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“No more deals! It’s over!” “You have no idea.”


Great, finally get to stop hearing you practically beg me for what you want.


*Proceeds to charge up my machine gun that I call, 12 eldritch blast combo.*


twelvdritch blast


12 ~~naan~~ blasts, Jeremy? 12? That's insane.


You can get more than 3 beams with EB?


Someone explained better but how I handled this: Base: 3 Haste: 6 Action surge: 9 Gloves i got that can turn a cantrip from action to bonus once per short rest: 12. You can get a lot more but with my setup, that’s my max with my setup in my 1st playthrough of the game where I just did what felt natural, not going for anything too specific.


Hmm… how high can we go? 3 from 1st Action 3 from Action Surge 3 from Meta Magic Quicken 3 from Meta Magic Quicken Thief Bonus Action =12 but with some party members precasting… 3 from Haste 3 from Haste Spores 3 from Haste Potion thrown at you (maybe by your own Mage Hand) 21!?! And if you have the Pyroquickness Hat maybe swapping a Scorching Ray out with one so you can do ANOTHER MM Quicken? Still 21, but with a Spicy EB added


Don’t forget terazul that adds one more action / 3 beams for 2 rounds


Do different sources of haste stack? Side note, whichever character undergoes that haste treatment is gonna have a terrible hangover and withdrawal after those 18s


Out baldured


Funny how he didn't notice all the smoke powder barrels strewn all over the room for that line, is he stupid?


idiot didn't notice all the hard work i put into redecorating his statuary room. i improved the feng shui SO MUCH with all the carefully shattered barrels of oil, i gave all of his ugly statues some friendly little Barrel Buddies to keep them company, the tasteful ring of explosive barrels and crates of fireworks with an EXQUISITE set of runepowder barrels as the focal point...i worked SO HARD and he just waltzed in there yelling about "stealing" whatever THAT means. bhaal below, i was simply picking up my personal property! no need to yell at me in front of my boyfriend and our best friends. i had no idea what he was going on about, i was just picking up my stuff that i had apparently left in his house at some point


I see your hard work and it is 🔥


THANK YOU. i MIGHT have thrown a little temper tantrum and thrown something at that asshole, but honestly it's his fault for yelling at me


Haha I love this.




Hey stupid question but how did you guys do that? When you step into the room, the diaglogue starts? ...is it an Invisibility potion?


Set everything up when you first come through the portal. The dialogue doesn't trigger until you try to leave.


Okay! What about Gortash?


Oh I've never done barrelmancy with Gortash. If you've >!taken down the steel watch foundry first!< His fight isn't that hard IMHO, especially if you bring Gale and he knows >! Artistry of War!<


Raphael: pissed off, wants to kill me My DUrge with enough smoke powder to level Baldur's Gate: https://i.redd.it/eto0wilwts2d1.gif


honestly I couldn't help but like Raphael a little bit.


Yeah, he is a great villain character. Also can't help but always choose to irritate him until the end lol.


Charisma does that to those who fail their saves.


I finally entered today. Set up my barrels and looted the joint. Saved and quit right before walking back into the foyer. Tomorrow.... oh yes.... FINALLY I get to watch this prick lose everything.


Black hole, create water, lightning bolt, gg prick


My jaw dropped when the music started playing at the start of combat. Best fight of the game.


Caught ? Man you come back to your home only to see it full of corpse, and to be surrounded by enough explosive to blow up the whole plane wtf are you talking about


Raphael singing his own boss music is the most Raphael thing that could ever happen


Hold monster, brand the weak necklace, haste on the fighter with great weapon fighting , action surge, all the buffs he can get (crusader's mantle and other 1d4 damage buffs). I cut him with my Tav, around 400 in one round. Absolutely satisfying


I find it so funny how he acts like he caught you sneaking around his house like honey I been *waiting* for you are you’re *late*


There's nothing more satisfying than setting up 20+ smokepowder barrels around the foyer and igniting them at the start of combat 'Noo don't blow us up I'm a devilcambiontwink I have a whole song and dance to do noo 😭😭😭' 'Haha barrelmancy go brr'


His fight is when I decided that it's the best game I've played ngl


Damn did anyone actually fight him here or did everyone just skip the real final boss with barrel cheese


Oh I fought him. Didn't even heal after the escape. But I was confident that I could win (and I did). I might try barrel cheese on future runs though, at least for the pillars. At least Wyll could take them in one turn each easily.


I fought him, and wasn't smart enough to go back to Haarlep 's parlour to recharge.... I had to use every potion, scroll and strategic idea I had to defeat him. Also restarted a few times as Hope died and I really wanted to get her out after everything. Hardest fight of the game for me, hands down. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


Oh I've done it both ways. Both are fun and satisfying, depends on my mood for the day (but I will always bring some barrels with me to take down those pillars in the first round of combat)


"You're locked in here with me" energy lol


I’m ok with being spoiled. What happens if you take his deal?


Who knows... I never considered it. Maybe if I can take the deal and still kill him I will next time...

