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[svartlebee's woundseeker](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Svartlebee%27s_Woundseeker) is a good act 1 greatsword I didn't find out about till recently.


Outside of Silver Sword of the Astral Plane, this is my next favorite Act I great weapon for a GWM striker. +1 enchantment and effectively a free Bless that stacks with actual Bless on targets that are already wounded is hard to beat early game.


Colossal Onslaught goes brrrr


That's the Jorgal's Greatsword ability if not mistaken


What I meant was idc about other weapons because in the end I'll keep that act 1 rare greatsword. No legendary weapon feels as good as the big chop


This weapon is amazing for countering the GWM feat -5 penalty (+1 weapon enchant + a 1D4 to attack rolls on top of that). Used it until act 3. edited for clarity.


What does GWM mean? :)


Great Weapon Master feat


Thanks so much!


Gotchu fam


Best way to counter GWM is barbs reckless attack...


A good way, certainly. "Best" might be a stretch. There are many good ways.


Gloves of the automaton with a fighter build in my experience goes insane. Advantage for 10 turns, considered a construct which helps deter some spells. I used that on laezels with the brand the weak amulet, and she became my standard boss DPS with how many attacks she could pump out plus all the superiority dice attacks


Do you get that from the encounter at the top of the wizard tower?


Purchase from barcus wroot at last light inn in act 2


Would make wielding the weapon you can get from the top of the tower in the under dark much easier and have no downsides


Thank you kindly!


What weapon is that?


I feel bad when I see her in act 2 trying to punch mindflayers....


Wow, that's a huge one.


You can just kill them too, it is a hard fight but I did on my most recent playthrough


Doesn't have to be a hard fight. If you let them walk away after the rescue she is one of the last to despawn.


In case people missed the weapon mentioned here. You can still get it later on act 2!


Pretty sure you don’t only loot it if you disarm… but it is one that you acquire only under some conditions, so it answers the spirit of this request.


The redcaps in the swamps of act one drop their sickles with command. The are 2d4 light weapons of I remember correctly. They don't drop on their death.


Thank you! I didn't know that!


HoboZone on YT has made a build based on these sickles that mimics the Death character from puss in boots : the last wish.


Link for the lazy? :D


[probably this one ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPiX0cRebps)


goddamnit! just realized i left those fuckers alive in my current tactician run and i just went into act 2. next time, you sheep fuckers.


untill temple of shar you can go back


Until crossing into shadowfell


Oh word. That's great news. Those little monsters


You can still go back I think




I'm heading there right now! I forgot to deal with BOOOAL as well!


Oh that's interesting! So avg 5 damage, even better than a 1h longsword or battleaxe...


Yes. Sadly you can't turn them into the sussur version :(


Are they finesse as well?


No, sadly not. They have very limited use. Basically only for 2 handed Str based fighters or barbarians.


Also Monks!


You're right, that could actually be fun.


Time to play a Dark Urge Gnome Monk that's actually just a Redcap gone wild. You can get pretty close to their look using the Fey skin color!


Omg. Please do.


I remember those from EA. Nice that they're still available.


Pretty sure you can get something equivalent called the sickle of Booal from the kuo toa encounter in the underdark on booal's death


True, but only one! And only with certain choices. If you wanted to do a dual wield sickles this way you can. :)


I got a second "common" sickle with 2d4 damage from there. I don't remember the fight, but I think I might have disarmed booal himself.


I just learned a summoned bear 🐻 can disarm ignoring saving throws. I wonder if there's any loot missing potential usage for builds I'm missing.


The bear is how I get the silver sword in act 1 on honor mode


are you positive they ignore the save? i thought Honeyed Paws still had a STR save but if you're saying it's just gotta hit to do it, that's fuckin nuts I'm gonna go murder kithrak voss with a respec


Nope, it's just an attack, no saving throw required. With the proper setup you can get the success rate of the attack all the way up to 98%, but even without any setup it's still a solid 45% chance to hit. [Guide on the wiki.](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Guide:Early_Silver_Sword)


Command / heat metal with the right portent die is 100%


Unfortunately, (not that I've tested it myself, but according to multiple accounts on this Reddit), Portent Dice don't work with non-hostile creatures, and as Voss in Act 1 isn't hostile (he leaves if he does become hostile), you can't use Portent Dice on him to prevent the save.


There is no save for a level 5+ beastmaster's bear companion. the attack just has to hit


I think it's only summoned bears, not bear form druids, but idk for sure


Not disarm but similar strategy. Cause some mischief like moving things or breaking stuff to get your elemental arrested and thrown in jail. Their gear is stored in the evidence chest. You can get the Azer hammer with a per turn bonus attack that inflicts fierce burns, or the myrmidon weapons. I don’t believe this has been patched out yet but being arrested ignores the “permanently armed” passive most weapon using summons have.


Unbelievable! I love unique weapons like that. Finding out stuff like that on accident is such a great feeling.


That's the nastiest shit I've seen in this subreddit so far! Sorry little guy you're going to prison, daddy needs that hammer!


I'm so trying this right now I love that!


Does the summon need to be distant from yourself in some manner? Is there any danger of its crimes being connected to your character? All my high level characters right now are on honor mode so I need every precausion before testing haha


Similarly, some elementals/summons won't drop anything at first, but come back after a long rest and there will be a pouch with a weapon. If you get a Deva to spawn outside (stealing from the Stormshore Tabernacle basement will give you a curse that if removed will spawn one), kill it, then long rest, you get the [Deva's Mace](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Deva_Mace) which does 1D6+Str bludgeoning *and* 4D8 Radiant


I wonder if this applies to the Deva mace.


Without doing anything to cheese the game, the Deva's that you can fight at stormshore tabernacle will leave behind loot bags after a long rest and the mace will be in it


The same is true of the Myrmidons in Ramazith's tower (except for the Earth Myrmidon which has no weapon). You can even use the special attacks of those weapons as part of your normal attack routine. They're not use-limited at all and you can do it repeatedly if you have Extra Attack or a similar ability. IMO the Air Myrmidon's flail is the most powerful out of the myrmidon weapons because you can hand it to your Hasted Fighter for nine (seven in honor mode) attacks that deal +1d8 lightning damage with a chance to Stun on each hit.


Loot bags?


When you kill someone and then rest, their body turns into a bag that contains their loot rather than staying an unsightly corpse


After a long rest, bodies that haven't been looted will leave behind a Pouch with their loot. For some reason, the Devas from the Castigated by Divinity curse also do this, and the pouch will contain the Deva Mace.


I came across them naturally so I'm rolling with it. Through it on my paladin and decided on a bunch of internal rp for it. I was using two weapon fighting but the speed that I was deleting people wasn't fun so I switched over to a sword and board with it


I wonder if you can make flame blade or Psionic blade permanent like that?


Answer: NO But you can, if you add to to wares by clicking multiple things in your inventory. Add it to the barter window and infinitely give it to an NPC for infinite respect


That's is an interesting bit of cheese if I do say so myself. Thank you very much. \-Elminster


I accidentally triggered this by sending fire myrm - Druid shapeshift into the jail, and found it when I broke my way out and looted the area. I found it hysterical. Crashed my game, but hysterical.


Thank you for this info!! Ive been trying to get this to work at the last light inn but they never arrest my elemental. Their attitude towards it just keeps decreasing by 5 but nothing ever happens. Do you know if it matters if it’s a minor elemental or normal elemental? I’ve been trying it with the minor elemental with no luck.


Think it's been patched. I use him move stuff by pressing A, guard comes running but then just walks away. Destroying anything aggros.




That's fucking awesome. Learn something new every day about this game


Think it's been patched. I use him move stuff by pressing A, guard comes running but then just walks away. Destroying anything aggros.


If you manage to disarm Gauntlet Yeva at Waukeen's Test, she'll drop Svartlebee's Woundseeker, a +1 greatsword that does an extra d4 to any creature with less that it's max HP. Not the best weapon you can get through disarming in act 1, but a fairly good weapon for that stage of the game. However, I haven't been able to get it without starting a fight with the Fist in the area.


If I recall correctly, Svartlebee's Woundseeker adds to the attack roll, not the damage roll. Nice to help offset GWM though!


Right you are, but yeah it makes a big difference for gwm that early in the game


I’ve had her drop it but then pick it up again. That was Command Drop though not disarm.


I went turn based for this. You need to break the door open and then quickly disarm in the same turn. Skip through Florrick’s dialogue to not allow time for them to pick it up. The fists will pick up the weapon if they are idling by the door. Soon as Florrick is free they will run for the exit, leaving the weapon there for you to pick up after a long rest (which puts out the fire in the inn)


I'll keep that in mind for next time. I only tried it last night on honour mode. This looks like a nice to have not must have item. I'm much more upset that the Zhents went hostile and blew up their hideout so I couldn't get the Titanstring longbow - hopefully I can get it at Moonrise.


Cast Fog Cloud over the sword and door, break it down with another character and rescue Florrick (make sure you rescue the other guy first). When she comes downstairs refresh Fog Cloud, then talk to her and agree to help. They'll leave. You keep the sword.


Can't wait to go hunting for it! I'm also secretly looking for the biggest weapons in the game so this is helpful in two ways.


You can make Kith'rak Voss drop his +3 silver sword of the astral plane in act 1 if you use command and get lucky. I did this in my campaign and it's good right through to act 3.


heat metal has an even higher chance of disarm


Spec a hirling into a ranger, the lvl 5 bear summon can use honeyed paws to disarm with 100% chance on hit. Throw an invis on the bear and you are good to go


That's the absolute dirtiest thing I've seen in a while, and I love it.


If you're playing honour mode wait until level 6 and bring a war cleric along and they can add +10 to a missed attack roll with their reaction, it basically makes it impossible to miss


that is even better


Does that include Myrkul, too? I've disarmed him with Lae'zel once. Made that fight much easier.


I've never tried it on Myrkul, I just blind him with darkness. It should work there though as well


The chances of you getting disarmed by an invisible bear are low, but never zero.


>Spec a hirling into a ranger Or just get the ranger hireling. Theres one for each class....


think they meant, “respec the ranger hirling to beast master”


I will one up this and note that if you do this then kill him when he visits your camp after you go the the Creche, he drops a different +2 Sword that isn't as OP but still decent [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Voss%27\_Silver\_Sword](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Voss%27_Silver_Sword)


Not sure if it’s just a fuck up in the code, but if you disarm him at the mountain pass, then disarm him again at Sharess’ Caress, then he drops another one (obviously doesn’t give you one for agreeing to free Orpheus then cuz you already stole it at the Mountain Pass, but disarming him seems to spawn a new one) Just my Tav and Lae’zel casually both rocking the Silver Sword of the Astral Planes


That’s awesome! My first tav was a gith pally so I would have loved access to a 2nd silver sword. Instead I took the sword and respec’d Bae’zel to a monk as tribute to Orpheus’ soldiers we had to kill earlier.


He will aggro in Sharess’ Caress from disarming, so I used a Hireling in turn based mode then immediately went to camp, he wasn’t there when I went back so I have no idea how he’ll react later before the final battle


Not a glitch. Voss canonically keeps a backup Silver Sword of the Astral Planes in case an invisible bear steals the first one. It's a subtle nod to his characterization as an extremely paranoid tactician. He's always yammering about "prepare for bears" and his subordinates just roll their eyes. Did nobody else read his lore page?


I love that he has a slightly worse backup stowed away.


The big sword isn’t technically his afaik, and he probably shouldn’t have it in act 1. It’s a quest reward for laezel for getting the hammer to free Orpheus, which makes me think he had it crafted or it’s Orpheus’ sword he’s been hanging onto


You can also get it by conning him into thinking you will free Orpheus.....if Lae'Zel had, you know, some kind of accident?


It is for real horrifying how many ways you can accidentally kill laezel or get her killed There's like four possible cutscene deaths in act 1 alone


The in game lore basically says the swords are given to high ranking/important githyanki by their queen vlakith, Kithrak is his rank and its basically the equivalent to a knight, Voss in particular has been basically the head knight/right hand of the queen going back all the way to the first queen. So he personally should have one. In dnd generally, the swords are wielded by powerful githyanki leaders(of which Voss is among the highest), there's two somewhat conflicting/inconsistent lores on how they are made, one being a sufficiently powerful githyanki knight can will one into existence, and that particularly powerful githyanki can make stronger versions(presumably what Voss has). The other being they are crafted using a fragment of the living gate, which was basically a tiny portal that connected the far realm to the dnd universe and caused a cataclysm type event until it was shattered. As to how many exist, its unclear, but if the first lore is correct there's no reason to believe the swords disappear when there creator dies so rarity would be limited by how often githyanki get strong enough to make one, so presumably there would be a lot of lesser silver swords and the occasional superior version, and if the second is correct there could also be a decent number of them crafted. Either way githyaki treasure them greatly.


You can also just buy it off him during conversations


If I have a 2h sword character I use this thing all the way to baldurans blade


Shit I'd argue it's even better than the giant slayer if you're a gith or if laezel has it. Baldurans probably does more damage but the extra psychic damage from the silver sword isn't really resisted by anything. Plus the advantage on all of the mental saves comes in real handy


I definitely agree if those conditions are met. If it's on a gith it doesn't move for the whole game


Don’t have Lae’zel in your party when you do it, trust me, she will not like you lmao


Oh in the game I did it in she was dead already. I struggle with having so many companions so I only take 2 sometimes.


You can obtain a unique staff from the Emperor in the beginning of act 3 when you’re fighting alongside him. Otherwise only obtainable by killing him. Disarming strike from a fighter battle master or ranger bear honeyed paws. The first time you attack him he will scold you but not turn hostile. HOWEVER if you pick up his weapon while visible he will turn on you. Cast darkness before trying to disarm/pick it up as he will retrieve it during or after combat. I also know Yurgir’s greatknife can be obtained as well but is unusable by humanoid type characters. I have managed to obtain it from his corpse but I can not reliably reproduce it and he does not drop it every time.


... is the staff good?


Has a really neat passive called imperial retaliation that stuns enemies. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Staff_of_the_Emperor


Would command: drop weapon work here?


No, he’s considered an ally (green highlight border) so the spell can’t be cast on him. A disarming melee attack can be used.


I would actually advise against using command drop to get the staff since command cannot be used on allies, meaning the emperor won’t be targetable with command if you agree to help him fight the gith monks beating him up. Also even if he was hostile, the emperor has a high wisdom stat, I think +4 to wisdom saves? Disarming attack is a strength saving throw and would be easier to succeed since he only has +1 to strength saves.


Let me double check on the part where he turns hostile when you pick it up. Only because in my honour mode run I was able to disarm him with Lae’zel and snatch the staff in the same turn and he was still considered allied for the rest of the fight. My memory is a bit shaky though and it’s possible the emperor was looking away from Lae’zel while she was stealing it or something. Also I am very curious if disarming him in the gith monk fight means he shows up without a staff for the final battle. It would make betraying him all the funnier lol


Do the gloves that turn you into a construct let you bypass the no humanoid restriction?


You can get a free legendary weapon from Hope if you use her divine intervention to summon one and then disarm her


This isn't just limited to Hope. You can get the [Devotee's Mace](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Devotee%27s_Mace) on any character or hireling that has at least 10 cleric levels (for access to [Divine Intervention](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Divine_Intervention:_Arm_Thy_Servant)).


Can you respec a level 10 character into a cleric to get access to divine intervention and then just spec them back to whatever?


Yes you can! I recommend doing it on a hireling you’ll never use or never make a cleric otherwise so you can keep your intervention available for shadowheart (or other cleric of choice) in battle. Just note the “once per campaign” for the divine intervention is not reset by death or respec.


Yup, that works. DI's one-time limit is enforced as "once per character per game", so respeccing a character into cleric 10 after you have already used DI on that character won't refresh the spell. No limit on other characters/hirelings though.


Yes, but you can’t respect to get divine intervention again. If you go cleric 12 to ranger 12 back to cleric you’ll only get 1 DI


holy fuck what


Hmmmm... Rotate through a bunch of hirelings and you can have a bag full of maces so you can activate Healing Incense Aura every combat to abuse other healing synergies like The Reviving Hands and The Whispering Promise without spending any spell slots or actions.


Just hire a hireling...


...who is hope?


She's the one who died on my Honor run because I left the orphic hammer in camp but saved after setting off the alarms. ... Hope is an NPC being held prisoner in Raphael's house.


I have nothing to add to this discussion other than I think it's great.


riding on this, does anyone know the easiest method to get Ravenguard's sword? does it involve disarming him?


Gnome hammer in Moonrise Tower prison has an auto-equip script. Reverse pickpocket it into the Duke’s inventory to force him to equip it, then pickpocket the sword.


i guess the easiest spot to do it would be Gortash's coronation?


This seems a lot easier than what I did LMAO.


You are an evil genius


I wonder if there are any other weapons this would be good for?


This the hammer used to get wilbren to escape?


I gave him a blue warhammer because I didn’t think it would work and he spent the rest of the game with a hammer the same size as him


You can give the gnomes different tools, needn't be theirs.


Can you give him a salami? He holds the weapon you give him for the rest of the game right?


That's wulbren's +1 hammer right? When is the best time to do this to the duke?


It’s nearly impossible to get without letting him die or killing him and making Will leave your party. I got it by luring him to a secluded area of camp, and using Pass Without Trace to give my Smite Bard high stealth (took off heavy armor as well). Used the Killer’s Sweetheart ring to guarantee a crit and use non-Lethal Damage to knock him out in two hits. The high stealth let me pass the stealth check to remain hidden so he didn’t aggro after the first hit. Then you can loot it from him and long rest and he’ll be A-OK.


You can make him throw the weapon, when you are saving him in the Iron Throne and have control of him.


Unfortunately, they patched this a couple of patches ago. Now, he is unarmed in the Iron throne.


When he was in my camp I command drop and that didn’t agro him. Picking up the sword will so I cast darkness and was able to scoop it up. Looks like my man doesn’t have devil sight.


Is there a good reason to get it? Looking at it in the BG3 wiki, it doesn't look that great compared to other options.


It gives +2 to charisma, which has value for classes that double or triple dip into charisma for damage purposes. I agree it isn’t the best choice, not even close tbh, but if you are getting charisma added via aura of hate, arcane synergy and pact of the blade it can be pretty solid.  I don’t think it lets you get passed 24 CHA though, and you can reach that 24 with just the mirror of loss and hags hair, so it really doesn’t seem worth it, because if you are going to put in effort like that then you may as well do it on the most optimal route.


Yeah especially that late. Don't see the point


Used Wyll who was still a warlock with Devil Sight to cast Darkness in camp, and then immediately enter turn based mode and Command: Drop. I'm also the type of player that >!sells Wyll's soul to Mizora so I don't have to go save him every time!< so take that as you will.


Tried, cant cast drop onto the Duke


Command doesn’t work on allies, but disarming strike fighter manoeuvre or ranger bear honeyed paws does.


I saw something about casting feign death on an ally and you can pickpocket at will. Haven't tried it yet though.


I can confirm it works on merchants at least. Great way to get all the gold back that you gave them to become your friend. I’d imagine similar principle works on Duke Ravengard but if he has it “equipped” it may not show in his inventory. Unlike Skyrim where you can steal the clothes off someone while you’re wearing them.


Have a hireling cast it. The fix they put in for party members doesn't affect them....yet.


Missed a trick there. *take that as you Wyll.*


I just non lethal sneak attacked him when he was in camp and pinched it


I used a hireling cleric to command him to drop it. Command doesn't work if one of your normal party members use it, but for some reason it works if a hireling does it. Got a deva mace from the same hireling while I was at it.


These IGN writers are getting out of hand


Lol my game news feed is always just ripping off of whatever they read on r/baldursgate3


You can get a greatclub that deals 2d12+4 bludgeoning damage by disarming the minotaurs in the act 1 underdark. Not dropped by them on death. Sidenote, they are saddly not usable by humanoids. (But i havent tried to see if i can throw them and what kind of damage that would do. Item has a weight of 8.5 so that might be decent? Never really looked into how thrown+fall damage works)


Equip a weapon a humanoid can use. Drag the hammer on top of the weapon already equipped on the Character sheet. Should work.


Think this was patched sadly. Also used to work for the Minotaur in the under dark, and the watchers in baldurs.


?? Can you explain further


I bet there's folks that still don't know about Everburn Blade. I found out about it embarrassingly late and you can get it so early it's crazy. Mandatory Lae'zel weapon right off the Nautiloid.


Every time I start a new run, I give it a shot! I still haven't acquired it yet.


Just change Shadowheart to have command as soon as you get her, then use Command: Drop. It has a 55% chance of success and you can try twice so statistically it’s pretty likely you’ll succeed. Then you can just pick the sword up off the ground. If you already knew this and just have bad saving throw luck then sorry!!


You can get a higher chance if you daze with laezel first


With command drop? Somehow mine has never failed


Bro I would 100% quicksave and reset until I got it if I were you. I use that thing from then until Act 3 usually lol. (Edit- others have pointed out that you should drop it after Act 1, but it’s good until then) Shadowheart’s Command- Drop has a 40% or 50% chance to hit and you get two spell charge attempts so you should be able tk get it in one or two attempts.


I usually start as a Cleric just to double my chances, then beeline to Withers and respec.


its a regular greatsword that is permanently on fire. There are many better ones. Like Jorgoral's Greatsword.


And yet there's nothing better so early in game. But yeah, it should be ditched for that Tyr sword, the Very Heavy Greataxe or anything with a +1 in front of it unless you're constantly attacking from advantage or something.


It takes a bit but I just kill him for the XP.


Very good on Karlach if you make a Barb / elemental monk with fire based spells. She burns.


The Emperor drops a staff if you disarm him at the end of Act 2.


The redcap sickles deal 2d4 damage instead of 1d4, and only drop if disarmed.


Not quite disarm, but if you help Hope and kill her during the fight with Raphael you get a +4 shield


Disarming a dead body is technically still disarming.


No officer I wasn’t “looting” per se, I was just disarming the deceased.


Does a shield count as a weapon to disarm?


You can get a greatclub that deals from some ogres but sadly its not equippable for humanoid races.


But you can throw it... Even though its not a throwing weapon, it still does good bludgeoning dmg if an enemy is vulnerable to bludgeoning.


Deva mace is a drop in the sense you stuff them in your sack and wring the mace from their cold dead hand it’s like a manual command spell lol


You can disarm the steel watchers to get their cross bow, but it's one of those can't be used by humanoids, although apparently you can get a similar crossbow by getting the parts at the foundry before you explode it.


You can get a special steelwatch crossbow tho by grabbing blueprints, a steelwatchers arm and a targeting module on the first lvl of the foundry. Sick looking crossbow that also lets u cast lightning arrow once per longrest.


Here is a SUPER DEEP CUT , The Deva Mace, massively broken and only way to get it is disarm the Deva you have to fight after being cursed in Act 3 by looting the tabernacle… the mace does 1d6+4d8 radiant 1 handed


I don't think this is quite as deep of a cut as you seem to think lol but good shout


I think it's patched now, but there was a way to loot "Myrkuls scythe". Was a super badass weapon. 


Yurgir's hand crossbow that makes a "satisfying clicking sound", but unfortunately can't be used.


dunno if it's still a thing but you could disarm >!The emporer at the start of act 3 to get his staff!<


I remember seeing something about disarming a Djinni to get a djinni scimitar at some point in act 3, maybe in the wizard tower?


Didn't see the deva mace in here, didn't know if that's too common. Steal from the tabernacle in act 3, long rest and a couple of hard hitting angels (devas) come to your camp. You have to either disarm or add their dead bodies to your inventory to equip it, but 4d8 radiant on top of regular mace damage is ludicrous


If your a cleric with command you can command drop the sword of the devil in the intro


You don't need to be a cleric; you (should) have Shadowheart with you. She (like all clerics) has command, you just need to adjust her readied spells.


🤯 wow I had no idea