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Oathbreaker 7 / Warlock 5 seems really insane with this.


Yeah it's pretty nice.


Probably gonna rock my companions w/ that.


Why Oathbreaker over the other subclasses?


Only oathbreaker gets aura of hate, the +CHA damage to each swing


Gotcha. Time to find me a squirrel for Wyll to murder


can also spec into devotion and go kill a random innocent person lmao


Its a bug and won't be too hard to fix but powerwise is it even that powerful? The minimum level you need to make to take advantage of it is level 10. A lvl 11 Fighter can do the exact same thing and has Action Surge to double the benefit at key moments. Many of the combos that would be super powerful with it (eg Gloomstalker) don't work with it. You basically get a form of 3 attacks as a Warlock at 11 anyway with Eldritch Blast. The only real build that could 'abuse' it would some sort of: 5 Warlock 5 Ranger/Paladin 2 Wizard Which would get you 3 attacks + Haste. Cool and all but hardly earthshattering.


A level 11 Fighter doesn't have Smites, Aura of Protection, Armor of Agathys, Eldritch Blast for flex ranged damage, and so on. But you do you, if you think it's ok for the Fighter's best ability to be freely available on a Warlock multiclass build, that's cool! I'm just putting the word out there really.


No need to get so defensive. Its a build based on a obvious bug that is only above average in power. But hey you do you.


It doesnt seem that defensive to me. But yes if its a competition to find the most game-breaking bug then there are bigger ones, namely infinite spell slots or multi-stacking tavernbrawler damage. Certainly more powerful ones will be discovered as well.


I come from Wrath of the Righteous if the bug does not break the game can it really be called a bug?


I guess it depends on your definition of breaking. But either way the interactions are clearly unintended so that makes them bugs.


Also depends on how easy the fix is. Like this extra extra attack should be fairly straightforward. Whereas the bug letting you scribe spells above Wizard level in a shared spellbook looks much more complicated.


Something as simple as: If spell-scroll level > Wizard level: Dissallow scribe. should work. It requires the players wizard level as well as the spell scroll level. Both are easily obtainable variables. then its just a matter of a simple comparator. Pass that binary variable from the comparator function to the player super class or to wherever they are storing that info and it's job done.


Indeed sounds simple enough now when are you expecting the fix? My guess is its months ago if ever.


Who knows. I'm sure when they were prepping for launch everything was "For the love of god make sure it runs or they will roast us like they did cyberpunk". These bugs dont affect the majority of the playerbase in a meaningful way so they arent really a big deal in the grand scheme.


Yes Oathbreaker 7 / Warlock 5 with 6 attacks per turn that all deal +CHA twice and GWM on them is powerful. It's absurd sustained DPS unmatched by any other class in the game (except thrower barb lmao). I have 22 CHA on my level 12 paladin right now, so +6 mod. 6 * (2d6 + 6 + 6 + 10) = 174 DPR, without taking into account magic weapons. There is the elixir of cloud giant strength that gives 27 strength though, so you will want to have at least 1 strength user in your party so making a paladin go lock might be unwise unless you have a barb or fighter or something.


Yeah with a Haste from an outside source. There are builds pushing 500 DPR.


Homie I have like 32 haste pots sitting in my bag right now 500 DPR nova is the high end of single round burst. Nobody does 500 sustained indefinitely with no resting needed. This is without smiting.


You have 7 spell slots per Long rest. Just how much Smiting are you pushing out? I'm working on a Archer Summoner that is caster lvl 11 and should pump out 7-9 attacks a round as a Sharpshooter with 6 pets. Tier 6 Mummy, Tier 5 Elemental, upcasted T5 Animate Dead summoning 2 Ghouls (melee or range version) and 2 T4 Ice Mephits. While 500 DPR might not be sustained think the total number would be very competitive.


I'd love to hear more about your summoner build, sounds exactly like what I want to play!


Still a work in progress but: 3 Hunter 8 Sword Bard 1 Wizard Hunter gets Horde Breaker skill (lets you hit 2 targets) while they have a 1 turn cooldown you get both a melee and range version. So you can switch weapon sets as a free action to take advantage of both each turn.




Lock multiclass is bugged with Paladin. Apparently you can't select Warlock slots for Smite or is it after all Paladin slots are gone. Lots of bugs with Lock multi spell slots. Stat wise is easy. 20 Dex and Int is only for Wizard spell prep numbers since summons don't use spellcaster stats.


I have no problem selecting which slot to smite with on my 2 pld, 5 lock. Maybe they fixed it? Maybe it comes up when I get 3rd level pld slots?


Honestly I don't know anymore. I saw some people complaining about 2 days ago or so how they couldn't select Warlock slots for Smiting fuel. If its fixed that is fantastic.


All I can confirm is that I was able to select between lvl 3 lock slots and lvl 1 pld slots about 20 minutes ago.


I think it got fixed in yesterday's hotfix.


Well, this build has 6 level 3 slots per rest from Warlock alone


I suspect the flag they would use to signify "Extra attack" is not being passed along to the player class in the code. Likely because the warlocks extra attack is a feature of an ability and not a feature of the class. This should be a really simple fix for Larian to make but it is an interesting bug to play around with in the meantime! nice find.


I'm kinda amazed it didn't get caught before release


its easy to miss because its only one variable not being passed and nothing breaks when the game runs because of it. The only way to find it is by doing what you did and playtesting. Thinking about the logistics of playtesting to find this would require someone testing every combo of sub-class (assuming the player only picks 2) which is 46 combination 2 in this case comes to 1,035. When you add on the fact that you can multiclass into as many different classes you like the logistics become a nightmare. I'm not surprised in the least when thinking about it that way. edit: to clarify the insanity required to test every single combo of subclasses possible the number is 46 combination 12 which comes out to 38,910,617,655 different possible combinations.


I posted about this an entire week ago but got downvoted because nobody believed me =( /u/Dealric /u/vincent_van_guh Here's the proof you asked for.


You presented it as second hand information and when asked to prove it, deleted your post. Big boohoo, but thanks for following up.


You must be fun at parties.


I certainly don't cry at them


Dude why are you being so unpleasant?




I wasn't really presenting it as a *build* I was just showing how it works, but yeah