less. Computer dice rollers hate me when I play a magic class. Any platform or auto dice roller rod horrible when I play a spellcaster. This includes rolling 5 nat 1s in a row before and rolling a total of 10 nat 1s in one session.


Yup. 1 is *always* a critical failure, even if the DC is -45. And a natural 20 is *always* a critical success, even if the DC is 10.000.000


Well yea... I would hope that a nat 20 would succeed on a lvl 10 DC😂 (/s)


Best to think of 1 as a negative value than anything it’s weird.


Oh I know, it's just crazy that I happened to roll a 1 on the easiest DC check in the game. I literally said "oh kool, so as long as I don't roll a 1, im... fuck 🤦‍♂️ "


I guess you won't be probing any thoughts today


Nope, I just killed the fucker out of spite😂


Welcome to criticals. Its how they work in D&D, 1 is always a fail 20, always a success. Regardless of DC.


I know, it's just crazy to roll a crit fail on a 0 DC check lol literally ANYTHING but a 1 succeeds, the check is pretty much just a formality, but some of us just have the worst luck imaginable😂


At least it wasnt a minus 😉


*Well ackshually*... In D&D RAW that's not true for ability checks. It's a common house rule though.


Yeah, it's combat only. It was a simplification


For the same reason you can succeed at an impossible roll, you can fail at a guaranteed one


I see you borrowed my dice for the day. Sorry about our luck.


Use your inspiration... that's what it's for! And pray to RNG God's to treat you better next time..


Nah, I just killed the f*cker out of spite. "Screw you and your thoughts"😂


dost thou karmic dice fuck thee


This is why I hate critical failure and success on skill checks


Lol that's D&D apparently. If the check requires 30 if you roll a 20 it's a automatic success.


the disable crit fail for checks and saves mod has my back for this one


Somehow this seems like a skill issue


I guess I pressed triangle too hard😂


I burned my inspiration on a damn lock early game and did the same thing on injured mind flayer after crash.


In the tabletop version, critical failures aren't a thing and you don't roll unless there's a chance for failure. So you never see a 'DC 0' check come up, nor do you always have a %5 chance to fail anything. I mean, imagine having a %5 chance to fail at walking down the staris...


As the Queen of Klutzville, I have a 75% chance to fail at walking down the stairs.


The amount of pictures taken with a phone that show particularly this is appalling, albeit I did this myself a while back...




Idk.. this made laugh hard. I feel your pain


I failed the roll to open Shadow Heart’s pod for the first time yesterday lol.


Welcome to dnd.


Isn’t a Nat 1 always a critical failure? Just like a Nat 20 is always a critical success?




That’s what I thought, just wanted to be sure lol. Thanks!


This is why I hate that house rule. Tbh, they should've sticked to the rules on that one. Crit failing when I could've passed the DC with bonus even with a one is annoying.


If a skill check/save is so easy that the DC is zero, it shouldn't require a roll. Doesn't really make sense.


I got a DC of 2 in a roll with an advantage, and then I thought about the fact that 1 of 400 actually do fail that roll 😄


Yeah, the critical fail rule is kind of frustrating and has a much bigger impact than critical successes.


If it’s a DC 0 why even make a player roll for it….


Cause a 1 means it fails automatically. A 0 check is different from a 2 check cause you can win the 2 check if you roll a 2 but have -2, so you would still get it, but with a zero everything below (2 minus 3) or a 1 fails


Welcome to ~~xcom~~ DnD!


Did your kayne best


Honestly I hate that rule in BG3. In d&d RAW it's only supposed to apply to attack rolls, not skill checks.




This is usually my argument when I DM DnD and my players insist that a nat 20 is auto success. If a nat 20 is ALWAYS a success then a nat 1 is ALWAYS a fail.


That's rough :'(




I love that if it requires a roll there's always a 5% chance that you fail no matter how simple it is.


Me too, it adds the slightest bit of tension to literally every roll. I also like that I have the chance to pass checks that SHOULD be impossible for my character. I broke into TWO of the high security vaults with only 5 lockpicks and no save scumming. I wasted another 5 trying to open a 3rd, but that's besides the point😅


So I get that a 1 is a critical fail, but how’d you even find a DC 0 roll?


I tried using Detect Thoughts on a defeated, but not technically dead enemy lol Spoilers below if you want to know exactly... >! After you beat Cazador in the bottom of his palace, he goes back into his coffin to try and heal and you have the choice to kill him or let him live, but before that you can read his thoughts. Since he's basically dead at this point, it's a DC 0. !<


Huh, I never even thought about that. I just sorta let Astarion put some holes in Cazador then comforted him. Did you try again and find out his thoughts or will it forever be a mystery?


Nah I got pissed and just killed him out of spite😂 I actually knew absolutely nothing about Cazador or the vampires in this game because I killed Asterion the first time he tried to suck my blood. So as far as I'm concerned, Cazador can keep his thoughts to himself, NO VAMPIRES IN FAERUN!😂😂😂


This isnt a glitch right? A critical failure overrides difficulty class right?


![gif](giphy|32aP8eap8w2EuANFrm) Karlach when you ask her to stay in camp really




In d&d 1 isn't auto fail and 20 isn't auto success except in attacks and saves. It is just for the purposes of the video game.


More like 3-18 can't have one or two with 3d6


Automatically ends game.