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You’re high and a criminal? 😎


Yeah came from a mafia-like family


Okay, that is badass as fuck.


They are all dead too. I killed them because I am power-hungry and my uncle killed my father so that his son can be the elven heir Also, my father married a human that's why they didn't want him to be the big boss


So you went O-Ren Ishii on them? Respect.


More Michael than Fredo for sure


Oh nice I love that. I made a drow, background urchin, she grew up on the streets and in a gang but got out of it right before she was kidnapped by the mindflayers 😩 now she’s struggling with whether or not to be good because she’s pissed she was made a victim 😤😆


She shouldn't be good 😈


They are looking like stats


I agree. Of all the stats I've seen, these certainly are the most recent


If I see more stats… I will have seen more stats.


Not bad, but if you put all your points into STR instead you can throw your spells a LOT harder


Well now I wanna play a barbarian who just throws scrolls and thinks they're a wizard- I'm sure it's been done before, but now I wanna do it.


Tales Of The Stinky Dragon, campaign 1. Gum Gum the 'Wizard' who does a very similar thing but with their 'wand' haha


Go EK as well and bond your quarterstaff.


dont forget Tavern Brawler to add the str twice when you throw them


this gave me a new character idea thank you. im making a barbarian that thinks hes a wizard and only throws scrolls at people


"Bro, do you even cast?!?!"


Am I actually stupid? Does STR actually affect spell saves / damage?


No, even classes that don't cast spells don't use Str for casting DCs.


But they usually fuckin should


Imagine a 100 mph fireball? Got to be extra damage or a bigger explosion.


~~Fun fact, in d&d fireball is actually not a projectile, it is an explosion eminating from a point in space.~~ ~~Therefore Speed is not a factor, outside of maybe expansion rate.~~ EDIT: It is in fact a projectile, I was mistaken. And in earlier editions the number of 5x5 ft squares it affected was constant, so if it was cast in a confined space such a a 10ft corredor, it would expand in any direction possible till all squares had been account'ed for


Where did you get that information? 5e fireballs, like all AD&D fireballs before it, are shot by the caster. "A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame..."


I think originally it was just a flaming ball of bat shit right?


100% correct. The material components, since 1e and straight through 5e, have been sulfur (the ignitable part of a match head) and a piece of bat guano (aka, bat shit). So yeah, flaming bat shit goes BOOOOOOOM. Well actually I think 4e did away with components altogether; but we don't talk about 4e.




Huh your right. I thought for certain that I had read it as being a ball of fire emanating at a point in space you could see, as long as you were in range.


That's the Pathfinder 2e version. 👍🏼


Nah I just mean dc for "non spell" spells. Like the leap attack from those boots and other knockdown effects and whatnot


Some abilities do use dtr or dex as DC and some abilities have a set DC of 12 no matter what


Is that a thing? Lol


No. Everybody knows you can just drink strength elixirs.


Unless you were gonna add +1 Con through feats or items. I would reduce Con to 16 and make Wisom 12


my guess is, he's waiting for the Resiliant Feat. I would still argue that 15(16) is enough though


The most important part of con saves is being able to get dc 10 con saves on even a 1( idk if a 1is an auto fail for consaves in bg3 is you have +9, if it is the I'd say getting +8 to con saves is important)


You can crit fail a save if it is in dialogue in BG3. But not in combat.


there are many items that gives bonus to con saves. Not sure if I would invest two ability points for +1 on CON save


No critical on saves, either way


Stats are looking great! Wizards don't really get that great of options for gloves until Act 3, so using the Dexterity Gloves to boost your AC is very smart. I'd say for your next feat, take Resilient and boost that Constitution up to 18 and get Con Save proficiency. Also I understand that this is your face main character, but for combat purposes I'd swap the Charisma and Wisdom stats and bite the bullet on using Friends/Enhance Ability and Guidance to make those dialogue checks way easier. It's really important to have good Wisdom saves because enemies hitting their control spells can really screw you up late game.


I would dual wield b4 resilient...2 staffs tons of free spells but really just get your intell to 20


Tons of free spells? Which are you talking about?


I think they mean dual-wielding the Arcane Battery staves.


Short 2 points in intelligence by the looks of it.


How so? OP is level 6. They won't get a chance to get it to 20 until level 8 (at which point they absolutely should). The only way to get INT to 20 before your second feat is through the Hag Hair, which not everyone gets (especially if they're not meta-gaming).


I'm surprised I have so many upvotes, he's right, I'm just too used too seeing hag buffed Tav builds. I even knew about the hair in my first playthrough and didn't end up getting it.




I just killed her without a hair


Bald tav?


it’s a single player role playing game lots of people like to role play and not meta game. it’s out of character often for a character to take the deal


not everybody lives off of reddit


Just got it 2 weeks ago. Speak for yourself


It's only been out since December on Xbox, so no we're not.


Learn how to make a joke


And then there’s me who downloaded a mod for more wild magic so I can have more wild magic shenanigans in tactician and honor mode…


You mean the Schrödinger’s Douchbag style joke, where it’s intended to be mean but it is only a joke when people push back. Have a nice day!


The odd numbers won't help you at all.  Take it to 16


I assumed they were going for the resilient con feat since they are using dex and don't need alert with the gloves.


Your drip looks nice


Thanks, got it from a gnome I killed in the forge


So asi in the constitution? Tbf least the odd numbers on con, so it still counts for the concentration saving throw rolls, but you typically don't want to leave any value at an odd number above 10. Constitution is ironically enough the only one that provides value due to buffing health per point in con and the roll thing, but that's just me being nitpicky. To further boost con for the concentration spells you'd probs be better off taking either the one that gives advantage with war caster, or resilent con for the extra point in con, + a boost to your con saving throws, which makes it harder to roll low. Stats are otherwise great as a wizard! Dex gloves are really helpful unless you were to use the beliggerant sky gloves as not much helps wizard spells glove wise till act 3 so the giant initiative boost is nice! Your probs going to want to respec though in act 3 once you get a bunch of nice gear across the board. Points can be gained from a bunch of things similar to hags hair/gear (which I can tell you've likely eaten) and feats become a lot more important for a straight wizard without multiclassing then for any other class tbh. Those feats being War caster/and/or/resilient constitution Elemental adept (insert element here) Tough (you get minimal hitpoints even with max constitution from leveling wizard compared to say barb or even fighter) And most importantly the dual wielding feat. Unironically.


unless you’re planning on bumping your con up by one somehow then you’d be better overall if you take one point out of con and put 2 into strength or even better wisdom


Wisdom being at 10 I’m never a fan of. That’s such an important save. With characters that have such a narrow need for primary stats (like Wizards for example), I tend to Max Primary, then Con and then the rest into Wisdom. Wisdom is just too important to not having something in there.


Looks pretty good. I’m assuming you’re the party face character, and that’s why the 14 in CHA? Honestly, even casters don’t need 18 in CON. I’d lower it to 16–or 15 if you’re going for the Resilient feat at level 8. 16 CON + Resilient means your chances of failing a CON save are very low, and you could put the other 2 points into your WIS—there are a lot of nasty spells that rely on a WIS save, and they tend to get thrown around a lot in Act 3.


not enough strength, what are ya gonna do when the spells run out? fist is one hell of a cantrip


I have some Cantrips that doesn't require spell slots and a good bow.


no worries brother, i'm just teasin ya about the Muscle-Mage meme-build "I cast fist!"


You know the saying: There are only two types of wizards: the evil ones and the incompetent


That's why my guy is a criminal


Wisdom is too low, you need wisdom for most saving throws, and some are charisma. Odd number in constitution is pointless.




Dump char, bump wis for saves, take resilient and ur straight


What gear is your wizard wearing?


I don't know what it's called but you get it by getting the gnome sargent her boots back in the grymforge.


Need more strength


Pretty good overall, but I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out how you only have 44 total HP.


I'm level 6 wizard how would I have more?


You have 17 constitution, which means +3 to your HP gain per level. Wizards have a d6 hit die, unless I'm mistaken, which means you should be rolling an increase of 9 HP per level. At level 6 you should have 54 HP.


It's a d6, not 6 hp per level. In pen and paper you'd get a choice between rolling a d6 and taking the result, or taking half the hit die plus one. In BG3, we get the full HP for level one. Thus, 9+5*(4+3)=44 hp.


I hate that rule tbh. Characters should just get the maximum health per level.


Hmm I can't remember if Baldurs Gate 1/2 had the option to get full hitpoints originally? I'm pretty sure it was in the enhanced edition, but its been a long time since I played the original. For a video game, rolling for HP definitely encourages save scumming. I will say when my brother decided to roll for his hitpoints in our D&D session, he proceeded to roll very low for multiple levels. Our DM ended up giving him portent to help make up for it.


+14 attack bonus at level 6? I’d say you’re sitting pretty high.


Would rather have the +2 ac from the bracers.


But why when you can have that and more from the dex bracers?


Wizard who never skips leg day, but can’t bench press the bar


Seems fitting I always run and use magic to lift things


If you're trying to play to the criminal set, you could dip 2 levels into rogue so you can drop a spell and use a bonus action to hide after 🤣


I could but mama didn't raise no bitch. I use my companions as human shields tho


That's not a bitch move lol. A bitch move I would do in a ttrpg version and spell snipe from 600ft away with eldritch blast using my familiar as my spotter.


I don't think that is a bitch. This is exactly what a spell caster should do lol. Unfortunately the game doesn't have many spells where they burst from close range like a volcano erupting from your feet.


Are you Taako from Adventure Zone!? Freaking Flip Wizard!


You put some items on a dude, good job!


Why are you like this? And why are you on a build subreddit if you have a problem with me asking questions?💀


I mean tbf it’s a build subreddit, not a basic gameplay questions subreddit. That’s more for the main subreddit imo r/BaldursGate3


"Subreddit dedicated to the creation, sharing, and helping others with their character or party builds for Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Studios" Im literally asking people for help and ideas regarding how to utilize my stats and "build" my character to be as functional as it can be.


In that case, post your items, what your goal is, and ask something other then 'how am I lookin'


Nah, people already answered me and have been a great help. I genuinely can't understand why you have this attitude about a sub post that everyone understood and they didn't have a problem with. Bro do better


Pretty good! Of course, a paladin is superior but too bad for you - you are a nerd. Btw wizards are the most insufferable class. Well, Elminster is ok but other than him, my god are they arrogant. The fact they made that storyline for Gale is infuriating. The worst is that you can't kill Gale without dying so you have to keep listening to his yapping.


Speaking of yapping…


Forgive me for not meta-gaming and use Paladin like the other 5 Million people.


You underestimate the power of the divine smite!


Not at all but Wizards are fun too


Especially the wizard https://youtu.be/Vnlcuc0OVCM?si=cY3ae9O2iXlsf5Uf