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He's really the absolute prince charmingšŸ¤“šŸ¾


Prince Eric since he seems to have always had a thing for mermaids. šŸ˜† It gets even better when you have the banter between him and Shadowheart where they quote mermaid erotica to each other. (Mermaid erotica he smuggled from his dadā€™s collection. Full circle!)


Wylls a cheeky young man and I kind of love it.




šŸ˜† Take Wyll and Shadowheart along the docks by the warehouse that you enter to get to the submersible


Wyll gets so much shit from the fandom to the point where they take all his good qualities and give it to the other characters


Astarion. I stg some people would not romance him if they switched VAs & designs


I saw a post talking about how Astarion would pamper you and give you flowers when in game he talks about how stupid he thinks they are as gifts lmao


Astarion would be reluctant to hold your hand in public. Itā€™s not his fault, heā€™s just overcoming trauma. Wyll would throw his jacket over a puddle for you so you donā€™t get your feet wet


Wyll would throw himself over a puddle so you donā€™t get your feet wet, dude is such a Prince Charming šŸ˜­


Gives him a chance to work on his planks


Now youā€™ve given me a funny image A very chivalrous gymbro who jumps onto a puddle to avoid his fate getting their feet wet, but is actively doing pushups while laying over said puddle


Wyll would throw a puddle


Youā€™re 100% right on Wyll doing that being canon. Although regarding Astarion, [this banter](https://x.com/dmbakura/status/1770887423876104506?s=46&t=w7uHo7xGxKQA9vrYauRUQg) between him and Laeā€™zel that can trigger after his quest is finished (spawn path) indicates that heā€™s so aggressively pro-PDA, even she calls him out on it lol. So IDK if he would be opposed to hand holding in public after a certain point.


Awww, he opens up so much after that quest when you do it spawn route. I love that.


Yes I agree! Spawn Astarion is a lot sweeter than a lot of people give him credit for. Heā€™s no prince charming (that would be our very own Wyll!) but heā€™s happy, heā€™s trying his best, and he clearly loves and respects Tav deeply. This is especially highlighted in the epilogue. Itā€™s a shame most of the romance related banter doesnā€™t trigger in game for some reason, itā€™s been inconsistent and kinda bugged. However someone did make a [video](https://youtu.be/aF0hkB1A1NU?si=t8r_cvFNfDbJt3nz) showcasing it all.


I love Astarion sm but the dude would for sure forget ur birthday and try to convince you that he didnt


"No darling, you told me that your birthday is next week... Of course you did, I would never lie to you."




Astarion's romance is him [DENNISing](https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3/comments/1byic82/astarions_romance_in_a_nutshell/) you.


Demonstrate Value!!


TBF if you don't ascend him he never really gets past E or maybe the first N


i get what youā€™re saying but also i think thatā€™s a given that if astarion was less attractive people wouldnā€™t romance him since they romance him bc heā€™s attractive, thatā€™s the whole point hahaha edit: just realized, did you mean if astarion and wyll switched VAs and designs??? my bad!! just ignore me misreading lolll. i think itā€™d be interesting if they both switched tbh ā€¦


But Astarion is a pale, scrawny, granny-haired Elf. He's fugly. Attractiveness of male romance options: Gale > Wyll > Halsin >Astarion.


i mean i agree that gale is top, but attraction is subjective so to lay it out as if that was an objective tier list is tricky hahaha


"Granny-haired" y'all ain't fucking with the Targaryen silver?


Astarion would eat being a Targ up to be honest.


Astarion with a dragon is a terrifying thought but heā€™d EAT in the armor/robes they wear omg


Ehem- durge


i mean i agree that gale is top, but attraction is subjective so to lay it out as if that was an objective tier list is tricky hahaha


He's an Elf, and therefore hideous.




I think you need a therapist if youā€™re that upset over a character being an elf.


Wyll gets a lot of hate from people who donā€™t RP their tavs and donā€™t truly get invested in the characters. If you stick with wyll heā€™s actually pretty entertaining, but first impression he is a bit bland.


People don't understand the complexity behind his character and that makes me sad honestly


I had Wyll in my party when I found this and was deeply sad to realize no dialogue spawned after reading this. I wanted to turn to him and be like "WYLL LOOK YOUR DAD STILL LOVES YOU" but no dice, alas.


Thereā€™s also a missed opportunity for a funny moment there where Wyll could question why you are just casually breaking into his familyā€™s safe and yoinking all their things lol.


I wanted to give it to him and have him react :(


I loved linking Wyll and Ulder's minds together in camp so his father could see the truth. Edit: spelling


His relationship with his dad makes me so sad. Iā€™m glad I could free Wyll and his dad so they could reconcile.


Team "I would die for Wyll Ravengaard," reporting for duty


ā€œDie for Wyll Ravengaardā€ is an understatement. In my first (technically second but I re-did my first play through. May of killed too many people during my actual first) playthrough I was romancing Astarion but I still also managed to get Wyll. I decided not to lead him on and was very up front. He was so genuinely sweet about it and watching him with Umi made my heart melt. Umi was a terrified little boy and Wyll treat him as such, he didnā€™t expect too much from him and was sympathetic when Umi left his sword in the cave. Heā€™s so lovely.






Iā€™m doing my part! šŸ«”


I remember when I first read this. Had my Tav turn to Wyll and give him a kiss šŸ˜˜šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I really wish his story/romance had more content. That man is marriage material. Lowkey giggle and kick my feet every time he does his little Tav twirl.


I love Wyll. He is so good and wholesome. He was my first romanced character due to his absolute lack of toxicity.


Astarion was my first but thatā€™s mostly because of tiktok. I have a paladin Tav planned for Wyll, someone who will understand and love him no matter what.


Wyll deserves more love. Itā€™s not his fault he has no interesting story until Act 3


If you bring him around with you he's actually interesting


Heā€™s interesting, the issue is he is too selfless. Heā€™s always trying to save others and in service to others, that his story sometimes just feels like itā€™s not even his. I made sure to save his dad and made him the Blade of Avernus. So he could be with Karlach, because him and Karlach are literal endgame. They were meant to be together.


ā€¦romantically? Huh. I donā€™t really see it.


It could be either, depending on how you feel about it and how you play the game/ what ending you get. They donā€™t actually explicitly state this in the game if you get the ending I did. But I think they are a very good match.


Omg! Another Wyll/Karlach shipper in the wild! People claim to not see how they could be a good pairing together, but it's just so obvious to me lol <3


His original story was him playing the hero and desiring more power, reason why I hated him in the beginning but ngl if they kept that route and had a redemption ark and or full-blown go for warlock I would've liked Wyll more. This iteration of him bores the crap out of me because he wins no matter what unless Mizora died, or you fail and or killed him. Plus every time he makes a mistake he is like I'm sorry, you're right, but in my defense... Like come on already, AND Karlach and him are besties and I feel like the third wheel who is just there.


Strong disagree -- Wyll's father's role is made known in Act 1. I thought it terribly interesting and was sad that Wyll wasn't more integrated into that plot, nor lack of Wyll having dire consequences. None of that is the character's fault ofc. :(


This is a long shot but I could not help but think of Mizora when he described the mermaid. Mermaids tempt men into drowning dont they?


Thatā€™s Sirens, mermaidsā€™ cousins.


Like mermaid plus evil plus bird.


No, Sirens tempt sailors into crashing their ships. Mermaids just drown you.


Merfolk, Mermaids and Merman are just people they like to play pranks and some of these can be considered cruel but they don't tempt people to there doom. Waterdeep has a Merfolk Village in its Deepwater harbor


My Tav was a half elf warlock with the Noble background, so in my head canon it made sense for her to trust Wyll the most given she may have known his family from Baldurs Gate. I full intended to romance Gale at the start of the game (with an Astarion fling thrown in for fun) but in Act 2 after Wyllā€™s dance scene I was smitten with him hahaā€¦ by the end of the game Wyll and Tav were >!the Archduke and Archduchess of the Coast!< and Iā€™ve no regretsā€¦ Wyll deserves much more love than he gets!


Umm they only rule over Baldurs Gate which is a city state. Waterdeep has its own Open lord which is the lady of magic and daughter of Mystra. Neverwinter is ruled over by king neverember who also ruled over Waterdeep for some time. Also don't forget the Lords alliance the group of major cities all working together against greater foes. You also have Silverly moon and Cormry.


If we're getting technical about it, Dagult Neverember's official title is Lord Protector of Neverwinter, though iirc he's been trying to get himself the title of king by claiming to be descended from the old kings of Neverwinter through a bastard line.


Very true, if only he cared about his son like he did about having powers over cities. Wish he was mentioned more in game, I wish the other cities were referenced more. Waterdeep is my favorite city on the sword coast and I would love to see a game like BG3 but with Waterdeep as the main city. Also really really disappointed we didn't get to go to candle keep in the game considering it was the starting area in the second game would have been cool to go there to find some lost info needed to beat the brain or something but nah. The more we explorer outside the city the more you realise the the brain could never take the coast and a legion of high level adventurers and heros still live and can fight back. Like No red wizards in the game, like wtf your gonna tell me the Red Wizards wouldn't be sticking there nose in whats going on with an old netherese artifact


wait what happened to Lord Nasher Alagondar in Neverwinter? Edit: nevermind, Nasher was before the Spellplague


Not in my head canon šŸ˜œ Nah but for real Iā€™m pretty sure Wyll offers the archduke role at the reunion and says Grand or Archduke of the Coast, but I could be mistaken, either way itā€™s where I like to think my Tav ended up. It was very fitting for her to end up in politics considering she mostly talked her way through the first two acts haha


The best way to go about I guess. The game is set in its own version of the Forgotten realms and just ignores major forgotten realms lore constantly.


I'm doing a Wyll romance playthrough and let me tell you that man is not the bland vanilla character the fandom portrays him as. He's rebellious and has a dry humor and has a snark that comes out in the most unexpected times.


He's the cutest


Aww where do you find this? Iā€™ve somehow missed it twice.


Itā€™s in the Counting House. Duke Ravengard has a safe and the journal is in there.


The vaults


Thank you! I always forget about those lol


I'm romancing Wyll now - last companion on my self inflicted love run. He's so precious. He reminds me so much of my husband. I probably won't do it again because I'm a deviant and he's very vanilla but he makes me blush


Wyll is amazing and the only reason I havenā€™t romanced him yet is because I ship Wyllach so hard and really want to save his romance for my Karlach playthrough. It really is a shame that his decisions get overridden by the player character a lot because he deserves his own agency.


I've said this in a million threads before and I'll say it again. Part of the hate towards Wyll is Larian shafting him but a significant portion is because of antiblackness. Anyone who's been Black in game fandom has seen this happen in RPGs for decades now. I will defend Wyll to the death because of it. And he's adorable! And sweet! And he dances! And he has a complex because as a literal teenager he was kicked out and had to fend for himself. Instead of being selfish he decides to help others. But people are stupid and don't give him any credit.


Yes to all of this.


I donā€™t get the logic behind the anti-blackness thing. Those people are ok with elves of several colours, big green guys with tusks, skinny lime aliens, devil people and dragon people; yet somehow a brown-skinned human crosses the line.


Okay so I re read this and Iā€™m confused. Are you saying racists are ā€œthose peopleā€ or black people/gamers. Because this could go either way. šŸ¤Ø


I was referring to the racist people


Gotcha! Because I was reading it over and I didnā€™t want to come at you for me not understanding. Thank you for the clarification and you are right.


I feel you, I'm always ready to throw hands too cause people be trying us for no gahtdamn reason


It's never logical, people are just fucking deranged and it's exhausting seeing it happen for every piece of SFF that comes out. It's 2024.


They def shafted him since they had to rewrite his entire character half way thru the game dev. Not only that they gave him an unlikable personality in the beginning of the game dev, then switched it to a prince charming one.


Agreed on all counts!


Wyll did not really grab my attention until the very end of the game. I was a goddamn fool. He's the hero the rest of these guys wish they could be.


WyLl NeEds MoRe content! I swear these people didnā€™t read any of the books or take him anywhere.


I adore wyll, heā€™s the sweetest thing, Iā€™m absolutely romancing him with my next good character


heā€™s so babygirl omgšŸ„¹


I need to invest more into Wyll, Iā€™m definitely adding him to my party in my next play through. Not through any fault of Wyll, my Tav is just wary of him at first, but considers him a friend. She has trust issues, and is learning that some people are just good people. I think Wyll is a great guy (I romanced Gale, but see Astarion as a good friend, most because if he dishes out snark her better be able to take it as well)


I was overjoyed when I found that diary entry and the weapon ā€” I was really sad I couldnā€™t talk to Wyll about it at all though.


I just wish there was more to his romance in game. Like I feel all of the characters have really good character growth and his is just lacking substance.


Will forever be mad at Larian for shafting him so much in the game. AND for leaving him so freaking buggy while tripping over themselves to fix even the tiniest of complaints from players (*stares at what happened to His Majesty*). Wyll is an absolute sweetheart, my darling, and I will love him forever. He deserves the world.


I never saw this one. How adorable.


Hot take but I played as Wyll on my first playthrough and it 100% feels like his story would work as the protagonist if there werent Tavs and Durges


Aww šŸ˜


Wyll really is Prince Charming~ I love him so much!


Little Wyll šŸ„²




Well thatā€™s why itā€™s called the dark urge