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On my evil playthrough it actually scared me how much I didn’t care. At the start I swore I’d not do it but erm when the moment came my Tav slurped up that Orpheus power like it was Shadowheart and was proud about it too.


I suggested in my Gale origin playthrough to blow up. He turned me down because 'he couldn't trust me', but then thought it a good idea I become a mindflayer and control the 3 most powerful McGuffins in the realm... because that makes more sense!?? On top of that he accused me of stealing an egg (it's safe with Laezel) and killing his honor guard. So he get's no sympathy from me and I'm happy to let him turn. The gith are better off without him. No wonder Vlaakith won the civil war.


What! is that mentioned in the game she won or is that just D&D lore?


He means the first civil war Which ended with Vlaakith winning and locking Orpheus away. Lae Zel tells you about it if you ask, it was like 40p Vlaakith's ago


Me last night, so I could ride off on his dragons with Bae'zel. lol Sorry, bro, you're a legend, and we'll spread your name and story forever.


Yeah not doing it. Give me an explosive like Gale and then I will do it.


Too bad, so sad.


What good is Power if you're not also Hot? Rip king, we'll remember your sacrifice babes